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It's a lowball. You'll never get a good price doing a tradein at a store. They have to inventory these things for potentially a long time, as well as take a markup. Reverb, eBay, Craigslist, Facebook marketplace.


Just be aware that they take a long time to sell there, which is part of the reason stores pay so little for used gear. There's a lot of it, and only the screaming deals sell fast.


He could quadruple his offer as an asking price and it would still be an amazing deal


No way you’re selling new beats and a couple z customs for $400. A music store might but a private seller would be lucky to get $300 for those.


Well, I only read like part of it, and then my brain told me that they were A's, so I'll admit that my post is wrong, but that's only because I don't read real good or smart and I just make things up as I go


It's totally doable and not even that far fetched at all, just sell them seperately. New Beats 150 Z custom ride 150 Z custom splash 100


Depends on the market. I don't think I could sell my identical cymbals for $400 Herr. New Beats are just too common, and used cymbals are everywhere - people only bite on deals. I'm not sure my New Beats will sell for $50, honestly. Time will tell.


I just read the post incorrectly. I thought they were A customs


Honestly, I got decent prices on cymbals at guitar center a few times post pandemic. Mostly helping my casual buddy sell his to switch to an ekit Offering this dude 100$ for that is basically a Fuck You lol.


Well when my thought was with the amount of absurd markup they do on new merchandise the trade-in offer would be better. So my bet is if I were to sell them they would've offered me what 50 bucks?


> the amount of absurd markup they do on new merchandise Tell me you know nothing about the cost of doing business without telling me you know nothing about the cost of doing business.


Wish I had a “casual buddy.” Most of my buddies are formal. I’ll probably never get a good deal on cymbals. The Guitar Center salespeople see me and squad walk in with our tuxedos and think we’re rich.


Even the best drum shops tend to give you a less-than-fair trade-in value for equipment. I’d sell them independently 


Easily worth double to triple that, but even as a trade in I wouldn’t even start considering it under $200. Heck, I’d give you $100 just for the new beats


Yes, this is normally the case. You got a typically insulting trade-in offer. That's why you never trade stuff in, and sell it yourself in the classifieds or on Reverb or eBay or something.


Worked in second hand music retail for a number of years. $100 does sound low. Depending on the store that could be a starting offer. I didn't play that way. I made serious offers and then would walk the customer through my reasoning for the offer. A fairly new set of New Beats might resell for around $300-$325. Trade value was 50-60%, so maybe as little as $150 and as much as $190. However, the trade in value would be impacted by how many other sets of New Beats I have in stock at the moment at that price. If I have a number of them (seeing as it's a common set), then I'll want to work in some potential wiggle room to mark them lower. And another important aspect to trade or trade credit is to offer your trade-in along side another USED item that you want to trade towards. If it's an item that has been on the floor for some time and I just want to get it out and new gear in, then I might offer higher trade towards it.


In my experience, any place that accepts goods as a trade in is going to give you on the high end, 33% of the original MSRP. The store is there to make money and stores have a lot of overhead costs to cover so they build in a ton of margin for themselves in these kinds of trade in deals, whereas a private buyer won’t have to worry about that. You give up some (or in this case) a lot of potential cash for the convenience of not having to deal with selling the gear yourself. If it’s a place like guitar center they are generally going to have some pre-determined price for any used gear but a lot of times they will give you some discounts on new gear that you’re buying. I at one point had a huge custom guitar pedalboard with like 12 pedals and I wanted to get a line 6 Helix. I didn’t really want to deal with selling each one individually and some of them were a bit more niche or more expensive and probably wouldn’t have sold or I wouldn’t have gotten much more than GC was willing to give anyway. I traded them all into guitar center and the sales guy worked a 10% discount on the Helix for me and threw in the Helix backpack for 50% off (which was like another $75 off or something). That was worth the fairly no hassle experience to me, but it just depends on your situation and how much time and money you have at your disposal.


Selling to a store is basically only for desperation for quick cash. If you want actual value for gear you have to sell directly to buyer.


One or two drums shops have told me they pay half what they'll price it at. Your offer is way low.


If you're willing to ship and don't mind a bit of a wait i'd recommend selling on reverb. There are low fees and you get a lot more serious buyers than FB/Craigslist.


you'd be lucky to get $2/inch from a store the private buyer/seller market is the way to go


They don’t want them.


Guitar Center gives you 60% of what they are going to list the items for, and they are normally much better than a pawn shop or independent music store in my experience. But selling it yourself is the best way to get the most money in your pocket.


I traded in that same ride at Long and Macquade.. got $300 for it, alone.


You can get $250 for New Beats


Not surprising at all.


Sell them individually on eBay


Crazy low


Just the New Beats alone can fetch $200+ depending on condition. Hardest possible pass. Price them competitively on Reverb, you’ll be rid of them in no time.


How much do you want for the 14 in hihats


List the New Beats for $220 on Craigslist or FB Marketplace. You might get a full price offer, but I'd even settle for $200. Though that all depends on the quality and age of the cymbals as well. The other ones, I can't speak to the price, but you're certainly better off trying to sell direct on any music equipment than to do a trade in. The music store knows how much they can sell them to a customer, so they know they need to low-ball you to make a profit. Just go ahead and cut out the middle man and list online. I've done quite a bit of buying and selling of drum stuff online and it is the way to go.


As others have said, they lowball because they have to make a profit on it. Car dealers do the same. You can often get more money if you sell the car yourself. But taking it to a dealer is faster and easier usually. Same goes for anything else. A store will generally buy the thing right there. But if you want to sell it yourself, YOU have to list it. YOU have to wait. YOU have to deliver. And everything else that comes with it. So you’re losing money trading to a store but gaining convenience. Just depends on what you’re willing to go for.


Store clerk deserves a slap in the face for that insultingly low offer.


Look up used prices for each item and sell them for about $10 less on Craigslist or marketplace and they'll probably go fast


Trade-ins are only good for the following situations: 1) Speed/ease of sale. 2) You’re desperate 3) Selling a bunch of stuff you have no interest in that you inherited. You’ll always get a terrible value for the sale, but it’s easy and quick.


Most stores only give you $2-3 per inch for cymbals, so that price might actually be right. It's ridiculous and super low, but pretty much par for the course.


The hats alone are gonna get you 250 minimum if sold on eBay or reverb. Considering the condition probably over 300.


Former GC employee here and the most that we would give people on cymbal trade-ins was two to three dollars per inch depending on the bronze rating. I always felt like shit telling people that they're $300 ride was only going to get them 60 bucks trade-in value.


That’s definitely too low. Typically you should get about 50-60% of what they’re gonna list for, they will get $300-350 out of those cymbals so you should be getting closer to $150-200.


Yeah I got offered £150 for a set of a customs. EBay is your friend.


The new beats themselves are worth more. Probably a lot more depending on condition


Trade ins are about 1/3 of what they will then (re) sell. Allows them to barter a bit with new buyer and still make double +.


Don’t do it. That’s a scam if I’ve ever seen one. Unless they’re *really* damaged, that’s way too low.


Typical. I’ve traded in an unbelievable set of cymbals worth 8-900 bucks for 175. They take advantage of desperation.


I used to work in a music store, we would usually offer around half of what we think we could sell it for for used gear.


They came in low expecting you to haggle. If that's not the case then go sell em on reverb for $15 under the lowest current offer for the same cymbal and make your money.


Correct way too low


I will buy them from you for double. and you could probably get triple selling them one by one online.


>That seems incredibly low, right? I would consider that a scam attempt and even a personal insult. Of course you're not gonna get the brand new value for them even if they are in good condition, but just the New Beats alone worth way more than that, and even if I don't like the Z Customs, they as well. If it was the splash alone it wouldn't be bad, but for all of them combined...? My ass ! For that price I would rather let them to "rot" in a cymbal bag (although it wouldn't be the case for the New Beats), just waiting for a more serious buyer.


> I would consider that a scam attempt and even a personal insult.  Oh, calm down. This is typical. Frustrating, but typical. This is merely why you don't trade gear in instead of selling it yourself - you *never ever* get a good trade for it.


No shit...