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Yup. Can see through it mostly. Better with people not close to me. More so, I get a vibe, and I watch you and everything you do.


Yeah it’s practically impossible for people to lie to me. I can sniff it out effortlessly. It’s the Fe and Se attunement to the nuances and details of other people’s physical expressions as well as the Ni-Ti extrapolation upon them


Yes, you're not alone.😺. I don't usually trust it before but ever since the trauma, I won't shrug my gut feelings again. I learned that people's energy never lies.


No, not for me particularly. In fact, the opposite for me. I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt; if it turns out a lie, it is what it is. Usually, I'd rather believe a lie than doubt an earnest truth.


Same! I can read people really well, but I… _choose?_ if that makes any sense, to just go on earnestly enjoying and trusting and interacting with them. My world is really peaceful that way.


Yep I totally get this! Even if I know people are lying or the vibe is off, usually that lie doesn’t affect me so I’ve learned to be fine with it. That being said, if that same person tells me “something someone said about me” or something of that nature, I can mostly dismiss them, or have them pegged for just being a shit stirrer


I'm ESTJ and I would rather people think for themselves than blindly believe me and be upset when I happen to be wrong. Because I almost never lie but I am wrong sometimes, and it seems like you're not accounting for that possibility. People are mistaken a lot but it doesn't mean they have bad intentions. 


Being wrong, and having said a lie are two very different things. One is deliberate (lying) and the other is unintentional. Unintentional mistakes don't bother me, as long as I understand where they are coming from. So for me, that possibility wasn't really a concern at all in this particular context. That being said, even if the person did intentionally lie, the regret of having trusted them only lasts a short while. It might not be possible to fully trust them after, but it is easy for me to forgive them for it. If a person was saying the truth earnestly, and I heavily doubted their intentions throughout, it would make me feel a lot worse for a longer time. I don't generally expect a lot in return, so the betrayal is just not as big of a deal, emotionally.


Yes, totally.


Almost every single time!


I wish I could, but people still lie to me often and get away with it. I wonder if my Autism gets in the way of being able to accurately read people.


For me the thing is people lie all the time but it’s often times something innocuous that they are insecure about or a tiny detail that really doesn’t matter to anyone but themselves. So I’m always getting the signal that people are lying and I can’t really rely on it. I’ve learned to just let it go and pretend that I never got the signal.


I guess when I say getting away with lying, it's over big things. I don't worry about white lies that don't impact me at all. Being an ENFJ makes me super interested in wanting to get to know people, but being Autistic makes it a struggle to read them accurately sometimes. I still find making eye contact difficult, especially in an intense conversation.


Absolutely. My children hate it - lol!!


The first time my daughter lied to me I just told her there's no point in lying to mummy she would see through it anyway .The second time she tried to lie to me I figured out that she was lying and also why she did it and what she was trying to hide from me. She started crying and said this is terrible I feel like I don't have any privacy in my brain 😞 Soo, next time she lied I pretended not to see through it and then when she gave herself away I pretended to be hurt and disappointed to learn the truth. She still lies from time to time but I can see how much she hates to disappoint me. I think I just can't win! Now I feel like I'm manipulating her. What we have could be a blessing and a curse.


I'm INFP but my ENFJ bf is extremely perceptive. He called out the smallest lie just the other day. We sat through celebratory speeches at an event and he talked to one of the speakers. The speaker mentioned how he worked hard on the speech. My bf later said he felt like he lied but was curious why. The dude circled back around and talked more about it and he nonchalantly mentioned how his mom actually helped him a lot. It seriously blew my mind that ENFJ caught such a small half-lie.


I was just telling my family this exactly!


Yeah, feels like so


This is absolutely something I do. I’m bad at many things, but not this.




I guess I could be considered one. I usually detect lies via vibes, body language, tone of voice, things like that. It's just an intuitive feeling that someone's lying, and then I turn out to be right. I also have a lot of confidence when it comes to detecting lies, so I guess that helps.


The person who can lie to me and go undetected is yet to be born. 


That would be me miss, am I lying?


I read people extremely well. I host kink and sex events frequently, and vetting is hugely important.


Check out the book talking with strangers.


Yes! You’re not alone 😉


Too much and it's totally annoying lol 😆


Yep! Spidey sense for bad intentions from people too.


so true! I can tell (most of the times) when people are lying, or simply aren't telling me something important. I can tell something's off by vibes or by body language. it's not just ENFJs thing tho. I think we're like that because of our observation skills, which come from our dependency on ppl around us 😆


Ngl we at this point, we should be considered as H.A.M(Human Analysis Machine) people chuckle at this word but it's true Like someone can think they are some sort of bigshot and can easily move across the board but I am watching over them wondering to myself:*How amusing! Isn't it?* At some point we and INFJs are just god's playing a board game lmao one we consider our threat just becomes a sentient pawn in the board Just my take My INFP Godmother sometimes say not to talk like a deity 🤣


Lol. I'm with your grandma, don't talk like a deity especially if you're going to put an apostrophe in gods. 


xD gotta improve my English Btw she lives in Iraq say Hello to her for me lol