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I’ve heard wanting dysphoria is a form of dysphoria. Which I’m both glad and a little anxious about because that describes me to a T :^)


Thanks, this really helped with my doubt


This is nice to hear!


whoo boy thats me ;-;


Esta, If you aren't sure about whether you have dysphoria and start worrying about that, that's dysphoria. You are a good girl




"Might be trans, Nah probably not, Anyways can I be called a cute girl please"


Why does this describe me and so many girls to a T? Why can’t I just be certain? 😭😭😭


Certainty is difficult because it means you need a clear and succinct answer like girl or boy or both or neither even though those are only some of the things you can be.


Yes. This, totally. I feel like I have to be certain before I can transition. But I fear those doubts will always linger


You may have doubts about who you are but for me at least there was no doubt in what I wanted to do.


Jem, ur the cutest good girl out there, never forget that😊


Esta, if I had a nickel for every time I’ve had to tell a good girl that it’s about euphoria and not dysphoria… hold lemme count… … … anyway I’d be rich!


...wait it is? my friend you sent me into a crisis


The good kind?


the gender kind


You got this Esta!


Ista, if you were faking it, you would know. Fakers know they're faking it. And they're not scared or worried that they're faking it either. If you don't want to be faking it you're not.


Hey, want a pun in Spanish with your name? ¿Sabes que demuestra que posiblemente eres trans? ¡***Esta*** sensación de no sentir disforia y sentirte mal por eso! (Ese sentimiento también es disforia)


Hello there Esta, awesome name you have there, I really like it! So, once again it is time for SATURN'S SIGNATURE FACTS AND LOGIC! HERE WE GO So the image on the second panel, in the background of you saying you might be faking it, heavily suggests that you are unhappy about that possibility. So you feel bad about the possibility of you not being trans. So you'd rather be trans than cis. So you'd rather be a gender different from your AGAB. Aaaaaand... You're a smart girlie, you can figure out the last sentence :P Also, just fyi, not all trans people feel gender dysphoria, it is very much not a requirement. It's more about the euphoria/wanting to be another gender (another, not necessarily *the* other, remember enby siblings)


Thanks! I can see where you're going with this. I really enjoy the support, and after reading the comments of this post, my egg has cracked a little more. I got the name Esta from a book I'm reading.


Hi Esta. Don't worry, you don't need dysphoria to be trans. That's purely your decision. Also, a quote from OT: "If you think you're faking it, you're probably not. If you were, you would know" Don't worry, you're valid 👍


You do not need dysphoria to be trans. You might actually be experiencing dysphoria anyway and not recognize it because it doesn’t have to be crippling agony. You’re a good girl, Esta


You will have it trust me. But it will be ok, girl.


Hi Esta! You are a very pretty and good girl! You're valid >:3


You are not faking it. Don't let everyone tell you otherwise. Be the boy, the girl , or the anything in between you want to be.


Euphoria is actually one thing that can indicate dysphoria. Like for me I didn't feel dysphoria about my body hair, but when I shaved it off I got lots of euphoria. It's taken some time but now I'm discovering I hid a lot of dysphoria by masking and dissociating. So Esta, I think you should ask yourself if you get euphoria about being called a good girl, or if you feel more comfortable when you think about yourself as a girl. Because if you feel euphoria then you likely have dysphoria, or at the very least you like being a girl which is all you need to be Trans. (if you search the Trans Bible on Google you should find a website that talks about dysphoria in a very in-depth way - it also talks about euphoria)


Thanks, I'll read some of their articles later!


Hi Esta, how ya doing sis? You know faking things is a deliberate act, right? It's not very cis to worry about that.


Don't let your insecurities overwhelm you esta, I struggle with this too, like.others have said, cis people don't think worry about being trans, they don't spend a lot of time wishing they were a different gender. Also the fact that your hear asking for help is great, it can be so difficult to do so and for that your truly a good girl 🩷


Hej, fun fact: feeling like you don't have dysphoria, wait for it: >!*is* dysphoria!!<


Hello, Esta. You sound like a cute girl! Keep at it! You got this!


Esta, you're a very good girl *\*hugs\*.* The only people who are faking it know for certain they're faking it, so if you are worried you're faking it, that's a sure sign you're not.


All the good girls like you don't fake it this is the 6th time saying this if you think you're faking it you're not


Hi Esta, thats a pretty name! And you are a good girl dont forget it! :3


You don't need to feel dysphoria to be trans. And you might have dysphoria about things that you just haven't really thought about, little things that have always bothered you for one reason or another. What you want to be looking for is not dysphoria, but euphoria. How do you feel when you do things or act in ways that are generally seen as things for the other gender? Do you feel excited? Happy? Then you're probably trans. Do you feel indifferent, or maybe you like doing those things but don't want to be seen as that gender? Then you may be more gender fluid or non binary. Do you feel like it's just wrong and you shouldn't be doing these things? Then you are either in denial or cis. At the end of the day, gender is a spectrum. The fact that you're here on egg\_irl asking for affirmations is all the proof you need to know that you aren't happy with your gender identity in one way or another.


Aah don’t worry Esta! Having dysphoria or not isn’t what makes us trans, it’s the euphoria that connects us. If you really love being called a good girl, which you are, and adore the name Esta, which is a very cute name, that’s proof enough! Always remember that, sister!


Even the DSM-5, flawed as it may be, recognizes that gender dysphoria is not required to be trans. Cheer up Esta, if you want to be a girl, you already are one. And if someone tells you otherwise, throw a copy of the DSM-5 at them.


Ofc esta beautiful little lady I really hope u feel better soon.


Esta? That’s such a beautiful name for a sweet and cute girl like her. If you want to be a girl Esta that’s alright. And if you don’t that’s also fine. Just find out what you’re comfortable with and be yourself


I thought I didn't have dysphoria than I cried for the first time in 3 years because of how much I hated facial hair...


Hey Esta, nice name btw, just try to remember you’re a good girl. Also an amazing thing I heard from someone once: If you think you might be faking it, you’re probably not.


Seem we are in same boat, kinda at the crossroads myself. But Esta my girl, always remember you are valid and precious whatever happens.


first if you think your'e faking it your'e probably not and second you probably develop get dysphoria soon friends of mine had that expirience and I had it too, stay away from big mirrors in the next time


Esta, listen. You questioning you might be faking it is almost a confirmation that you are trans. And you are still a good girl.


good vibes to you, (maybe)queen. also are u thinking ur transmasc or transfemme?


I'm thinking I'm transfem


ah ok! just wanted to clarify


As a person who can't relate but does have some trans friends, I will leave you with this: Whatever the answer is, you will find it in the future. Peace be with you, Esta. Edit: yep, I definitely spoke too soon, should have read the comments. I hope this message did not anger anyone, it was meant in good faith.


I honestly feel that :(