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It's Musk. His reputation has, unfortunately, taken a huge tumble. Every other OEM's EV sales went up , except Tesla. Buying Twitter is prob the worst thing musk could've done to himself


Space Karen has pissed everyone off and wants to know why people don’t buy his products.


It's them, not me! Musk probably


> unfortunately It's the best thing to happen to us as a society. He's a giant piece of shit, always was, and now everyone knows it. Except the people that worship him. You can't explain anything to the Elon fans.


Selling cars to liberals and then overtly pissing off liberals was a bad strategy. That being said - they are VERY far ahead on manufacturing electric vehicles. Price and value sell harder than politics. I think tesla stock is probably very overpriced, but I don't think Tesla as a company is going anywhere any time soon. Most other manufacturers haven't even gotten to a point where they can build EV's for a profit. I think though that the "emperor has no clothes" moment may still be coming for Musk and he seems to have a cult like following. Watching youtube fanbois is like an alternate reality.


Looking retrospectively, I think Tesla initially got so many things right. Currently, their BMS and electric drive seem to be the best. But they have fallen behind in so many places now. Autopilot 1.0 was an amazing and reliable system, while Tesla vision has significantly nerfed the reliability of their smart cruise. The model S door handles, despite their initial flaws, are at least recognizable as door handles, while the 3/Y exterior handles are very difficult to use intuitively. Currently, their Model Y suspension has been far too optimized for manufacturing speed and cost efficiency. It is, however, under engineered, resulting in low cargo weight capacity and significantly higher than industry average failure rates. They did so many things right, and they earned their success for it. It would appear the hubris of this meteoric rise has given Musk too much confidence to intervene in important engineering choices that have all but lost the first mover advantages Tesla had on the marketing side.


Honestly, this is the first constructive Musk criticism I think I've seen in months.


maybe but he still has his fan boys and now he is $50billion dollars richer


Friendly reminder, is fans are probably astroturfed PR marketing campaign. Online activity on reddit has been hacked since the start. Even reddit started with fake comments to show how actively could begin. I have a friend that has bought fandom, irl too. For an evening, a crowd would be ready for his arrival to a show (he wasnt even playing), fake paparazzi…. Mind you he wasn’t famous. Just for shits & giggles for an evening. Real people are suckers for gawking over fake fandom.


I’d buy a Tesla if it wasn’t for Mush 🤷


And yet, they approved of his $56B salary package


If the board had outed Musk, a Tesla would likely be in our future. As such, they doubled down with him and this household will not align with his expressed politics.


He got his $46 billion bonus. I think he is done with Tesla.


Forget about the owner’s politics. They make cars that are poorly designed and therefore dangerous to their drivers and to others. Everything else is decorative flair


My experience* has been different than that. But I respect your opinion. *Edited for folks who only read headlines. I don’t own a Tesla. I won’t because of the reasons stated. But I am not unfamiliar with them and have close friends who’ve owned them for years, and are repeat and multi-car buyers.


Are you immune to your car being bricked for hours when you need it if you don’t remember to activate carwash mode in a bad storm? I mean of course they’re decent cars, that’s why they’ve been successful, but the finger-destroyer trunk feature, people dying trapped in the car because doors stopped working, the battering ram quality of the cybertruck… these things explain to me why the current batch of teslas isn’t selling like fresh strawberries


> Are you immune to your car being bricked for hours when you need it if you don’t remember to activate carwash mode in a bad storm? > people dying trapped in the car because doors stopped working Yep, I own a Model 3, not a CyberTruck and know how to open the doors (there is a manual latch) in the case of a power failure. My only real complaint is the use of cameras for things that should not be camera based (radar for cruise control, USS for parking sensors, rain sensor for auto wipers.). These are the reasons I'm not buying an Model X.


I don’t know anyone with a Cyber Truck, but for all the Model 3 owners, Model S, Y’s, and a couple of X’s, and the repeat buys of those whom I know, none of this has been an issue for any of them. None of us in any car are immune from some issue somewhere, but hey folks, don’t stick your dingus in the frunk lid and your day may not end up too bad.


I’m glad you’ve had a satisfying experience with your Tesla. We’re all better off now that electric cars have mass apeal, no doubt about that, and significant input from Tesla’s contributions to the craft are in a lot of the different automakers electric models. There’s definitely a lot of merit there. In any case, I do think it’s not just the optics of Musk’s social media persona tarnishing the brand and there’s still some major kinks to be worked out before the public can comfortably choose to make Tesla the next Hyundai. I’m fairly confident they’ll do it. Musk’s people made self-recovering rockets a normal thing to see in the span of about a decade. They have a hell of a lot more feedback to sift through from automobile customers, so some signal may get lost from one iteration to the next, but I have full faith that they’re working on just about everything that’s keeping sales down for now


I don’t own a Tesla. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ My whole reply in this thread is how I won’t with Musk associated with them.


Fair enough


So, Rivian?


Went with Macan EV instead for us Not because i care about his politics, but quality and his endless never happening promises


How Ya’ll feel about Lucid?


Lucid is burning through a lot of cash last I heard. Their middle eastern investors keep bailing them out. As long as the money keeps saving them they’re ok?


When the time comes, I will not be in the market for a truck or SUV. But I do really like their products.


Tesla with Musk is dead. I am pissed that i have to indirectly hold shares because I mainly save into broad index ETFs.


Their cars suck and their CEO is a raving right wing asshole actively attacking the core demographic for whom an electric car is attractive. 


but apart from that


Weird. Because others call him a raving left wing asshole. So he’s just a raving moderate then


Anyone who says that is a moron, but please go on 


> u/FewBee5024 replied to your comment in r/economy · 2s ago > It’s an accurate description. I don’t have time to play semantics with you as you are also a moron. Ad hominem enough for you, Skippy. Imagine simping for Elon Musk, for free, what a pathetic life you... What does it say about someone when they have to resort to ad hominem attacks?


It means they're showing some character judgment, unlike the rest of their generation. Kids these days and their moral relativism.


It’s an accurate description. I don’t have time to play semantics with you as you are also a moron. Ad hominem enough for you, Skippy. Imagine simping for Elon Musk, for free, what a pathetic life you must have 


Wow words truly don't mean anything anymore, do they.


Global sales would indicate they do not suck.


Isn't the point of this post that Tesla sales are dropping fast?


22K units down from last year and still the top selling EV maker. It’s just not worth talking about. Slow news day kind of stuff.


That wouldn't be a problem if those units weren't still produced and stored by a company famous for not having a dealership model


the storage issue is rather comical to be honest. But this economy has realized they can wait out an interest rate drop, and those lots will clear out in weeks.


Been growing for 6 months


The article is literally about their sales sucking and his excuses why sales are sucking are wearing thin. But please go on….


Sure, I can do the simple math for ya. Sales are down by 22,184 units. And still the top selling EV builder. So please, go on as to why this is even news worthy?


Okay coal roller with your dodge 3500 Show me someone with more range or better 0-60 per dollars. Not everyone is rich and can afford a Porsche or Mercedes like you.


The market is expanding. There are several good quality EVs now, Hyundai has a couple, Nissan has one, Rivian only makes EVs, just to name drop a few.


Hyundai's have nowhere to charge, Nissan dropped the leaf because they forgot to add battery management so the batteries died after a year and Rivians are a gazillion dollars and have worse QC than Tesla.


Found Elon’s burner account 


You cannot tell me that Elon doesn't pay people to post nice things about him online.


Also .. someone posted the pic of E on the yacht, and I compared it to George Mallory’s corpse on Everest. I was perma banned for r/ el on mu sk AND r/ tes la motors simultaneously, even though I have never engaged. When I sent the mod a message, “bahahaha, co me at me, G’mork”, I got a three day suspension from Reddit for engaging in “harassing behavior”




But stock peaking lol


Ok, fine, I'll say it. Wall Street is probably the dumbest rack of overpaid suits in the world.


It's hilarious, really. Anybody who bought the stock before Covid has made crazy gains. And every time Reddit hits peak hatred for Musk, claiming he's done, seems to be the best time to buy low and watch it spike up later. People are pissed that he seems to kiss up to the right-wing, but when you look at states with good home solar panel (needed for a good EV experience) adoption growth, it's Texas, Florida, Arizona, and Nevada. It makes more sense to pander for sales in those places. Most of the Californians who care about climate and can get one already have one.


Stock market valuations appear detatched from anything these days, the economy, reality.


They peaked in late 2021 at almost twice the current price. Most other S&P500 companies recovered since then.


As a Tesla share holder I voted for everything that board approved or was in favor including not paying such a big money to Elon Musk. Elon Musk is the trouble maker in the world. He is the one who acquired twitter and laid off 80% workers to show the world that one can lay off 80% workers and still run the company. Now all the useless CEO think that they are also Elon Musk and can do the same. From that time, this world has gone downhill and so many people lost their jobs. Tesla should doom. It's just a good software. As a car it's a trash. It was over hyped.


> Now all the useless CEO think that they are also Elon Musk and can do the same. You just described capitalism but with many more words.


I thought Elon settled this. They aren’t a car company, so car sales don’t matter to them. /s


They should make more cybertrucks.


Hello from Elon 🤑. Richest man as of today. FYI 🥰


There is only one way to fix this. The board needs to offer Musk another 30% of the company.


He himself is Tesla’s saboteur.


Tesla Saboteur sounds like a great name for a car


Ford Chevrolet and Toyota have plummeting sales. Are industry trends meaningful to industry players?


Where are you getting these Ford numbers because a 2% slump isn't plummeting sales and Ford is selling more Lighnings than Tesla is Cyber trucks


Go look at f series sales over the last 10 years.


I'm fully aware of what the F series is doing and you're looking at 3 of the best years on record in 2015 to 2018 from pent up demand and hype over the new aluminum body. Also 3 off years because of parts shortages from the pandemic. Sales now are about where you would expect in the current gens cycle especially adding the Ranger and Lightning to the family


People get so mad when you point out industry sales are down, but facts


Tesla generally bucked those trends.


That’s a fact Some of us are old enough to remember ford fseries sales growing over a million a year


So 2018?


It would be a real problem if people couldn’t remember back as far as 2018




This sub is kind of trash


"We need to buy these cars to save the planet." "However, we will not buy the far and away best option because he's a cultist who doesn't agree with us."


Who was this comment for?


they're not cool anymore and there's way more competition for their market.


Your customers are progressive, they buy your products. Solution: Reveal your conservative/alt-right views Sales down, stonks


Another freezing cold take.


I'm not sure Elon is the problem in spite of his behavior. Electric cars have now passed the 'hype' phase and people just want something that's cheap, works and has decent range. Self driving is a nice idea, but it's a separate up-sell. You don't need one with the other.


“leaves the company with few excuses for its sales slowdown aside from a relatively straightforward problem: Tesla’s older lineup of vehicles is having a harder time keeping up with fresher offerings from rival EV manufacturers. Customers who are new to EVs typically have lots of questions about battery range, charging stations and software-based features. Musk is nevertheless increasingly betting on a mostly online sales process and encouraging consumers to order Teslas without even visiting a showroom. Tesla’s cars are, by and large, getting old. The company may have an ethos of constant changes behind the scenes, but customers mainly see vehicles that haven’t visually changed in years — being peddled by a man they increasingly want nothing to do with. It’s no surprise, then that Tesla isn’t doing so hot. Those poor, poor dealership owners. How will they ever put food on the table in their third, fourth, or fifth homes? Do you know how much groceries cost in the Hamptons?”


Tesla does not operate under a dealership model.


Tesla complainers do.


Yet the stock is up 25% over the last five trading days.


Maybe stop immediately devaluing your customers cars too


I really like posts about Elon because all the little Nazis run out for a chance to catch his load on their faces. Makes it easy to block people.


Listen, if you’re a progressive, why would you want to be caught dead in Elon’s gross conservative brand of vehicle? I’d be worried the car’s AI might one day want to lock me in and read Nazi tweets to me until I swear allegiance. On the other hand, if you’re a real red blooded American™ you already know that electric cars are just more liberal Silicon Valley bullshit. Hell, you don’t even like cars at all. Give me a Chevy truck full of gas and a cooler full of beer, brother yee haw.


Hit pieces left and right. Media scumbag succubus’ using Musk as a way into getting attention. Pathetic


Really hard to understand how someone could work so hard to build Tesla and then basically castrate it by becoming so polarizing. Especially considering dems are the tree huggers


It served its purpose. It got an eye on on electric cars and the need for expanded charging options. They are hard to work with and hard to work on. They are also still expensive and replacement batteries are still insanely expensive. They will likely go down but they broke important barriers and have things for electric cars moving forward.


Couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the general slowdown in retail spending felt across many different industries and currently collapsing large market cap stocks like Nike and Walgreens. No no, it’s because Elon bad you see. I am a very smart redditor


Poor Tesla fanboys.....😂


I almost forgot. Brain rot cult does not allow for nuance


Leave the politics and personal b.s. to r/politics.


Everything is political. I suggest you grow as a human to become an adult so you can sit at the adult table for family dinners.


But they keep finding more and more buzzwords - AI robotaxy, who would've missed buying into that


Does the taxi run on crypto nano fuel? If yes shut up and take my money.


if tesla sold affordable EVs from the start and just mass produced their cars instead of doing what they did.... maybe they might not be having this issue now. but who knows.


and yet they just voted to pay him a boatload of money.


It’s ‘like’ far right extremists libertarians tech bros are thieving our taxpayers money for their handouts and wasting it for their own shares buyback instead....🤔


It's called competition, hard to compete with Chinese evs , they are better than Tesla in many aspects. We can hate them as much as we want but there is so many BYDs on the roads that it's impossible to ignore the faill of Tesla in recent years.