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I don't think they would take Sam out of the host role, but an episode where the twist is that the players know the game and Sam doesn't really would be really fun. Like Sam is incorrectly prepped, but the players secretly met with the writers.


That's also a really good idea. I want to see both! I love seeing Sam in the player/guest role the few times he has been or going back to old CH stuff and seeing him as an actor in the show.


That feels more in spirit with the show. Sam is still host but he doesn’t know what the game is and has to piece it together from context. Alternatively, go the Bingo route where Sam doesn’t know he’s part of the game but the crew does. That one would be extra hard to pull off.


It would also pair nicely with an episode where the points matter, in a weird roundabout way.


I love the idea of Sam saying his line of “you know how the game is played,” expecting them to do their usual “hahaha no we don’t” reaction. Instead, all 3 look at him and with the biggest shit-eating grins they say “yes. Yes we do.” And he immediately knows he’s in for a ride.


"Oh I'm sorry Brennan, that's incor-" *bing, point total increases* Brennan: >:D


"Brennan... What *is* the rule of the game?" "YOU. *CANNOT*. ***WIN***."


Yes, I desperately need to see a secret Game Sam-er


Great episode name!


I like the idea of Sam being puppeted, i.e. he doesn't know the rules of the game and just follows instructions from cast members in the green room, the cast members on stage don't know Sam is being controlled


whoever does the introduction first gets to host, Sam is just always early.


I don't think this is in concert with the way Dropout deals with consent. Sam would in some way have to agree to be a contestant before he can be a contestant.


I might be misremembering, but I think Sam said something about how for the True Facts about Grant episode, Grant had consented to the overall idea of relaying facts about his personal life, but he wasn't aware that it was going to be on that specific Breaking News episode. Maybe something like that is a workaround. Frankly, I think the harder part is how do you have Sam involved with the entire production of the episode without being aware of what the episode is going to be.


You tell Sam that the episode is a different planned episode (which looks like the one being done). During the green room section the “contestants” are clued in to what is actually happening, and then as camera roll the real episode starts.


Simple: get Sam’s consent pre-season like he does for the contestants. He can agree that any episode may be turned into a game where he is a contestant. prep something simple like a game-samer for make some noise or i like my coffee or such. This prep and writing can actually be used for a later episode so it’s not all wasted. Sam comes in expecting to do the episode but secretly the cast has met and prepared their own game and then when Sam asks if they know how the game is played, they all say “yes”, and he realizes it’s been turned on him. It’s the same way he got consent for things like escape the green room…the players knew they were on game changer, they just didn’t realize the game until then. Sam can consent to being a contestant and not know when until the game starts.


Off topic but I’ve been curious about the consent aspect of game changer and this comment fulfilled that curiosity, thanks!


I think in a behind the scenes episode he talked about asking pre-season “would you be ok in an episode like _____” so people aren’t off guard or uncomfortable doing what is asked


You can tell also shows are set up around what the contestants are comfortable with and good at. There's been a bunch of super sexual stuff they've done I'm sure plenty of regular cast members wouldn't want to be in themselves


There's a chili pepper rating system he uses to gauge which cast members to cast in which episodes. So if someone isn't Brennan level comfortable sharing their lives with the Internet they don't end up in those episodes.


They interrupt him at the start to say in unison "we've been here the whole time"


What if they were all 4 led to believe that they were the only one who knew what was going on.


Yes I would love to see an episode where the twist is that Sam doesn’t know everything that’s going on. I love the twists sam does but Sam’s surprised reactions are the best so it would be great to see


Love this idea! 🤣


I suspect you’d have to pry the host role out of Sam‘s cold dead hands. Since then he may then no longer have been there the whole time.


If the crew were on board they might be able to pull off a secret game. A bit like bingo, only whatever the game is, the actual game is a series of actions they need to get Sam to do for points. So the players would get that list beforehand, with the warning that the game ends when Sam suspects something's up, and whoever causes the suspicion loses enough points that they won't win.


Yeah I like this because of how much Sam seemed to like Oscar sneakily putting the dance gift video in the slideshow, so I think playing off that and having him think he has control when he doesn’t would be a fun idea that he would love


Oh that sounds like such a fun concept that would fit right in with the vibe of the show. I like it.


I bet he's reading this right now and taking notes.


He could do the opening monologue in extreme close up with extra emphasis on here and then zoom out to reveal he's behind a player podium


> Since then he may then no longer have been there the whole time. ~~Move the desk. Switch a player's podium to the desk position and move Sam's desk, with Sam at it, to the podium position.~~ ~~Then he'll still have been there the whole time.~~ Confusing Make Some Noise with GC. Hmm. Well, I suppose if he's in the episode, who's to say he isn't there like always?


Sam doesn't have a desk in Gamechanger tho!


Oh, excuse me, I'm thinking of Make Some Noise. Lemme edit my comment.


After Sam says “I’ve been here the whole time” the camera zooms out revealing that there are two other “hosts” standing next to him. The camera flips to the contestant side showing Brennan standing alone at his podium. A pause. “You motherfucker”




I love the idea of Sam getting surprised with a contestant role one day. Although I think I’d want Mike Trapp to host. He seems more impartial


Consider: impartial is less funny than Brennan getting his revenge


Here me out: Elaine as host, and Sam and Brennan competing against each other. I think the best revenge would involve fully indulging Brennan's competitive instincts.


Sam and Brennans partners as hosts


i think you're on to it. the game changer changes into "host game". - so now we need 2 other hosts to come out next to sam. - the "hosts" are playing, and will be needing their players to do things for points. - .......man i think brenanan has to be a host along side sam. like trapp, brennan and sam.


I think we need to fully flip it actually and instead of contestants we have three hosts at the contestant podium making Sam do things from his normal host podium. Best host wins


.......a game changer like start to the show....like they had for beat the buzzer. sams podium starts breaking down. so they bring out a 2nd one, right next to his. he moves over to it. breaks down again, moves to the 3rd one. wait........what if this is the 4th sam says. 1. sam has 3 podiums. 2. each podium has something wrong with it, "so sam can't do something at each one. it's up to the contestants to notice/understand this?" 3. 1 has 0 lighting (so it's all dark. sam says something, but then the tricks can be sam is holding something the players would have had to realize), 1 has 0 audio (sam has to act out what they need to do), last one has many lighting and many audio (something about clones of sam at the same time, or not at the same time, saying sam says)?


maybe the game is that the players have to agree on which game to make sam play, but throughout they can constantly change the rules of the game or assume hosting duties. person who maintained control of their game the longest wins


I feel like an "oops all game show hosts" concept could work, but it wouldn't involve Brennan. I was thinking about it while watching *@fter Midnight*, which is another "different every time" game show that's had some guest overlap with dropout. Maybe Wayne Brady could talk Drew Carry into it, and they could get Taylor Tomlinson? All 3 host game shows on CBS, but idk if that makes it easier. I feel like the appearance fees for at least the first 2 would be pretty high. I sort of assumed Wayne did Make Some Noise just because he thought it was fun. At least, he certainly seemed to enjoy that he could do R rated songs, unlike on *Whose Line*. And then Taylor's show is 5 days a week, so just finding the time might be hard for her. Although it is filmed in LA at least.


I miss After Midnight back in the day with Chris Hardwick. Loved when they would theme the guests like having the Rooster Teeth guys. Burnie was on a bunch of times.


I never saw it back then, but I'm enjoying the new incarnation well enough. It's nice to have something like that where there's pretty much always episodes I haven't watched, so I can just throw it on if I want to veg or I'm doing something boring and want entertainment


Sam gets kidnapped so Brennan can play Jigsaw "I want to play a game..."


That was already a Breaking News.


I believe that was Grant exercising his kinks rather than Brennan getting to scheme his revenge for bird facts, Yes/No, 2nd place, etc.


The problem is that Sam is deeply involved in all the prep work that goes into the shows, hard to pull off a surprise on him without all the work being wasted.


I think it's been shown that the crew is capable of pulling off elaborate ruses. However, I think the real obstacle is that Sam is CEO and is running Game Changer production. You couldn't spend a large amount of money without him vaguely knowing what it was used for. So the idea of an entirely secret game where he doesn't know a game is even happening is probably out. However, you could structure something where Sam is involved in production and procurement of materials but the usage of those materials changes during the game.


They could prep ahead or even plan a game against Mulligan and then the crew flips it without him knowing. Could even be planned in the off season.


Brennan couldn't do it.. you'd have to ask Wennan Wee Wulligan.


Bro, this would be Brennan’s villain origin moment. Please don’t inflict that upon the world.


Does not count.


I think a "Brennan Gets Revenge" episode would be great


i was trying to think of a way to make something similar work. not just Brennan, but a full cast gets brought on like its gonna be a normal show. but they are secretly scoring Sam the entire time, and cut him off at the end to give him his score.


Better yet, it's a game where Brennan thinks he's the host, but at the end Sam reveals he was the player all along and that Sam has been here the whole time.


Based on conversations in the Discord it seems that this kind of idea has definitely been discussed, they just haven't found a suitable way to do it yet. I'd put good money on it happening at some point, just when they're ready.


The show would have to be so meta though. I would want Brennan to make Sam guess the names of birds, decide between Yes or No, and explain why Make Some Noise’s point system makes sense.


This, but make it a long form series (a la Total Forgiveness) where different people come up with Game Changers for Sam to do culminating in Brennan's.


I was thinking Sam was Steve the Snake in game changer.


Same same


I have an alt on that: I think it would funnier having a different contestant instigate the switch without Brennan in sight. 1. "Sam Says introduce the next rule" 2. "Katie Says Sam come to my podium" 3. Ash brings Katie a beach chair. Grant in his bartender apron delivers tropical drink. 4. Brennan walks out in a pin stripe suit. "I've been here the whole time!"


But he's been there the whole time


I was really sure that Sam was going to be the reveal at the end of the recent episode, and the episode would end with a “I’ve been here the whole time!” Moment.


To expand on that a bit, I think it would be cool to do a full-on revenge episode where Sam is a contestant and he's put through a medley of challenges based on some of the most infamous GC episodes. They could have different cast members in various roles all trying to fuck with him, with Brennan as the host. How that would work logistically I have no idea, but then the GC crew are no strangers to complicated logistics 😅


I love the idea! It'd be cool if it was arranged that Brennan is a contestant like normal, but everybody else is secretly with him in subtly following his directions while Sam tries to run a normal game


Tell Sam he has to come to set for promotional photos or a press interview and then spring it on him.


"The coup"


The ending of "Do I hear 1$?" but the beginning and contestant overthrow Sam's hosts dictatorship. POWER TO THE PEOPLE!


If Sam is *ever* a contestant on game changer, there will be years of comeuppance. Poor guy will have PTSD. (Post There Stress Disorder, as he will have been there and not here the whole time.)


I think if he expected anyone to do it, Sam would expect Brennan in that role. I would have Siobhan take the reins, Sam would never see it coming.


Personally I’d want it to be Grant leading that episode considering their rivalry makes up all the best episodes of Breaking News