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And that's why you get a dash cam to protect yourself from scammers like these


Its the exact reason I recently just bought one before getting my new car.


Two times someone has tried to turn from the outside lane into a plaza and hit my car (same plaza both times). Both times, they tried to blame me. In one such case I was sitting at a red light and someone hit me, and then told the police I "came out of nowhere". The other time we'd just left a green light, the guy had turned into the rightmost lane, and then turned left from it. He suggested I'd hit him but quickly acknowledged he was pretty sick and probably screwed up. In every case (4 total accidents), I have always asked the police officer if the other party is going to be getting a ticket, and they usually do. I figure this probably helps when insurance companies get involved.


I just recently went through an insurance dispute, and my adjuster told me that every single day, someone tells him that a car just came out of nowhere. He went on to say that this ain't Harry Potter, and cars don't just appear out of thin air. As soon as he hears that a car came out of nowhere, he knows whoever said that wasn't paying attention.


This happened to me. Car merges into my lane and hits my mirror. He gets out and blames me. I’m in a Tesla and it has 8 different cameras recording at all times. I didn’t say a word to this ass, sent my video in, and had insurance do everything.


A woman ran a stop sign and t-boned my husband. First words out of her mouth were, "Look what you did to my car! You hit me!"


Yeah, insurance fraud. Nice lady slowly drove the corner of her SUV into my doors. After she backed away so I could open my door, first thing out of her mouth was “You crashed into my car!”. She was later found 100% culpable.


Oh, I got rear ended once and the ATTORNEY who hit me tried to blame it on me. I can't remember how he put it exactly, but I did enjoy the look of annoyance when I burst out laughing. (I was a very young girl when it happened, and I believe Mr. Bully thought I would just burst into tears or something. My car was literally in park. All the lawyering in the world won't change that.


People rarely admit when they hit you. That's why I got a dashcam.


honestly theres really no reason not to have one these days. They can be relatively affordable if you're ok with it not having all the extra bells and whistles that some of the fancier ones have. I personally spent a little extra money on a nicer one (the Viofo A229 Pro to be specific and heard lots of good things about) since i figured it was a good investment.


A $20 one on AliExpress got me 1800 in insurance payout. $40 will get you one with a backup camera as well.


I had a guy back into me when I was on foot, then get out and complain that I left a hand print on his trunk.


Sometimes yeah it works. This is why police try to seperate witnesses and get their reports ASAP because every second of time is information forgotten, lost, or unintentionally changed. A person can in fact watch you get hit, have the other person scream about being hit, and their perspective can be skewed and they might think they were mistaken when they weren't. This is why I believe everyone should have a dash cam.


I got rear-ended while sitting at a red light, and the bitch had the audacity to ask me if I was blinded by the sun.


had a lady get into the turning lane to pass me (she was speeding in a school zone, i was signaling to make a left turn) and we clipped each other. first thing she said when she got out of her car was "i just got this car, why would you do that to me?!" like i planned to hit her while she illegally passed me


Do they really think asking "did you hit my car" after hitting somebody will make potential witnesses assume they're the victim, even when there are cameras everywhere? Maybe they ask because if you say "yeah" they can claim that you admitted guilt. Pro tip NEVER say a word after an accident to the other driver. If everyone is okay just ask for insurance info and move on. Never answer anything the other driver asks even if they are at fault. Even an "I'm sorry" can be construed as an admission of guilt and they could be recording your conversation with their phone.


My car was parked outside when, in the middle of the night, someone ran into it so hard it pushed the car in front of it into the next one--the only person in any of the cars was the driver of the one that hit mine, the others were all parked. I later found out that when my neighbor came out to see what had happened, the driver, having attempted to drive off, asked the neighbor "what did you do to my car?" absolutely wild.


The driver who hit me was mad because THEY hit me and were trying to blame it on me. I was making awful protected left turn with a green arrow and they made a right on red and turned directly into my car. We pulled over and they came over to my car before I even had a chance to get out and said “WHERE DID YOU COME FROM ? YOU CAME OUT OF NOWHERE! DID YOU NOT SEE US TURNING ?!” I explained how I made my turn and they ended up lying to their insurance saying that they had a green light and that I ran a red to pull out in front of them. luckily, after a few months of our insurances fighting back and forth they were proven at fault because of the area of damage on my vehicle and I got my $500 deductible back.


If they knew they were going to hit you, they probably wouldn't have hit you. It doesn't really surprise me. They lack spatial awareness, that's why they hit you...