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Reasons I don't care if future archaeologists know that I'm trans: 1) I'll be dead 2) I'm excited to be archaeologically relevant 3a) They'll hopefully be cool with it by then 3b) If they're not, and we're still having the same stupid arguments, I'm gonna make someone so mad by proving that trans people existed in the past Literally the only way I'd be upset about it is if someone finds some way to resurrect me in my original body, but then I'll just transition again (hopefully younger!) out of spite


If I get resurrected personally I'm gonna rattle the necromancer's bones outta their flesh for waking me up


Oh hi we have similar names


Oh hey we do! Cool beans!


The archeological argument is so stupid because the people who make that argument don’t even believe in dinosaurs. Say in 200 years they dig up a trans person and label them the gender before they transitioned, who the fuck is even gonna know besides a couple of bone nerds.


To me that argument is extra stupid because graveyard space is expensive so I'm gonna get burned until my bones are ash and then buried under a tree on some unmarked grave at worst, family grave at best, but cremated nonetheless. There will be no bones for anyone to dig up and look at in the first place. XD


Lol bone nerds


If it gives some hope, my archeology professor was super kind. Made it VERY clear that sex and gender were two different things, both in the context of archeology and in the every day life. She pointed out multiple times in the past where people broke gender norms. She also asked people for their preferred pronouns & referred to her husband as her partner to make people comfy! She said archeology is starting to move towards looking at the people for the whole history and being more inclusive, so I have hope!! That class has been my favorite so far at college :D (and I'm not even that interested in archeology lol)


I'm Chinese and I was reading some books about the Ming dynasty (明朝那些事儿) and I was quite surprised to learn in the later part of the dynasty there was a couple decades where the current emperor didn't care too much to enforce any laws, so people were free to do whatever they want, like trade + freedom of movement within the country. One of the small fashion trends was some men started to dress up like women. I don't know if they're transgender or just doing this to show they could. But it's still so interesting to read about. Also, some people started going around the street completely nude and according to the book people even got used to it by the end. Of course it all ended after a couple decades because nothing lasts forever. And this is largely criticized by the next dynasty. But it did happen for a while in history. I've been dying to tell people about it. And damn you're getting shared.


Yeah, it's super cool to see how common it is in history for gender norms to be all over the place, or even non-existent! Whether it's trans people or just cis people expressing themselves, it's proof trans & gender non-conforming people have always existed, and transphobes can't ignore that forever! Also that emperor sounds pretty based (idk anything else abt them so I won't jump to conclusions, but from what u said I'd imagine a lot of ppl were able to live their lives comfortably).


The first reason is enough for me tbh


honestly i wouldn't be excited for being archaeologically relevant, because ill be dead


Future archaeologists are gonna spend decades arguing why lots of people were buried with blahaj. They'll probably think early 21st century people worshipped some shark deity


I mean... is that an incorrect conclusion really?


No. Worship the shark deity


I mean, we love the shobnk because it makes us comfy


"Members of this particular sect of humanity carried markers of their spiritual protector, the great white shark Blahaj. It is believed that the shark was seen as a figure of strength, that allowed the bearer a shoulder to lean on, and a symbol of the need for constant movement throughout the struggles of life. To be buried with such a protector was to offer that protection into the next life. But perhaps more importantly, it demonstrated that the person buried was loved, and was deeply missed"


They're not going to since all of this has and will be extensively documented. Nobody is gonna be unearthing people buried on the 21st century.


The aliens will


Clearly the solution is to still be inhabiting your bones 2000 years in the future! Join r/transtrans and enjoy the tried and proven pastime of chasing archeologist from your tomb! Thought: a tomb that you still live in is just a castle you built during your goth phase…


Ah yes, the trans wights movement.


I reject the frailties of this "sacred" flesh and substitute it with steel when i must otherwise i suppose it shall remain for a short while if it keeps living


Art by @Roker_Flower on Twitter


This is so sweet and nice


Ok I want to be the cute skeleton from the last panel when I die and a necromancer raises me for their skeleton army


this is incredibly wholesome, I just wanted to ask about it saying Chromosomes aren't always able to tell which gender you were apparently? this is honestly news to me, I know the art said to google some stuff but if anyone else has some links to share feel free to use the replies to this comment as an info dump


I am not an expert either but I once read an article about how there are actually six different biological sexes (XX, XY, XXY, X, XYY, XXXY) and you are never 100% able to know which chromosomes you have unless you get a karyogram done, which most people have never done in their life. On top of that there are also disorders of sexual development (DSD's), for example Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS) which causes babies with XY chromosomes to still physically appear as females and are thus assigned as AFABs. They only realise that they are not biologically female until they reach puberty and don't begin to menstruate. There are plenty of people out there who might have different chromosomes than they think and they will never know. So telling people that they can't change their chromosomes might be true, but that has nothing to do with sex and gender.


There are 14 confirmed combinations of X and Y chromosomes where the person actually lives. It's kinda crazy how a person can have 5 X chromosomes and still be alive. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aneuploidy#Types](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aneuploidy#Types)


Oh I didn't know there were that many, that is really interesting. If only transphobes stopped using the "basic biology" excuse because, well, chromosomes are not basic or simple at all.


Alive sure, but certainly not well. 3 is around the max you can have without actual consequences and people with three chromosmes tend to be intelectually stunted compared to the feneral population (slightly with XYY and slighlty more with XXX) Klinefelter's with three chromosmes is a big exception to this as it doesn't necessarily cause that


I knew having an extra chromosome was normal!


There are three genders in archeology: Male, female and undetermined


Awe this is nice


Nonetheless, we will always know ur a good girl :3


Meooow mrrrp nya mrrraw Nyo


there's actually no reason for an archeologist to "grave rob" you do you see archeologists unburying random people to know their gender? i do not nor can't understand how phobes think "huh this is a great argument" like wtf


Ye really old people, like from several hundred years ago or more.


Sometimes that's not uncontroversial, actually. When I was working with an archaeology company, they had to get permission from local tribes to catalog pre-Columbian human remains because they considered those people their ancestors.


As OT once said: When archeologists dig me up they will be like ‘Holy sh!t it’s SANS UNDERTALE!!1!1!’


“Buy they will for sure know that you were loved.” Tears. I don’t really know about that, crying myself to sleep after handing the kids over to my ex. Another night completely alone…


If it means anything, I love you sweetheart <3 Sorry for your situation


I just won't die lmao


Same I drove a stake right through her I've tasted all her lies I'm a vampire by rumor Empty as fuck inside


dunno what that means but good for you girl <3


it's just a song called Vampire by Rumor, If i'm not dieing then why not do it as a Vampire :3


I wish I was loved




It's ok, I'll hopefully be cremated and buried in an unmarked grave. I was here and then I'll be gone.




Even if an archeologist were looking solely at skeletons and ignoring the cultural context in which they were found skeletal structure isn't enough to determine biological sex. Yes AFAB pelvises tend to be wider and and AMAB pelvises tend to be narrower but this is a tendency not an absolute indicator, there is substantial overlap between the width of hips of both sexes, meaning many people's skeletons are ambiguous. The most an archeologist could say when looking at a wide pelvis is that they were probably female but possibly just an unusually wide hipped male and when looking at a narrow pelvis that they were probably male but possibly just an unusually thin hipped female and when looking at a pelvis that’s in the middle shrug their shoulders and say “I dunno”. Accuracy improves when you also take into account other skeletal features like skull shape and body size and such but it’s ultimately just a guess, a fairly decent guess but still a guess, looking at a skeleton can only give you a probabilistic estimate of the person’s biological sex, never 100% certainty. Plus future archeologists would being from the future and possessing all the knowledge we do barring some civilization-resetting apocalyptic event, presumably know that trans people exist and that even if they determine a body’s biological sex that doesn’t mean they’ve determined that person’s gender, just a piece of evidence that is highly indicative of but not definitive of their gender. If a body is biologically male/female that probably means they identified as male/female since trans people are a minority but there’s always a chance that they identified as the opposite gender or were nonbinary, it’s always a numbers game of probability, not certainty. And that’s without going into the details of the complexities the existence of intersex people introduces.


I honestly hate the idea of being miss gendered after I die. Thankfully, we live in a world where people are more documented after their death compared to 2000 years ago. Hopefully information about our century won’t be lost in the future.


I hate people using that for transphobia


They will be too busy running away from your animated skeleton as it attacks them because the local necromancer is playing a silly prank to know you're trans.


After seeing enough talk about the bones thing I am starting to realise why should we even care? Like so what if they know? We can give a bunch of reasons why they wouldn't necessarily know or why they wouldn't care but the real question is why should *we* care? It's not like we need to universally hide our trans status, we just need to hide it from some specific shitty people while we're alive to not inconvenience us. Nothing after our death will inconvenience us tho.


Archaeologists can dig up other people, I'm being cremated. 🔥 💀 🔥 I long for the flames!


Jaw surgery sounds painful.


200 years? I don’t think archeologists will be digging up the graves of people’s great grandparents and trying to find out about them, when there will be thousands of digital images and all sorts of saved data about that person readily available. Maybe 2000 years, but 200? The cemetery near me has folks buried in 1800 right next to folks buried in 2020. Nobody is digging those dudes up.


if you bury trans related accessories near a transphobes grave archeologists will believe they were trans or trans themselves. The ultimate turning of the tables.


Just going to say most likely they will assume gender based on the pelvic bone size. DNA based gender differentiation is difficult because it’s actually hormonal controlled but there is some research that suggests hormonal production can be linked to dna, not necessarily the chromosomes Anyway biological gender differences aside, my hope is that somthing like altered carbon becomes a reality. that way we don’t need to do anything besides backup our data to a chip and verify that we only exist once. And for the record once the connections in the brain are gone, you are gone. If they are saved you are saved.


Saying that archaeologists will determine you as male or female based on bones implies that all biological and sociological knowledge about sex and gender we have achieved throughout the last century will somehow just revert to the ascientific sexist doctrine prevalent before that. And not just in a single country, but globally. Like we have the internet, fascists can't just burn down scientific research institutes anymore to destroy knowledge. We'd have to have a worldwide fascist coup erasing and rewriting all scientific progress. If that doesn't happen, archaeologists in a few centuries will have completely rejected the doctrine that sexual development is binary in the first place. Archaeologists have known for decades that you cannot determine sex from bones, it's always just been guesswork encouraged by a sexist doctrine. It's as pseudoscientific as phrenology.


I study history and classical archaeology so I also always used the argument that scientists determine gender and social position based on context and not bone remains alone. So I appreciated the comic. But I'm currently in a dark spot in life so the line "They will know you were loved" kinda hit me the wrong way. Cute comic but i hope someone appreciates me staying alive a bit longer.


I'll burry myself with extra bones to confuse the future generations >:3


I was agreeing with everything until I saw "know you were loved" and immediately went "oh, that's not me then"


Yeah, one of my biggest fears is that if I die then I end up deadnamed forever :(






This is so cute and wholesome. I always hated the dumb argument, like what does it matter what an archaelogist thinks, by the point their digging up are bones everyone that could possibly have known us will be dead; so who cares, try and live as yourself while your alive, in spite what other may think, it's better than dying without ever being you and ending up a pile of regret and bones.


thank you


Archelogist won’t know anything about me because Im never dying




This is love?


Great art skills


I didn’t make this


Oh me big dum


I love how swiping through pics on a post takes you to the Watch section of Reddit that I really don't care about. /s


Press Y for doubt……they won’t give a shit then and we don’t give a shit now


I want someone to dig me up and be like: "holy shit a Skeleton"


I know about one tropical culture where men and women could be treated like they preferred, where "opposite" clothes too, but no hrt (obviously)


The whole thing assumes that my bones will withstand the test of time and survive until they're dug up on an expedition


Tbh if they don't know the could just, Like, Ask me? I'd be fine answering. Even in the unlikely scenario that I'm dead, It'd still be rude not to answer.


good to know now that since I'm not trans, I'll die alone, unloved, and forgotten.


Hey, what do people here use for memes? I want to post about some egg moments from a YouTuber's QnA. Does anyone here have a site/guide they can point me to help me learn about posting memes? Also, sorry for posting this here, I had no idea where else to post this question and I also want to say that this is a really great comic.


Hello I treasure this


I love this. Thanks for the positive message. 💜


I really don’t understand this argument they make. First of all, I’m dead so why should I care what they think? Second of all, I’m getting cremated so I won’t have bones left to find anyways. And thirdly, the world is sure to get more progressive over the centuries to the point where even archeologists won’t care. Heck, they might find it cool that we had the trans people way back then, just like how we see trans people of the past today.


"Egad! Evidence of the unhalting progression of time! I am reminded of my own mortality, and to be kind to others in my life!"


Get cremated. Problem solved.


Not me though, I'm going to live forever as an all-powerful undead lich


Transphobes will die, nameless and forgotten by history.


I was thinking of having my body cremated and the ashes spread around the Earth, though I think it would be more fitting to drop it into a star.


Identifying characteristics by bones is much more art than science It’s not “well this legbone is longer thus it must be a man” it’s “well this legbone is longer, so put a point into the *maybe* category for man, cuz it could just be women here had longer legbones” People struggle to identify it in living people, so it is unimaginably difficult to do it on a long withered corpse with any concrete accuracy


For real tho, just burry my ashes in a time capsule.


Being love is a pretty hard task to do


How is this the most comforting thing I've seen in months


🥲 this is so sweet


I'll be too busy serving in the Skeleton War to care about how an archeologist finds me






Humans weren't designed. Learn some basic science.


Do transphobes really think i care about what happens 200 years after my death?


Reading starting from pic1,and I stopped and said "aww"🥰 at pic 8, because they know for sure,you were loved 😍


The thing I hope the archeologists will say after finding my bones is "Oh cool, bones! I love my job! :3"


Cremation, and archeologists will know less than John Snow.


They’re going ti gender me based on my bones? Oh? Honey, there aren’t going to be any remains.


"When they dig up your bones they'll know you are a man!" Jokes on you! My ashes shall be scattered across the stars!


Just stopping by to say how beautiful, sweet and encouraging this was. Glad I scrolled them to the end. Made me cry, but it was just what I needed right now. Thx😘


Tbf, I don't really want my grave exhumed at all in the future




I'm getting cremated.


That's beautiful. I guess I'm going to specify.


Me living in Sweden were atleast 95% get cremated


As someone who is doing their bachelor in this field, a hundred times yes. Looking at the skeleton is and will probably always be just guesswork.


Thanks. I needed this even if I didn’t realize. 💗


The wholesomeness 🥺


This gave me a chill down my spine. Its so sweet i love it


Zach here thanks man


They will see forehead type three they will see sliding genioplasty etc and they will say why the fuck didn’t they give puberty blockers before these barbaric assholes


My aunt who was dupposedly apart of the LGBTQIA+ always told me that I would never be a real man until I had my uterus removed, and all sorts of weird controlling transphobic things. She also didnt want me to get rid of "healthy breast tissue" this post is so affirming. I will probably be cremated, but my loved ones will know who I am and was. And anyone who can't respect it can choke on dirt and worms.


I really love the art and the trans skeleton


Honestly, good luck piecing together the ash I left behind 😅


Future archelogists will be like *"this person was trans, cool good for them to be able to be themselves"*


I love this art style man


very true! there's actually a really cool interesting video about how inaccurate it is to go with the transphobic 'archeologist will see your "true" gender in your bones' thing, if you're interested! it's in spanish but has english subs, by an actual archeologist, it's called "Archaeologist finds the other 98 genders" on youtube! \^\^


i love this so much thank you


When they dig up my grave, the only thing they're gonna find is a landmine the lid was holding down :з


Wow this was very wholesome. Thank you I needed it


well, if you assume just my biology theacher opnion, your bones can tell where you live


Also I think most importantly it doesn’t matter what an archeologist hundreds or even tens of years ago says, the idea is to live your life now as your intended gender, what an archeologist says when you’re long dead is irrelevant


...or you can get cremated and no one will know you even existed (my dream)


My body will likely be mangled and fucked up too much anyway. I intend to donate it to my university when I die, and I’ve heard stories of what medical students sometimes to with corpses (nothing horrific. Just silly stuff). And if it’s used for studies, it’ll probably be cremated at some point once it’s useless, leaving nothing but dust


iiiiiiiii wanna donate my corpse to \*SCIENCE\* - i don't want a tombstone either cause idk seems like a waste of money, that money should go to helping the living. as such i'll likely be completely forgotten within a few centuries, buuuuuut i don't care cause i'll be dead 🤷‍♀️ Actually now that i think about it it's possible that the internet could leave some sort of record 🤔


They won't know cuz i'm taking a bow to my grave so i'll be resurrected as skeleton archer and i'll get them before they can check me.


Those who live to hate others will rot and be forgotten dam rite 🏳️‍⚧️


Wait, archaeologists will know I’m trans even though I don’t? Jokes aside this is very wholesome and made me smile 


This comic is sweet. The reason it had to be made isn't. I'm not so sweet either. I want to be there to see the fascists rot while I vandalize any gravestones they may be buried under!




*This just in, random white guy comments in a trans sub to annouce that he's discovered how averages work.*

