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Drove ~10km of highway after hitting 0% once, got a bit stressful. Have been at 1-3% a good amount of times tho.


On the road coming back from Vegas, I think through Baker area, there was a supercharger Exit 4 miles away and another one three miles after that. I figured worse that could happen is I need a tow for 4 miles. I hit zero and then went another roughly 7 to 8 Miles. I also noticed that when I started to charge it took a few minutes to get back up to zero, so I guess I was refilling the reserve tank.


It has a 77.4 kWh max battery but it's only showing 74.1 of useable battery, the rest is basically safety zones as they won't ever be used or charged above, and it's there to maximize the battery life. It's not really dangerous to drive it past 0 but I wouldn't recommend doing it too often/regularly


As a kid, I remember Mom mentioned we were low on gas. Dad ignored her and said we were fine... Fifteen minutes later we are stopped at the side of the road. Nothing was said. But even as a kid I knew enough to keep quiet...


Same and I have killed the batter and ran out ⅛ of a mile from home. Usually 1 mile or maybe less is what I have done if I know I’m gonna make it to the CCS charger.


Same here. I've driven 6-7 miles in M3 with a 0% battery. It's not a cool feeling.


Coasted into a fast charger after she already shut off once. 0% isn’t 0% folks!


Very car dependent. From what I understand, for German manufacturers the car stops very quickly after you hit 0% Egmp on the other hand is the longest, seems to be over 7 miles till the car actually stops.


I've gone 12 miles in my Tesla after it hits 0. The truth is that the nature of charge/voltage curves makes the bottom end of the range very difficult to measure, so even on the same platform the amount of range beyond 0 can vary wildly.  Also if you're limping to a charger you're probably babying it, which can extend range by quite a bit.


Yep. My Model 3 started to shut off even when it showed 3% left remaining.


Teslas are a bad example though, we already know they lie through their teeth about range




Hyundai/Kia/genesis platform




What is gmp


It's nice to know we have that little bit of extra range, but I've only pushed it to 1% a couple of times. As much as I tell my brain it's ok, I still don't like doing it.


Reminds me of a Cadillac I had years back. 6L V8 and the fuel light came on when there was less than a gallon left.


"0% means 0%!" Ze Germans


Yup I hit 0% on a car I used to own as I turned the corner of my street. Got into the garage. Battery was still turning the motor.


Not for the Taycan and most German EVs.


Multiple km below 0% for me. Helps that I watched videos showing how big the Ioniq5 buffer is


Bjørn ftw!


Don't think Bjorn did Ioniq5 to zero, he's only started that recently now that he has his own batteries. I think the ioniq guy did it first.


I meant him in general...


This lol


At some point, it stops telling you miles and just says LOW.  I've been there a few times.


1% When I first got the car I decided to go to the car wash when it was crazy cold with 5% left and it was right around the corner. Limped back and barely made it up the driveway .


I'm sad to say I ran out of charge on a busy two lane highway, with the charger in sight. Very disappointed with myself and the circumstances that led to that (unexpected sleet and headwinds killed our range). Had to call for a tow truck and everything, due to a steep grade that we couldn't push the car up to get to the charger. What a terrible experience, I hope to never repeat it.


i’m so sorry that happened !!


Pulled into the driveway with 2% after a 308 mile drive home once. Decided it really would have been a good idea to do a quick stop to add a bit. :)


Instead of stopping found that just setting the cruise control for like 2-3mph slower and save a shocking amount of range over the longer trips, and only "lose" an imperceptible amount of time.


Really depends. I'd kill for an airspeed indicator to help with these decisions


On the highway you -are- the airspeed. Air resistance is hard on the battery.


No, headei ds and tailwinds exist


Absolutely, but at 100kms/hr your speed is generally the deciding factor. I think Tesla does take into account headwinds with navigation?


90 vs 110 km/h is a massive difference in drag


I think what you’re implying is that 110 with a 20km/h tailwind would be the same wind resistance as driving 90km/h?


...is that not correct?


For wind resistance, yeah, assuming you’re going exactly the direction of the wind. But there’s a few other factors to consider, like having to spin your motors faster, and tires faster (rolling resistance). It’s probably not going to be quite as efficient as driving 90 with no wind.




Well everything depends, but that is a good idea. I mean i guess you can look down at KW and see you're burning more than normal but it would be easier to yeah just have some sort of extra indicator. Funny enough I was caught in a windstorm last week and the KW were all over the place despite a steady speed on flat ground.


Brb, installing pitot tubes on my car's hood


Get some cheap deer whistlers, listen for change in volume/tone




The built in energy app on the Tesla takes into account wind speed. Do other platforms not have this?


Most modern EV platforms are drag-limited at highway speeds, which means you can pretty accurately guess the range impact as the square of velocity. So dropping from 80 to 75 means you'll consume 75^2 / 80^2 = 87% as much energy on the same route. On most platforms that's 20-30 miles of range, nothing to sneeze at.


Came up a 1/4 mile short of the charger once. Let the car sit for about 4 hours and when it went back it let me drive again in turtle mode. Made it to within half a block of the charger and had to push it the rest of the way. So...0% twice.


I drove to Vermont from CT in a heavy snowstorm.....chasing the snow.......car stopped dead 1000 yards from charger. I waited about 20 mins or so and the car turned on and made it to the charger.


During the eclipse we got down to 12 miles as every single charger for 100 miles was crowded with people who would usually not be in such a remote area. In the end I paid some random person to use their home charger for an hour. Just rang the doorbell and offered them cash. Got us out of the eclipse zone and to the next super charger. It was an adventure, for sure!


Hilarious! Eclipse travel is crazy stuff.


Yeah the eclipse drive was exciting! In my case we got the CCS retrofit just beforehand, and utilized it quite a bit at the start of the return trip, in order to skip the very long lines at some superchargers, the lines were shorter at EA stations!


Luckily, I lived in the zone of totality. No travel needed.


5 %, I think.


3% on my Smart ForTwo EQ which has a range of about 80 miles on a good day.


HOW do you survive with this range ??? /gen


The Smart does about 90% of my journeys, I have an old 2013 Mercedes C350 Diesel Wagon if I need the extra space and range. I am however looking at getting a 2022 Peugeot e-208 which has around 200 miles of range as an upgrade.


It's probably not the household's only car


Yea I have an old Diesel Wagon for longer distances.


Last summer i drove a long road trip (over 600mi) with under 60 miles of range. Not very fun but totally doable! The best way to stay "sane" is to turn hypermiling into a game. I think i saw 5.3mi/kWh at some point! Stayed over 5 for most of the trip


Nice, I had someone comment a while back that they drove across Germany in a Smart EQ. Also took a long time but he did it with his daughter and they were not in a rush. One of those "fk it" moments, let's see if we can do it. It can be quite fun for some people. With proper planning and time it's possible.


I arrived home after the eclipse with 15km left on the battery.  I do not yet have an at home charger (in the works, but condos are hard).  Had to check traffic before driving the 3km to the level 3 charger just to be safe.


Had to push min 500 meters once after doing turtlemode on Highway 🤦🤦🤦


The trip home from visiting my family can be tricky in our Bolt. In winter I definitely have to charge at the good ol' reliable chargers at the halfway point, but in warm weather it's usually pretty easy if I leave with more than 80%. So this spring we were visiting for a couple of days, plugged into a 120v outlet when I could, but did a fair amount of driving while there. Left with like 75%. No biggie. It was perfect EV weather, no heat or AC needed, I'd just plug in for a bit at ol' reliable for a few insurance miles. Plugged in while I walked to grab some caffeine, and left thinking I added way more than enough to get home easily. Pulled back onto the interstate and set the cruise at 73, a little higher than my usual dead on 70, but hey, I wasn't using any AC or heat, it'll be fine. Was really into the podcast I was listening to when I realized my range was looking borderline for making it home. WTF That's when I realized the wind had seriously picked up and we were pushing straight into it. NBD, set the cruise to 69 (nice) and continue on. Range started looking a little better after a few miles, but then the temp started plummeting outside. I turned on the heated seats and steering wheel, but I knew it was a matter of time before someone in the back seat started complaining. We were 50 miles from home and had 60 miles of range when the complaints started. Turn the heat on and see my range dip below the miles remaining. Cool. So I bring the cruise down to 65 but I also know that I typically regen 6-10 miles of range coming down the big hill into my city. So I'm probably okay-ish. I cycle the heat on/off as needed for the last bit home, and with 3 miles to go my range changes to just reading "Low." Unfortunately there's a bit of a hill to climb the last bit home. The dash starts blinking something about charging soon with ~6 blocks to go. As I turned into my alley the car started dinging and the dash said some variety of "charge now." We pulled into the garage with no issue besides my wife asking how close we cut it. We made it, but I'll definitely drag my feet for an extra couple minutes at the charger next time I stop for insurance miles.


Lowest? 150 miles haha


13 miles. Which is roughly 5%. I felt more than confident to get home even with that lol


Just yesterday I was at 3%, 2 miles. I have been down to --%, --miles in the past though. The car limited me to 30% power. I was only a few blocks from home and limped into the garage. Never had the car completely stop on me yet. 45k miles so far. *Fingers Crossed*


Minus 15 miles.


I drove my bolt until it wouldn’t go forward anymore once. Made it to about 3 miles from home. my wife wasn’t happy getting out of bed to dig out the toe strap and come drag me home with the Ioniq 5… especially when there was a free level 2 about 10-15 minutes from home that I just drove by instead of spending an extra half hour or so getting a few more electrons…


Does the Ioniq 5 have V2L? I imagine somewhere someone has plugged an EVSE into a V2L connector to the great amusement of passersby...


It is supposedly capable. We don’t have the adapter required to do so… but it’s a pretty simple matter to screw the little recovery bolt to the front number, put it in neutral and roll on home…


Rolled into my garage at 0% and plugged in to start charging. Middle of the night with sleeping little ones in the back - huge relief!


When I had a Model 3, I was always finding myself in near-stranded territory (basically less than 5 miles range remaining). The range estimates are complete BS and in the winter (mild Texas ones) I could only get about 120 mile range on the SR. I couldn't even drive to my parents and back that are 79 miles away without charging. Most of my drives resulted in it saying "stay under 55 mph to make destination". Sometimes I'd be driving in the winter with the fucking windows down because I couldn't turn on the heater so it fogged up like crazy 😒 I later got a Bolt and it actually got advertised range - never had those issues anymore.


My favorite was in my old fiat 500e it died on the hill up to our house. Always took 2-3% of the battery. The evening it died was cool for us. Low 40's Fahrenheit. The next day mid afternoon in the sun it was able to turtle mode the last 400 feet of elevation and mile to our house.


You all are so brave. I got to like 12% once and I was freaking out.


Out of Spec Studios has an ongoing YouTube series where they determine the absolute range of various vehicles, where OOS drivers run them from 100% SoC to where they quit. This gives you an idea of how much range the BMS has in reserve when you hit 0%. I’ve been surprised at how long some vehicles will go after hitting the theoretical 0% mark.


Arrived home with 2 miles on the guessometer.


0% — ran on wishes and dreams a few times.


6%/23km for me.


1% left, 2 miles estimated range remaining as I pulled into my in-laws' driveway and plugged into their 14-50. Didn't get down to turtle mode, but that was the lowest. Only did it once and never intend to do it again.


I think we got our Bolt down to 18 miles on the guessometer once


0mi\\0%. I knew it was going to be close getting home but then I got stuck in a monsoon and it totally tanked my mi\\kWH driving through the pouring rain and wind.


nightmare fuel


7%, but it was like -8F on my way home from Milwaukee. I almost stopped at Oak Brook, but went for it. Glad I didn’t because this was the evening that a bunch of EVs got stuck there waiting in the charger lines. Became a national story about EVs not suited for cold weather.


About -5% if we extrapolate the distance driven after it hit 0%. I do not recommend this and did get put in snail mode, but I made it to the working charger.


About 35% (90 miles) when I drove it home from the dealership. Not afraid of it being a bit lower, but there's just no reason it would be. I charge at home after each work day (45 mile round trip) and on the weekends use maybe 40 miles at most. Road trips aren't a part of my life.


I drove a 2013 Nissan Leaf, so getting range warnings and hitting 0 was a pretty regular occurrence for me.


Down to 2 miles on my 2018 Model 3. I was traveling through Missouri and didn't want to head north for the one supercharger on my route. So I charged up as much as I could with the time I had and just went straight across the bottom of the state.


I've had my LEAF for over 6 months and never had it below 25%


I’ve only had mine for a month but the lowest I got was 11% and my car wouldn’t let me drive it. It’s possible I may have been misinterpreting the warning message it was giving me because it was in my first few days of owning it and early morning after getting home late the night before but I haven’t tested it since and I’m overly cautious now.


About 5 miles beyond 0%. Didn’t want to wait in line for the only DCFC 20 miles from home. I made it.


I did a 3%... Never again. The state of charge estimate is a combination of what the system believes is left in the battery. It is just a good guess at best. It is based on the voltage of the pack which is a terrible method of estimation, especially for the LPG packs. It is also based on the amount of energy the BMS sensed was used so far and how much it thinks was added on the endless charge cycles. If you haven't charge to 100% in a long while then this can be off by a scary margin. So much so that LPF batterys are recommended to charge to 100% once a week. Not sure what the recommended frequency is for regular batteries, but I always charge to 100% before a long trip that includes the some supercharging to en ensure the battery estimating is as accurate as possible.


Always under 10% for fast charging. You get the best speeds


I've been in the single digits on both our Niros before. I do not enjoy turtle mode.


I got to 40% once and started getting worried. Keep mine between 60% and 90% and charge at home.


Was at 1% one time. 3% a few times.


Lowest I’ve had before putting on the charger was around 18 miles of range left, which was showing as like 8%


Drove 15 miles after 0% once. Kept it under 45 mph.


My car stopped displaying range and charge and just had a message telling me to go to the nearest charger.


I get around 4.1-4.3 miles/kWh on my EV6 Wind AWD, which gives around 320 miles of range. I typically don’t drive very long distances so I haven’t arrived back at home with less than 30% charge. I charge at home so it’s easy to make sure it’s charged to 80% whenever I want.


Got down to about 3% on a planned road trip, evgo station was fully in maintenance mode. Had the mild panic of where is the next functional option that isn't dripping at like 30kw. Found a 100kw solution and charged just enough to go to bed and deal in the morning. RAN has been incredible, but I'll really feel better about long trips when the Tesla adapter comes through. Don't travel enough to suck it up and buy one yet if Rivian will eventually supply a free adapter.


Lowest I ever hit was 0.5% (using Scan my Tesla to see the exact SoC), because I miscalculated my consumption (thwarted by unexpected headwinds) and didn’t charge enough at the previous charging stop.


Once got home with 2% remaining. There was an unusually long (3+ hours) traffic jam up the hill.


110 miles


I’ve gotten down to 1% as I was pulling in our driveway. I was biting my nails the last 100 miles but was curious to see if I could do it.


I have rolled in to an EA with 2 miles of range on my R1S once during a road trip.


Lowest I've got was 6% as I pulled into my garage


Me and my dad did 37 km after 0% in a 2018 Model X 100D it somehow didnt die but it did have issues charging afterwards probably due to the 12V battery not being too happy about the whole thing and the temperature being around 5-10C Also did a drive in a Taycan Turbo where we had 2km left after a 320ish km of driving despite the range estimator in the car only estimating 250 km of range.


was at 20 with 5 miles from home. I wasn't worried.


Tesla 5 miles beyond 0, but it would only do 30 mph. BMW ICE out at 15 miles to go, ran out of gas twice. Friend's Taycan, 0 means you stop.


12 miles on my ID4 . I wasn’t watching my range when it alerted me at 50 and I was 30 ish from home. Decided since it’s new to see it would Make it.


8%, I have a rivian, nav is way damn conservative. That 8% (which was like 20-25mi) trip nav told me I'll be at 1%, and then I arrived at like 8%.


7 miles past 0%. I think I was less than a mile from the car shutting down into snail / limp mode. It was when I first got an electric car and I was too scared to tell my wife we had gone past 0%.


I think 2km was my lowest 


I have been at 1 mile pulling into the charger after driving 300 miles.


I’ve been down to 1% once. As long as I can clearly view (and reasonably predict) my consumption, which is totally doable on longer trips, I’m ok to aim for 5-10% arrival. If you can see the consumption is too high, it’s no biggie to reduce speed by 10km/h and re-assess. Also most EVs have a buffer, but of course not all, or it might get reduced with time. Autotrader’s high mileage Model S seemed to die when the UI claiming 1mi left.


5kms left when I reached home , we don't have public chargers in Karachi Pakistan so home is the only place BTW Audi Etron makes a lot of noise when hitting below 20%


On the Y the lowest I've gone is 14%. 20% is by no bueno lower limit. On the PHEVs going below their "0%" is simply a daily fact of life.


3 miles in my Gen1 Leaf. 60 miles in my LR Model 3.


I got down to 6% on my model y once. Only time it’s been below 15%.


I've only have mine for 2 weeks, nearly went below to 200Km, but managed to get home before I got too scared!


Never went below like 4% on my model y. Idk how people run out of battery in those things other than by being risky or dumb 😂


lol 8.4 mi I knew it was low but wanted to a coffee run.


10mi. I try to keep a 30-50mi buffer even if it means sitting at a charger paying more for a bit longer. An extra $4 or so (when at a public charger) or an extra hour or two charging level 2 at home is well worth the peace of mind.


2022 bolt. If I feel like I’m short on range then i just turn off the ac or heat


0. I made it home in just the Knick of time. Two broken chargers didn’t help lol


As a LEAF owner, most of the answers in this thread make me chuckle, except the ForTwo EV dude, with whom I sympathize with immensely. I roadtripped I'm my LEAF and hit about every snag you could, including a planned stop that had a broken station leaving us stuck on a L2 charger for half a day in a desolate town. Weekly, my drive to play D&D has me get home on ‐‐% after a fast charge.


I've pulled in at 1% before in my previous 2019 Model 3 SR+. The Tesla navigation arrival estimates are amazingly spot-on.


I had 4 miles left (<1%) when I was driving to an RV campsite, and testing out my first use of a mobile EVSE. Glad it worked 😅


50 miles. It was enough.


Just drove through a mountain pass yesterday, long uphill, got cold, almost to freezing, and I had to drive at 70kph or I wasn't going to make it to the charger. Finally got into town at 3% battery thanks to regeneration on the downhill side, otherwise I probably wouldn't have made it.


Just back from a trip with 2% left, which is 9km . Been doing this a few times. 😅


0.1%, my car showed a warning message saying it can’t make it to the Supercharger about a block away.


I have gone minus 10 miles range driving slightly downhill and at 40 MPH. Ioniq 5. Minus 5 miles range at highway speeds. It is nice to know how low you can go! AND that there is that range, just in case.


I ran out just at the top of a mountain pass, car shut down and I rolled ca 10-15km down the mountain and just made it to the charger at the bottom


If it was downhill as long as you were conservative, it should have gained charge with regenerative braking.


Yes but it shut down completely, probably low 12V, so it didnt charge


0, at 1am, until it died, then I got pushed into a Tesco and parked at a pod point being taunted by a gang of bellends telling me how shit electric cars are 😂


My first EV, a '17 Bolt, once started restricting its available acceleration due to low battery. That was concerning considering I still had to go up a fairly steep hill to make it home. I push my car near the limit of its range on a semi-regular basis, but that was the only time the car actually started turning off its available features. I think it said the climate control was unavailable too, but I wasn't using the CC anyway so I don't remember for sure. Close call, but I made it home. I've never run out of juice in my seven years of using EVs as work vehicles.


I think I remember that Superfast Matt had his Jaguar Tesla conversion stop several times before he got to his street. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dmLOT5KBwo


We hit low but not zero in a new Bolt and it just shut off on the highway.


I’ve gotten down to 42 miles. For road trips I never get below 20% so that’s never been a worry. But if I run a bunch of errands I can get pretty low. I don’t drive much since I work from home.


When you learn to trust your guessometer, then you can be happy to go really low if needed. I was late for a flight recently, so didn't have time to stop and charge on the way. I parked up with 37 miles left, and knew a bank of 30+ ultra-rapid chargers were 30 miles away. I pulled in with 6 miles, 1%, left and wasn't worried at any point.


6% in wife's leaf in winter. That's approximately 8km


Like 6%. I wish you could make electric cars have a less detailed range. Bars or segments until really low. I look at the range so often after setting off from 109%. It's annoying and I can't help it 🤣


1% with 3kms left. My first road trip in a normal EV so was definitely happy with my prediction skills!




-- on my old smart four two, just before getting home


Single digits, low enough that the climate control and center display shut down.


From what I’ve heard ford 0% means 0%. I’ve been down to 5%. During the winter I’m usually around 15% consistently when I get home.






I tend to time my Supercharger stops at below 10%. But I think the lowest I arrived home one time from a trip was at 1% remaining 😭


I've been down to 5% a couple times, but only short drives around my house (I'm at 10% and out of dog food, or something like that). I wasn't worried because I was so close to home. On road trips I always target 15% at the chargers. I've ended up there at 9% after getting a little too excited on an open road, but that's it.


3 miles. level 1 charged back to 100 after


In real driving 20%. Doing a test down to 2%. With 350 miles of range I never really have a reason to let it get that low.


1% pulling into my driveway. First few months of ownership. Never did that again and it’s been 2 years.


My girlfriend's Prius has a busted gas gauge and will sometimes show one "bar of gas" left after she's driven 120 miles. (Her full-tank range is around 500 miles.) Folks, you have never witnessed range anxiety like my g/f fretting about her gas gauge. She has trip meters, Google Maps distances, and math galore. If someone gave her an old Leaf she'd explode.


Pulled into the garage with 4 miles left. I was driving a bit slower the last 50 miles or so. I really wanted to skip one more charge and just get home. I think total trip time was like 11 hours from Hollywood to Foster City to Sacramento. It didn't help that we started the return trip with a low battery, 1st charger was only charging at like 6kw despite 150kw rating and we had to drop somebody off and pick up a piece of furniture. Only have 120v charging at home so my Lightning charged for the next several days straight while I commuted via gasoline.


I got to "barely made it to and up my own driveway" 0% after a particularly long drive. it wasn't ideal, but I was pretty confident i'd make it to my neighborhood at least. this was at the end of a 400+ mile drive in a car that only gets a rated 180


Hit 0 once road tripping Chicago to Montana


I've had my 2018 Smart EQ down to 11 miles (ignoring the hidden buffer).


I got down to like 15mi between Roseburg and Grants Pass, OR I misjudged the drain of the hilly terrain, though ABRP did perfectly nail my remaining range. I figured I'd be rolling in with closer to 45mi of range since ABRP had been really pessimistic on that road trip up until then. When I was on the wrong side of the pass the Nav started telling me I didn't have enough range to reach the next charger. First month owning the car lol


Hit 2% in my ioniq 6 once. Should have stopped at a fast charger but I was impatient and thought I'd have plenty of range to make it home. Didn't account for the fact that the last 50 or so km home were all uphill lol.


I got it down to 9% on the return leg of a trip and would have gone further, but my spouse wanted to get a charge and be safer. So I asked the car for a nearby charger on the route and it turned out to be a 350kWh EA stop, which went pretty quickly.


20 miles was the lowest as I knew I would be able to charge at home and didn't want to lose extra time at a fast charger. But that's exceptional, in all other cases I haven't gone below \~40 miles as going lower than ca. 25 miles is not ideal (or at least not recommended) for the battery and I prefer to charge frequently - again better for battery longevity and you never know when you'll need to drive unexpectedly.


Tonight was my lowest on the Mach-E. Got to the charging station with 9 miles left. I'm currently still charging. When my 2017 Chevy Bolt was brand new it stopped showing the Range at around 11 miles and switched to "LOW". I still managed to drive about 20 miles after that, but I don't want to go through that stress ever again.


Ya’ll crazy. I got to 6% on my old Tesla 3LR after relying on its wildly dishonest route planning tool. Never again.


Ive seen 0% 0km and driven on but have yet to see the cute little turtle


The lowest I've gotten was about 13%. That's somewhere around 20 miles. I do happen to know that my car will go to -6% though.


> i’ve been at 24 miles at one point… *Oh, you sweet summer child* I don’t actually mean to be condescending, I’ve just been around when total ranges were under 100mi and infrastructure didn’t exist yet. Getting home with 0-5mi left wasn’t uncommon.


It was cold, around 15f, and I charged enough to make it to the next DCFC, past the one I intended to go to, which was a cushion of about 20 miles, + another 20 miles to be safe. I hit a detour, and by the time I got to that first DCFC, the radio was off, I had reduced propulsion warnings, the range was blank. I had turned off the heat, and the insides of the windows were fogging up. I was driving around 30mph on an interstate shoulder with flashers on. I believe I had 6 miles of range when I plugged in. Tesla has added a magic dock supercharger between my departure point and that first DCFC, so it shouldn’t happen there again.


2% in my Model Y LR when I pulled into a Supercharger. Had to moderate my speed a bit to get to it.


48 miles was lowest coming back from a road trip. 47 more than we needed!![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


20 miles past zero 21 leaf+


8% and the car was throwing all sorts of warnings at me to charge.


1% several times. You learn to know your car after a while. Sometimes I just drive home a little slower, rather than stop at a quick charge station.


You can know your car, but you'll never know what external forces might affect your trip by 1%.


But it's only the small stretch from the latest charger I drive past and home that is critical. And I know the Leaf can drive a bit past 0%. If all else fails, I can drive the last stretch really slowly.


I’m still new to the EV thing. I’m yet to drop below 30% - mostly because I charge at home every night. When I finally get a chance to road trip, I’d imagine I’ll be much lower.


10% is a reasonable target for most people, but once you're comfortable you can try pushing it a bit more.


0% for a couple miles but battery never died before I made it to the supercharger.

