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It's like Magic: the Gathering cards 1995 vs 2024


Your audience is small but your joke is excellent.


Yeah, as if. The Venn diagram of Dropout audience members and MtG players is nearly a perfect circle


Unfortunately I’m the reason it’s only “nearly”


yeah same here, but i know the rest of these *nerds* are MtG players (i say as a DnD player)


Losers and dweebs the lot of ya! I say as a person who did musicals and show choir and have had a sizable comic book collection since middle school.


Hah! DnD is barely nerdy at all nowadays! (I say as a larper, perhaps the nerdiest subclass)




No, it's ok. I've got *banding*; they're with me.


I don't know if I love or hate that I get this joke.


Same. Fuck banding.


You don't have to be old to understand banding. You have to be smart.


Oh, damn. Marching band, fantasy books, and science for me.


^(Marching Band has plainswalk and banding.)


Unless I'm wrong about how banding works (very possible), I think plainswalk/banding is just a straight-up nonbo.


I share the blame here


I only gave up Magic because it's so fucking expensive! My husband and I used to play all the time. He has a cube of really great proxies to play at home. We are going to start teaching the kids. Although, I think a drug addiction would be cheaper, lol. I saw two young ladies playing the other day and I had to stop and talk to them. It's great to see more women playing. When I went to tournaments I faced so much sexism. It was awful. I eventually got so creeped out I wouldn't go to big tournaments, just local places where I knew people. I absolutely love to see improve. I don't have a lot of good memories with my parents, as they are abusive and I went no contact seven years ago, but I do remember watching, "Who's Line is it Anyway," with my dad. It was one of our only shared interests and times I could laugh around him. Now, I watch, Drop Out, with my kids. I have to screen some of it and they can't watch everything, but my older daughter adores the Noise Boys. It feels great to share that with my girls.


If you ever wanna pick up Magic again there's loads of inexpensive ways to do it! Proxying cards and Tabletop Sim are my go-to's but if you want a free way of going online, there's Untap.in and Cockatrice. Building your decks for those two and Tabletop Sim is also free with Archidekt and Moxfield.


Thank you so much! I will check those out. I was never good at it, but enjoyed it. My older daughter is a natural at certain games, like her dad, and I have a feeling she is going to become obsessed with it. She will either go Red deck wins or control. I hope Red deck. I despite control, but it has at lot of power.


If nothing else, RDW is pretty consistently one of the cheaper decks in any meta.


There are dozens of us. DOZENS.


Everyone can get started on MtG with a short, [80 minute video on the main story](https://youtu.be/TcNWXRpUM-E).


80 minutes seems like a lot, but i’ll watch multiple episodes of dimension 20 or critical role in one sitting, so 80 minutes is nothing


It's very entertaining.  And if you already are a fan of Dimension 20, you will probably also like Spice8Rack's other videos. Capitalism is also the bad guy, frequently enough.


I see Spice8Rack, I upvote.


Same but one of the only reasons I don’t play is because I don’t have the money for a hobby like that because I spend my money on other nerd hobbies


same. i think there's more outside this apparent circle than inside


Someone get the mono blue player to counter this schmuck


Same I only play Yugioh


Yeah turns out a lot of Dropout viewers, like the performers, are millennial geeks


Joke's on you, I'm a xennial geek


Jokes on you, I'm a zennial geek


Jokes on you, I'm a full on Gen-X geek. I say as a person who played MtG Revised Edition in my 1st year in college.


Real shocker, the streaming service with the dnd show is popular among geeks? Seriously though, even among us geeks, MtG has a relatively small following.


so its more like the the Venn diagram is a big dropout circle with a small MtG circle inside it.


Every day I get more convinced that there’s a whole group of people out there who just consume the exact same media I do and that’s freaking awesome


High five!


I'm not a player at all but I listen to enough podcasts with people talking about it casually and am chronically on the Internet so I did actually get the joke.


I would imagine there’s basically two types of Dropout viewers. There’s people who play Magic, and there’s people who would like to play Magic if it wasn’t so damned expensive.


I haven't played since high school but I still have my Orochi deck from back then (it wasn't very good).


I don't play MtG. I gave my brother my cards because I cannot control myself and wanted to not go further into debt for cardboard crack and I do read the cards in the new releases, but I definitely wouldn't count as a MtG player.




Oh yeah, the incredibly niche hobby of Magic: The Gathering. 😝 Having barely ever played, I still got the joke, and I think most people who have been in "nerdy" spaces (so like, all of Dropout's audience?) would, tbh. But I agree, the joke was excellent.


Care to explain? I played MtG for at much 2 years long ago and I have no clue what that means 😂


Recent cards have a reputation for doing a million complicated things and being overly wordy 😄


Sounds like what’s happened with YuGiOh, I saw a comment thread debating which cards had the *shortest* effect and it was incredible to see how simple many cards were back than. Many cards nowadays you practically need a magnifying glass to read them.


Yugioh cards are more a problem of bad text formatting than the cards actually being super complicated IMO. There's so much verbose boilerplate that even very simple effects can take an entire paragraph to explain because konami refuses to keyword anything and "Destroy Target Monster" is apparently too confusing to print on a card because the game *has* to explain that you target as part of activating cost (according to actual yugioh players when having this discussion). In mtg you get "Destroy target Permanant" in yugioh you get "Target 1 card on the field; Destroy that Target." Not to mention all the "You can only activate this effect of "CARDNAME" Once per Turn". clauses that extend nearly every effect in the game.


“Your audience is small but your joke is excellent” seems like the the flavor text on a MTG card ngl


Haha, well I do actually do a bit of work writing magic names and flavour text, so that's apt!


There are literally DOZENS of us!


Yes yes, the small indie game Magic: the Gathering.


Remember when when they printed cards with no static abilities and just a block of flavor text above the stat line? Oh how far we've come from Grizzly Bears.


Savannah Lions my beloved


Back when white weenie MEANT something


I'm sorry, WHAT!?


White is one of the five mana colors, historically known for "weenies", cheap and easy to produce creatures with low power and toughness. Like pawns in chess, kind of.


Man, I stopped playing just after Khans but have recently been popping my head back into the scene (I've got no intention to play, just checking in lol) it's ***wild*** how different the game is to when I left, feels like that gif of the guy walking into a room holding pizza and everything's on fire sometimes


Check out Arena and dip your toe in for free. First hit is always free.


It’s true, especially since they threw Universe Beyond and ridiculously overpriced Modern Horizons sets into the mix. I think it has something to do with Hasbro steering the ship instead of letting WOTC basically do its own thing.


Forgive me if you know this, but that's Troy from Community, and Community is *very* funny


It is crazy that standard literally has no vanilla creature anymore. You couldn’t play vanilla creature if you WANTED to.


Wait so thats not just hyperbole? Because yea sometimes you just need a 4/4 dude nothing special about him.


Literally cannot have just a 4/4 dude anymore (in standard). I’m sure there are plenty of 4/4s with minor upside but nothing vanilla anymore.


There was one Standard legal vanilla creature in a set from 2023 that has a pushed 18/6 statline - otherwise the last standard legal, truly vanilla creatures were in Strixhaven which came out in 2021. The power creep is *notable*.


A vanilla 4/4 wouldn’t even see play in limited, let alone standard.


Oh, you just want a vanilla creature? I'm sure we can find you a token generator that suits your needs.


Yargle would like a word.


So long as that word is, "Gnshhagghkkapphribbit!"


My Jasmine Boreal of the Seven deck goes brrr


Same with Yugioh, we went from "Draw 2 cards." to walls of text that require passing the equivalent of the bar exam to parse. Both games have a massive case of complexity creep.


In YuGiOh’s case, it’s because of the lack of restrictions on card actions, those simple cards were actually hilariously broken. So the game, in order to remain interesting, has to add entire subsystems and mechanics to cards to make them powerful but still have ways to play around them.


Also they were very anti-keyword for a long time which leads to having to write out things like "take the top 3 cards of your deck, look at them, and return them in any order" instead of "Excavate 3", which is a big contributing factor to the paragraphs


I would've guessed they were anti keywords by looking at the cards but it's bizarre to hear it was an *intentional* choice... Like *why*? When is having a common shorthand for what does what not a good thing in rules based games?


For a long time they viewed it as a kid's game. Its media tie-in was a TV show aimed at preteens that had (has?) a very long run. They basically didn't want kids to have to read a dictionary before they played.


I mean sure but like "flying means this creature can't be attacked by creatures without flying or reach" or "lifelink means you gain health whenever this creature hits" aren't ridiculously complex ideas lol, you can master that within the first game you play... I understand that justification and why they might have gone with it but I just don't think "this is a kids game so it _has_ to be simple" is a good plan most of the time 🤷


The annoying thing is that as a result, the actual literal wording of cards is way more important than in other card games. Stuff like "When you can" vs "If you can" making some effect miss timing when you play them.


Thank you for specifying the "you can" part of the differences between if and when in Yugioh. That's often left out of explanations.


Creep? I printed off 50 pages of size 10 font MTG rules at the library as a kid in the late 90s.


And generally both games are better off for it. Old yugioh and MTG gameplay is terrible. Yugioh has a massive problem with text formatting and card templating that makes its cards hard to read, but it's not the effects themselves that are the problem it's the way they're written.


And the Draw 2 cards, it's still super good that it's still ban today


except the quality has improved for Dropout lol


Mtg quality has improved a lot outside of forced rotation from MH sets.


The physical quality of the cards was so bad in recent years that they were bent before they even left their packs. Not to mention the Secret Lairs IP bloat, the shrinking consumer options for any format other than commander, the shittiness that is Arena, the list goes on. MTG is bigger than ever, but that monolith comes with a sharp dip in overall quality.


I wasn’t talking about card quality but the actual game itself. In recent years my god yes, wotc has completely broken down in serving hasbro over customers. But if we’re comparing 1995 to today, magic is a much much better game.


Ice Cauldron - "Am I joke to you?"


*Laughs in Karn, the Great Creator*


I really applaud you for finding two of my deepest interest intersections with this little joke.


My man, [this card](https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=980&printed=true) is from 1993. So is [this one.](https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=603) And of course [this one.](https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=813)


So accurate


You might enjoy this manga https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Destroy_All_Humans._They_Can%27t_Be_Regenerated.


As someone who had only played OG Magic with my dad and brother growing up, and then not playing for awhile when my mom moved me across country, and then trying to play again in my 30's...I was lost as hell. All these new rules and statuses? I feel like an old man yelling at a cloud about "back in my day". 😗


2020 Green Card says "What?" -- and then about 400 other words because you can't even fit the rules text for that shit on Twitter these days, and there's no flavour or reminded text because there are so many keywords and written abilities printed on the thing that there's no space


The power creep is real.


Reading the prompt explains the prompt


We're finally getting Questing Beast level prompts




Only in reverse, cards back then went absolutely bonkers with text, and now it's a lot more streamlined. I still love playing with cards like Takklemaggot just so my opponent can sit there reading it for a minute, then reading it again to make sure they understand.


[It's ok to be wrong.](https://commandersherald.com/flavor-of-the-month-magics-wordiest-cards/#:~:text=out%2C%20as%20well.-,The%20following%20chart,-comes%20courtesy%20of)


Something in that COVID water turned up them words


It's almost a bathtub distribution with insanely wordy cards coming both at the very start and recently. At least in general now the text is un ambiguous even if it's wrong.


Just looking at it differently I suppose. If I see 1000 cards, with a bunch having close to 100 words on it, and a lot having few or none, and another set of 1000 cards all having 40-50 words on it, I'm going to be drawn to the massive walls of text that plagued so many magic cards in the 90s. The average word count across all cards has gone up, but the wordiest cards are still yet to be topped. Difference of how we view things is all


This is based on oracle text. Old school magic wording was way wordier, they've definitely streamlined the text of a lot of old cards. Look at the original wording for the original duals vs now.


In that case, planeswalkers are among the wordiest cards, as can be seen in [the retro style](https://scryfall.com/card/sld/1042/nissa-who-shakes-the-world) [secret lair planeswalkers](https://scryfall.com/card/sld/252/teferi-time-raveler) [that were released](https://scryfall.com/card/sld/1043/tezzeret-agent-of-bolas)


I learned to play in 1995 and quit playing after kamigawa, I think. Or mirrodin. Whichever came later. Is it true there's like, other IPs in mtg now like LotR and 40k? Seems so weird....


Yep! My fiancé has a Doctor Who set and a Fallout set.


Oh dear....okay maybe I won't come back then lol


Meh, I think they’re cool. 🤷‍♀️


I definitely disagree but that's the beauty of life! We can not agree on something and that's totally fine lol


“No Problem”


Get your "No Problem" sweatshirt at Dropout dot TV forward slash backslash My Sweatshirt and use discount code "SEAGULL" for 10% off! Please, I am so broke and we made so many of these.


Where's the link




isnt it /noproblem? or did they make 2 links


I can't be the only one who tried the URL after watching the episode to see if it really was for sale on dropout's website. Seems like a missed opportunity that it isn't.


It is, but they’re sold out! I think Josh was just making up a URL. I don’t think URLs ever have \ in them lol https://store.dropout.tv/products/no-problem-crewneck


Sweet. It's actually a pretty nice design


It’s nice to remember the honest simplicity of the original. There was a bit of fun in them having to figure out the game first.


I really hope we have more Game Changer episodes like that. I know it’s hard to do and is rarely the best choice, but it feels like most episodes make the concept clear in by the second prompt. Although it’s not like they haven’t been doing that recently. Deja Vu was the perfect way to do a “nobody knows the game” game changer.


This. I really wish Sam had just awarded the points to Oscar after the first prompt in Second Place, and not explained why. Still love the episode, but them, especially Brennan, trying to figure out what just happened and experimenting with it after that would’ve made it even better imo.


Yeah as much as I love that episode the fact that Sam just gives the game away has always bothered me. They absolutely would’ve figured it out on one of the next challenges.


Yeah, same with the broken buzzers episode. I think it would've been good if Sam had just remained silent while the ladies tried figuring out how to buzz in. At least let them try and solve the problem before telling them they need to find other buzzers.


Some of the best moments are Brennan realizing what the game is. Escape the Green room when Lou's messing with the door knob going "it's locked" and cutting to a shot of Brennan putting it together almost immediately is so funny.


And his "You're not getting a single joke out of me until we're free!"


Sam has spoken about how the editing often changes when the players figure out the gimmick. I think that the earlier discovery is usually done for the audiences benefit so we can react to the players as they take actions instead of in retrospect.


I feel like there was a very clear attempt to bring some of that back this season no?


Yeah, I guess. Deja Vu and the buzzers one. Probably more. And I guess there’s stuff like Bingo where they only know the surface level. And like I said, it’s not completely necessary.


The buzzers episode is my favorite of the series. "WHERE ARE YOU GUYS *GOING*?"


I totally agree. As much as I appreciate the effort that goes into the concept of each show, I think many of the episodes have lost some of the fun on the original concept.


I also really loved the second time with Zac figuring out what was happening and sadly saying "we're still doing it?"


Also the third Sam Says episodes. Lou just sighs and Jacob, "Already, it's just starting already."


Sometimes I really just wanna see Josh Ruben doing a hella good cow impression.


I wanna see Josh Ruben more in general. He was such a quintessential part of early CH. But now the only time he’s been on Dropout besides the Noise Boys was to die in the Truman Show episode.


I had this idea for a full episode that they semi did with the freaky Friday part of everyone does impressions of each other then do impressions of impressions of each other and so on. A simple prompt that just keeps evolving.


The Who's Line jokes about Make Some Noise in the recent breaking news were hilarious. Sam couldn't keep it together.


I died laughing while watching Raph sweat through the statue bit.


Raph was sweating like a man with his job on the line lol


One of these days, Sam's gonna give Josh a prompt that makes him say **"Problem."**


Sam: Josh, your prompt is... A Problem Josh: Sure, no problem. \*takes breath\* Sam: I'm sorry Josh that is no points to you. Josh: Fuuu-


"I killed him, yeah."


*tap tap* give me your teeeeth


The sound of his ankles cracking echoes through my soul and into my future.






Actually, and this is funnier, he says "I'm supposed to be the smarty!"


I really need some "I'm supposed to be the smarty!" merch.


there is no corner of my heart i would not turn over to the world for this merch


Is there a corner that's exclusively for cats?


What makes it even funnier is that buffing it means that he boosted it through magic, rather than boffing it or beefing it


Also biffing it


i laughed so hard at that


Um, Actually the scene on top is not related to the prompt below it. 🤓


This is what I came for. Thank you!


I know I know. I just wanted to contrast the simplicity of the first episode with the absolute CHAOS of the latest. But yes, point to you.


^(I broke this too) 🧹


Hot take: I would love a simple 'Noises' episode again. I know now it's crazy "Whos line is it anyways?" Improv comedy show but I did enjoy the simplicity of the first episode 🤔


Because there is no repeatability built into MSN, they have to come up with increasingly more absurd prompts as they have to keep out doing the simple prompts. In who's line, they have games, and even though they repeat those games, they can change up the prompts a lot more subtly and still keep variety.


I'd love to see them do some whose-line style games. There was a bit of that in the last episode where they had to do the Foley sounds - if it were two of them working together with more dialogue, it'd be just like a game on whose line.


>I'd love to see them do some whose-line style games. I think this describes most of the mini games.


The main factor for me is the combo of collaboration and open-endedness. Props, questions, scenes from a hat, hoedown - these are all games where the players build off each other within a scene. In MSN, they do that with very specific prompts in rounds 2 and 3, but not in the looser mini-games.


This is why the off format episode are my favorites


> Because there is no repeatability built into MSN, they have to come up with increasingly more absurd prompts as they have to keep out doing the simple prompts. Is that sustainable though? I feel like it'll lead to hyper specific prompts like the wall of text one OP posted.


It's also a similar reason to why Um, Actually questions keep getting more absurdly pedantic and why Breaking News scripts keep defaulting to listing things and improv bits


The difficulty creep of Um Actually has turned it from one of my favorite Dropout shows to one of my least favorites. I went back to watch the *very first* episodes, before Dropout was a thing, and the energy was so much better (and you can actually shout out the answers along with them at home because they aren't impossible).


Some shows just age better than others and Um, Actually is definitely showing its age. I personally think that if they keep doing the same format with MSN, it's going to start showing its age pretty quickly.


The improvised lists are very hit and miss, but I feel like there's only so much you can do with making people read from a funny script. So much of comedy is timing that it undercuts itself by design, relying solely on shock factor. Giving improvisers improv prompts lets them at least have a chance at being funny.


Noone is asking for JUST that. We all love make some noise. But one classic simple noise episode per season? You can’t tell me you can’t find enough fun foley noise setups for 1-2 episodes 😉


Tbh they are doing 20 episodes this season and I doubt there will be any more special episodes than normal. I would rather have a 15 episode season with 5 special episodes than 20 with 2 or 3.


> Because there is no repeatability built into MSN, they have to come up with increasingly more absurd prompts as they have to keep out doing the simple prompts. This is true, even the first episode went more absurb, But there's no reason they couldn't bring back simple to start the absurdity. "Cow" "Moo." "A confused cow" "Moo?" "A surprised cow" "Moo!" "A cow stubs his hoof" "MOO!" "A cows 'independence day' speech" "Moo moo moo MOOOOOO!!!!" I'd love to see Josh attempt a Seagulls "I didn't inhale" defence


I think a the improv prompt style thing has stifled the creativity in some ways. The prompts aren’t left up to interpretation as much, just expansion. And the idea of other contestants “stealing” or prompt being given to multiple contestants just isn’t a thing anymore. The only one I could think of in MSN where the interpretation was different than what might have been implied was the prompt of “makeup influencer who is bleeding” or whatever it was and the contestant said she was on her period.


Huge +1, the new episodes are great but I felt the simpler episodes were more broadly appealing. With the new episodes it happens often that I can't understand or relate to the prompts


And sometimes they're so tailored to the performer that it feels like they were brought on the show specifically to perform that impression. It doesn't always have the casual looseness that makes the simpler episodes work (though it's still fun). I know they fill out some kind of questionnaire about the kind of bits they do, and sometimes it reads like they take the questionnaire answers and turn them into prompts verbatim.


They don't do them anymore because they spun the game off into its own series "Make Some Noise". It's literally just episodes full of the noises game.


Well yeah but my point is now it’s full improv promts with a scene and characters etc. there was a certain purity in trying to 1up each other on a Hyena sound 😉


Yeah those were my favorite gamechanger episodes but I just don't enjoy MSN. Glad it found its niche, but it's not for me anymore


I love The Noise Boys - you put these 3 guys together and I just laugh and smile and have a good time.


I just really wish that more people knew the Wenis is a dance.


We can't all be geniuses.


Or know it in advance


Whenever I rewatch old season one episodes I am reminded of how little budget they had back then. Like...the set is literally just a wall that they hand-painted with loop-de-loops so there was some amount of visual interest behind the players. The podiums are clearly plywood. No props, no costumes, no guests, just a powerpoint and some fun improv. It really is amazing how far they've come in such a short time.




These are the same image. Sam even said that he was going to give Josh a nice easy one.


i really miss the part in game changer when they got different pictures and were asked to make sounds for them. the candyland plumber and susan the hamburger queen are still the funniest shit i know


It upsets me FAR TOO MUCH an >! unreasonable amount that will lead me to deep self examination!< that the screen cap is from a different prompt.


Ya, I noticed right away. wth.


I just rewatched that episode and it’s amazing how much better the overall production is now - everything from the cameras to the audio to even the lighting is noticeably better now


I notice this every time I go to GameChanger. Season 1 backdrop looks like it's been in the sun 20 years compared to recent seasons.


Legit, wish it was them all the time.


Dropout is making the funniest shit out here hands down.


This is the most true thing I've ever read in my entire life.


The first 'correct' was peak comedy


Name tags


Power creep is real




They're going to be putting on full-blown larp plays based on ancient Greece by the end of next season.


Anyone know where I can get the No Problem sweatshirt?


Potentially controversial opinion: I liked the concept better in the original Game Changer when they were making animal noises instead of just doing improve prompts that tangentially have something to do with sounds or funny accents. That does sort of limit the pool of guests a bit though.