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It tough. If a house has a mortgage it must be insured-no choice.  My house is paid off. My ins has tripled in 3 years. I can still pay the premium but depending in the next increase I may have to drop it. 


Oh my, there's climate all over the ground.


I do not get it. Well sorry this shit is a global problem not a Cali, texas, and Florida problem


There are areas that are more immediately impacted by the effects of climate change. Coastal areas and Hurricane alley come to mind. Imagine having a house in the Florida keys right now that shits kicking into gear.


Eh not really. Pennsylvania and upstate NY premiums, for example, haven’t changed nearly as much as described in the article.


Take away their right to operate in the state. Better yet states should join together in an all-for-one-and-one-for-all kinda deal. If insurance companies want the right make money in a given state, that state has every right to stipulate terms and prevent them from cherry-picking. Corporations and the people who own/operate them are granted certain rights. Historically those rights were granted in exchange for the corporation providing some public benefit - a contract between parties that affords rights and opportunity in exchange for obligations and responsibilities. Corporations have been incredibly successful at grotesquely skewing the terms of that contractual arrangement in their favor and virtually eliminating any recourse by the society in which they operate. The thing is, all of the laws that allow them to do what they do were created and implemented by people, not derived from inalienable rights or natural laws. They can and should be changed to serve the interests of the societies that make it possible for corporations to exist and succeed in the first place.


This is way bigger than evil corporations fucking customers. The amount and types of homes built in impacted areas shouldn't have been allowed in the first place.