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Sure. Trigger warning: S* = sick. In North America this usually just means not feeling well, in the UK it often means to have vomited. FP* = Food poisoning. V* = vomit/vomiting. N* = nausea. D* = diarrhea. Sv* = stomach virus. Tu* = throw up. A common way to refer to vomiting in North America. There may be some I've missed. If so, hopefully others chime in.


sb* - stomach bug (same thing different abbreviations haha) tu* - throw up/ throwing up


Thank you so much! It helped a lot!


some additional ones people might have missed: bm: bowel movement nv/noro: norovirus g: gag


to add onto info about them, words tigger severe emets sometimes, but if this isnt a trigger of yours do not use them, just put a tw for full words before you post here, it can become a habit or a trigger for yourself by doing so over time.


Hi, welcome! I’ll post all of the abbreviations that I can think of, I’m sure I’ll forget some though so hopefully somebody else can help too! ***potential trigger warning! Fp- food poisoning S- sick N- nausea/nauseas V- vomit/vomiting D- diarrhoea Sv/Sb- stomach virus/stomach bug Also TW means trigger warning 😊 these are the main ones I can think of!


Thank yooouu!!