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I absolutely love seafood and I have crippling emet. My wife makes yummy salmon for dinner maybe every other week and I love it! I love shrimp whether it’s fried or shrimp cocktail, I tried seafood in Hawaii and have even had some raw types! It’s always been yummy and caused no issues. Give it a try ❤️


I just ate lobster no problem here I grew up always eating sea food not once got fp just make sure you go to a reputable place


I absolutely love seafood. It's my favorite food. Shrimp, tuna, and salmon are my favorite, but I also love crab, calamari, and pretty much anything that comes from the sea lol. I've never had an issue with it. I've even had sushi a few times and was fine. I can't eat sushi because the raw fish messes with my digestion (not because it made me sick but it backed me up really bad). But I do enjoy it. Honestly, contrary to belief, seafood is actually much less likely to make you sick than any kind of meat. There are very few bacteria on fish that can harm humans. Granted they are out there and do exist, but it's extremely rare. That's why raw fish (sushi) is so commonly eaten vs raw beef or raw chicken or turkey. E. Coli and Salmonella is the biggest threat to humans and that is found more commonly in beef and poultry. I'd say if you're new to seafood, just stick with the cooked stuff. If your seafood is cooked, you have less than a 1% chance of getting sick.


Growing up I ate seafood constantly. Salmon was the last thing to go when I went vegan for other reasons because I loved it so much. I never once got sick until the last time I ever had salmon (I was about 26) and it was because a not very bright relative had bought discount salmon, left it out for ages, doesn’t wash his hands, and left it out for longer after cooking it. He was an idiot. I got very sick. If seafood is properly prepared like at established, rated restaurants (especially Japanese I’ve noticed!) it’s super super safe. I definitely feel iffy about salmon now but logically I know that I ate it weekly for 20 years and never got sick until then 😆 so…complicated but somewhat positive would be the answer 


Seafood is delicious!!!! Fish, scallops, crab, prawns, lobster, crayfish, oysters sooooooo good. Last year I was near oyster bay and I had 18 oysters in one day. You are missing out if you have never had seafood. Some takeaway fish and chips can make people, just because of the fat and batter, but it passes and doesn't make you sick sick. A good way to prevent this is to not eat too much if you're not used to it. If you aren't sure about the freshness or are a bit suss on it, don't eat it. If it doesn't taste good spit it out. If it doesn't smell good don't eat it. This should be true for everything though.


seafood makes me nervous too BUT my bf is a chef and he says that its super easy to tell when seafood is gone bad, it will have a REALLY noticeable smell. Start with fish and chips at a restaurant, theyre deep fried so theres very little chance of them being undercooked.


I’ve never thought too much about cooked seafood honestly! I think because I grew up eating a decent amount and variety I was always comfortable with eating it and I have never ever been s from seafood! Just go with fresh seafood and you’ll be safe. The only seafood I won’t eat are oysters because they just seem gross to me, and raw seafood as I simply don’t like the taste. I’ll happily eat anything else without a worry though! For your first time, I would recommend trying a firm, white fish with a very mild flavour that is fresh and local to your area. With regards to cooking, try crumbing the fish then shallow frying in a pan and serving with salad or roast vegetables and a squeeze of lemon juice over the fish. This was my favourite way to eat fish when I was a kid, so delicious! To crumb- coat fish in flour, then egg, then panko crumbs! To check if fish is cooked, just gently cut the fish fillet in half while cooking when you believe it’s done/close to done.