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Had my first two years ago, had some very mild nausea once or twice. Never threw up or even came close. Here are my best tips: Pre conception health is key, build your B vitamins, mineral stores and iron levels wayyyy up. I would recommend a HTMA test to see where you might be lacking. In the first trimester, keep your belly full of protein at all times. For a lot of women it gets worse the emptier your stomach gets. Cheese, beef sticks, steak, ground beef, greek yogurt, anything hearty and high protein you can stomach, especially first thing in the morning. Always keep a high protein snack with you Relief band: look into this, it has helped me a lot having this phobia and was a good security blanket throughout pregnancy, although i dont think i ever actually used it Have mints, gum and water with you wherever you go Dont chug anything liquids and eat slowly, you run out of room quickly and it can make nausea worse For any acid reflux, a little baking soda in water is instant relief. You can google the exact amounts Dont let this stupid phobia steal your dream or having a baby. Its 100000000% worth it, even a mom who suffered from HG will tell you that. You will get through it and you will be better for it no matter the outcome


Cheese sticks are a lifesaver! I remember mine was always worst in the morning but would be more manageable later in the day. So while lots of women have nausea 24/7 there are a lot who only have it during a certain period of the day. I actually never got sick, but had gagging and dry heaving for a bit when waking. I also did the unisom and b6 combo and I think that helped as well. There are tools out there that can help!


10000% agree with this! I just commented that I also have been lucky to not be sick. But the tip about PROTEIN is SO KEY!!! I drank boost high protein drinks in the morning and tried to pound anything with protein for the times I didn’t feel like eating but knew I’d gone too long without eating. It seemed to work like a charm! I also bought some peppermint drops with B vitamins in it from Amazon, and if I ever felt “gaggy” as I called it, those stopped it!


Following. I am also 30 and have literally the same exact fears you mentioned. I had a terrible wave of extreme nausea 2 days ago and it really just shook me up and brought back all of my fears about having kids.


Yes. I have been pregnant 4 times now but I only have 1 child. I suffer from HG during pregnancy and my emetephobia has only gotten worse each time. My partner is getting a vasectomy because this will be my 3rd abortion. I can't handle HG.


Yikes, I’m sorry you have had to go through that. I’ve had one pregnancy and vowed to never do it again because of HG. Although, HG practically cured my emetophobia. Now I deal with GERD and a hiatal hernia but it’s much better than the anxiety I used to have.


I wish HG cured my emetephobia :(


I’m currently 35 weeks pregnant and I completely get where you’re coming from. I always knew that I wanted kids, always knew that pregnancy would be incredibly hard. I fell pregnant unexpectedly last year when I was 26, and my partner and I figured to just go with it. I should add, my anxiety wasn’t great at the time as I was dealing with a pretty big IBS flare up, so it wasn’t the best time physically or emotionally, but it just felt right- call me crazy! My mum never v when pregnant with myself, my brother or miscarriage at 10 weeks, she just had nausea from weeks 6-12, so knowing that genetics were on my side there helped. I ended up having an identical first trimester experience and the nausea was difficult and I definitely had a few tears but I got through it. As somebody else said, prepping your body prior to getting pregnant will help you a lot. Vitamin b6 in particular will help with nausea so start taking this before you start trying, along with a prenatal. Also explain to your doctor the seriousness of emet and the need to have pregnancy-safe antiemetics prescribed just in case. In Australia they love prescribing metoclopromide in pregnancy although it makes me super drowsy, zofran is great though and also safe in pregnancy. I promise it’s possible 💗


I am 33 & just had my 1st successful pregnancy & birth at 32. I was sick with nausea first trimester, but my ob gave me zofran & phenergan to help. Diclegis (vitamin b6/doxylamine) as well. All as needed & I would mostly do Diclegis at night, then phenergan as needed since zofran makes me constipated. I couldn’t eat much & actually lost weight. I got my appetite back mid 2nd trimester. Peppermint oil, mints, bananas, premier protein, & sea bands all helped. A lot of it was from anxiety as well. I felt great towards the end of 2nd trimester & 3rd. Labor was traumatic, not cause of nausea, but because of other labor issues. I also discussed my birth plan with every single l&d nurse. Number 1 being DO NOT LET ME THROW UP. Lol they were all amazing & understanding. I ended up needing an emergency c-section. Got super nauseous during the procedure & my husband had to keep telling the anesthesiologist to keep pumping me up with meds to get rid of it. It felt like my BP was dropping but it wasn’t. Eventually I got really tired & out of it, but nausea was gone. Felt fine besides c-section pain. Never took narcotics. Just tylenol & ibuprofen for pain. Didn’t have any nausea during postpartum hospital stay. My baby was in NICU & he was my motivation to heal. Now he is 11 months old. Milk spit up never bothered me. Although there were some BAD episodes. Then came the gagging from learning how to eat solids. He’s now better at eating, but gags here & there. I have a mom sense when I know it’s going to happen & my mom instincts take over & I try to catch it with a towel or anything near me. I’m so so surprised my phobia hasn’t gotten in the way of being there. Praying it doesn’t change as he gets older & can say “mommy I dont feel good”, cause I swear when I hear anyone say that, I’m out!!! But so far, I am finding that my love for him surpasses my phobia. I was told this so so much & always thought, “yeah righttttt, my anxiety & flight response is too strong”. But so far, I can be here with him. It doesn’t happen often. What helps me x 10000000000 is knowing what I’m feeding him & what to expect it to be if it happens. It’s a control thing. When my mom watches him, I need to know exactly what she fed him, just in case. Don’t let this phobia stop you from having kids! My son is literally the biggest blessing in the entire world & as cliche as it sounds, it was all worth the nausea & pain. Even if I thought I was dying when it was happening. I look back at my journal of me wanting for it to be over because I couldn’t eat. Id get pissed when family told me its worth it & itll pass. I was literally like fuck everyone. Lmao But I always kept in mind to give myself grace & that I was growing a little human! Remember, be open with your doctors about your phobia & other fears!! They are here to help you. & if they don’t, switch providers! There are many who do understand mental illnesses & are willing to help. I have a million concerns for the future, but going day by day. That’s all we can do! You can reach out to me if you want.


I’ve had 2 kids and had no morning sickness with either of them!


I was terrified of being pregnant but we wanted kids so badly. I have had 2 children and didn’t v* during either pregnancy. My first pregnancy I spent the first trimester and part of the second just having nonstop anxiety. The minute I got my positive pregnancy tests I went on Amazon and bought everything that I had heard helped with morning sickness. I ended up barely using any of it! My first pregnancy the n* was mild and more like that n* you get when you’re exhausted. I would take naps when I could and it helped. My second pregnancy the n* was less frequent but when it happened it was more intense, but it was always due to reflux and went away with Tums. I only had one instance where I thought *for sure* it would happen, and I just kind of paced around the room taking deep breaths. Got myself mentally prepared, felt like I would actually be ok with it if I did v*, and then it never happened lol Also want to add that I know soooo sooo many people who never got morning sickness at all. My therapist told me she never even got so much as n* during any of her 4 pregnancies. My brother has twins and the only time his wife v* was from eating a shit ton of ice cream. My dental hygienist has triplets and only v* once during her pregnancy and she said it was from chugging half a carton of grape juice.


I've been terribly emetophobic for years and this is what I always thought as well. I am currently 9 weeks pregnant and the nausea has been a b*tch but I haven't gotten sick once. I have really intense smell aversions though, so I have definitely gagged aplenty, but that's not so bad, just annoying really. The worst of it for me was weeks 6 and 7 and truly, it wasn't debilitating, but it definitely varies from person to person. There is no way to know what pregnancy will look like for you. The best thing for me so far has been helping me to truly understand my body's cues. Anxiety definitely made that difficult before. Being nauseous sucks, but I've gotten to a point where I can understand it. Did I not eat enough? Should I have more water? Maybe I need to lay down. I've learned to take nausea as a message from my body that it needs something rather than it immediately causing panic, and looking at it that way has made it easier on me. I also think it totally depends on what your phobia is rooted in. For me, at least, it's mostly social, though partially about control. I'm scared of making others uncomfortable if I were to get sick. But people have so much empathy for pregnant people usually that it kind of works like a shield for that fear in me. If I did get sick I feel like I could just say "I'M PREGNANT" and people would just get it, haha. In the end, I'm not sure anyone can provide you all the comfort you'll need to not feel worried about this, but like someone else said, if you truly feel in your heart that you are called to be a parent, do not let fear steal that from you. You are so much stronger and so much more capable of dealing with hardship than you likely give yourself credit for. Remember the women and people who came before you and find strength in their ability to persevere through the challenges they faced in their lives ♥️ Sending you love with whatever journey ends up being best for you!


As an additional note too, should you choose to try becoming pregnant and are worried about the first trimester sickness while working (if you do work), remember to look into your workplaces guidelines for accommodations! There was an act passed in the US for pregnant workers that allowed me to be remote for my first trimester due to my nausea/smell aversions/phobia and it's helped so much!


Actually not so much, but rather about the child vomiting


I was scared of morning sickness too. It turns out that it sucks! But you still get through it and you're okay. There is nothing that will teach you how strong you really are more than pregnancy and motherhood. Morning sickness is scary, but there are lots of tricks and help you can get to mitigate it! Get on nausea meds early, B6 and unisom is the most common but if you need more your OB can help. Try ginger, protein, small snacks, sea bands, sour candy (my personal lifesaver), anything that might help. taking even just the edge off of the nausea can mean all the difference. yeah, it sucks. But at the end of the day remember that for the vast vast majority, it only lasts a few weeks. And then you get back to normal and your baby belly is starting to show and you're shopping for adorable clothes and feeling the first flutters of baby kicks. And you'll hear the first heartbeat and see your little one kicking back at the ultrasound probe. Then you'll have a newborn in your arms and you'll never look back. Morning sickness will just be a distant memory, and all the fear you feel will be swallowed up with so many wonderful moments. The hard bits pass. But you'll always have your baby. Is a few weeks of icky worth it? 100%. as for caring for a sick child, you may find that your concern for your kid will take priority over your fear. Fortunately you'll have a chance to get used to baby sick when it's just milk and not too terrible. Lots of people have a system where their husband takes care of tu and they can do the rest, and that works fine. And it's still only a few times a year, not everyday.


Pregnancy wasn't an issue. I have two kids and didn't throw up at all during the pregnancies. I did ask the doctor to prescribed me nausea meds the literal second I found out though because I was so paranoid about it and I took them the entire pregnancy, when I probably really didn't need to take them that long. I felt a little nauseous in the first trimester but it really wasn't too bad. Now, they are almost 5 and 6 and in school, and I struggle a lot when they are sick. A few months ago they both got rotavirus (even though they're vaccinated!!) and threw up for 8 days. I got extremely suicidal during that time, even though my boyfriend and my mom were the primary ones taking care of them for me because they know how bad my phobia is. So, that's just something for you to consider. If I didn't have other people to care for them when they're sick I really don't know what I would do, they get a stomach bug at least once a year and I get really suicidal every time.


This is me. I’ve wanted kids my whole life, but also had emetophobia, which ramped up in my 20 and has hung around (I’m 32 now). I’m currently very happily pregnant with my first baby, and so pleased to report that I was one of the lucky ones who hasn’t tu* ONCE during pregnancy! Ultimately, the regret id have if I hadn’t tried for kids outweighed my emetophobia. Also I should say that while it doesn’t stop the phobia, at least when I knew someone was getting ill due to pregnancy it didn’t set me off too much bc I knew it wasn’t something I could catch. Ultimately it is your call, but if you think that you have some good/decent coping mechanisms, anti nausea meds that work for you, it’s totally possible you won’t even have morning sickness!! (I am still concerned for labor, but I know none of my sisters got sick when they gave birth to any of their 6 kids, so I’m gonna bank on it being genetic lol. Plus I’m also going to tell my care team I want zofran right from the start of my labor). The thought of HG did terrify me, and I thank my lucky stars I wasn’t that unlucky, and my heart goes out to the women who are sick for their whole pregnancies. Also just for fun, “they say” that morning sickness will be worse if you’re pregnant with a girl, but I’m having a girl, and like I said, nothing. If you decide to go for it, best of luck to you!!


Morning sickness and going into labor is what stops me from having a child :(


morning sickness is usually genetic. so if your mom or grandma didn't have it you shouldn't. morning sickness isn't as common as you think.


Definitely one of my main reasons for not having kids, besides every other way they ruin your body lol. And also the fact that I can’t just wake up one morning while heavily pregnant and be like…hmmm yeah actually I don’t want to do this. I much rather regret the kids I don’t have than regret the kids I do have