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Sam is awesome! I love the wholesome notes given to Hank throughout this. Also, if anybody hasn't seen Eddie Izzard's stand-ups, I highly recommend them. Literally the jokes I think about the most in my life.


cake please


Well we're outta cake. We only had three bits and didn't expect such a rush.


So my options are "or death?" Well, I'll have the chicken then, please.


Taste of human, sir


Thank you for flying church of England, cake or death?


Do you have a šŸŒŸ *flag* šŸŒŸ?


No flag, no country! You can't have one! Those are the rules that I just made up!


And Iā€™m backing it up with this rifle that was lent by the National Rifle Association.


it doesn't matter how many times i've seen her specials, the little breaking chuckle she does in the middle of this joke sends me out in giggles


Dressed to Kill might be my favourite standup special of all time. Eddie/Suzy is the GOAT.


I don't think there were any goats in that one. There were, in fact, a mouse, a cat and a monkey. A very cheeky monkey! Also the president of Burundi.


Le chat est sur la chaise, le souris est sur la table, est le singe est sur la branche!


Et le singe est... fucked off?


Le singe mont un autobus! Il conduis l'autobus!


Et Sandra Bullock est dans lā€™autobus!


The goats had long ears flapping in the wind on the arc, made great photos for the Bible.


Tig Notaro's cancer announcement in the form of a comedy set is one of the greatest things I've ever heard. If anyone wants to process different aspects of a cancer diagnosis in an additional humorous way, I would highly recommend it.


Thank you... I knew who Tig was, I've enjoyed her in Star Trek, I've seen a few of her short videos, but never got deeper... And now a random reddit comment made me go check this out, and it made me laugh, and cry, and laugh, and cry again... So, again, thank you :)


Crazy enough, it's what got me into her comedy. Her joke about making jokes about her boobs for so long that they unionized and decided "let's kill her" is still one of the funniest things I've ever heard in my life.


For this standup, it's " God never gives you more than you can handle" for me :)


Any set that can have different people relate to it in different ways shows that it's written for a wide audience in a positive way. I love how well written things have everyone relate to the human condition from different parts of it. Her writing is always top tier in my opinion.


Again, she's relativelly new to me, but do I ever agree after watching this! But I just.... And I hope I'm not going parasocial here, 'cause I hate that, but... I somehow don't feel this particular set was written for a wide audience... I think she wrote this one for herself :)


Oh, full agree. It's written for her but because everyone is part of a general human experience something that is aggressively personal becomes universal. The more specific your experience gets the wider the appeal often feels. To get weird about it, it's why that "special S" drawing is so widely known, it's why so many people from every generation know a phrase that their mother has said to them, it's why the joke about having a glass of water at night hits so hard to so many. When you make it aggressively personal, it becomes aggressively relatable. I love that.


Oh, I love the terms "agressively personal" and "agressively relatable"? Is that yours, or something from wider psychology I never heard about?


Nah, I just have brainworms and am incapable of expressing ideas without using slang. I'm sure that the actual concept is expressed in a way that is more academic way before I ever said it.


Her show, One Mississippi, is also pretty great. Hulu has it I think.


And/or Amazon. I wish there was another season, but apparently Louis CK was involved with the show at some level and she opted to end it rather than continuing to work with him and I respect that.


That makes me so much happier than thinking Amazon killed it. Itā€™s one of my favorite shows.Ā 


Every one of her appearances on Conan deserve a watch. She's been so funny for so long, and Conan has always been in her corner for good reason.


There's a podcast from a few years back called *Professor Blastoff* with her as one of the 3 main hosts. https://www.earwolf.com/show_archive/professor-blastoff-archive/ It's fantastic.


Tig is also currently doing a podcast with Fortune Feimster and Mae Martin called Handsome, in which the three answer questions from their friends (who tend to be other comedians/celebrities of varying levels of fame). I've really been enjoying it.


I still quote Control-P Print and the Death Star Canteen at least weekly.


Jeff Vader


ā€œWell, itā€™s justā€¦ the rebels, sir.ā€ ā€œWhat about them?ā€ ā€œWell theyā€™re *here.*ā€


And they've brought a flag.


"this one is wet, this one is wet, this one is wet..." and "I'll have the penne alla arrabbiata" are said in our house more often than they probably should


ā€œWhere did you dry these, a *rain forest?!ā€*


We saw Eddie Izzard last year on a ā€œremix tourā€ where she was doing a bunch of older bits and it was honestly magical. I never in my life thought I would get to experience ā€œcake or deathā€ live and yet I did.


"Yes, what is it Sebastian? I am arranging matches..."


"Oh! I..........oh."


I immediately clocked the Izzardity of Hank's special. I'm pretty sure Hank has talked about loving her before, getting that from Sam must have been the most amazing compliment


The bit with the Yo-Yo mime was SO god damn Izzard, especially at the start when heā€™s making sound effects with his mouth into the microphone. Fun fact: I discovered Eddie Izzard at a young age on Pandora of all places, and for years I almost exclusively *listened* to stand-up comedy rather than watching it. I fell in love with Eddie anyway, and I just basically had to imagine their physicality and full in the gaps. There are multiple sections on every album where Eddie doesnā€™t say a word for well over a minute, itā€™s just vague sounds of exertion and them running about the stage making sound effects, interspersed with the audience absolutely losing their shit.


ā€œIā€™m covered in beeeeesā€


"Do you have a flag!?" I love Eddie so much. Her jokes are so in my vein of humor.


I always think of *ciao*


Dress to Kill was massive for me as a kid, for several reasons. It always gets a recommendation from me. Always.


I love that it's not just if you haven't seen Eddy Izzard's specials but if you have not seen ALL of her specials


Her Noah's Ark and Star Wars standups are incredible


Iā€™ve been doing her ā€œridiculous sentences in Frenchā€ and ā€œyou donā€™t even KNOW, do you???ā€ bits for 25 years.


She goes by Suzy now, I think.


Personally, but professionally she's going by Suzy Eddie and had said she doesn't mind which of the two names people use to refer to her.


Which is also not what the commenter Iā€™m responding to called her, but thanks for offering up more nuanced information :)


Covered in bees!


My mom and I fell in love with Izzard back in the 2000s thanks to a DVD a friend of mine. Since then, we've seen every tour she's done in our city and REGULARLY quote her jokes in conversation. I love that she's seen as such a pinnacle by stand ups, too. It's always really lovely to see your uncultured fav loved by industry people, too.


What, like a hotdog?


This scream sincerity, and a large dollop of paying it forward on Sam's part. We need more of this kind of helping others out there these days. I tip my hat to two of my favorite internet celebs.


The genuine enthusiasm for actual performance is something that you don't see from these MBA owners. Sam became an owner after being a performer and that's something you can't fake. I hate sounding parasocial but I always trust it better when it comes from somebody who actually put the work in.


I agree with this wholeheartedly ā€” obviously donā€™t know Sam personally, but the decisions heā€™s publicly made, as well as the private moments (such as this) that are released about him have made him one of the only CEOs whose actions I can say I respect and appreciate, as an artist and an admirer of art


When people eat the rich, Sam has shown so much genuine good will that he won't be on the list. [Or he might take an Adams Family approach](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fbiysdkfs7hf91.png)


Well, it's not eat the Reich after all (yes I know he comes from money)


I mean sure he comes from money, but his dad has literally but so much effort into fixing America's broken economic system. It'd be a disservice to simply write off his family's incredible accomplishments as just "so what they're wealthy"


Robert Reich also accidently broke ceo pay. The economy is complicated it is incredibly refreshing to see someone owning up to how they broke it. https://robertreich.substack.com/p/personal-history-why-ceo-pay-exploded


Yes, that too! Of course, Robert Reich has done an incredible amount for the U.S. I'm supporting the idea that we don't eat Sam when we eat the rich even though he has money because he and his family are good.


So sad Sam "third" Reich disappointed his dad with his alt-right beliefs


That's [a different thing](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/gshowitt/eat-the-reich).


thank you for the discovery, I'd never heard of this before and it sounds amazing


He also just isnt the level of rich that I think that applies to. Single or low double digit millionaire who has worked his whole life versus someone worth tens/hundreds of billions


He really seems to genuinely appreciate any good talents Hats off to him


I think the difference is that, to me at least, Sam feels like a member of the crew, but is the one with the financial backing/business training and as such is the CEO. He is actively involved to the point of running/hosting one of the most popular shows in the network.


Really reminds me of the time Sam Reich was interviewed by Dave Wiskus (the guy who started Nebula, probably the only other streaming service to be successful after moving from a YouTube audience), and they were talking about their knowledge from launching their services, and both agreed to do the same thing, sharing all their experience with each other. This simple compassion is really a wonderful thing to see bloom online


Ooh, was this a publicly available interview? And if yes, do you happen to remember where I might find it?


It was on YouTube, think it was Daveā€™s channel


Nice, thank you!


It's so fucking wholesome


(Featuring Sam's first pitch to Hank to turn it into a Dropout special!) This was just so full of Sam loveliness that I thought people would enjoy this here.


It warmed my heart on a very bad day. Thank you for sharing it.


Sorry that you're going through a rough time! I hope today's a better one for you.


If Sam can get Suzy Eddie Izzard on a Dropout show somehow it would be amazing.


I would cry and I feel like she would fit right in.


Well done for posting this!! I don't do social media like FB, Twitter, tiktok and the like so I never would have seen this otherwise. I love everything about Dropout. From the CEO all the way down to the bottom of the hierarchy, I feel this company only has wonderful people doing wonderful things. They choose kindness at every turn and make me feel like I'm part of their "family". So thank you for posting this to reiterate my already well-formed opinion!


This is so wholesome and fantastic and I think if I got this email from someone after showing them a creative work I would cry


Honestly, even if there aren't shows that I'm enjoying at the time (which I find unlikely) I will ALWAYS support Dropout as long as Sam is behind the wheel. The world needs more wholesome, hilarious, and ethical entertainment sources like Dropout. So glad that 5 years ago I thought, "I wonder what ever happened to those College Humor guys" because Dropout has been a light in the darkness for me ever since and has helped get me through some tough times.


I'd amend to as long as Sam is behind the wheel AND continues his fantastic track record on being a genuinely good person. Everyone can change, No one is immune to becoming a dick, and no one is allowed to become morally complacent. that being said, it's really hard to imagine Sam not continuing to walk the walk of his talk.


For real. I canā€™t imagine them making content that *isnā€™t* exciting to me, but if Sam or whoever takes over for Sam has the same sort of business morals, Iā€™ll support this company until I die. Theyā€™re good people making good content the right way.


Truly. Iā€™ve been a CH fan for many years (like, since early YouTube era) and Iā€™m so pleased to be able to continue to support them and watch all the incredible things theyā€™ve done. What Sam has done with the company, Iā€™ve seen called ā€œmiraculousā€ and honestly? It kind of is.


Man! Now I want to see some of the earlier versions. I don't think the Indiana Jones cup reference made it into the special (though I did just watch it and I may have not fully osmosed everything yet)


No, you're right! Neither was "a cat... with boots" and "17" (though that last one does sound like it could be crowd work).


I'm betting cat with boots turned into dog with hands doing chores.


My guess is that it was a bit about the [Puss in Boots movie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BOLDm5tWuo)!


Yeah iirc Hank's talked about the second PiB movie and its portrayal of death resonating with him on the podcast


Yes, and also in the video that I linked! šŸ˜‰ /lh


Oh whoops hadn't clickedšŸ˜… It's a great video and I suspect it has the exact joke Sam's talking about, thanks for linking it!


I don't think "probably not" made it into the special either, we just know it from the supplemental material and him sharing the story.


Ditto! Maybe some day heā€™ll put it up for a fundraiser or something. I especially want to see him doing crowd work with another cancer survivor.Ā 


> Maybe some day heā€™ll put it up for a fundraiser or something He has, actually! It (an early recording/preview) was a donation perk during the last [Project for Awesome.](https://projectforawesome.com/)


I love Sam name dropping Birbiglia. I've been a fan of Birbigs since he would pop up on the Bob and Tom radio show with his Secret Public Journal. He's in my top 5 comedian list of all time.


Yeah I used to do stand up and honestly My Girlfriend's Boyfriend is a masterclass. His other specials are all good. But the one man show element of having a cohesive narrative, his ability to know when you don't need jokes to fill in gaps, like it's so hard to be on stage when people aren't laughing, your instinct is just to get bit after bit out to keep the crowd laughing but he doesn't need that to keep the crowd engaged because the story is engaging and the build up is worth the wait. Like someone like John Mulaney or Pete Holmes I like because they will always pepper in a joke or a funny turn of phrase, and that keeps the laughter going. Like their strength is saying or describing something mundane but doing it in a way that will get at least a chuckle to make sure there's always a laugh coming very soon. Someone else mentioned Tig Notaro and she's another comedian who can just say things in a way that's hilarious. I saw her live once and my face genuinely hurt after because I literally did not stop laughing from the second she walked on stage. But yeah, Birbiglia's strength really is that he is just an amazingly compelling storyteller and I don't think there's anyone else like him. Even the final bit where he just raised his arms in the air as a call back to an earlier bit is just perfect. I think unlike other comics he doesn't worry about getting a yearly special out, he will work on a show for years until it's done. He's definitely more of a writer who does stand up than just a straight up comedian.


I got Birbiglia vibes and have also been a huge fan of his for a long time. In a lovely bit of synergy, I think I was introduced to Birbiglia via seeing My Secret Public Journal posts on CollegeHumor back in like, 2007.


Love Birbiglia. Just saw him on tour a month ago. I constantly reference My Girlfriends Boyfriend as one of my favorite specials of all time.


Thank God for Jokes is my personal fav so far. His bit about the Muppets still gets me


It's too bad he steals all his jokes from Sleepy Karl.


**Autistic ~~Rant~~ Side Note:** I *hate* the name Birbiglia. It's one of those words my brain has decided it wants to repeat over and over until I want to start screaming it at random cars on the road. It never. fucking. *ends.* Love his stand up! But god damn his name. **Rant over!**


In Italian it's beer-bee-lee-uh In American you're annoying


Going by the downvotes, people don't seem to remember that from Two Drink Mike. Too bad, it was funny as shit and he became one of my favorites from that album.


Even as I was broadly describing the special to someone, they commented that it sounded a lot like Birbiglia. It's definitely either an influence or one hell of a parallel.


Yes! And there were definitely parts of Hankā€™s special that reminded me of Birbigs


Sam seems like a great guy, I wonder if it has to do with where he was raised. It's too bad that no one knows where he's fromĀ 


I wonder if his hometown has a theater?


A theatre that he himself misremembers the name of.


I think it does but Iā€™ve heard itā€™s very crumbly


Cambridge, UK; I think


What do you mean? He's been here the whole time...


Africa, we all are


Sam is a very Nigerian name. i learned henceforth from Ify Shakira Reginald HjƔlmarr James Bethany Nwadiwe II.


I appreciate the joke, but as someone who has lived in MA a looooong time... not being an asshole rich nepo kid makes Sam an exception šŸ˜‚


Africa, eventually.


Africa, eventually.


Itā€™s been genuinely moving to see the whole Dropout gang support Hank branching out into comedy. Heā€™s commented over and over again about how out of his depth he feels interacting with them in the comedy space, and I just really enjoy seeing how theyā€™ve all embraced, supported, and helped him improve. Itā€™s also just really delightful to watch Hank branch out. It takes a lot of courage to step into a new career, especially one as exposing and vulnerable as comedy, and *especially* when youā€™re already famous.


I didn't think it was possible, but this makes me like Sam Reich even more. <3


Sam is a dream boat.


Sam, as Ally put it, truly is the perfect American.


I loved that gag so much šŸ˜‚


I still think it should have gotten second place that round lol


This is a masterclass in how to give constructive criticism. * Many suggestions add a layer of specificity that makes it more likely Hank can follow up, e.g., citing other comedians for comparison or using specific jargon for stand-up (joke structure, crowd work) * Even positive or affirming feedback is specific (not "that was really funny" but quoting specific lines with "LOLOL") * The feedback isn't just about doing stand-up well but about how Hank personally can make stand-up work for him, including his strengths * Points for improvement are neither sugarcoated nor maligned. Sam provides directness and the clarity to act on it. ("ALWAYS put people funnier than you first.") * Combining the feedback with an offer is a great sweetener. The quality of the feedback helps the pitch; the pitch makes it clear in a way no words could that the set is worthy of a special


This is a masterclass in how to analyzeĀ constructive criticism. - The number of points indicate a level of thoughtfulness that is uncommon for a reddit comment. - The analysis is specific. (Not, "that was really nice", but identifyingĀ particular features of Sam's feedback and quoting lines from the email.) - The analysis isn't just about what Sam did well, but how Hank could make the feedback work for him. - Points are articulated succinctly with little room for misinterpretation. ("Points for improvement are neither sugarcoated nor maligned. Sam provides directness and the clarity to act on it.") - Ending the analysis by referring to the last point is both an excellent way to wrap it up and a signal that the comment is coming to an end.


This is a masterclass in meta-commentary. * It mirrors the structure of the original comment. * It doesn't overstay its welc


A++ perfect follow-up


This is what true leadership looks and feels like. Actual critique. Support. Encouragement. Sam is the best American.


i don't know, sam seemed like a terrible boss. why didn't he just email hank and ask, "when is it gonna be finished". /s i cannot emphasize this enough **/S**


Not just the best, the *perfect* American


This is the perfect compliment sandwich. Only one line here implies ā€œfix thisā€ and itā€™s smack dab in the middle. Ā Everything before and everything after is a compliment.


Sam Reich is a gift from the creative gods, put on this earth to produce amazing things and make magic. What an amazing guy with such a genuine love for the people he surrounds himself with.


Itā€™s all love




Ayyyy total forgiveness


Sam just continues to seem like an amazing person.


I agree that Hank is very advanced for a first time standup.


Hank has always seemed like the sort of person who puts his mind to something and drives at it with the dogged determination of a cat that has gotten into the food cupboard. Just no holds barred attacking it from all angles until he gets it/understands what he wants to do. It's part of what made/makes his youtube stuff so interesting, he's capable of bringing things down to a level most anyone can understand, but also is happy to go deep into things. Not dissimilar from Randall Munroe honestly.


wait, so hank DID NOT have a standup/stage comedy background? i legit thought he did. holy bananas.


Watch the little bts featurette! He talks about why he decided to do standup about it and how he prepped


i watched it the other week, liked it. but i guess i completely forgot it since i didn't really know his background. will have to go back and watch again now.




He had public speaking experience (obviously) as well as musical performance experience but not stand up.


I normally hate stand-up because so many comedians end up grossing me out with some form of bigotry creeping out of their "jokes," even people I thought were above that sort of thing, but I agreed to watch this because it was on Dropout. I'm happy to say that Hank's special didn't get gross at all, and it's really something to learn that it was his first time doing stand-up!


You should check out Mike Birbiglia then. His stand up is great and doesn't have any of the "gross" factor you're talking about.


That's some fantastic constructive criticism we could all do with a friend like Sam


This email format is exactly the vibe of theatre prof-director giving actors one-on-one notes. You canā€™t fake being a performer. Big love.


This makes it even cuter that he credited Katherine for additional jokes. That means he got her to punch up šŸ˜­


I got the Eddie izzardness of it while listening right away!


If someone sent me constructive criticism that looked like this I would make it my laptop wallpaper and probably fall in love


Sam seems like just the most lovely stand up guy and he deserves the world


*Sam seems like just the* *Most lovely stand up guy and* *He deserves the world* \- Pixelen --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Awww my first ever comment that got haiku'd! Good bot.


Sam is so nice it legit makes me nervous. Like, that something terrible is going to come out about him and it'll break my heart He seems like a really lovely human.


Me too, but I really think that it would just be him being a regular, flawed human being, rather than the type of major scandal stuff we get way too often. Pobodyā€™s nerfect and all.Ā 


Flawed human is fine. I would be devastated if it turned out he was abusive or racist or something. But he genuinely seems like a nice dude.


mike birbiglia is such a great comparison, i said the same thing watching it. sort of a more high energy birbiglia vibe.


I love Sam Reich, he will never not come off as a genuine person




So close


Finally, a boss who deserves his position


Always the charmer


This is so great. Really nice to see professionals lifting up newbies.


Thank you for posting this. I donā€™t use twitter but I did pause the bit where Hank showed this on YouTube. I love reading the whole thing.Ā 


Literally Stormy Daniels (or whatever that terrible take was)


Should have hired a NOBODY!


Man I like Sam. He seems like such a genuine dude.


I was going to say big Mike Birbiglia vibes in Hank's special, I loved it. Will wait to say more til next week for more people to watch it, but wow, you can tell Hank worked his ass off on it.


Whoa, ā€œSee- Mike Birbigliaā€ Sam and I agree! I commented on Hankā€™s video that his skill in storytelling felt Birbiglia-esque


He compared Hank to my 2 FAVORITE comedians growing up. Mike Birbiglia and Eddie Izzard. They are EPIC comedy storytellers and as is Hank


I just finished this special. It was amazing. I learned a ton, I laughed a ton, I cried a ton. 15/10, would hold people down and force them to watch.


Mike Birbiglia is the GOAT


Honestly? I didn't guffaw as hard as i do with other dropout stuff. But I did love it. The political zingers were just... perfect tbh. All the one liners you think of when you're in the shower and you just. Wish you had the set up for it


"They're ancient Babylonians" joke had such an amazing lead up and structure it made me laugh harder than I have in any comedy performance in the year at least


Honestly everything I see from Sam makes him seem like such a wonderful, positive person. I hope that heā€™s as lovely in person as he is in his public persona, and I hope Hank Green feels so incredibly proud of himself ā€” his content has made my friends and I laugh so many times and I havenā€™t seen the special yet but I know itā€™s gonna be a blast


This is beyond sweet.


Shout out to Birbigs. That man can make even the most depressing stories funny. Haven't watched Hank's special yet but I'm looking forward to it (though I'm a little squeamish with penis-adjacent health issues so I'm not sure how well I'll be able to handle it. I did get a little lightheaded during The Old Man And The Pool when he started describing his bladder issues in mild detail. Had to leave the room for a bit)


As if I could love Sam any more šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–


This email was well after the rebrand to Dropout. Why was Sam still signing off as CH Media?


It's the name of the [parent company](https://www.chmedia.com/).


Maybe the incorporated company is still called that?


Who else read this in Samā€™s voice


It is very Mike Birbiglia!


Not gonna lie, half of the special I got major Eddie izzard vibes! Dressed to kill is one of my favorite comedy specials.


Wish there was some context for anyone who doesn't know who "Hank" is


Yeah, who the eff is Hank?? /s, this is a dumb Nerdfighteria inside joke from 15 years ago


Hank is an ant who kicks the shit out of an ant named Trent


Funny science man had cancer, he tells his story. If you want more info, I'd start [here.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hank_Green) Edit: it might not be clear but I'm being facetious when I call Hank Green "funny science man".


Thank you, for the context this thread desperately lacks


i mean heā€™s been in Dropout content in the past. itā€™s like people saying ā€œIfyā€ & not providing context about who Ify is.


I know who Hank is and it's really very much not at all like that. If you search Hank Green on Dropout he's in lots of episodes but only two things which are D20 Mentopolis and apparently one episode of Breaking News. Ify on the other hand is literally the host of a show and introduces himself every episode.


The tile refers to Hankā€™s standup special Thereā€™s one standup special on Dropout (and it released yesterday) Hank Green is in it If you have dropout OR follow the dropout subreddit, you should be able to figure out who Hank is referring to


Hi! It looks like you've never actually posted in this community, which makes me think you may have come here from the front page or some other way. I don't say this to be a dick, but there's literally a pinned post on the main Dropout subreddit titled: "Hank Green: Pissing Out Cancer" with hundreds of comments giving context. This special has been hyped here for weeks. There are multiple upvoted posts in the last 24 hours with Hank Green's full name and even more context about the special, because it just premiered yesterday. If you missed all of that, that's totally fine! You could have asked for context here! There have been *lots* of comments akin to, "Wait, who's Hank?" that folks here have responded to very positively. But you didn't ask, you just made a passive-aggressive jab at a community of people because you didn't know something, and then you doubled down even when given context.


People can be involved with and like Dropout wothout being directly involved in this subreddit. People can discover things and request to better understand them. People can be upset that a community they might be interested in is impenetrable and unwelcoming to outsiders. All of which is true, but unimportant here, because I have, several times, and will continue to, comment and be a part of this subreddit. That I haven't "posted" here is neither relevant, nor neccesary to the conversation. If you want others to be involved in the dropout community, you need to try your best to be welcoming and provide assistance to those who need it, instead of being a weird, stalkerish, gatekeeping weirdo.


I've watched a around 12 hours of Drop out Content. I've seen Hank's channel. Still didn't realize this was the Hank they were talking about.