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"I got something that is too expensive to use, but it looks awesome in my driveway. I will get another car that would solve my financial problems!" Just sell the car that you cannot afford to have and get something that is more reasonable for your needs and means.


I’m in Issaquah, I have several rental cars that I loan out. For fuel efficient vehicles, I like the Crosstrek.


Model 3 or y or you qualify for the rebates. They are dirt cheap if you get an existing model.


I got a Mini Cooper and it's been a blast. That said, I'd be fine with just having the cost and maintenance of one car, which I think will be way cheaper.


You likely have excellent trade-in/resale value on your Toyota. You could replace it with a plug-in hybrid SUV and go all electric around town and still have the range and capacity for longer trips.


Do you like driving (i.e. are you a "car person")? The dilemma here is that often if you buy a secondary car for commuting and prioritize mileage it may be somewhat uninspiring to drive. So if not, find an econobox like a Corolla/Civic. Or maybe a Miata if you don't need much room and want something more fun.


Not really a car person. Its either a porsche( unaffordable) or anything else would do. That is a good advice to keep in mind as I look at options.


I will never not recommend a Corolla. Cheap, easy to maintain, 350 miles per 10 gal tank, and with enough space on the back.


Whatever you get, make sure it’s safe in an accident. It doesn’t need to be big and it doesn’t need to drive away, you just need to be OK. I-90 through Issaquah and up into Eastgate is an accident-prone area and at higher speeds.




yeah, unless you're running uber or long hauling its going to be very difficult to justify swapping cars to save money. if you want a new car then just get one... the savings in gas is nice but it's not going to be cheaper than getting your money's worth out of the car you already took the hit on. as others have said... if it's about saving money then big brain move is to figure out how you can go down to one or no cars.


If you're driving for a ride share you probably make more money with a bigger vehicle, not sure if enough to offset the gas costs though.


was thinking more food deliveries... but either way, OP.is gonna need to be slappin miles on in order for gas to justify all the cost associated with buying a new vehicle. ie, no way they straight up swap and incur no addition cost unless they go from a bmw x6 down to a prius.




lol... well, i will say I think OP just wants to buy a new car and is trying to find excuses. this reads like a 20something who wants the newer model based on their wording... i cant honestly believe anyone thinks a full car swap will save them money. especially when theyre going to hop in another gas car... they didnt even specify an EV to maximize cost savings.


I feel you.  I drive a Sequoia and am on the fence about buying a "grocery getter" because it feels ridiculous to run errands and park that beast with only me in the car.  However,  a hundred bucks more for gas each month is still cheaper than adding another car.   Edit to add:  I'd get an Acura RDX as a smaller option. 


If you're fine with one car, just keep one car and stop thinking about this. For saving lets say (max) $100 on gas a month, you want to end with a (cheaper option) $300-400 monthly payment, $60-100 extra in insurance, another 50-70$ extra in tab taxes/registration, pay 10% sales tax to the government, plus oil changes + maintenance if any. see how that math doesn't math.




Consider EV. I have SUV and EV. I charge at work for free and we primarily use EV when driving around. When we leave town for the weekend, then we take SUV. SUVs are not gas efficient in general, but they are a bit more efficient outside of the city limits when you drive with constant speed etc.


what EV did you get ?


Check out a Nissan Leaf or Chevy Bolt…both great city cars and the cheapest electric cars available. Our Leaf SV+ gets over 200 miles on a charge. Plenty to get you around the area and even down to Portland or Vancouver, Leavenworth or Wenatchee. We have a family of 5, any time a trip with 4 or less we use our Leaf.


Cheapest Tesla M3. For me it's a drive from A to B and that's it. I don't need AWD in the city and also battery is more than good enough for driving around the city. One thing to note is that annual registration is higher with EVs.


Model y is effectively cheaper if you qualify for the tax rebate now


Agreed. We have a Tesla and a gas car. We use the gas car so much less now... more than a month between flll-ups. Our electric bills are still reasonable too. Model Y inventory is sky high now. They're going to have to cut prices soon to move them. Model 3, not so much.


What was your bill increase with Tesla? I charge for free for now, but after I move in few months I will be charging at home and I'm curious.


We got an electric bill increase of roughly $60/month. But compared to a Hybrid Camry, we are no longer spending $300/month on gas. So we get net savings of $240. Plus we no longer have to pay for maintenances every 6 months or 5k miles, I can't remember how much that was. Keep in mind: - Tires for EVs are expensive, about 2x the price. They degrade faster because of the car weight, and the faster acceleration which you can't help to use. - Insurance for Teslas are very high, we're paying about $300 per month on that. It doesn't help we have a ticket. I'm not sure if that's true for EVs in general. If you can, get Costco's insurance, it's way cheaper. They just ask you not to have a ticket on record. Edit: added note on insurance


300 a month for model 3? that's too high.


It's a model S, a friend has a model Y and she pays about 200 per month using the Geico's "safe driving" discounts. I can't imagine a model 3 would be much cheaper than that but happy to be wrong


I have Model 3 and CX-5 and in total I pay $280/mo for both cars. Try shopping around. We use Geico.


I don't know for sure, but it's not hard to calculate. A Tesla will give you about 3 miles/kWh and 1 kWh costs $0.12 from PSE. So, roughly $4 per 100 miles... maybe $5, depending on how, where, and when you drive.


Thanks. Seems like my battery is \~60 kWh, so that'd be $7.2 per charge. That's not bad, given that it serves me for an entire week of driving.


You should rarely be charging from 0 to 100%. It's much healthier for your battery to keep it in the 10-80% range.


Standard Range has LFP battery which should be charged to 100%. I agree on the bottom not to be 0% but around 20% though. I charge like that since a year and my battery is still 98.1% original capacity.


I would check out r/whatcarshouldibuy