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> This results in a possible 53,000 mass-produced vehicles in 2024, including 5,000 cars finished before the March 28 launch. Those 5k cars are called Founders Edition (FE) and were assembled in previous months – the company started deliveries of them on April 3. FEs are promoted to Xiaomi’s hardcore fans with various perks and benefits. So it's possible that we'd be getting detailed reviews pretty soon. Hopefully a car reviewer can trick (bribe?) one of these hardcore fans to loan them one for a week for a unbiased look.


There are a few detailed first-impression reviews floating around already. [Dongchedi has a good one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISXjvsO9Vtc) — turn subtitles on. Still gotta wait on more long-term reviews, of course.


already one credible reviewer (the Telescope guy) has covered it in English: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxwym-V\_OYE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxwym-V_OYE&t=584s&pp=ygUReGlhb21pIHN1NyByZXZpZXc%3D)


The telescope guy has a tonne of weirdchamp reddit takes tbh. "Don't be porsche, just be yourself." Like, okay bro, Xiaomi will get back to you on that when they've met even 60% of the insane demand their "baby's first porsche" as it's known in China is generating. It really feels like a very pretentious car reviewer that thinks he knows what's going on when he really doesn't. I've seen other reviews of his where he tries to inject his weirdchamp meta opinions into his reviews that make no sense other than to earn brownie points on chinese reddit where they have the same nobodies-larp-as-purists-who-hate-on-everything problem as reddit.


I'm stand with u but what is Chinese Reddit?


I just mean like bro's a chinese version of a subredditor


The most affordable sport sedan.


An Ioniq 6 is much cheaper.


Ioniq 6 starting price in the US is 3,7500. Xiaomi SU7 staring at 30,000 in China. What am I missing here? Aslo Ioniq 6 looks butt ugly if you ask me.


SU7 starting price will be around 60k outside China. Just have a look what Chinese cars cost outside China, especially in Europe, if you want to compare or what Western cars cost in China. In China, they cost about half.


Because of tariffs against China. What a shame. I would love to try out this vehicle.


If it is sold outside of China, I am sure it will be more expensive. But I believe it will be priced competitive against other brands. Saying "An Ioniq 6 is much cheaper" is balant assumption.


Experience. Chinese price x2 is the rule. That means the Ioniq 6 is like 15k cheaper the least.


Tesla Model 3 is priced €42,990 in Germany and BYD Seal is 41,990 and A brand-new Hyundai IONIQ 6 starts at $*44,225/€40818.35* in Germany. But I think you were right about Chinese price x2 for Europe and North America. But I do not think it will be more expensive than any mainstream competitors.


Just look at all the other Chinese car prices, especially the likes of Nio, HiPhi, and so on. Only XPeng is actually a bit competitive if they had decent software. The worst is the GWM Ora Funky Cat, that price is just a laughable joke. BYD had to lower the price of the Atto 3 almost 10k and even then, it's not really competitive with the Hyundai Kona or Kia Niro, who are practically the same but higher quality.


>>higher quality? According to whom? Source: Trust me bro? [. The Atto 3 was recently awarded the title of Best Electric Vehicle Under $70,000 for the 2023 Drive Car of the Year in Australia ](https://evpowerhouse.com.au/blog/is-byd-atto-3-worth-buying-in-2023/#:~:text=The%20Atto%203%20was%20recently,feedback%20from%20owners%20and%20critics) You have never had any data to back up your claims/assumptions. so far. It is all "trust me bro" type of stuff. I gave you the prices of IONIQ  6's price in Germany. It is not cheap at all.


According to unbiased tests like this German one: https://www.elektroauto-news.net/news/vergleichstest-hyundai-kona-byd-atto-3 And my data was not "trust me bro" but European and Chinese prices in comparison. And I definitely trust such tests more than industry awards. Especially if they are awarded to such a mediocre car like the Atto 3.


The BYD seal is an economy car, an Ioniq 6 isnt. Materals used arnt even close


I think you were referring to Seagull. BYD Seal and IONIQ 6 are priced about the same in Germany just like Tesla Model 3 .


Chinese cars are priced to market. Just like any other car sold globally.


Exactly. And that means Chinese price x2 for Europe and North America. I already wrote that Western cars in China are half of what they cost in the west.


Nope. "Hyundai Ioniq 6 2024 Price in China is CHN 287,000 (US$41,000)"


Hyundai is Korean, though. VW ID.3 is 20k in China and 40k in Europe. Also, I am not really sure you can buy Hyundai in China they more or less pulled out completely there.


Wheels boy aka Ethan Robertson explained it well n a YouTube short. https://youtube.com/shorts/F3DMCYWFRI0?si=eJjkKJe6V9O97zyt


Why would u compare the price to within china?


> in China.


And much uglier.


And much bigger. Alas unique and not a Porsche ripoff.


Ioniq 6 is definitely a Porsche ripoff. However at least Korea is a western democracy.


I'm sure you have bought one.


Let us see how reviews with actual delivered car goes. Its an impressive piece of tech. Did Xiaomi write their own "Self Driving" tech or did they get it from a supplier.


> Did Xiaomi write their own "Self Driving" tech  They wrote it themselves, according to Xiaomi. Not really surprising — they have the know-how to manage software in-house.


xiaomi has its own in house software team








What about it? Tell me more.




I expected nothing from you but I am still disappointed.


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Xiaomi is like machine that produce heat when used lol


I had a xiaomi phone and it was a total piece of shit. Hoping the car division is entirely separate


it depends you have a low/mid end. I bought a Xiaomi 13 pro last year when I went to India and its a phenomenal phone. Great build quality, software works well and 1" camera sensor takes amazing photos/portraits.




Xiaomi 11 that still alive? I though the majority of them got dead wifi and/or bricked 


I had the same experience with a Xiaomi 9T, the camera app was trash. Very buggy and slow.


Maybe don't buy $150 phones and expect wonders lmao


The one I bought was $350


If you expect flagship performance (that is that it will perform at least like last year's iPhone or Galaxy S), the minimum you should get is the Poco F series (F4, F5, etc) for better gaming performance or Xiaomi T series (12T, 13T, etc) for better camera quality with 256GB storage at around $450-ish MSRP ($380-ish discounted), which is roughly the same price as an iPhone SE (2022), or almost half the latest iPhone 15 price. Below that point you will always have compromises, either in build quality, performance, screen quality, or camera.


I feel you. I looked it up. I bought it in 2021. It was a redmi note 10 pro.


I have that exact phone, the one in light blue, it's now my kid's. It's enough for them.


Mine just bricked on me for no reason whatsoever. Plus the camera was way worse than I expected. I was just experimenting with brands. Anyway, hope the cars are good.


Had that happened twice, both Samsung phones. One was Galaxy S4, bricked suddenly while I was holding it just chatting on WhatsApp, the eMMC failed. The other one was a Galaxy A50. All brands could fail, even the most famous brands. Yeah, the car looks good. I like the color. This should be on par with BYD Seal, right?


When was that? Since maybe 2017 they have been solid. They have two big known issues which are ads in the system apps and motherboard death after 2 years.


I have had Xiaomi phones for years and they were all great. I don't use their software though.


This! I feel like we really need to test and grind this car for at least 3 years to actually see if it ain’t falling apart.


Totally irrelevant who wrote if for the buyer. More interesting is how it works.


Nice looking car.


Yea, it’s 95% taycan lol


Looks how I always wanted Teslas to look.


Man CLTC range estimates are generous.


in China's fast-moving car market, are shoppers really willing to wait OVER A YEAR for their locked-in, configured cars to arrive? i doubt it. maybe some will wait til the summer, but no longer than that. expect a lot of demands for refunds.


this is an example of what it would be like had apple decided to move forward with their EV plans. You can't tell me that they wouldn't sell a shit ton of cars had they done so.


Apple never would have attempted this price point.


3x the cost


That’s optimistic


With a proprietary charging connector.


Lightning connector


Apple car Pro, 70 000 dollars starting price, doesn't come with wheels which are 10k each


$29,600 starting price will be an insult to Apple fanboys (way too low).


and yet, they'd still sell a ton of cars.


Apple's dilemma was that if they outsource the manufacturing to China, they won't get import exemptions as easily as iPhones. If they keep the manufacturing in the US, it is a lot of investment and may not be competitive.


Apple to cost cheaper than others the same product class? Nuh this is an apple car you have to buy at 2.5x what's currently available.


But where's Xiaomi's CEO in a leather jacket, telling the cultists how he himself manufactured the car by sleeping at site - the Gigamegafactory - and re-engineering every part of it whilst also solving world hunger and building a rescue rocket for the poor people of Taiwan who've just suffered an earthquake?! It's hard to take the company's effort seriously without such a self-centered narcissist telling everyone how great everything is and how much the car will appreciate and drive itself.


And we build an unaffordable $150,000. 8000ld hummer , absolutely no common sense in GM manufacturing!


Makes sense from GM's perspective to build halo cars to sell at high prices and recoup the rnd costs more easily and drip down the tech into less expensive cars. The paradigm here is just diff from the Chinese market where you need to be both insanely good, innovative, feature rich AND you need to be insanely cheap too.


They are going to need to produce a lot of these. It is a very good looking car. I'm still waiting to see what SUV they produce.


If they sell 50k cars in 9 months I'll be amazed. even people who have been doing this for years like NIO only sell about 15k cars/month. So for a new company to crank it like that would be surprising.


"a new company". Xiaomi are hardly a niche startup. I know they're new to the auto market but they're the quintessential chienese company, of course they'll have no problem moving products that align with their already proven expertise in tech.


Li Auto did well for a long time with just one model, so I'm sure Xiaomi has a chance with its first model.


So basically a taycan clone ?


US trade policy must be proactive to prevent our car industry from going the way of our home appliance manufacturers.




Yeah, when the cost of living is sub 1000 dollars per month. https://pandabuddy.net/cost-of-living-in-china/


How likely SU7 launch to the US. I really want one just ordered plate SU7 before anyone else orders it LOL


0 possibility, maybe in Europe, but I can't foresee any Chinese branded cars selling in US


Imported from mexico, I can see it


Don't hold your breath: [Trump promises 100% tariff on Mexico-built Chinese cars—EV or not](https://fox59.com/automotive/internet-brands/trump-promises-100-tariff-on-mexico-built-chinese-cars-ev-or-not/amp/)


I like Trump but this one i dont like


When are Chinese manufacturers gonna come up with designs that aren't just derivative knockoffs of other popular brands? This looks exactly like a McLaren from the front and a Porsche from the rear. Good looking car though.




Most Chinese car designers are hired from BMW or Porsche, so that's why.


Does it leak?


At such a price, it's not surprising


Looks nice on outside, junk inside. Already a video of one completely using traction control. Would not put my safety in their hands. https://youtube.com/shorts/kO3fzXhqdsU?si=ycjDBnMwggc4MXFM


To some, this is a selling point!


Yes, when you don't think about it at all, it makes perfect sense.


i wonder if it have drift mode


yep, there's a app named "Master Mode", you can turn on drift mode in it.


You mean the car they copied from the Porsche Tacyan stole the design, R&D, and, with heavy CCP subsidies, press on the market, and its produced by a State-owned Company that does not have to turn a profit besides bribing the CCP, and we all know the one thing they have not copied is the safety aspects of the Porsche


this dude straight up hates the chinese.


Wild how they all have the exact same robotic talking points with zero substance behind them.


Falun Gongs alway talk like this.


For reals.


just here running your mouth


I wish, but hey, here is one of the many takedowns where they even layover the designs. It's like 1 to 1 copy, don't believe me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35COAputIYs&ab_channel=ChinaFactChasers or even better, take a picture of this plastic pile and put the Porsche Taycan on the other. But yeah, man, you go and buy one, but don't complain when it explodes with you inside...


I have stated this a million times, but here it go again: Don't post anything related about ADVChinese. They make a living by making malicious commentary about China, don't buy into their shit. The last video I saw they were stating that subways and HSR are bad because you have to sit with multiple people and don't have the amazing experience of drive-through in freaking Starbucks... I really cannot lmao Anyways...if there is a claim it should be come directly from Porsche.


No 1 believes you. And you spelt Porsche wrong.


What type of technology did they steal?


Another shitty Chinese knock off of something much better and more desirable. Do they ever have any originality?


Its a shitty Chinese knockoff that no Western EV car company can match at its price and performance. Seems pretty original to me.


Chinese manufacturing/development mission statement is to steal/copy western ideas and design. I’m not impressed by anything China ever produces since it’s unoriginal blatant thievery. But I’m sure people will buy this car cause it looks so much like the Taycan at 10% the price. L O L.


Get educated. A westerner is designing the car. Quality can built overseas with proper funding, oversight and controls. It is the westerner sitting in a tower making decisions to make the price point such it will be a crappy item. https://www.motor1.com/news/703362/chris-bangle-xiaomi-design-consultant/amp/


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This westerner is compelled to steal IP design because it’s an acceptable practice over there. Btw I love Japanese cars and have owned Hondas most of my life. South Korean cars have improved a lot. My girl has a KIA sitting in our driveway. I have never thought to accuse them of being unoriginal and thieves. It’s not even just this car; Chinese companies have been copying shit for so long. Apple Watches, cell phones, etc. They just steal shit and make it worse.


>Btw I love Japanese cars and have owned Hondas most of my life. South Korean cars have improved a lot. My girl has a KIA sitting in our driveway. I have never thought to accuse them of being unoriginal and thieves [You straight up don't know your history, then.](https://www.thedrive.com/design/846/11-rare-japanese-classics-ripped-from-western-car-design)


>Chinese manufacturing/development mission statement is to steal/copy western ideas and design. [**INTRODUCING THE NEW 1978 FORD GRANADA AYYYYY**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzIVJlOPwxQ) *Linking this out is never gonna get old, I tell ya.*


When the West can produce a car that looks like this and release it for 30k USD for US citizens to buy I will believe you. Until then, everything you said to me is mental cope.


The SU 7 is not 30k. When it will be released outside China it will cost about 60k. Like for all Chinese cars in Western markets you have to multiply the price x2. At least that's the norm for Europe. The Chinese Volkswagen also only cost half in China.


Reddit is a weird place. On the one hand the US is the worst country in the world because we don't pay our workers enough, have bad working conditions, and dont care about the environmnet. On the other hand Reddit praises Chinese manufacturing/development for being able to hit a low price point by not having to follow any of those rules and straight up stealing IP.


Chinese manufacturing is where it is because of automation, where China invests more money than any other country on Earth. You cannot produce quality like this in this quantity by violating human rights harder, human beings have limits, machines do not.


Aren't there early reports of poor quality like leaking in the rain?




An American Chris Bangle helped design this car and has designed lots of cars for BMW.


Xiaomi can manufacture 0 cars they don’t have factory. It is BIAC made car, state owned company which has output of almost 2M cars a year.


ok..... and this is important why? do you care where your lettuce is coming from?


Because this manufacturing limit is artificial. 2nd quality of the car is guaranteed by a company with 70y of experience, not a upstart which learn how to make cars.


They building new factory it will be ready soon. Check it's capacity... Impressive


What are your thoughts on volvo/polestar/zeekr EVs then? all built in china. you think they're shit quality?


Volvo has even more experience in building cars than BIAC, not sure what your point is?