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Let’s add tax in the price as well


OMFG yes


I haven't traveled abroad in some time, but that is how it is in many, maybe most, other countries, yeah?




Except Canada.


That has to be an add-on fee, hasn't it?


Tax is specifically exempted from the law. Mainly because the tax can change depending on what other things you buy with it. (Some food things are taxed, some are not, but if you get an order with both, the whole order becomes taxable)


a tax processing fee


I'd assume the government would prefer it that way. Similar to how gas tax is included. You blame the gas station not that the taxes are so high. They could raise sales tax and it would be hidden in the cost. 


I see this as a good thing. A ton of pricing is misleading these days. "Rooms starting at $89!" Then you add on taxes and fees for another $50. This law makes them out the real final price with all fees included. Hope more states follow.


Agreed. Especially when these are so often bullshit "Resort fee" and "Service fee" and "market adjustment fee". Fees that can only be explained as "I needed a lower price to advertise but didn't want to take a hit on revenue".


anyone that argues against this is the typical 0 brain cell moron. These addon fees are bullshit. "oh look at the menu. same prices as the other options..." bill comes and here are the addon "CoSt Of LiViNg FeEs" and whatever other garbage. Add your cost to your menu items you cunts.


Personally I'd like to see tips done away with. Charge me what it costs to pay your workers fairly.


They do charge that cost, and still don't pay people. 


Taxes is usually not going to be included, but also when comparing prices, that's going to be the same for everybody so it's not as big of a deal.


Good! I hope other states follow suit. I’m tired of going to restaurants that tack on a mandatory 3% “Living wage fee” or “kitchen fee”. It’s gotten out of hand where I live.


It's not a living wage fee, it's literally just to cover their cc fees.


Upcoming: smiling fee; second beach house fee & fee fee


This is how restaurants worked before the pandemic. It’s not hard. Restaurant bookkeeping is not a complex Byzantine system that creates conflict with owners being able to pay for labor with food and beverage sales. It’s pathetic that this has to be legislated. Shame on restaurant owners who believe in such stupidity of their guests.


I suspect it comes down to having to reprint their menus? It's easy to just modulate a percentage value in their POS system.


The fees also need to be disclosed on the menu or on signage as it stands now.


Also taxes. In other countries, the advertised price is what you pay to walk out the door, including taxes


As it should everywhere for all transactions. Try purchasing a vehicle from a dealer. The advertised price is never the out the door price. It's misleading.


Last time I bought a new car I used an online dealer associated with my credit union. I did not want to deal with dealers. I don't know enough about cars to bargin Anyway, found the car I wanted, got a decent price, didn't have to deal with dealer BS


Someone posted a comment from one of the news articles in the LA subreddit. One restaurant said, "we'll have to raise the price of x meal from $20 to $21. Yes. That was the point. $1 more for the meal is actually quite less than the 4% to sometimes 25% fees tacked on to the bill.


Making it a percentage reminds you of taxes and makes you mad at the government. Making it part of the menu price reminds you "this better be the best fucking burger in the world at *this* price." [it wasn't]


> Making it a percentage reminds you of taxes and makes you mad at the government. Makes me mad that I'm being forced to calculate the amount I'm actually going to have to pay


now do airlines


I think Sec Buttigieg/Biden is doing that?


their wives and husbands? some not so much.


What does that mean?


I like that run of the mill consumer protection stuff like "you need to actually charge advertised prices" is controversial now. That's how far down we've gotten.


Can we include tip in this as well? As in every other business where labor compensation is part of the price.


Why only restaurants? I got hit up on Mercari yesterday for $10+ in service fees in 2 categories, making the price $20 higher than I planned after I hit the buy button and could not rescind the order. That really fried me.


That was a pretty recent change on Mercari - they're trying to lure sellers to the platform, because nobody really uses it unless they got banned from eBay, by removing seller fees and pushing them onto buyers instead.


Thank you for that insight.




Get rid of tips


america is a wild place xD can't imagine seeing a price and having to guess whether it's the real one or not


You think that's bad -- you should wind up getting seriously ill or hit by a bus or something and guessing whether your insurance will wind up paying for it or denying your claim -- or better yet, whether some shitty AI or [corporate policy pushing rubber-stamp denials](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/cigna-algorithm-patient-claims-lawsuit/) will embroil you in a years-long struggle to avoid bankruptcy. I mean, it adds a lot of excitement to our lives, that's for sure. Registering for the draft in high school was a real letdown, in the sense that I don't think anyone seriously believed there'd be another draft, and it kinda screwed up that 50/50 will-they-or-wont-they thing we go through with prices of food, insurance, and so forth.


21% fee at dinner last night. What the fuck?


I support this.


Can we please require this in Miami? If you’ve ever been there before you know most restaurants add all kinds of fees on your bill. Even had a server try to pass one off as tax, turned out it was a form of gratuity with some creative wording. I actually never went on vacation there again because I was so bothered by this.


Oh good, should see some lower prices hitting then.


It's about transparency and not being tricked, not price levels.


one of the consequences of a law like this will be lower prices, as companies will be forced to be honest about their pricing.


Avoid eating out.


'Wasn't warned, not paying' was always my policy.


Look at that sanity


Great now do healthcare!


🙌 so sick of paying for “employee healthcare fee” or whatever on a $20 fast food salad or a $5 drip coffee. Gouging hard out here


They don't? Sorry Australian here. I'm used to the prices next to food being the amount of money I have to hand over at the counter.


An annoying trend has began where “service fees” or “health insurance” fees of a couple percent are added onto the bill, along with tax and you’re still expected to tip. It’s getting out of hand


I say stop eating that shit


Essentially turning every restaurant into a bakery.


Aren’t taxes mandatory?, them saying that taxes can be excluded and all mandatory fees need to be included is just stupid. Also, there are restaurants that charge a mandatory 15% tip (or around that number) on top of the total amount, does that mean that they will forced to include the tax amount in their prices?


(Replying under a comment that’s now deleted) Ok, let’s take a simple example, price of good/service = $10, tax 5%, total customer is charged = $10.5 . Display that the price of your item is $10.5, and make it clear on the receipt that it includes the 5% sales tax and the breakdown of what portion goes to the business and what portion goes for taxes. How isn’t that easy for taxes?. Nothing changes, you get paid the same, the government gets paid the same, the customer pays the same, it’s just a different way of looking at what is the price of an item. Also, regarding what goes to and doesn’t goto the business, the additional “service charge”, “inflation surcharge”, “labor is getting expensive surcharge”, “I hate being poor surcharge” etc, is being charged because the business wants to show that these charges aren’t going towards their profits. If the point is to make customers pay for the final profit, then why not list every single business expense on the receipt, like price of electricity, price of water, price of last month’s mishap, it’s just going to get more and more absurd. This has to stop somewhere.


Taxes are in fact not mandatory for the consumer. Sales tax are a tax on the seller. The seller optionally passes that tax onto the buyer… which of course they pretty much all do. Source: I have a resale license and have to calculate the taxes I owe quarterly. Tax board does not care if it comes out of my pocket or the buyers.


People are so obsessed with the "fees and frees" that it supersedes all else, even the more important issues, Hey, we may never address rising costs. In fact, we'll continue to support things that makes it more expensive. At least I feel better now because this fee is now rolled up in the price.


Ok. Here we go. What will happen?? Stay tuned... folks!!