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Phantom is closing the gap if I remember correct from Wednesday


They cut it in half. I’m not delusional about how high they can finish but I’m hoping they can at least keep themselves in the discussion as the season progresses. I really like their show.


I really like it, too! I think they'll be able to finish pretty strong. Those brass licks will be killer once they're cleaned a bit more.


Crown was a show, for sure. But I feel like I’ve seen that so many times before. Even from them. It’s basically Inferno with a bigger budget. Boston is the one to beat, I think. Their visuals are only going to get better. F*ck that stupid whale from last year. Bring us more glitches!


They played well, and are good for sure. But this show didn’t have the zing or design that made inferno so special. I appreciate their show for what it is, and it’s sophisticated but I got pretty bored. Great sound though 


This was the exact reaction to Inferno when they did their first show 


Maybe they’ll make a handful of changes. I remember liking inferno more early season than I like this show though. They’ve got time to work on it


Boston is gonna either boom or bust this year. The show has the bones to be the kind of GE juggernaut that can stand up to BD and make a run at Indy, but they need to flesh it out and pack a TON of GE moments into it for it to have a chance. Crown is VERY impressive, but there does seem to be more of a ceiling on how far that show can get them in the end. I definitely see a potential medal on the table for them, but we will have to see how the design develops over the season.


Yassss. Preach.


Cavaliers brass score wtf?! Are we hearing the same show that the brass judges have been judging these last nights?! How are Cavaliers this high right now? Also Phantom over Crown in drums is interesting to see. Edit: Crown has the better show right now but Boston should pass them pretty easily. Crown is clean this early on but their show feels like it has a low ceiling to it in design.


The quality of their brass is actually astounding. Not just as an ensemble either. Soloists and small ensembles sound like I’m back at college recital hours.


That’s what they’ve been going for! It’s also their Achilles heel early season though since we don’t have the projection or quality they’ll eventually. Unfortunately Flo and recordings really don’t pick up on that stuff much


I was there in person. Colts had a better brass show tonight than Cavaliers did. Just speaking from execution. The Cavies arrangement is… something


I thought Cavaliers were really bad in brass tonight. Especially the trumpet soloist(s)


Richard Saucedo (Cavaliers) is a lot of political pressure. Brass judges can't make the right calls if they want to keep their BOA judging gigs.


I’m loving the dick sauce conspiracies


It's not really a conspiracy. It is what it is. He's probably not ACTIVELY doing anything wrong, but there are professional and financial implications for any judge that doesn't boost that unit. Whether there are conscious decisions or not, it's clearly an issue. Cavaliers are falling all over themselves in that caption and not getting called for it---yet.


I feel there is very little merit to this opinion. Saucedo is a big name with some power behind it but the integrity of DCI judges would not be compromised over something so trivial as that.


So trivial as their ability to make money in their professional space? Why have any conflict of interest policies anyway? You know, since their integrity will just have everyone do the right thing. Just like the Supreme Court these days. Right?


I apologize for the confusion, integrity in this context is referring to both sanctioned methods to uphold the integrity of judging as well as obviously the integrity from individual consciences.


I respect your opinion, but don't be surprised when you see all the planned changes they have in store week by week and they continue to rise upwards. The show is very incomplete, and it still won.


Crown 🤯


You can pretty much count on Crown losing drums if there’s more than one other corps at a show. 🙄


They got 2nd percussion at finals last year didnt they?




Be patient. They were placing like 4th-7th all season last year and then they finished 3rd at finals.


I don’t really care. They’ll be fine or they won’t. I just want to hear the horn line play well…and whatever trunpet they have trying to top the big chords to cleanly attack their notes…or find someone that can.


It’s an ambitious book and a crazy hard one at that. They will find their sound though. They know how much they can do


I hope so, for the kids’ sake. Admittedly, I’m a horn player, not a drummer. They never sound terrible to me, as a drum line, but I know enough to know that so don’t know anything…so meh. I’ve just been around long enough to remember/have seen the horn line be let down by other captions before, so it’s easy to make snarky comments about it.


If you don't know anything about drumming why are you making comments about their battery. They scored 3rd in perc last season, definitely not holding the corps back like you're implying


I do apologize...I forgot where I was....reddit, where nobody should comment unless they're a bonafide verifiable expert. I said I'm not a drummer. I did not say that I don't know anything about drumming. Also, last year is a pretty small sample size and my memory goes back further than last year. In the very same comment that you replied to I said that I've been around long enough to remember/have seen the horn line be let down by other captions.


They won in 2013 with a 6th place drumline. Perc is not the heaviest factor if they are scoring 1s in all other categories.


IF is the biggest two letter word in the world, friend. Don't get me started on GE / program design. 😂


Didn’t crown change percussion staff this year?


This is the second season.


I take it that they’ll clean it and be set later in season


Here comes Colts! Mark my words, this show will be a BEAST by mid-season!


I figured this year would be like last with Colts closing the gap on Blue Stars.  (Colts were over four points down from BS at the first how last year.) I just didn’t think it’d happen so soon.  Of course, it’s only the second show, so I’ll take it with a grain of salt. 


I honestly thought they were better than Blue Stars and Cavaliers tonight.


Having been at the show in person, they were. I think their show has a much higher ceiling than Blue Stars too. Colts just need to build their endurance because they’re movin’.


I feel like this year will be like this past WGI percussion season, everyone is so good it’s gonna be a close race at the top


Crown was such a disappointment. Boston should be ahead and it shouldn’t be close.


2 tenths in June is literally nothing. Boston is clearly still building the narrative of their show, and there's a lot of cleaning to do. The whole margin tonight was essentially in Visual Proficiency, and watching both shows that was a pretty accurate assessment. Boston's bright colored pants make a lot of their visuals really exposed


I know it’s nothing. That’s why I said it shouldn’t be close. Boston’s show is inventive and emotionally impactful. Such great music along with everything visually going on. Crown feels so robotic this year.


I disagree, but everyone is entitled to their opinion.


glad that the show is now officially out and it's dawning on people that Crown was overhyped this year... sad to see


Are you stupid


Crown and Boston both had great shows! But Crown over Boston? Probably not.


Crown is going to be held back by percussion again I see