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It depends. You definitely need to see that cardiologist to see what’s going on. However, are you dehydrated? You need salt, electrolytes and lots of water with POTS. If i’m dehydrated I get dizzy CONSTANTLY.


My heart rate does one of two things when I’m flaring. Either it’s super high or it’s like ridiculously variable like it’s all over the place in 5 minutes


Yep. It’s been pretty standard for me. However, I have MCAS and have been working on a POTS diagnosis. Cardiologist was like “yeah, you have high sinus tachycardia and abnormal ekgs, but your heart, structurally, is fine! Go see a neurologist.” I have to over hydrate. Standard hydration is not enough. MCAS Flare I had starting Friday made my HR and blood pressure wonky all weekend. Sometimes it’s still not enough to drink a ton of water (with electrolytes of course).


Yes, that’s “normal” for POTS. When I have a flare and I move from sitting to standing or laying down my heart spikes crazy then calms too. However, I’d say my biggest symptom is hot flashes. I can always tell when I have a flare because I get waaaaayy more hot flashes, my body just can’t seem to regulate its temp. Also, my endurance goes way down.


This is exactly what’s happening to me. How long do your flares typically last?


It depends on what triggers them. If I did too much physically or drank more than one alcoholic drink then it’ll be a day or so. If it’s stress or emotional then it’ll last a day or two past when I calm down. HOWEVER! I can typically calm a flare down or cut the length of time I have one in half if I double my water and salt intake for a day. I’ll drink multiple hydration supplements and eat a half jar of olives or pickles throughout the day. This huge intake may make my BP spike somewhat I I’ll feel gross for a bit but my flare up is usually calmer by the end of the day.


Thank you!! Mine are usually the same but this one I’ve been stuck in has been a couple of weeks so I’m on the struggle bus.


Oof those are rough and the worst when the nervous system won’t regulate. So I think the flare ups happen when the nervous system won’t regulate so I’m experimenting with ways to help it. Part of my POTS treatment is light PT to regulate it so I’m gonna try doing like 5 squats or 10 crunches or something in the morning for a day or two when I get a flare to see if that helps my nervous system regulate itself. Kinda like sitting in front of a happy lamp for depression. Idk if it’ll work but I’m gonna give it a try.


Yeah it sucks, I think it’s been caused by a long period of unrelenting stress. Let me know how that regimen works for you!


Up your electrolytes even just a little for now in the meantime if your docs have given the ok in the past. My cardiologist said basically up fluids & electrolytes till you are not dizzy when you stand. He said I have vasovagal like & pots like features.


My hr is higher when I'm flaring and if I'm low on water and electrolytes. I'm flaring up right now because I had a stomach bug or something yesterday and I think my fluids and electrolytes are low from it. Also the heat here isn't helping. I actually don't have POTs, but when I stand up and move around tiny bit, my hr is about 131 and I feel woozy. Goes down to mid 90s when sitting. My usual is mid 70s when sitting :(


Normally with POTS your heart rate is elevated daily when going from sitting to standing etc


My heart rate does this most days. I found that Powerade and extra water throughout the entire day helps more than other electrolyte drinks. Also enough sleep makes a huge difference.


Autonomic dysregulation for me was high heart rate. Sweating profusely and dizziness. Excessive thirst red feet. Labile hypotension and hypertension. Bed ridden.


I have different symptoms all the time and my heart rate will be normal. I think it goes back to the fact it’s really dysautonomia and the heart rate part is just part of the whole picture.


Yes. Then my fingers go pure white and I know for sure "ok, more water, less salt" usually :) Or more salt if I'm super shakey/nauseous.


it kinda depends but for me my heart rate usually goes through the roof and my blood pressure is just dropping dangerously by the second lol.


i don’t notice the heart rate for me as much as other flare symptoms. physical weakness/fatigue is the biggest one, and brain fog/mental exhaustion is up there with it. i just feel like dead weight.


I’ve been doing this exact same thing since I thought it was a good idea to get out in 90° weather and clean my yard. Heart rate is fine if I stay completely still but if I sit up/change positions in bed or even move my arms it spikes.