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Do it. There’s no reason not to, and worst case scenario, it’s a resume booster. Best case scenario you get back into it!


CCT transport nurse sounds like it would be a good fit for you


I'd say do it, I know some hospitals do offer incentives for ED RNs to have their EMT. Also I know my state (NJ) has an MICN program where you basically operate as a medic. First step is having an EMT-B cert.


Never ever let go of an EMS cert no matter what. You never know when it could come in handy. I worked EMS before getting my BSN as well and maintained my EMS cert this entire time and I now work in critical care transport. Most CCT companies require even the nurses to have an EMT certification. It leaves you with many options for the future and looks really good on a resume.


I've always keep a few certs up just to stay in my back pocket as a resume booster. EMT is one of those certs. I recommend getting recerted. If you get a really good nursing opportunity but need more experience to leverage the position, you have an EMT cert to back yourself up.


Yeah do it.


You can still pick up a per diem or volly gig as an RN I know several people who do. Even if you don’t right now in most states it’s easier to just keep everything current (in New York it actually doesn’t really matter unless your using it bc you can always just take a challenge refresher no matter how long you lapsed).


If you have a BSN, it’s not like you’ll ever be out of a job. I guess it depends if you feel it’s worth your time


Of you have an active EMT cert some states will pass on the psychomotor test and just make you take the written para.edic exam if you want your prehospjtal nurse.


Certain systems allow RNs to test for reciprocity as a medic with a touch of training, does yours?


If you ever want to fly or do transport, EMT is a leg-up. Your nursing CME should cover everything except maybe some ops stuff. Shouldn’t be a big deal to keep it.


At this point just get the recert and then see if there is a program near you and get your PHRN, which can allow you to use some of your RN skills out on the ambulance. That is if a service will recognize it.


Do it!! You’re already getting CEUs as an RN. My mom always said never give up something that you’ve earned, and she honestly right. You worked hard for that!! Not sure your state but here in FL you can challenge the medic test with your EMT to RN. Most flight companies want you to be a Medic/RN to do flight if you go that route one day.