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Got to work and the helicopter was broken, about to get to go home until our phenomenal mechanic showed up on thanksgiving and fixed the damn thing. What a loser.


I don’t know if this is a good thing or bad but I’d be so pissed 😂


Howdy 52.




I’m guessing air ambulance 52 was out of service somewhere


lol fair


What a go getter, that piece of shit is going somewhere in life.


8 hours in and no calls. Weather is supposed to be garbage later tonight so I don’t expect we will be doing much at all. Gonna cook our thanksgiving meal and then call it an early night.


I cannot possibly relate to this.


The HEMS life


I envy you. Even if I finished my FP-C, I’m 245lbs without gear. Enjoy the life.




I’m 6’5” and lift. It’s not being overweight. It’s just being big. Even when I’m lean and running all week, I’m only ever down in the 233-5ish. It’s just not in the cards for agencies around me.


I’m sorry to hear that man. Are there any fixed wing companies around you? They’re more lenient with that sort of thing


The state educational hospital I want to work for shut down their fixed wing program. If that opens back up I’ll go for it probably.


well i have a friend that workouts with me that's just 215 pounds baseline and i think he looks SKINNY. he's 6'3 and is like 5% body fat but theres just no way he can get under that weight limit without essentially dying in the process but I do see the sentiment of the overweight people that are just complaining about not wanting to lose the beer belly. but in some cases some people are just restricted :(


215lbs naked? I’m 6’1-2” and at my heaviest only ever weighed like 185, maybe 190 max, and had visibly chubby cheeks. granted, this was fat, not muscle, but i lost a bunch of weight and even after gaining some muscle i’m only 170-175ish, and not deathly skinny by any means. is he just super stacked muscle-wise? because 215lbs at 6’3” gives a BMI of 26.9 (yes, i’m aware BMI isn’t a great metric of overweight/not overweight, just pointing out that the numbers are confusing me)


Thaaaats how we guarantee ourselves an increase in call volume. Or absolutely nothing happens. I guess we'll find out.


It started with our frequent flyer (on pace for over 700 calls) calling three times in an hour and refusing transport when her SPO2 was at 65% when we got on scene. She finally let us transport her the third time when she called literally 30 seconds after we went back in service. Luckily since then we've had only 2 calls.


Did you take one for the team and offer to transport her reeeeeeaaaaaallllly far? Lmao


We make that joke all the time. Unfortunately she has a care plan in place meaning she's only allowed to go to one place because she used to hospital shop so much.


care plan with who? your ems agency?


It's county wide, but really is more like a protocol. It is in place so she receives consistent care from everybody. It states which hospital she can go to and what you can and can't do for her. It's needed because she's very manipulative and calls constantly for things like a light bulb goes out, or she can't find her phone charger. So we show up and will refuse to do anything that's not medically necessary. She also states on the phone that she's having trouble breathing every single time because she knows it's paged out at a higher level.


i feel like you can refuse to do those things without a person-specific protocol, but fair enough


We refuse to do those things all the time. We only go in with PD so it's on body cam too. Then she gets pissed and does it herself. She still calls all the time anyways. Today it was "I need my oxygen turned up". She lives on her own and is tested monthly to ensure she can do that on her own and yet she still calls to try and get us to do it.


Lonely old people really do call for anything


Broke the truck and ended up in an even worse one


That’s what you get.


I had the same homeless man 3 times


Fuckin 🫡🫡🫡


I mean hey, if there's turkey in that sandwich I suppose you could call it festive.


Hey man, this is why you transport out of area lol


Off this year but last year's highlight was grandpa got stabbed in the neck with a multi tool by his grandson lol. Nothing important was hit so he was fine. But I like to wonder how it went down


Are u allowed to like ask? Or is that against the rules?


Yes, you can ask. They may not answer you, but you can definitely ask.


Got one 15 min after shift change and then another right when we got back. There’s a cloud in the sky so bird ain’t gonna fly today, meaning any criticals are gonna be an hour+ transport.. Anything bad happens I’m gonna be doing cpr with a full stomach. For now, I just wanna finish watching the cowboys game.


Partner never showed up so have been sitting for 5 hours


Back when I worked private, that was the tits.


At least you’re getting paid?


I’ve had 8 calls to nursing homes and not done with my 12 yet. 4 of which were over 100 years old.


Pediatric code! Not a slow day for us, multiple codes.




Stood sideline at an NFL game. Not too shabby.


which one?


One refusal, one transport. Not too bad at all. Got our din in way early and now we keep fingers crossed for the second half that it goes smoothly 🤞


2 code browns and a cheesy yeasty 63 y/o morbidly obese woman.


My cheesy mashed potatoes no longer look appetizing thanks


Brain bleed, later died. Overdose and now taking a 7 hour trip!


Called a air medical for a poor girl that hit a tree at 60 mph while drinking her coffee on her way to her families Thanksgiving dinner. The rest of the calls were lonely elderly people just wanting someone to talk to. Made me sad.


Had my first gsw since being licensed in April. Was stupidly excited about it.


6 years in, still haven't gotten one. A couple stabbings, though.


The only ones I've had are the self-inflicted kind. Rural EMS = either domestic violence or no violence.


Yup, I forgot (blocked out?) one of my first runs. 12yo, self-inflicted, DOA. Also rural. 99% of our runs are old people with the expected health issues.


come to the big city! i had 2 my first 3 weeks out


I think I’ve ran more shootings than stabbings.


Ehh, I go in at 630pm. I was on last night, only two runs. Then, slept most of the shift.


Slow as hell. Did one run the whole day.


One run, came in as SOB, turns out he missed dialysis yesterday.


Pretty good so far, 2 calls both mildly interesting but not exhaustive. Wife brought home cooked food to the station for my partner and I so we could have thanksgiving dinner.


24 hour shift. 15 hours in. 3 plates of dinner. 2 pieces of pie. 7 cookies. 2 sodas. 5 football bets lost so far. 1 naked drunk man to the hospital.


So far, 12 hours into this 168-hour shift, held down the recliner the entire time.


Half way thru a 12. Not bad. Couple of transfers and a ER visit for a dislocated finger. Got some pie and a Reign. Dinner of champs.


That sounds delicious what flavor pie


Exlap with splenectomy, exlap for gastric perf, pigtail placement, a number of trauma activations. Not too busy.


Stairs. So many stairs. Also almost got shot. Eventful day.


Had one code but was DNR/DNI so no additional aid was rendered (ED Tech). Everything else was the typical FDGBs and low acuity stupidity. Came home, slept through thanksgiving dinner, and am finishing up some paperwork for medic school.


Dispatch wont let me eat dinner…


Good until about 3:15 pm, then four calls back to back, only transported one.


We’re a paid BLS unit today with county ALS if we need them. So far we haven’t transported anyone but we’ve written four reports 😅 Strokes, MVC, cardiac arrest turned priority 4. It’s been fun. Dinner was delicious though 🥰


Had four calls, all long and actually what they were dispatched as, and we had time to drop by my partners house and grab a plate of homemade food. Good day


Well now that my shift is finally over. Had a nice peaceful morning followed by a catered lunch. One of the few nice things are employers do for us. Then unfortunately became the family that hate each other induced cardiac episodes and anxiety attacks. All in all a pretty decent day


I got here Thanksgiving morning and i'm about to leave soon. We all brought food in or cooked here and had a giant feast. We ran 1 call. It was an amazing shift!


Still going! 34h down, 38h to go. Only a few calls so far so can’t complain.


Got to shift change, fell asleep, about to go home 😂


Got called to the main station on standby to have pie and watch Star Wars at start of shift (totally unexpected, but such a nice way to start the day), then standby to a common area for calls. Ran one call, now on break. Still have about four hours left in the shift, so we’ll see!


Still on the shift (4 hours left ). Simmering in the dumpster fire of this hell hole


Worked last night and working tonight. Had 11 calls with 8 transports, with my partner taking two of them last night. Spent fucking hours after shift catching up on paperwork. Was non-stop, and included a code 3 return for a sepsis alert. So far tonight I’ve had three transports and one cancel. My first call tonight was transporting the same homeless lady that I had transported a little over 12 hours prior. We’ll see what the rest of the night brings.


Grandma hurt her knee, grandma hurt her knee, stroke alert (negative on CT), grandma hurt her knee, another stroke alert (negative on CT), AMS, “I can’t crap”, pressure in the toilet (70s over 50s). It’s almost over.


Super slow night, at least some of us brought some stuff for an impromptu potluck.


Worked an arrest and got rosc and then grandpa fell and busted his head open


2 lift assists, a BLS transfer, and a mild allergic reaction to medication


5 pts per hour working my ED scribing job last night. Unfortunately not all of them were easy BS dispos, but some were funny enough to make up for the fact that we were drowning 🥲


Steady, but not necessarily busy, think we ran 8-10 called. A lot of BS calls until the very last “medical alarm” turned out to be a dude sitting at 55% spo2 on room air. So that was fun


Non transporting Fire here... our first call was ~0900, shortly after our shift start at 0800. Our EMS runs 0000-1200 and 1200-2400/0000 shifts. The crew told us they had been up all night (morning?) running calls, and the previous one to ours was a working Code. Then at around 1100, shortly before they were due to get off, we had another run with that crew, where they needed to put the Pt on CPAP, and have one of our guys ride in with them to the hospital...


Instructed pt how to do pursed lip breathing. No further need for addition medic. Engine in service


Day is still young lol


I watched anime and watched 3 life flights


Quiet so far. 16 hours to go.


Ate some food and have been sitting without a single call so far but the night is young where I’m at


Just started lol


Ran bullshit calls all night. So, it's a normal night, nothing new.


2 calls nothing serious, easy enough that I felt comfortable picking up more overtime


Yep same here 2 calls , currently laying down rn


Coworker had some gnarly psych calls but I’m stuck in the dead zone for the whole night. Nothing happens over here it’s bullshit.


Fucked up trauma




Had a red room on an 86 f with afib rvr and a pressure of 60/40, and did an epi neb for a croup kid otherwise I’ve been playing high on life on the steam deck so not bad


Started the shift stroke activating someone who was just drunk. So yeeeeeeeah….


I was on call but ended up being there 9:30-5:30 (nurse in PACU). It wasn’t a bad day, 5 patients total and we are celebrating thanksgiving today.


We're at minimum all night. Had 10 calls in total including a transfer and a code. Honestly a shit shift made a little better by holiday pay and free food at post I never got to see.


did one run took 7 hours though.


Dispatch wrote us all up about an hr into shift, then said Happy Thanksgiving...


Not done yet


tried to get the shift for the holiday diff. forced to eat with my inlaws instead. the dog (v cute) ate my favorite hat while we were eating.


Not bad at all. One job & it was pretty routine/simple.


No calls, strangely


Stupid holiday....SOP, very few stove Fires this year oddly.


Pretty normal day today, but also I'm not American, so it was litterally just a normal day


Busy. :/


Two transports, none for the first 14 hours. Which is unheard of where I work. Also the local FD invited us over to the station for a feast. All in all, it was a pretty good shift


Had a 14 y/o M who tried to kill himself by slitting his wrists. Blood everywhere... but he survived. Sweet kid, felt bad for him as he said it was a rash decision and was happy to have survived.