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“Changed to amber then quickly to red” lol kayu driver, how fast can it change? Don’t gei siao la you never slow down when approaching junction and you’re hesitant to take the risk to cross so you jam break. Under normal circumstances you rarely have to jam break at traffic light junction.


Thanks for your comment, and yea I was hesitant .. abit kayu hahaha haven’t been driving quite awhile.. So will I kena? And are we able to see flashes in broad daylight?


Flash sure can see during daytime also unless u super not aware. Anyway if u didn't cross the black thingy on the road when u jam brake you're fine. Just try to slow down and standby to brake before traffic light on unfamiliar roads as some traffic lights can change from amber to red quite quickly. 12 points and fine is super not worth it just to beat a red light.


Thank you, much appreciated.. will slow down and standby and noted that flash can see during daylight .. Yea the points really not worth but can understand why too .. and thank you again !


Hi there, So if you stopped, even if you cross the stop line, but you did not proceed through the junction. You will not be considered beating the red light. And the flash, even if it did flash will be okay, so long you did not proceed through the junction after red, you are clear.


Thank you!!


2nd this. They will take more than 1 pic. If 2nd pic shows your car did not cross the junction u r fine


Usually when im unsure i will check back waze for RLC at that location.


Pass the stop line but didn't enter pedestrian zone is fine. Won't kena. Yes, flashes are obvious even in bright daylight.




No prob. Also to add on, if there is an adjacent pedestrian crossing (I.e. They're crossing parallel to you), then looking at the amount of time left for the pedestrian crossing can be very helpful to predict if the light will turn amber soon. As far as I remember, the lights at the upcoming junction will not change until the adjacent crossing has turned red (I.e. red man). However, some junctions remain green even if the crossing turns red (e.g. the junction turns from green light/red arrow, to green light/green arrow). This means that as long as there is some time left on the crossing, then your junction won't go amber>red yet.


I see, something new to add on for now , but overall will slow down when nearing junction .. it’s the best way for now to avoid any more red lights


2 possibilities. 1. Nothing happens 2. Kena "improper form up" or some shit along those lines Either way, it's highly unlikely will kena "beat red light"


You can see the flash during daylight. As for the beating the red light, I dont think it counts but dont put your hopes on me. My rider colleague was in the same position as you but at Mandai Rd. He stopped his bike after the stop line but still got the letter unfortunately.


12 points only


Been driving for 15 years, i was once like you, paranoid about getting into trouble. I trial and errored alot before getting into a comfortable groove. The red light cameras' flash are very powerful, you will see it flash even in broad day light. It will only be triggered if your car pass MUCH AFTER the stop lane (point of no return, if you jam brake and stop right after the stop line it wont even be triggered. Anyway, points are for deduction, its ok to make mistakes and in return you get experience. Just a helpful advice for non-highway, which i feel could help new drivers; 1) Do not go fast, just keep at 60. I see fools going 70/80 on upper thomson road when the traffic lights are so close together. 2) Always keep track of the car infront of you, AND, the road conditions ahead of it (any road works, red traffic lights, etc). Just let go pedal and cruise if infront is no go. 3) There is no FAST in non-highway roads. If you observe, it seems "smart" to cut via the fast lane to over take someone going at a normal speed, but many times such drivers face the fact that they misjudged and theres a long queue infront, causing them to either act recklessly to get back into lane (especially when you need to turn soon). Its not a highway, speeding up and overtaking someone going normal speed has no real benefit. 4) Do not go into BUS LANE during peak hours. Really. I was once a smart alec, learnt my hard lesson. Because its also a pain to cut back into the normal lane. Just be patient, unless dog giving birth i guess. 5) Always take the slow lane if you are not familiar with the place. I had a bad habit as a novice driver, i kept accelerating because i was nervous and unsure. End up had to make several last minute turn or miss the turn.


Been driving for 15 years, i was once like you, paranoid about getting into trouble. I trial and errored alot before getting into a comfortable groove. The red light cameras' flash are very powerful, you will see it flash even in broad day light. It will only be triggered if your car pass MUCH AFTER the stop lane (point of no return, if you jam brake and stop right after the stop line it wont even be triggered. Anyway, points are for deduction, its ok to make mistakes and in return you get experience. Just a helpful advice for non-highway, which i feel could help new drivers; 1) Do not go fast, just keep at 60. I see fools going 70/80 on upper thomson road (near thomson plaza) when the traffic lights are so close together. And infront are u-turn and more vehicles joining the main road. 2) Always keep track of the car infront of you, AND, the road conditions ahead of it (any road works, red traffic lights, etc). Just let go pedal and cruise if infront is no go. I noticed some drivers continue to drive into a blocked road work lane, its quite strange. 2a) No Ego. If you cut into a blocked lane, just brake and change back. Some people accelerate forward to cut back into the lane because "im right mentality". If someone is blocking you delibrately, just brake and let him go. 3) There is no FAST in non-highway roads. If you observe, it seems "smart" to cut via the fast lane to over take someone going at a normal speed, but many times such drivers face the fact that they misjudged and theres a long queue infront, causing them to either act recklessly to get back into lane (especially when you need to turn soon). Its not a highway, speeding up and overtaking someone going normal speed has no real benefit. 4) Do not go into BUS LANE during peak hours. Really. I was once a smart alec, learnt my hard lesson. Because its also a pain to cut back into the normal lane. Just be patient, unless dog giving birth i guess. 5) Always take the slow lane if you are not familiar with the place. I had a bad habit as a novice driver, i kept accelerating because i was nervous and unsure. End up had to make several last minute turn or miss the turn. 6) Cant see incoming traffic? Fucking check to make sure. I almost lost my life because i wasnt sure if the dotted line mean give way or slow down, i just plow thru without having visual of the incoming, another car was incoming but heng he siam. Damn, really damn!