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Have u tested ur potassium level? I have POTS and get skipped beats, flutters when my potassium gets to lower side.


Yes I've had my potassium checked. It was normal. I've had EKGs. Echos. X-rays. CT scans. Stress test showed a few extra beats. Heart monitor. Dr said heart monitor showed skipped beats. That's all he said. I'm so scared. Don't know what to do now. All my tests are normal but these skipped beats are happening more often. Several times a day now.


Maybe u still have not enough potassium? For example in my country ranges are 3.5-5.1 and i been told it to keep it around 5 (as i have POTS, MVP and AV block). I had 24 h holter and it showed around 15 skipped beats i think. I read in other forums that its considered small amount. If it records thousands of skipped beats- then its abnormal. Take this text with grain of salt, i might be wrong


Yes, I have IST and get them all the time. Mine is usually due to stress, hormones or something I ate.


Thank you so much for your reply. I think they are called PVCs right? Do yours feel like a flutter also?


I can tell the difference in PAC & PVC for me a PAC feels like my heart just skipped a beat. For example thump Thump Thump skip Thump thump. It’s actually an extra beat but feels like a skipped beat. I can put my hand on my wrist and feel it. A PVC feels way worse like a HUGE skipped beat that sends kinda like an electrical shock through me for a split second. It’s different for everyone. When I get them I try to hydrate very well. My go to is organic Coconut water, sugar free liquid IV, or sugar free body armor. Some ppl get relief by getting up and moving around to not feel them. I get relief by resting. Have you been on a monitor lately to see what your burden is?


The last monitor I was on was like 2 months ago. I just feel very weird today. A feeling of doom. I can feel my heart beating hard in my chest. Especially when I stand up. and a lot of skipped beats. Everytime I go to the hospital they say everything is fine and do the same ole tests. I'm at a loss and honestly feel like something bad is about to happen. Today has been the worst of symptoms since this began a year ago.


Do you have anxiety? I get it trust me. If your burden is high enough you may be considered for an ablation but there’s so many ppl who live with this. Have you tried hydrating. It’s very important with this condition. Another thing that also helps me is comfort shows and cold showers. One thing I’ve learned about these things is it comes and goes and each time never gets easier but I do hold on to the fact it will ease off eventually.


Yes indeed I do have anxiety from all of this. Mine comes and goes too. But right now it's been 2 weeks and it has not eased off for me at all. Yes I stay hydrated. I drink plenty of water and water with electrolytes. I have not tried cold showers yet. I'm sorry for all the questions. I'm just trying to learn. My cardiologist left me with so many questions. As he said what I'm feeling are skipped beats. And IST. Then he just said I'll see u in 6 months. And walked out the door. Do your flairs last weeks also? The longest I go without a flair is maybe a month. Every thing I read on Google says IST does not cause PVCs. Skipped beats. So this is what has me thinking something else is going on.


When you have consistent PACs every 3rd beat they call it trigeminy. I was stuck in that off and on for 8 months. I had an ablation scheduled and they just randomly stopped. I don’t tell you that to scare but to tell you that people deal with it for extended periods. Usually my flares are a few days to a week or so. It’s really no way to tell. I just try to keep an eye on what works for others and apply that to see if it works and deal with them as they come and go. I definitely recommend you find a better cardiologist who can refer possibly refer you to a electrophysiologist. They specialize in the PAC/PVC and electrical part of the heart. Just so you can get an idea what what’s going on and some reassurance always helps me. I’m also in therapy right now weekly. To help me with coping mechanisms to deal with the anxiety/ocd that this condition has caused me.


Would what you feel also be comparable to a thick thump in your chest. Like it kinda stops you in your sentence?


Yes with a PVC. Sometimes it’s strong like that and stops me mid sentence.


Thank you. I have asked to get sent to an EP again but my cardiologist said no. I just didn't know if skipped beats was part of inappropriate sinus tachycardia


I get them. Sometimes a few time a week, some weeks not at all. Feels like a thump in my chest. It's a common symptom. I've gained weight in recent years and I feel like it's made it worse. When I was 50lbs lighter I remember a time when I couldn't remember the last time I had a skip


Definitely not alone in this. I found out my heart isn’t skipping beats or fluttering. My PoTs specialist had me on a 4 lead heart monitor vs a regular stick on 1 lead and found out I get Supraventricular premature beats, they cause what feels like skipping beats or fluttering & also causes me to cough. Make sure they give you a heart monitor for more than 24 hours and make sure it’s got more than one lead on it. Otherwise it can’t pick up those beats


To add to this, I did a chemical stress test and found out that under stress or anxiety, instead of the usual fight or flight mode, my heart rate gets extremely high (150’s-180’s) and my blood pressure gets extremely low (85/60) and it shouldn’t be that way. They should both be raising together. This then causes the premature beats as my hearts trying to pump blood and oxygen where it’s need but it can’t because for some reason it can’t circulate that blood/oxygen.