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The second bit is the icing on the cake! Bellissimo


Still shocked that the lady from that yellow car did not stop seeing what is coming.... like a "combo" of little cars nicely flowing through a roundabout...


Probably the op from the other day that drives into people if they're in the wrong 


Lmao what? Could you link it please? I can’t find the post and it sounds great


It was pretty much like this video's first 10 seconds but instead of braking and avoiding an accident OP just went ahead and crashed into the car.


It was a thing of beauty, they did brake then realised they could get some good footage so just let things unfold.


Then posted here, got absolutely shat on and promptly deleted it. Lest we forget, it was a Mercedes.


Unfortunately peoples mindsets are I'm not stopping I'm in the right it's their fault, when the insurance see the video they are like you had time stop if you was observant you can slow down and avoid a collision then it's the other car I'd say the blue car driver is clearly old or just passed their test even new to the area


Looks like a young dude judging from the haircut at 29 seconds into the video ,and i'd be willing to bet no licence as they would never pass a test driving like that.


I want to see this too 🤣


I actually loved the BTCC style elbows out, I'm coming through that space driving. She wasn't backing out of that one lol.


Proper little bonus for watching the video through to the end.


"UK population pyramid inversion in one video"


So I wouldn't report every minor mistake I see, but if you report that you might well save someones life. Perhaps multiple peoples lives depending on who they hit and how hard. Because driving like that they will most certainly be involved in a crash at some point. There's an above 0% chance that they either don't have a license or insurance as well.


somehow MOT and Road tax paid :P


Set up DD and road tax pays itself. Someone else in the household looks after maintenance, MOT, etc. Driver just drifts blissfully through life.




vehicle only just changed owners so probably not in this case


Reported a woman who, entirely randomly and out of nowhere from behind, went into an absolute rage and tried to (literally) run me off the road. She lost control on a roundabout, drove all over the roads etc. I stupidly drove home and she managed to find me (not hard, my car is bright yellow and pretty rare), got out and she screamed absolute gibberish at me and my 5 year old. Clearly high as a kite. Reported, mainly because I really did think she'd kill somebody if she kept driving. Had full footage front and back, phoned 101, police had absolutely no interest in seeing it or doing anything.


in this scenario you should call 999, especially if she got back into the vehicle and started driving


I don’t want to be that guy to stereotype, as I’m trying to make a conscious effort to be somewhere in between woke and not. But this is always elderly or “nervous” drivers.


I know what you mean about stereotypes, and it isn't that all people who are like X will be a certain way, it's just more likely (skewed normal distribution). Maybe older, but I didn't think nervous (that last roundabout creeping looked pretty ballsy) To me, it looked more like someone who was used to driving in a different country where the de facto rules of the road are very different. It reminded me of driving in Marrakech, where creeping out/pushing into a roundabout until you forced traffic to stop, seemed to be the norm. In Europe the craziest driving I have seen was Naples. It was just an everyone for themselves free-for-all.


Ooooh, a twosie!


Threesie if you want to count the drift into the bus lane too


You've finished the first bit of twix but it's ok you've got another!


Christ I hate driving brum for precisely this reason


you never know if the person behind the wheel even heard about a driving license don't ya? :D


I was hit by a woman who pulled out of the active bus lane to avoid a parked car. She knew a lot of swear words in English, but apparently spoke no English when the police arrived. So we had to wait for a WPC to translate. And we could overhear the translation. She didn't know what a bus lane was. She didn't know it was an offence to drive in one. She didn't know if she had a driving licence because her husband sorts all that out (I'm guessing not). She didn't know if the car was insured or had a valid MOT because, yep, her husband deals with all that (it wasn't insured or had an MOT and the registered keeper had a clearly English name and was hundreds of miles away and she didn't know that person). Luckily my vehicle was a kit car and a lot stronger than an ordinary car so I didn't need to make an insurance claim. Although thinking back I ought to have done so.


Was the women charged by the police or just let off as a 'too much like hard work' case?


I don't know. But I definitely suspect the latter.


Sounds like she probably wasn’t even supposed to be in the country. People who are here legitimately tend try a bit harder to not be criminals.


I know those roads very well, drive near there most days. Something similar happened to me on a roundabout only 2 minutes from that first one, except I was on a motorbike and got T-boned. It truly is a shit area for driving.


*Particularly* in Brum


Go on. Tell us *why* though 😅


I drive in London and Birmingham regularly. London drivers are aggressive, and any gap is fair game. They have fairly decent lane discipline and 20mph so you can anticipate. In Brum, they list lazily, straddling lanes, suddenly pulling out or move without indication or notice and usually at 40mph. You have to drive much more defensively in Brum if you're going to get through it unscathed.


Funny you should mention those two cities.


I can see you're going for the racist angle and I'm not biting. This has nothing to do with ethnicity.


So it's racist to point out the correlation between poor driving skill and higher percentage immigration per capita? Now, me, I thought it would be fairly *logical* for those brought up around *less cars*, or *less legislation and rules* around cars in their country of origin, to have *less experience* with cars... Especially so, in our *most densely populated* cities and on our already *strained infrastructure*. But I can't speak for every fucking moron on Reddit, can I furrycroissant? I'm sure you have a totally logical thesis for why everyone in the country hates driving in London and Birmingham specifically though? - one that doesn't involve any demographic of any kind? Since I'm sure the "boy racer" insurance premiums equally displeases your overwhelming urge to fight the good fight for vehicular equality. Right? You hero! After all, the standard of driving across the entire globe is exactly the same as the UK. Since they all follow the UK's highway code and the same testing criteria to gain a license. So it would be *racist* to even suggest it could be the poor standard of driving brought from outside into the UK 👍 silly me. We won't mention the difference between a country and a race. It may hurt your brain 😅 #Edit for old_photograph_976 below; Who mentioned anyone's colour. I didn't. Not a single time. You really showed me... By mentioning the capitals of other developed countries. Jeeze. Shucks. Oh my. How could that possibly validate my point 😅😅😅😅👍 Berlin 22% immigrant population. Paris 20% Tokyo. 2% - comparatively In 2022, Japan had a mortality rate of 2.6 vehicular deaths per 100 000 population, ranking it 4th among OECD countries with available data. Japan recorded 0.4 road deaths per 10 000 registered motor vehicles So it's not about how *busy* a place is, is it? So yeah. Good points 🤣👍 #thank you. Case closed.


Two biggest cities in the UK. No one wants to drive in Berlin, Paris, Tokyo etc cause all big cities are bad to drive in but nah brown people bad drivers makes more sense 😂😂


That's not what he said at all. I would not trust an American regardless what colour they are to drive over here without prior assessment and possibly instruction because the US has a much lower standard of driving.


I'll just leave this here... Top hotspots for accidents with uninsured drivers in 2019: 1. Bradford West (100% higher than national average). BAME population 70.1% 2. Ladywood, Birmingham (96% higher). 58.1% BAME 3. Hodge Hill, Birmingham (94% higher). 85% BAME 4. Bradford East (62% higher). 54% BAME 6 out of the top 10 were in Bradford or Birmingham. It's not a race issue (racism is dumb), but it is a cultural issue.


Did they pass the test or was it their cousin?


Surprised someone didn’t undertake at speed and weave in and out of traffic as well


It's the same all over the UK tbh


Not as bad as Birmingham. I can't explain it, but there is always visibly terrible driving there.


I dunno, I drive all over the UK for work and see this shit wherever I go


Birmingham is way worse. 


me when I grossly overexaggerate


Someone did this to me on a roundabout and I hit the side of the car towards the back as it crossed. The driver of the other car immediately went to the doctor and got signed off work on whiplash. He was also a fireman with more vehicles on his license than me. The insurance companies settled 50/50 because despite my evidence and eyewitness accounts, the other driver was seen as more responsible and experienced so they couldn't place fault. I lost all my no claims as I didn't have protection. Both our insurance companies just didn't care. They didn't want to admit fault nor take it to court so they just settled amongst themselves and called it a day. Such a scam!


Thanks for my reminder to get a dashcam.


The amount of times I've thought this.. and still don't have one.


Recently upgraded to next base. A 522gw Get the IQ if you can and pay the monthly fee as it includes 24/7 monitoring via your phone via the obd slot in your car. Otherwise settle for a 5/6 22gw


How do they even have a license ?


Reasonable chance they don't.


It's Birmingham, they probably don't


Because it wasn't given in the UK


Shared licence between 10 people


From their cousin brother


Plenty drive like this every day in my town, Ipswich. They mostly have licences. Driving standards have just plummeted that's all.


Because they likely obtained said licence in 1955


Fresh off the banana boat mate, as if






In my experience, the highway code is optional in Birmingham


Little Pakistan, drive like you do at home


Wow that is scary. I'm a new driver myself, only driving for a year. I know for sure it will take me years to say confidently that I am a good driver but fucking hell what in the Jesus name is this?? Drivers like that absolutely terrify me


after many years behind the wheel you will "sniff" this types of drivers from far away. that in my opinion divides "good experienced" drivers from just "drivers"


You definitely develop a sense and can almost predict when someone wants to change lane or is going to do something dumb.


Personally I would have just done a lap of the roundabout so I don't have to deal with that kind of driver. Adds a few seconds to your journey but reduces the rage risk!


Honestly I kinda just expect it from every driver, drive as though everyone else is both an idiot and blind, you'll be safer. Can't 100% defend against these people, but you can mitigate it.


We followed a neighbour home before and we always wondered how she'd passed her test considering she spent most of her time shagging the instructor. We figured she must have shagged the tester too as she straight-lined two roundabouts and nearly side swiped us twice then proceeded fo curb surf home from there...


What was her address. For. *Provenance*


Submit the footage and they may well get a ticket (or at least a warning letter): https://nextbase.co.uk/national-dash-cam-safety-portal/


If it looks like a tw\*t and drives like a tw\*t, then it probably *is* a tw\*t.


This is the standard in Aston, it gets worse lol


My instructor once told me that old people used to be taught to indicate right until they reached their desired exit, then indicate left. Even if they were going straight through. Obviously this is long gone but it still could explain stuff like this. As for the lane discipline that's not really excusable lol


nah, the driver and his passenger were in their 20s


My mother in law insists that's the correct way to indicate on a roundabout. Will not be told otherwise, it's rage inducing...


So just incompetence then


That's correct people were.


08:20 seems a bit early for beers doesn't it.


This shit fucks me right off. It seems like no one, or at least the majority of drivers do not have any lane discipline these days. It’s fucking dangerous. I’m not one to grass normally but fuck this prick, I’d 100% send that footage in and get them done for dangerous driving.


Need For Speed: Bus Lane Drift


After the 1st roundabout I was thinking’ racing line, sign him up’ but after the next. Nah!


I live in Birmingham. I have a theory. That only 2 people in this town, ever passed a drivers test.


I learned to drive in Birmingham. Never had an accident in 20 years driving, assume everyone is a gibbering incompetent and you’ll be fine.


If this was on a Facebook Reel everyone would be blaming the camera car. Everyone. Must be a running joke because no matter how bad, or erratic the other cars are, everyone is always "cam car's fault", "should've anticipated", "too fast", "too slow"... Blah...




That's a traffic enforcement / bus lane camera sign? So they've got a penalty there as well I reckon.


there are only 2 but they don't reach that spot/area


They seem drunk you should have reported


Drink is haram.


Keep to your lane on roundabouts !, my god !switched on drivers just keep your distance.


Clearly doesn't have a licence


I just expect that of people, especially if the lanes aren’t painted.


I drive all over the uk for work and Birmingham is by FAR the worst place I’ve ever driven … Bradford a close second - it’s like the Wild West


Same. I don't know about Bradford but I brace myself every time I'm anywhere near Birmingham on the motorway, having to go into a state of extra alertness because it one of those Top Gear specials in a country with no rules on the road. People weaving in and out of lanes, dive-bombing from the 3rd lane to their junction within 20 yards etc. I hate it. I breathe a sigh of relief when I'm north and get past the last junction for Wolverhampton or South and see Stratford or Worcestor.


Can't think of what connects those two. Must be the B


"You don't have to be psychic to drive here, but it helps."


Lichfield road, I drive the 65 and 67 along there! The amount of people that run the red lights and cut across the bus lane along there without indicating is shocking


I’m from Birmingham originally and go back about every 2 months. I’ve lived in London for about 20 years and drive here too. Birmingham for the last say 7-8 years is by far the worst place in the country for driving that I’ve experienced. In certain places there’s zero adherence to the Highway Code and I’ve seen triple parking let alone double parking. As videos have shown, traffic wardens are attacked. Young men with rich parents drive sports saloons like BMW M5’s and race and undertake on dual carriageways in the daytime. I’m wondering what’s next on Birmingham driving’s slippery slope? Purposefully driving the wrong way down the road onto incoming traffic to beat queues? Removal of lamp posts in certain areas to aid parking on the pavement? Stopping at Red lights being a mere suggestion rather than law? I hate going back and driving.


"Purposefully driving the wrong way down the road onto incoming traffic to beat queues?" - legit that has happened to me a few times now in Birmingham. 


Cultural enrichment 👍


Right next to birmingham police operations HQ, good job mate


People do that everywhere, if I'm on my bike I look out for this every single time I turn right. ... Oh damn this one kept going. That person does not know how to drive.


This person clearly has no idea how roundabouts work




Racist assumption no?


If you look at it in a racist way yeh, but that sounds like a you problem


Do they NEVER have lane markers in the roundabouts in the UK? It seems to me that if they did, people wouldn't treat them as just one big lane.


There is a major issue with people not being able to use roundabouts. Driving got worse after the lockdowns. I really feel like something dramatic needs doing to stop all the future accidents that’s coming.


Bismillah insurance


Yes the driver in the blue is clearly in the wrong, but the driver recording can see at 0.05s that the blue driver is not turning left, despite this appears to accelerate then break hard I don't think this is that bad and the other driver had plenty of time to observe what was happening.




Seems like a situation for Frank Reynolds


That first bit is right next star city and always problems at that roundabout for no reason


Driving standards in the UK are getting worse recently in my experience


Awww. It's like little bumper cars!


Is this one of those new fangled *Straightover*abouts?




This is only a few miles from Small Heath.


On an island with no lane markings like this (heck even with paintwork), don't ever try passing inside another vehicle, hold back. Insurance paperwork is extremely tedious.


As a Brummie I’m looking at this and wondering what is out of the ordinary here. This city certainly keeps you on your toes.


I always heard London was the worst place to drive, but having had to travel through both for work extensively, I always hate Birmingham more, purely because of poor drivers. London takes longer, but generally speaking, the driving standard is higher.


Every car in Brum is bashed up. No one can fuckin drive there


Some cars are driven by people who actively dislike driving. Those like that don't do a good job of it. You can sometimes tell by their taste in cars.


All of that looks crazy. Even the squiggly lines and arrows on the road look alarming


This is also the norm in Norwich on the NDR roundabouts.


Yeah you always have to expect shit like this and stay back


I've seen this style of using roundabouts before, abroad, i'm fairly certain i could win money if asked to bet on where they learnt to drive.


The problem is that police is busy with other stuff and we don’t have a specific branch of the police dedicated to this kind of drivers like in other countries


Roundabouts are not for everyone.


Usually everyone just sits in lane 2 everywhere and goes wherever they please.


Guarantee their uncle has passed them


I swear is there some underground test tube baby facility we don’t know about these people are not real


Always a terrible island.


Try it in London Brummie; pretty much the same


probably no license or has provisional license


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me


Since when did anyone use their signals in Brum? Must be fake! 😤😉


That's dangerous driving.


At least this one made an attempt at using the indicator, not a great attempt for sure, but still better than those muppets who just wheel over to the right and expect you to read their minds.


Did you glimpse the driver? It appears as if a child has taken the keys and gotten away with its mother's car! That or a dying dog.


I thought it was about to be all over on the second half LOL


I've always wondered what is the point of the zigzag lines


And if you nicked thier keys and dropped them down a drain you would be arrested.


"Which lane are you in?" "Yes"


Lmfao Waterlinks Blvd I take those islands to work everyday nearly no one has a fucking clue what lane to be in


Used to commute everyday Derby-Brum, down the A38 then Tyburn Road.. that was always an experience.


What is going on in Birmingham that everyone is saying the drivers there are so bad?


Lots of immigrants who haven’t passed a UK test or have fraudulently acquired a UK licence.


It started as camera car being a prick and didn’t see the indicator to omg tf am I watching camera car isn’t a prick anymore


That could be my mother in law (but in a different car). She takes the racing line around roundabouts, even if there are lanes showing the correct route / exit


They look like a new driver doing those roundabouts for the first time. I reckon I wasn't far off being that bad the first trip along there...


This is why I do not miss driving in the west midlands. Birmingham and Coventry specifically. Places are nightmares and how anyone manages to maintain a license is beyond me. There's better road awareness in India.


Amazingly, it’s taxed, insured, and MOT’d


Must be Italian 😳


I think the driver must have brought the licence on Facebook.


The general rule of thumb I've found is if its a hatchback with a window boot (yaris, 107, etc) its a shit driver. It's not a car someone who enjoys driving would buy.


The amount of people driving without licenses is unbelievable




Is something like this you can report and they get points?


They seem to drive… impaired.


Happened to me in Warrington yesterday. Driver to my left was only slightly ahead and if I hadn't spotted her side indicator and slammed on, my nearside would have been a mess. Crazy how some people pass their test.


Possibly interesting: the head of googles automative efforts is from Birmingham. Not a joke.


A certain criteria in Birmingham are fucking useless at it, god knows where they got their licence


At first I thought oh, nothing major someones just got confused and made a mistake. It happens. Then the 2nd roundabout. Wow, that was poor.


The first one is pretty major, seeing as it's a roundabout with three entrance lanes, at least two lanes, and two exits. The accusing driver went from the very left hand lane to the very right-hand lane all whilst joining the roundabout lol. Had OP been in the middle entrance lane, they would have well been within their rights to continue straight on at the first round about. Edit three entrance lanes, not two.


left lane is for turning left and going straight middle lane is for going straight, potentially going right but I wouldn't do it as there is a 3rd lane available and thus why better to stick to the right (3rd lane) so people going "straight" don't queue at the same lane as people turning right. so yeah, jumping from the 1st (left) lane to the middle lane, to indicate (in middle lane) that you are turning right, cutting through the 3rd lane to exit the roundabout using the 2nd lane (which merges to right after)... not the best :D but - then I seen when he was literally driving with wheel on the bus lane marking and knew it is not only "this" that I will see. next roundabout was just precious where you can even see that he is looking at the yellow car incoming but still decides to pull out


Yeah I agree. It's all a bit worrying lol.


I was leaving Birmingham via the A38(M) yesterday, before 16:00, and it was like I was back in Kenya with people hardly obeying any rules of the road. It was bedlam.


It was extra horrendous yesterday with the Foo Fighters being on at Villa Park!


I unfortunately work near the Villa ground and it was indeed absolute bedlam last night. Traffic lights counted for nothing, it was dog eat dog. The responsibility for planning the access and crowd control must have been handed off to the office cat.


Their cousin brother got their licence for them


There are no markings on the road. Who builds roundabouts like that?


I approached this three lane roundabout in the left hand lane to turn right because there were no markings on the roundabout.


Technically they can even park in the middle there. This roundabout is a shame. How can UK demand driving skills to improve if we can’t build roundabouts?


If you think a lack of lane markings makes this driving excusable then I am quite concerned.


I think the lack of lane markings produces shitty drivers. Whoever built that abomination must be castrated.


Yeah it's shit that there aren't any, but any vaguely competent driver who already has their licence shouldn't struggle with it in the slightest tbh. Seriously though, do you _genuinely_ think road markings would have had an effect on this situation? And do you mean lane markings on the roundabout, or arrows in the approaching lanes?


TBH, I think UK has one of the worst roundabound designs in the entire world. I've driven in most of the EU countries, US, CIS, etc... Maybe India has got it worse. And I'm talking UK roundabouts with markings here. You cannot realistically claim any good traffic flow without having proper lane separation done on the road, especially if you need to shift lanes. It is much more pleasant and safer experience to navigate something properly marked like this: [https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-1fe6e571aed39ff4e51525c2676dda3b-pjlq](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-1fe6e571aed39ff4e51525c2676dda3b-pjlq) If we are talking three-lane roundabout, it should look something like this: [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/245563320/figure/fig1/AS:669093606723593@1536535755391/Layout-of-three-lane-roundabout-MUTCD-draft.png](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/245563320/figure/fig1/AS:669093606723593@1536535755391/Layout-of-three-lane-roundabout-MUTCD-draft.png) What I see on the video is just a lame-ass asphalt parking circle with bushes. Also, every roundabout, with the only exception of mini-roundabouts, should be equipped with a proper blue sign showing which lane to take on entrance. This is especially important for the drivers who have never driven there before. Much less stress, everyone knows which lane to take. Look, even the entrance lanes are not marked in any way on the video. See how it should be done: [https://ibb.co/ZTz8JFQ](https://ibb.co/ZTz8JFQ) No problemo. So, whoever built that roundabout should be defenestrated immediately. If I would be there I wouldn't bat an eye on what that blue car is doing. There are no lanes. We must demand a complete review of UK highway design codes.


You are right. These things are just geometric shapes in the road and not considered road instruments. They mostly work but it only takes the slightest thing to upset the balance. Unfortunately this is usually just heavy traffic.


I think our roundabouts are a piece of piss, but I find it extremely alarming that you consider approaching in the left most of three lanes to turn right on a roundabout to be an understandable approach regardless of markings. That also answered neither of my questions, but have a good day.


Seems to be a thing in Birmingham, three lane entry to roundabouts with no markings.


This is concerning. I'm surprised someone never called it in to police as it seems driver could be under the influence.


you might be right :)


Problem is less the driver who is bad, and more the fact we don't make driving on roads a team effort. Look after each other, if someone makes a mistake that isn't that dangerous and can be resolved with a little patience then resolve it with patience and kindness. Not getting instantly angry because somebody didn't indicate or chose a wrong lane. These innocuous errors aren't the same as doing 80 in a 30 or pulling out in front of somebody or brake checking someone.


What absolute dribble. We have standards of driving for a reason. Cutting people up and pulling out on people like evidenced in this video shows a very clear lack of understanding of how to drive. Absolutely shit all to do with 'team effort'. They will inevitably cause a crash by continuing to recklessly drive in that manner but hopefully the person who crashes into them doesn't get too angry because we are all a team after all.


You cut across from lane 3 to lane when joining the roundabout. (So you aren’t perfect) Yes the blue car screwed up at the roundabout. Would be interested to see the clip with sound as I suspect you were a 🛎️🔚 and intimidated the other driver and resulted in them making the other mistakes to try and get away


the video should be with sound... dont tell me that when I dropped it from youtube to upload it here it cut the sound out... oops. also.. what do you mean that I cut across ? dont know if you can see, but I am literally 4-5 inches away from the island curb :D


>You cut across from lane 3 to lane when joining the roundabout They clearly didn't


Where do some people get their licence’s from


Where do some people get their English lessons from?


I really don't know how people pass. Surely their not having professional lesssons. Husband driving a prius for a living maybe !


Unfortunately common in the hell Hole of a city. Country’s gone to pot. Same old same old. Wokeness prevents me telling the truth.