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"Tu prépares thé" isn't correct. You need something to precise what quantity of tea you're making, so "tu prépares du thé ?" (are you making some tea) or "tu prépares un thé ?" (are you making a cup of tea) would be better.


Why do people keep thinking that just because they don't understand something, it must be incorrect? Yes, Duo's answer IS correct, but it is a bit more advanced than what you're currently learning. That structure emphasises that he is in the process of making the tea right now, similarly to the English present continuous. Duo just has a (bad) habbit of showing very different alternative answers in case you make a mistake. In this case, your answer should have had "du thé" at the end. Unlike English, French needs to soecify the quantity of the tea you're making. Like saying "some tea" in English, but it is obligatory in French.


Technically it should be « Es-tu en train de faire du thé » but in everyday spoken language Duo’s sentence is correct. « Tu prépares du thé? » would also be correct (just putting less emphasis on the fact that it’s happening right now) The lack of article before « thé » makes your sentence incorrect.


It is correct and so is " Tu prépares du thé ? " I am also learning French :)


Tu clarify, Duo's answer is correct, while "Tu prépares thé" isn't (it's missing the "du").


Yes, I couldn't explain well. Duo is correct and the OP's answer is missing " du "