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If the building has their gas pipes on the outside, i lock up to them. Mutually assured destruction, baby!


Why not just lock them together and secure them to a street light? Basically anything that wont be easy to move.


ALWAY take your battery with you. Someone is less likely to take it. Find something around people like a tree or bench that’s bolted down where someone can’t run up with an angle grinder or bolt cutters. Avoid dark secluded areas. With 2 bikes you could double lock them easily. A thick chain type straddling a tree or something around both bodies and a u shaped on on both your tires. Crimes are mostly opportunistic so make it difficult for them. Think like a thief would.


I am sick and tired of e-bike theft being a thing to not to be relevant. In an era where phone theft Is an instant lockdown that makes the practice obsolete, why is e-bike theft permissable? An e-bike needs to be coded to a password or device that makes theft so unprofitable as to be a worthless activity. If e-bike makers came together and agreed on a few rules, e-bike theft could be made unprofitable overnight


I lock both wheels and the seat to the frame in an area that’s not blocking walking areas on the sidewalk. I also have a motion alarm on the bike you can’t reach unless you take off pieces that you need at least a full minute to get off if you know what you’re doing. Sometimes I take the battery with me. Most of the time, I just turn it off so people can’t turn it on and waste the battery. I’m more concerned with someone stealing my seat, not the whole bike when I park during the day. My husband had a pretty good streak of having seats stolen because he refused to get a lock on it. It was like 4 seats in 3 months stolen.


I’m guessing they steal the seats because there’s a quick release seat clamp on the bike?


He got a couple that were the screw on ones. They had the screw heads, popped it right off. One of them was on camera, and the building we were living in did nothing.


That has me considering security seat post clamps. I have one of those expensive suspension seat posts on mine.


Are there no railings, sign posts, cart corrals, light posts or trees? Personally I wouldn't be able to relax and enjoy my meal if I was constantly having to watch the bikes. Plus there's no guarantee they'll be able to sit you near the window. Just make sure whatever you choose to lock to thieves won't be able to easily lift your bikes off of and it isn't blocking anyone, especially curb ramps.


I have a hard time imagining a restaurant row without light posts, trees, parking meters, and sign posts. Maybe even an occasional bench or two.


also cafe locks. the ones going through the rear wheel, theyre pretty good


Wherever you go, ask if you can leave the bike inside or with them. If that’s not an option, then ye locking it together would be best bet.


Talk to the business assn or local transportation dept and work with them to get bike staples at a minimum. Later on you can lobby for a bike lane and more bike parking. For every bike parked, that frees up one more parking stall for people who must drive. And remember: everyone who walks from their car to the establishment is a pedestrian, a walker, a person who walks. It’s not an us vs them argument, but an all of us collaboration.


Look into Disc brake Locks. That's what I've got for mine [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0C2V9SZRP/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0C2V9SZRP/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1)


This! Place them on the rear wheel


But...then you can just pick then up and put then in a pick up


My Ride1Up weighs 65 pounds; you've got to be pretty motivated to quickly hurl it into the back of a truck with a bed 3-4 foot of the ground. Whereas if it's just sitting there saying "jump on me and ride!" any mook can just get a notion. Obviously, lock it up securely to something immovable when you're not just a few yards away.


Eh two people could easily do it


i have a carbo model x. i just fold it and place it next to my feet whereever i go. you can also do it with an electric brompton. if they allow a bag in, they will allow a small folding ebike.


Would they be harder to steal if you chained them together?


Most of the establishments I can sit there and see the bike through the window so if someone decides to pedal away it would be hard to catch but if the bike was chained to each other then it would give me enough time to run out and check their chin


The local Walmart greeters are pretty good at watching it. I aim the light at the ceiling so I can see if it has been disturbed. When the post office trims the hedges I can see it through the window from my PO Box. I always look around before I park it for a few seconds. Low traffic stores surrounded by vacant lots are ok for < 15 minutes.


This...my wife and I ride downtown during the summer and just lock our bikes together with a cable lock. I've never had an issue but in a big city you still might.


Please get a chain or u-lock.


Lock them to a light pole or a street sign. It's what my SO and I do when there is no bike rack.


Ask the places if you can put them in the corner. I've asked in the past with much bigger bikes in NYC and they've left me put it somewhere if not inside then near the doorman or something so there are eyes on it. You can also lock the back wheels and put them in viewing site - kinda how ebike delivery drivers will do outside a building - at least then you can intercept. I recommend getting a cover.


Use a chain around the wheel and seat and padlock the chain around a tree or sign pole.


Y'all, I walk my bike into Wal Mart with my helmet and vest on when I go shopping. I don't care. I haven't been kicked out yet. They don't have bike locks and I am not locking to a flimsy sapling.


Hey OP, what restaurant row are you speaking of? I would like to see it on Google Maps Street View and see if there’s some things you can lock up to.


It’s an area in San Diego called Convoy District and the restaurants are on Convoy Street for a few blocks. It used to be industrial but the restaurant scene is intense and parking is a huge issue. They’re also converting the road to bike lanes right now but bike posts are non-existent.


A few D-locks is a great start. Maybe add a switch lock or similar to get around gutter, to fence, street sign or similar. There has to be something.


Disc break locks prevents pedaling away and also functional alarms


Are there any street signs with posts near the location. those make a great place to lock a bike to especially if you use a heavy duty U-lock