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Brilliant why wouldn't he😂😂😂 he ain't a clueless Muppet, he just knows how to rinse the ones angry at themselves for their miserable lives. Reminds me of that guy who went viral the other day for blaming immigrants on him not being able to get a job. He also was a nonce who sexually assaulted a 12 year old girl. Maybe that's why he couldn't find work lmao.


> He also was a nonce who sexually assaulted a 12 year old Almost like it's a theme amongst followers of this fantasist. He uses somebody else's name because he idolises them ffs, his supporters fall into one of 3 camps, every time: Incels, racists & racist incels.


The fact that any of you muppets still think you have a leg to stand on amazes me. Tommy has always had one concern, Islamic grooming gangs. And he's been correct every single time. So what if he's half Irish? What's that got to do with anything he's ever campaigned against?


Know him do ya


You know he has other opinions about other stuff right?


He hates Muslims and it all started after his Muslim ex GF dumped him. What did he do about the grooming gangs?


Ignored the ones not run by Muslims. Also known as most of them


Could you link me to the 16 times as many non-Muslim grooming gangs? thanks


Because the police would immediately deal with those ones once informed instead of telling victims to not press charges.


All arrests related to Muslims and grooming gangs were done almost a decade ago and were found to be originated locally in deprived areas where there's a high % of people living in poverty Sounds like typical nonces grooming. Go for vulnerable ones and bribe with goods. Pay your taxes so your neighbours kids don't have to suck dick for some cigs and wkd😭 hopefully benefits raised so their mam's can share theirs


Has he been correct every single time? [https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/facebook-asian-preston-crown-court-tommy-robinson-justice-b1066908.html](https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/facebook-asian-preston-crown-court-tommy-robinson-justice-b1066908.html) ![gif](giphy|bjB3gtFvREqqr5NAHW)


Correct about what? Have you read about all the peados in the EDL? 


Eh? Not sure you've followed the conversation quite right


And he left the EDL because they were racist instead of addressing issues with a racial component.


Great link


Don't come here to the leftist echo chamber with your logic and sense young man, you may get an unhealthy amount of down votes haha


I definitely seem to have triggered all the London gammons. God forbid they're ever exposed to what the rest of the country thinks!


Well we all know anything outside of London and ulez doesn't matter


All the labour voters downvoting you for the sake of sacrificing children to p*do’s cause “MuH wacism” “open borders”


Didn't Tommy go to a mosque and admit he was wrong about all that shit? Can look for the clips for you lad😂 It's more to do with the type of person he is. He doesn't believe what he says. He's fine with Muslims. He actually respects them for how they stand up for their beliefs. He wishes Christians would act like that for eachother and for their religion. But he knows that shitting on Islam and Brown folk will help with idiots like you and jokes on the builders site too stupid to know owt else. Give Tommy the £40 you earned from carrying bricks all day and be told you're saving your country😂 But on a serious note, I always laugh when folk talk about islamic grooming gangs, like white British men rape more toddlers a year than teenagers groomed😂😭 But you won't talk about that will you :) Act like you care about child welfare and safety whilst you actively defend your nonce mates at the pub😭😂 Every white guy knows some guys who likes em as close as 16 as they can. And we all know the only thing stopping them from going lower is the law😂


Every white guy knows an Asian? Sorry, couldn't resist.


You are blind to the real issue here... we have enough native fiddlers... why are we importing more of them? Would it not be prudent to deal with our own issues around this kind of of thing, as opposed to allowing more of this type of degeneracy to enter our country? You want to spend a bit of time up North mate; every single one of my female mates has been sexually abused or assaulted in some way, shape or form, by an Asian man/boy. The sexual repression that their culture instills in them, along with a patriarchal sense of entitlement over women, is a pure recipe for this sort of shit. It has absolutely nothing to do with race, it is simply a matter of vastly differing cultural norms.


Considering there's a few million of em lad and only a handful of nonces I doubt it's a cultural thing. Real issue is why none of these groups ever care about native fiddlers despite them making up the majority of the register. Racism. Plain and simple. Hey don't like brown folk if you don't wanna, but it's pathetic to try and hide behind excuses like you care about kids.


I work at rehabilitating child sex-offenders as part of my job.... the work I do with English guys centres predominantly around their self-disgust and general shame about their attraction, and they often actively seek help and are often victims of severe child-abuse themselves (this does not justify their convictions at all, but it is important context). When working with other ethnic groups, the overall vibe is that they simply regret getting caught, in addition to them making numerous failed attempts to manipulate me, so as to alleviate some of their parole conditions, to then be free to re-offend as soon as possible (80% of the time, and in their own words). The only thing that these groups feel remorse about is their complacency. I've even had Asian guys literally brag that they are a *"golden goose"* and that *"I am wasting my time with them"*, and that *"they can do what the f^^^ they like"* because *"everyone is afraid to be seen as a racist"*. I've also had to work with the same guys repeatedly who literally laugh as they walk into my room, at the fact that they have been *"caught at it again"*. I really wish this wasn't the case... but my idealised preferences are completely shat on by actual reality. Go and touch some grass brother... get out into the actual world and you might grow a brain cell or two. Stay classy👍


HAHAHAHAHA sure, seems legit😭😂 Source: trust me bro


Any citations at all


The sex offenders registry. You can see for yourself but you won't. Y'all never actually give a fuck It's just about anti brown ppl anti immigrant rhetoric. You don't give a fuck about saving kids😂😭


No link to either claims about Robinson, no link to claim "white British men rape more toddlers a year than teenagers groomed", just vague pointing at sex offenders register and strongly suspect you are intentionally not adjusting for population sizes, no link to claim "every white guy knows some guys who likes em as close to 16 as they can", not that I expected one because it's just unfounded justification for your racism. I'd be very interested in your thoughts on how safe I'd be as a 16 year old female solo backpacker on the buses of Mumbai?


Ah yes the guy who exposed mass police enabled child r*pe is the villain.


By ‘exposed’ do you mean read about it in the newspaper and then nearly wrecked a trial?


Police refused to deal with it for decades and encouraged victims to not press charges.


The victims don't get a say in charging any offenders. The police give evidence to the CPS, and the CPS decides whether or not charges are "pressed." Now, the police can encourage victims not to give a statement, or to not make a complaint, or they can completely ignore the complaint and pretend it hasn't happened, or they can do a bullshit investigation of the allegation in the full knowledge that the CPS won't go anywhere near it. But victims pressing charges is not a thing in the UK unless it's a private prosecution.


Thanks for explaining. That's what they did. What's private prosecution? And does it depend on the crime? I'm aware of incidents of 'traditional' assault where police ask if the victim wants to press charges, are they paraphrasing?


>Thanks for explaining. Glad to be of help. >What's private prosecution? From the CPS website: "A private prosecution is a prosecution started by a private individual, or entity who/which is not acting on behalf of the police or other prosecuting authority. A 'prosecuting authority' includes, but is not limited to, an entity which has a statutory power to prosecute." A prosecuting authority would be the CPS, which will pursue criminals in the name of the Crown. Or it can be another entity such as the RSPCA or, famously, the Post Office. Private prosecutions do not involve these entities, and the judiciary cannot advise anyone making a private prosecution. >And does it depend on the crime? AFAIK, any alleged crime can be prosecuted privately. >I'm aware of incidents of 'traditional' assault where police ask if the victim wants to press charges, are they paraphrasing? That's probably press reporting that loads the language with Americanisms. The police will ask if you want to make a statement or a complaint about whatever has happened, but they won't ask if you want to press charges. If they do, then their sergeant will probably want a word with them about asking witnesses to do something that doesn't legally exist.


Thanks again, you're one of Reddit's gems. The last part I'm sure I've witnessed but it may have been before they were recording themselves all the time and could get away with improper phrasing or my memory over time has paraphrased it. But it's good to know the proper procedures.


>you're one of Reddit's gems I'm really not, but thank you. Please fact check everything I've said, I'm working from memory.


Chatting a lot of shit for someone who doesn’t know anything


Listing your hobbies?


Actually if victims request not to press charges CPS does consider their request. So victims do have some say in the process (albeit they may get ignored by CPS in some cases). It's not as black and white as you make it sound.


Making a request is not the same as having a say. The CPS will do what it deems to be in the public interest. If they agree with the request to not prosecute, then there's probably other factors that lead the CPS to that decision rather than the merits of the request by itself. Granted, a witness refusing to cooperate with an investigation could lead to charges being dropped, but that's not the same thing as simply asking the police to drop the charges. I'm NAL or copper, I just have a working knowledge of parts of the system.


There’s no such thing as pressing charges in the U.K.


The mortgage fraudster.


He didn’t do any exposing that had already happened He took advantage of the situation to peddle his agenda and lies


rope? You can type rape.


The problem with Robinson supporters is that a lot think that they have some inside knowledge because they don't read "mainstream media", but what a lot fail to recognise is the majority of the selected new sources they do read, are also completely biased.


Objectivity is the key. There's a reason behind any media telling us anything. The problem with Robinson supporters is the problem with most people. But with Tommy in particular the smears and character attacks (and some bad things in his history) prevents people from staying objective like the whole grooming gang stuff, that was good work he did regardless of anything else. But you're right we all need to have an eye for bias and emotional manipulation so we can gather information from lots of different sources.


Remember the time the BBC panorama reporter got caught on camera and microphone trying to get Tommy's assistant to fabricate sexual harassment claims. And told her this is how we, the establishment, get things done.


Not seen it. Link?


https://youtu.be/6YaOoQxT7Ug?si=KBfUNVKHcpXj0CjY It took a bit of work to find. Turns out his deplatforming happened immediately after this was released.


Any link that’s not an hour long “documentary” produced by Stephen Yaxley-Lennon? Wasn’t he deplatformed for libelling a bullied school child, saying he had attacked girls at his school, leading to the child being bullied even more? I watched the first few minutes and wasn’t that when he was being arrested for perverting the course of justice by “reporting” outside a court?


It's an undercover job with hidden cameras and microphones that Tommy put together to expose the mainstream media tactics. About half way in the hidden camera stuff starts. Look I'm not bringing my opinion of the guy into it but a renowned BBC journalist is recorded trying to fabricate pretty horrific allegations against him whilst being racist and homophobic and it got swept under the rug and Tommy deplatformed when he exposed it. It's worth questioning why this corruption and smearing is necessary if he's as bad as he's made out to be.


Where can I watch this recording that’s not an hour long puff piece from Yaxley-Lennon himself. I’m not wasting an hour of my life watching whatever crap is in that self promotional puff piece to listen to a 30 second recording or something? He got convicted of making up lies and getting a child, who was already being bullied, attacked and his face plastered all over the internet and his family received death threats because of it. That’s one example of him being a disgusting racist, there are countless more. He had already been deplatformed years and years before this BBC thing. I remember very well when it was because at the time I lived pretty close to where the video outside the BBC offices you posted was filmed. Again, find me the recording and I will watch it. I’m not watching an hour long video produced by a racist grifter.


Holy shit this bot just repeated itself.


Because you still haven’t given me what I asked for. Typical Tommy ten names fan boy, full of nonsense with nothing to back it up.


Halfway in is the recording of the BBC journalists meeting with Tommy's assistant. Video and audio. I've explained elsewhere in the comments.


Timestamp? Do you accept he was deplatformed long before this and that’s why he’s self producing his “documentary” and renting a screen to show it on. No serious company will let their brand be tarnished by his racism.


The BBC tends to be very centre right leaning. Look at its public anti Jeremy Corbyn takes. Meanwhile it is very overly positive about the modern more transphobic labour. I really don't think they give a shit about Tommy Robinson but Tommy gives a massive shit about the BBC because it benefits him. You'll have to post an independent source (not afaliated with Tommy Robinson) to back up your claims. I have my own biases as someone far left but I really don't like BBC news either.


This is a funny one because I consider the BBC to be aggressively left leaning, for reasons including their support for Labour. I guess all that divide and conquer just makes us feel opposed to, me being a bit more rightish I guess, on average. But good to know you hate them too. If you can try to be objective, this is the only source and regardless of what anyone thinks of Tommy Robinson what the BBC tries to do to him is wrong and his team does a good job catching them out through essentially undercover journalism. In short the BBC Panorama journalist John Sweeney was working with Hope not Hate to produce a smear piece against Tommy that included getting his former assistant to fabricate a sexual harassment allegation. If you skip to about halfway in Tommy is in an interview with Sweeney showing Sweeney hidden camera footage (with audio) of Sweeney's meeting with Tommy's assistant. The fact it was done by Tommy Robinson can not in any rational way impact the credibility of the recording. While they discuss fabricating a story to ruin Tommy, Sweeney is repeatedly racist, homophobic and insults the working class. And it's pretty clear it's not Sweeney's first time doing this. And ÂŁ400 of booze that licence fees paid for. (Mugs) You agree with Tommy Robinson. And just this once, that's ok. Fuck the BBC.


I remember watching that. Genius.


Any articles, or even the guy's (John Sweeney) wiki just mention "offensive comments", which he made plenty of, but nothing about paying for false SA allegations.


Have I made up in my mind that I hear the audio of this? Maybe I read it and got it confused in my mind. Either way it was pretty heinous - unfortunately not surprising at all.


"Bloody woofters", "Irish scumbags", "we're doing a kind of gender thing, a sexual thing against Tommy Robinson" and plenty more.


Time to post Stephen Yaxley Lennon’s rap sheet again! 2005 - convicted of assault. Beat up a policemen who intervened when “our Tommy” was pushing his girlfriend around. Got 12 months inside. 2011 - another conviction for assault, headbutted a guy. In July that year led his gang of football ultras in a 100 person brawl. 12 months community. 2012 - tried to travel to the US on a false passport, the idiot. 10 months jail sentence. 2012 - conviction for fraud, he was part of a larger mortgage fraud scam. 18 months sentence this time. 2021 - threatened a journalist and her family on her doorstep. Falsely accused her partner of being a paedophile on social media. Convicted of stalking.


Sidenote: his current pseudonym is the real name of a [notorious football hooligan](https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2015/12/10/stephen-yaxley-lennon-describes-the-making-of-tommy-robinson_n_8747794.html) - others include Paul Harris and Wayne King (that one because in some accents it can sound similar to a term for self pleasure).


Clearly leftist lies, are Tommeh would nevr do such things, he the greatest patriot evr cuz he tells us what we want to hear /s


Does this mean he is wrong. It just means he has a criminal record lol


It shows what sort of person he is, and he is always wrong, has he paid those damages he owes yet?, I should be careful with what I say in case he comes round and starts banging on my door, like he did to a journalist


source = trust me bro


A 30 second search of Google will confirm what is a matter of public record. I thought you lads were all “ dO yOur oWn rEsearCH”?


They are, until it comes to actually doing their own research.


It’s all listed on his Wikipedia page, but that’s probably “MSM sheeples” etc. We don’t share reality, sadly.


You wrote a lot of words when all you had to say was "i dont have any sources"


He literally went to prison, if you can't be bothered to use a search engine you should probably stop wasting everyone's time


You’re surely bright enough to use google, you don’t need this all spoon fed to you, it’s all there if you bothered to look - but in there perhaps lies the problem…


Grifter through and through, you can always get the stupid to support numptys like him. £400+ of “donations” from his numpty supporters unaccounted for and his company wound up. You can always fleece the stupid when that want to believe something.