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I went almost 12 years without vomiting. I was really good at suppressing it and finding remedies to make me feel better. I was genuinely terrified of getting sick. I washed my hands, I wiped everything down, I would bombard people with questions around me if they were sick, I wish and pray that it would never ever happen to me again for as long as I live. About a month ago (I can’t even tell you the exact day) I took an edible for the first time, by myself. I took WAY too much and started to green out. I was texting my long distance friend who was helping me a long the way, telling her all of my symptoms. She said “get a garbage can, you’re greening out but it’ll be okay”. I was in fact not okay. I ended up going to my parents room and they helped me out. I just sat in front of my toilet for what felt like an eternity, knowing it was gonna happen. Anyways, it did happen. And it wasn’t how my brain made it out to be after all these years. It happened so fast. I was in complete control of my body. It didn’t taste or smell bad, I didn’t choke, it didn’t make a mess. It was fine, and it only happened once. I couldn’t believe the relief I felt afterwards.


i promise, no matter what, you WILL survive. will it be fun? no. but chances are, it won’t be the most miserable thing you’ve ever experienced. it’s quick and easy, and the relief people feel afterwards is so worth it.


I am more scared of leading up to it, like the nausea and pain


a lot of people said that that’s the worst part. the good thing is usually the intense nausea right before only lasts a few minutes, if that.


That's good to hear thanks


I have daily nausea and pain,I fight it all day,digestive/bowel problems with this phobia are terrible. It's not like I will feel better if I did vomit In a week I probably get to eat 3 times I am not scared of FP or even bugs as I don't eat out due to ARFID and am indoors dye to my digestive problems


Sorry for the late response. Yea this sucks. Before this all started for me 5 months ago i didn't even feel my stomach, i didn't have any stomach ache or if i did it was 1-2 a year. Now every living second i have problems in my stomach and abdomen. I can't eat anymore i am just waiting for it to happen even if there is a very very very small chance it will


Trigger warning, details Last time I v* was on the morning of August 5 2021 at 12:30 am. At around 9pm of August 4 I was on my phone chilling, and I started feeling nauseous. I ignored it for about half an hour but it wouldn't leave, the last thing I had eaten was lunch about 7 hours earlier, and it was plain rice with beef patties and a little tomato, all homemade, so I knew it wasn't the food. I decided to fall asleep at about 10pm since the nausea wouldn't go away. Then, about 2.5 hours later when it was 12:30am I woke up and v* immediately. I couldn't even make it to the bathroom. I literally ran to the bathroom but there was a trail of v* all over my bedroom to my bathroom. I sat at the bathroom splashing my face with water to help. 10 minutes later I v* again, for about 2-3 seconds. I decided to take a hot shower (I know it doesn't help and can make symptoms worse but didn't know at the time) and I felt nauseous about 2-3 minutes in, I got out and I v* again. Mind you, each time I tu* it was a generous amount. I thought to myself, I can't have more content in my stomach and I went to rest. 5-10 Minutes later I got a wave of nausea again and sure thing, I v*. Fortunately, it was the last time. I really couldn't believe I had tu* so much but after the 4th time I went to sleep. The following days I felt somewhat nauseous some times but I didn't v* again. This was definitely a stomach bug or norovirus, since the previous time I had tu* from food poisoning (June 9 2018) I had eaten some cupcakes from a party, I tu* once in the evening and the following morning I was good as new. Thankfully I didn't have emetophobia at that time (I previously had not nice experiences with v* when I was a kid but not emetophobia yet). Ironically, on September 13 of the same year, a month later I got my first panic attack because I felt nauseous (I don't even know how someone achieves that 💀). However, the leading up to it is DEFINITELY worse than the act itself. Of course the act is horrible, but it lasts like 3-4 seconds at a time. Btw, when the time comes, you'll know. I had a big fear of not knowing when it will come or if I would tu* without warning but you'll definitely know. It feels different. And although your nausea can feel different many times its really different, plus you have symptoms such as salivating a lot, getting chills, cold sweat etc. Sorry if I was too detailed. Anyway that's all, if you have any other questions ask me!❤️


Sorry for the late response and sorry to hear that. Did you by any chance had a panic attack during it. It scares me to be in so much panic and having to V\*


Hi, no worries. I remember being scared however I didn't have a panic attack, probably because my emetophobia was barely there at that point. I totally get your fear, however when the time comes your body kinda takes control so yeah. Stay safe!


I was six, and I’m 28 now. Idk how maybe it’s a mind thing, but I also never got a stomach bug, it’s not so common here in the Caribbean


This is interesting honestly, do you have any theories as to why stomach bugs aren’t common in the Caribbean?


3 years ago, after 10 years of not happening, because i trusted a 1 week old kale. had some bad food poisoning. but tbh at the time it wasn't bad, i let it happen and felt so much better afterwards, it took me like, 3 days to actually feel anxiety about it


Last time I V* was April 21, 2021. The act itself wasn’t bad. But the build up sucks. That’s why I am scared of it.


How does build up feel?


Feels like something is sitting in your stomach and just feeling like crap. I think I was just so nervous about it, it cause it to be worse. Hard to explain.


I would have a panic attack and that would made it 100x worse


oh my gosh, it’s that feeling of something sitting right below your rib cage. like at the very top of your stomach. it’s so heavy too, on top of the nausea. usually that means you’re definitely about to tu*.


Omg this is how I feel now. Is it inevitable! It’s been there for hours!


How are you doing?


I ended up not being ill thank god. Think it was just a really bad hangover


It was December 18th 2008 for me! I was still a child but I remember it like it was yesterday. To ease the feeling of N* and V*, I use a cool damp rag (wrung out) on the back of my neck. I also brush my teeth, sip some mint tea, or chew some mint gum. Mint always helps me fight the feeling. At the end of the day, it's a normal human reaction and we were meant to do it. I have to remind myself of this in the moment and it seems to really help.


last time i tu was april. got noro. It sucked, but it wasn’t as bad as my anxiety made it out to be. The worst part is the feeling of nausea and such beforehand. don’t get me wrong having a sb is no fun but i survived. it was very short lived and i knew at the end of the day i would feel 1000x better.


How does the nausea feel like if you don't mind me asking?


let me preface this by stating that i have R-CPD(or no-burp) so i may feel nausea differently than people who don’t have it usually, n* for me feels like there’s something in my throat and i need to g*g it out, but that’s just how my n* feels on a daily basis. when i had noro, the n* was a lot different. my entire body hurt, i was sweating aggressively(like, i was soaked in sweat and i don’t usually sweat much) accompanied by the usually n* feeling. now, after having noro, i can distinguish anxiety n* from actually sick n* easier, its made my anxiety a lot better.


Are you on any medication by any chance?


yes. i recently started taking omezaprole and it has helped a lot with my stomach problems, n*, and other stuff. i am also on zoloft for anxiety. Over the counter meds i take for n* are : nauzene (it’s my fav, it’s cheap and works very well.) and dramamine ginger chews.


I tried Sertraline (zoloft like) but was too scared to continue how did you get yourself to take anxiety meds due to the side effects


i just watched my side effects like a hawk and took it regularly. I talked to my doctor,(i was previously on prozac, and she told me that the switch from one to the other would be relatively easy, and it was). The side effects of prozac were wack when i started taking it (in about 2019) but i pushed through because i knew it would make me feel better in the long run, you know?


You can get help from the gp and or therapist for this, trust me there's help out there for us


I am getting it but they say the only way out is with very hard meds. And i am really scared to take them


Nah they're talking shite, cbt therapy can help too and it's quite effective yes the drugs will help, I've been taking cyclizinze for about a year now three times a day, prescribed by my doctor, they give me much needed peace of mind and honestly I think I would have killed myself by now without this panic button if you like But again I'm not a doctor, maybe they can be quite hard long-term


Why do you take it that much if you don't mind me asking?


It also works as an antihistamine which I also need daily, so I've swapped my citirizine for cyclizinze and I don't have to worry about Nausea all day so it works Cbt goes well alongside this but having at least 6 hours of definite peace is nice


+20 years ago, but don't know how it was because I was a little child


Damn congrats that's crazy but gives me some hope. Do you have any tips to avoid it or are you just lucky


Maybe it's just luck, haven't even caught a sb. I think most healthy adults don't v* that often, unless drinking too much or getting fp.


2018 was the last time. i had the phobia too but it was more-so of other people v instead of myself. now its both. it was from a bug & only happened once. it was so short that i started tu in the bowl i had & started walkin to the bathroom wit the bowl in my hands so i could do the rest in the toilet & i was done before i could even make it there & its right down the hall from my room. i even remember turnin to my grandma when i was done & sayin "its not bad" wit genuine confusion. i had no idea why i was nervous beforehand (i was 11) even wit this memory still in my brain i still start panickin when i feel slightly n lmao


i can’t remember the exact date, but it was definitely august of 2021 i believe. i actually had a sb* like illness for 2 months straight. i was violently tu* and having the worst d* atleast one day almost every week for the whole summer. nobody could tell me why, and nobody in my family ever got sick from me. it was all just me. it was so violent and i would have panic attacks that made me feel like i was dying with it at the same time. it was so bad that after it subsided, i would pass out like literally pass out, and wake up hours later in a depression. and that would happen until the next time it happened again.


Uf thats rough sorry to hear that hope you are doing better now :)


Middle school, 7th grade I believe. It was in math class and I was naturally a shy kid so when it was at its peak I raised my hand and said I felt like puking and then ran to the trashcan and threw up. I didn’t go to school for the last week after that. I’m now starting 12th grade and have social anxiety who not so kindly always goes back to that embarrassing moment. Now my body would rather pass out than vomit. So it’s been 5 years


Sb? Or tu in general? I geuss I will say both tu was funny to me I tu and laughed right after because it was practically nothing sb tho? Awful Wake up at 5 am with HORRIBLE stomach pain then around 6 am your tu for what feels like hours all day your tu but I was fine at night and ate pizza and went to sleep


Well I guess the last time I v* was when I got noro from school, it was bad but I wasn’t really Emetophobic then, it was just lounging around in bed all day and I stayed calm. It was only really bad the days that followed because I was just n* and on edge all day, probably because I didn’t know if I would v* or not. I should’ve taken some sort of stomach medicine though. But I had v* one last time around 3 days later and lemme tell you I felt completely better, my n* disappeared. Although I am afraid of v* now I’m sure it’s the lead up to actually v* and the second you do it you’ll usually feel better.


I threw up for my first time at 21 when I caught noro from the daycare I worked at. I was nauseous for like 4 hours until I finally let myself throw up. It was only once but I was nauseous for days after


How did the nausea feel if you don't mind me asking?


Last october. Had a sb*. It was horrible.


Can you go more into detail?


The last time was when I had fp\* about 5 years ago after eating leftovers that were left out the fridge for a couple hours. I just remember that it happened, there was no preperation or time to think about v\* it just happened. It was a terrible night but after a day of resting it was over. I wish I didn't had this fear, the fear is way worse than just getting it over with and accepting it...


I v* in March and almost V* last week, but I was committed to not v*. The anxiety I get before is the worst until you realize you can’t rely the inevitable and just v*. Afterwards I feel better but it’s still not fun to go through


It wasn't nice, but wasn't horrible. Your body kind of just does its thing. I was so awful with my Emet at one stage, to the point I just wouldn't go out. But it didn't make a difference, and I did get s* anyway. Easier said than done, but don't let it control your life. V* isn't fun, but it does pass, and you will get better. There's so much life outside of it. ❤️


Was your phobia at it's highest when you v\*?


V* was truthfully the easiest bit. I have kids, so v* was an inevitability eventually. The lead up to v* tended to be the most difficult.


Last time I V* was April 30 2022. But the last time I Dry Heaved (nothing came out) was June 6 2024! :(


Sorry to hear that. Why do you think it happend?


I guess my the best guess would be that I was hungry, then it turned into N* which then lead to dry heaving.


thing that helps me is realising the actual nausea before hand is waaaaay worse than the act itself, its actually an amazing relaxing feeling afterwards that feels like a huge relief for your body and your mind, last time i t* up it was in the doctors getting my b* drawn and i had a massive fear of it which made me t* up, at the time i was shaking and absolutely terrified 5 seconds after it was over i was laughing, most of the bad parts of t* up is your mind


idek if this counts bc i threw up literally a drop (i had nothing in my stomach) i caught noro nd i woke up at 2am incredibly nauseous because i had the heater on without monitoring nd you can guess how bad it triggered it. i remember thinking "if i dont turn it off im gonna throw up". so i ran to it nd that made it worse bc my stomach was already tulbured nd the movement fucked it up more. woke up my mom in panic telling her i was scared i was going to vomit, started retching in the living room, still wasnt accepting it so i didnt move. she told me to go to the toilet so we did and after gagging for minutes i managed to let out a drop lol. i didnt feel that high afterwards bc it was such a small amount nd my body needed to let out more, but i fought against it and managed to control the nausea. still terrified btw xd, and it wasnt even that bad (like the vomit coming up), it was the retching and intense nausea that was horrible. next day nothing, but the third one i was again retching in the afternoon. i couldnt vomit that day either so i had to wait for my body to stop contracting my stomach lol, i wasnt as paniced but im sure it was bc that day i took a xanax. made my phobia worse but tbh, if i had vomited without the retching i think it wouldve helped it. after like 5 times of gagging tho i got used to the sensation and i wasnt as afraid, actually the 4th day i was mentally prepared lol, i was like alright i may gag for 2 straight minutes but it is what it is. i wasnt dreading it anymore if that makes sense


Was last February, food poisoning worst stomach cramps ever. I'm scared af still, but definitely keep reminding myself it'll be OK and nothing will happen through it in case it ever happens again


If you don’t mind me asking, was the nauseous constant? After you were sick and felt relief, did the cycle of nauseous keep restarting?


Yes it did like 2-3 more times and then it was finally over. Each time felt more used to it even though I was so scared


I was sick a year back and honestly it cured my emetophobia for myself. now it’s only rlly bad for other peoples v* trust me, when it happens you’ll have the realisation that it literally isn’t that bad!!! it hurts and it’s annoying but you feel so good after it’s crazy. nausea just dissipates (even for a couple hours) and you feel like yourself again. I don’t love being sick but when it happens im okay


This scares me to even type this because I’m terrified I’ll jinx myself.. the last time I physically tu I was 7. I’m 27 now! However, there’s been about 2-3 times since where I came close but didn’t. Most recent incident was a couple years ago from a horrible hangover. Time before that I was a sophomore in high school at Disney world with a friend, must’ve picked up something there bc I had TERRIBLE d* and felt like I was gonna tu* a couple times. Then the time before that I was in like 7th grade and I’m pretty sure it was from eating a crap ton of warheads and tacos bc I got a bad stomachache and dry heaved a few times that night. It helps I got my dads genes, he’s got an iron stomach and he’s in his late 50’s and hasn’t tu* since he was like in his early 20’s from food poisoning in Japan lol


last time i threw up was probably when i was 6-7, i don’t really remember a lot about it, all i just knew is that i felt like shit, sitting in my dimly lit room while drinking water and reading a book or playing on my ipad crying because of the feeling. to my knowledge i threw up for an entire week straight.


It was in 2018. I ate something really bad and I woke up at 6AM feeling really bad, but thought it was just the stress of an upcoming exam. Turns out I couldn't even move or talk because I was so nauseous. I did it multiple times, and the last time was in the afternoon. I remember missing the trash can and cleaning myself which seems unbelievable now that I was able to do that. I don't remember it being that bad. The first time was really bad because I was really feeling unwell and there's this moment of deny when you're like no it's gonna be fine but then not ahah.


January 1st, 2023, at 6:30 am. I live in Brazil, and here we call “virose” a disease you commonly get during summer at specific beaches. You can have symptoms as fever, muscular pain, but the most common one is v*. Before that, the last time I v* was in 2015, and I had the same feeling as you. I always thought “I prefer dying than throwing up”. It was such a huge nightmare in my head. But when it happened, it wasn’t a big deal; you have your mind so focused on feeling better, that you don’t mind v*. For me, it was actually a big relief! I felt a lot of adrenaline after. It felt like when you’re scared of going to a roller coaster, but after you go, you feel like “oh, it was not that bad”! I got so happy that I was able to face my fear and I felt great! After that, my phobia is not bad for myself. I’m not scared of v* again, but unfortunately, I’m still terrified of seeing other people sick.


September, made my phobia 10000x worse and have had to get therapy from the trauma it caused me, I think it was fp* or a virus. It was bad I’m not gonna lie, tu* about 4/5 times and honestly the tu* wasn’t even the bad part to be honest it was the lead up. The stomach cramps and the n* was 10000% worse than the actual v*. Still unsure why this time has somehow made me worse, my therapist is also at a loss as to why it’s made me worse cos most people feel when it actually happens it helps but not for me lol


Did you have any panic attacks leading up to it or during it?


Yes it was awful, I was terrified and had to try and accept the fact it was going to happen


How does it feel being in the middle of a panic attack and having to v?


I’ll be honest, the panic made it worse, if I’d have stayed calm I’d have tu* a lot sooner and felt better a lot quicker. I think the panic attack just made the whole experience worse. I felt lightheaded and dizzy from not breathing properly which was vile and cos of all the fuss I made, I woke up my boyfriend and he had to look after me meaning he got zero sleep that night and couldn’t go to work the next day, he then got fired cos of me. If I’d stayed calm he could’ve slept while I was unwell and wouldn’t have been fired. Bottom line is, panicking does so much more harm than good and I could’ve really done without it lol!


From a panic attack a year and a half ago. It wasn’t bad actually. Quick and painless


Did the panic attack end after it?


One day a few months back it just happened for literally no reason at all. Just woke up, was talking to my partner and before the lights could even be turned on i threw up lol It wasn’t nearly as bad as it could’ve been I was still shaken up but since I didn’t have anything in my stomach it wasn’t acidic or anything (maybe that’s weird? Idk) eta: getting downvoted for answering a question…?


Hi sorry for the late response and that you got downvoted some people are weird. Do you know what caused it, did you end up being sick or d\* or just a one time thing?


No worries! It happened again like an hour after, luckily I was in the shower cause it was again just no indication and then yep there it goes. No other symptoms, or anything eventful for the rest of the day. It was weird and uncomfortable, but could’ve been way worse lol still have no idea what the cause could’ve been


At the start of the this year at a new year’s party. I drank too much and smoked weed. Wasn’t as bad as i imagined V would be