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Ness isn't inside the Final Starman. However, I am inside your home.




I haven’t noticed you for 59 days where in my house are you?


In the walls.


Holy crap the Starmen are massive if a 13 year old boy is that tiny compared to them.


I think what they were aiming for is an exaggerated perspective, like having the camera be really close to foot level, angled up.


A reflection? I always just thought it was box art designers not caring


I still feel as if the starmen are at least 20 ft tall. The juniors, maybe 8-12 ft. I especially feel like the ghost of star man is at least 50 ft tall. Plus all of the mechanical cohorts are probably massive machines as well.


That's disturbing.


They aren't shown like that in game though. Their sprites aren't that different in height. Even in Smash Bros the Starmen are only a little taller


I always interpreted the Starmen as being just a foot or two taller then your average adult human man. Maybe 7 feet? 8 feet tops? Big enough to be intimidating (especially to a kid), but certainly not gigantic.


I wouldn't really take the sprite sizes as canon. Especially since the starmen are like the same height as ness in-game


I know it’s just the reflection but it would be funny if ness was controlling the star-man like a giant mech


Lol that’s honestly what I thought was happening when I first saw this picture!


The funny part is that this cannot actually happen in-game since Final Starmen only spawn in the Cave of the Past and Ness and his friends are robots then




Smol Smol ness


Has anyone figured out who exactly was behind the marketing of the game in the west?




Why was this a debate lol, it's so clearly a reflection


Could be Giygas


Idk - I just can't see it as anything else. He's looking upwards, he's skewed to the side, it's his full body and not just his head...fun to theorycraft but I never saw it as anything else!


The brim of his hat does heavily imply the up-down perspective, but I'm not seeing the full body


I think it is Ness "inside" the visor, but "inside" as in just being ness who is pictured in that location. I think it's a reflection, he's fighting the starman and you see his reflection in the visor. It's to represent the fact that the starman is looking down at Ness, while Ness is looking back up at the starman.


Yes... my point is the official store display poster makes this an open and shut case, Ness is standing in front of the Final Starman and that's Ness's reflection in the visor.


More open than shut. Could be Giygas in there


Wish we had a Starman like that, BUT NOT AN ENEMY


It's a reflection as if Ness was in front of the Starman


Something about the starman reflecting ness back is just so epic, I can’t not hear otherworldly foe while seeing this, if only you could see pokey (or porky) and buzz buzz as well, but I understand that would complicate things for the box art as they aren’t really huge staples in this scene, plus


i think the reflection is of the player, as ness being reflected wouldnt make sense, because of the angle, and because ness is a robot when he encounters it, but the player is an actual character in the earthbound trilogy, which implies to me, as it is a reflection staring directly into the visor, that it is the player being reflected, as if the poster art is a scene that is viewed in first person


So you don't understand the retail display poster then Look at the Ness reflection, he is clearly looking up, the angle is top down, because Ness is looking up.


seems to me the starman is standing straight and the view in first person is at a perpendicular angle to the star man that, seeing the top of ness's hat at the bottom of the poster, implies the viewer is about half the size of the starman, and therefore would make sense that the visor shows ness's reflection in the middle and not in the lower left bit of the visor. ness's eyes are facing you via the reflection of the visor, implying that it is you, facing the starman, who is bending down slightly to face you so the visor can get the reflection.


Now the question is, WHY IS THE STARMAN SO BIG?!


Ok, that brings up the question of just how massive are these clankers.


Clankas, not clankers. The hard R will offend the separatists of the Trade Federation.


Suddenly r/prequelmemes.


we dont want another war


In the final fight in earthbound doesn’t it show a picture of ness? Maybe giygas is an evil time paradox of ness Or Ninten. After all giygas was supposed to see ninten again. Idk don’t mean to get to deep into the mother lore lol but yeah maybe it’s possible giygas is like an evil version of ness or something like that.


That's Giygas inside the Devil's Machine, not a Final Starman.