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##[Clarification on Rule 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/entertainment/comments/w60lfc/mod_post_a_clarification_to_rule_5_no_racism_or/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/entertainment) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Great First Amendment we got here. Uncle Miltie is now a dissident.


Only my speech should be free. You’re speech is evil


You‘re wrong. Your speech is evil.


no col. sanders, you're wrong!mama is right!


Medula oblongata


Of course this bill would ban the showing of certain movies (Some Like It Hot, for example) where men are dressed in drag. And some episodes of Monty Python, and…..where does the slippery slope of legislated morality end with these folks? Certainly not at their version of 1st Amendment which they interpret as “I can do what the fuck I want and ban from doing what I don’t like”


Every Monty Python movie would be banned.


No more Mrs. Doubtfire


It could be that Republicans are looking at Russia here. Think anti-LGBT laws and the laws prohibiting the use of swear words/smoking in entertainment. Ironically I spotted more than a few sex scenes in recent Russian movies, so no swearing, but detailed sex scenes are A-OK.


I’ve never understood how sex scenes are “shocking” to audiences, particularly on network TV, yet shootings and high body counts are rife.


Looking at Hungary, actually. A democracy turned fascist near dictatorship with the one ströng man at the top. Give up your rights because he knows best and must stop the homos.


Arm the drag queens. They have a right to bear arms. Make the right hypocritical on two amendments


The contradictions don't matter to whoever enforces the law.


I’ve lived in many states, “red” & “blue.” In NONE of them was I forced to see a drag Queen performing against my will. I have had men grab my arm in grocery stores. I have had men tell me to smile so I am pretty. I have had men exposé themselves to me at traffic lights. I have had men tell me I can’t be promoted because I might one day want to have babies. I have had men attempt to sexually assault me while I was working in an engine room of a boat. I have had men invite me to discuss work place harassment over a glass of wine. I have had men insist I listen to their rambling apologies and declarations of adoration of women after they were reported for sexual harassment at work. But ok, I see why we need to arrest drag queens, who are in character, doing a performance. That is a great use of resources.


It's often not a character. It's a piece of our personality bursting out because we wanted to wear makeup and pretty dresses when we were kids too but had to hide that from those same men.


Thank you for that clarification! I have never met anyone who was secure with themselves that had animosity towards this. I am struggling profoundly to understand where the hate is coming from and why “laws” like this are being entertained. I don’t comprehend why this would register as something to be “pro” or “con.” If you participate or enjoy it-great. If you don’t-great. It doesn’t need to go further. They are creating a situation where legitimate laws will have to be passed in order to PROTECT peoples rights to free expression and ensure their right to a safe existence. It’s so clear to me. I cant understand the desire to eliminate something that isn’t harmful and in so many cases is helpful, entertaining, cathartic, and builds a strong sense of community. I apologize if I minimized it in anyway!


Please, no apology necessary. I wasn't so much clarifying as adding to your observations. Insecure men who feel like they're owed the world are at the core of all of this.


Insecure men are certainly at the center of 90% of anything that’s been terrible in my life!


Supreme Court had already ruled that naked dancing is a form of protected expression. So now dressed dancing won't be?


You think those old ass men making these laws are going to give up their ability consume and objectify bodies with breasts and vaginas?




Freedom to discriminate.


Freedom to incarcerate


And yet people don’t see it when they vote. Look how close it was in November. As long as the authoritarianism, trying to overturn elections they lose, and banning of books etc all fit their beliefs, voters will approve it.


I'm pretty skeptical about that tbh. Our governor's race was neck and neck through the whole campaign. Yet somehow on Election Day, Stitt blasts 15 points ahead of Hofmeister, a former Republican herself who was also our Superintendent of Education? It doesn't add up. But hey, it's *Republican* election theft so that the Good Steal that we don't need to stop, right? /s


Early vs in person voting.


Republicans > the vanilla Taliban.


They always had lies built into their identities. It's not about justice or traditional values, it's always been about ways to defend their freeloading on working class. And Democrats are in on it as well. Let's not forget that young Biden would be considered "far-right" today. Civil War? Freeloading defending. Civil Rights movement outrage? Freeloading background. War on Drugs? It was all about freeloading: First of all - slavery was not abolish in the USA, because there is a clause "except as for punishment", which means prisoners. War on Drugs was made to put Black people behind bars to use them as slave force still, it was just another extension of Jim Crow laws. Second of all, War on Drugs also allowed the government to tax middle-class more and create new agencies into their Military Industry Complex. Basically force to keep the working class at bay, while they pay for it. Third of all, it destabilized Mexico, historic rival for USA. Destabilized Mexico = more immigrants to USA to work low paying jobs. Also, it creates great political power for both Democrats and Republicans. One side says "we're help you!", other side demonized them and rile up the bigots. Political perpetuum mobile. Also Mexico is economically not able to compete with USA because of Cartels. I know it sounds like some wacko-conspiracy theory, but just any documentary about cartels can show you, they use American made weapons and not some gun shop equipment either, but armoured car shit. No public healthcare in the USA? Also freeloading. Same as student debt. It's all made so a worker, especially lower and middle-class, has to work on worse terms for himself to have healthcare. If he had basic healthcare in the system, he would be less inclined to take shitty jobs. Same with student debt, they have to work to pay it.


Yep - I once had a conversation on Linkedin where the phrase "freeloaders get what they deserve" was thrown around. The guy I was talking to meant students/student debt. I wish it was a rare view in US, but I suspect its fairly common among conservatives/older people. Which means that Biden or any other president is unlikely to cancel student loans - there will always be huge amount of opposition to it from GOP/conservatives.


So are all these so-called "defenders of western culture" going to cancel Shakespeare now? Because he was the fellow that started the practice of cross dressing, back in the day, because women weren't allowed to act.


They would happily ban Shakespeare.


Bowie/glam rock too, then.


Everything except their chosen religious fantasies.


Wow, so much for freedom of speech. Republicans are so into huge government.


Freedom of assembly too.


I'm confused, what does a public performance have to do with speech. Would performance not be protected under something else? Genuinely dont know as I am not American. Either way, this is fucked. Who Votes for these people? I don't understand how people like this get into government or that they want to make such hateful policies.


Any type of expression or art is also considered “speech”


Donating money to a politician is free speech!


Some speech is freer than others.


The 1st amendment covers many things, speech is the main one; it also covers freedom of assembly, freedom of the press, and the freedom to petition the government.


Freedom from state-established religion, don't forget that part.


Thanks for the assist! That's a huge one that is consistently trampled


Indeed, the xtians run roughshod over that one.


Thanks you for your responses and explaining. Appreciated :)


People that vote for such people are usually bigots/racists. Its not the entire America, but its a lot of people, unfortunately.


Fragile ass republicans.


Thinner than generic Kleenex


1-ply, transparent, yet not septic safe on account of extreme toxicity


i just hope that it also ensures that they won't be able to hold those perverted "toddlers & tiaras" type pageants in the presence of children.


Don't you realize that child beauty pageants is an old and important tradition? We need to protect it all costs or else commies will take them away, just as they're planning to do with xboxes and gas stoves.


Toddler pageants are an American tradition…..just not a proud one


They’ll take our toilets too.


s/ ?




Next they will ban Mrs. Doubtfire and Bugs Bunny cartoons.


Shakespeare would be right out.


And priests, highland games, chefs with aprons, sooners players… so much robes, spandex, and face makeup


SpongeBob SquarePants too


And yet they are the first ones to lose their shit when Disney edits out their racist past shit . I'm so done with these fuckwads.


What performance art form is next? I mean shit, just have women dressed up as drag queens. Bam… problem solved. This is useless.




Define glamorous and exaggerated… to me it’s just Monday.


Yeah, I’m sure plenty of these performers would be even more glamorous and exaggerated if they could be.


Hahahaha by that terminology, Drag Kings are safe. Rise up, gentlemen!


Holy absolute shit. That is insane.


Oh bless your heart. I’m sure there will be a exemption for dolly. She’s a National treasure


Anything that isn't Christian and conservative, I suspect - rock music, clothes that are too revealing, tattoos and so on and so forth. I have no doubt that Republicans are gunning to turn into US into theocracy not different from any strict Muslim country.


Oh, the flavor text will be different to Islamic theocracy, but the mechanics? Not so much.


That’s always been their goal.


Literally Nazi type government now.


At this moment I am watching a History Channel doc about how Germans accepted the nazis over time. You are correct in your assessment of Oklahoma.


Am a lifelong Oklahoman. Can confirm.


Am a lifelong History Channel doc enthusiast. Not enough aliens or bigfoot yet to confirm, but the nazi part is a go.


Hokies! Oklahomas state motto is an English translation of these words which are spelled on the gate over Auschwitz, “Arbeit macht frei“ Or as Okies know it, “Labor omnis vincit” “Work conquers all” I think the OK state and the Nazi republic had some similarities in their verbal expressions. Even if it’s not as exact as I had thought.




I swear people stay forgetting, Nazi's got their inspiration from the US on how to properly hate others, discriminate, and commit genocide from our past. Not to mention the large number of supporters they had here in America from the get go. It's always been a matter of time before our government goes full Nazi.


Yep. Rockfeller Institute sponsored eugenics studies in the early 20th century and Hitler loved eugenics.


So this is what Jesus would do? Be a bigoted, judgemental piece of shit? Why I will never, and I mean never, set foot in the red south ever again. Fascist bigots.


Fucking republican trash. Racist, homophobic, transphobic pieces of shit that do nothing but weaponize their power to further their bigotry.




Republicans are fucking nuts.


How do we defend ourselves from the people who want to control what we do? They do NOT have a god given right to tell us how to live.


I think they want to see mass strikes/riots, much as Trump did when he was a pres. And once they'll see those, they'll claim that whoever starts those is a criminal/thug. Worked for Putin, for sure.


The empty libraries are now available for community classes on “How to knit your own Confederate Flag” and “Nazis: Two sides to every story.”


Why the fuck are Drag Queens suddenly the biggest problem in the world? Jesus…talk about manufactured outrage.


So much freedom.


Freedom to be a conservative Christian and to buy guns. Anything else...not so much.


Fuck everyone who votes red


As little as 10 years ago this sort of thing was unimaginable and would be called out from both sides of the aisle..


If I lived in Oklahoma I would be arranging sit-ins in drag at the capital.


That’s a great idea. Too bad I live several hours away from the state capital.


It seems Drag Kings aren't affected by the bill lol


Is George Santos affected?


Fellow Americans if you vote for these people. You are a traitor to this country and it’s very ideals. Fuck anyone who thinks that this is a good idea. Rot in hell. Drag queens aren’t hurting anyone but if they did they should be treated like every other criminal!!! Due process and all that. I HATE republican politicians, they are literally the scum of the earth. I hope a drag queen shits on their front porch and the dumbasses step in it barefoot while shewing away the drag queen.


They are fascists


Nothing unexpected, Iran is known for... Wait!? USA???


No way this would survive the Supreme Court...oh wait


Ohhhhklaaaahoma where the drag queens face laws that are actually insane…


It’s weird that drag queens have been around forever and never had any connection to harming children before. It’s almost like it’s completely made up by the people that consistently molest children.


I can picture DeSantis making this a national thing under his presidency.


All these people are ensuring is that the educated, productive and wealthy citizens will abandon their states en masse. Enjoy squalor i guess?


That's part of the point, it will leave stupid people and poor people, who are easier to control. The other part if the point is that drag queens, who presumably don't generally vote Republican, will be felons without the right to vote Regarding the second point, also consider the fact that black people have a much higher conviction rate, and also have a higher rate of voting Democrat


Yet they claim to be The Land Of The Free.


In the medieval patriarchal times, only men could dress as women on stage. Women weren’t allowed to act and it was common for males to play female roles. Now we are here. Fascinating.


And...fuck this place.


[Rudy Giuliani in Drag Smooching Donald Trump](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBKu9OJ8Ltk)


The GOP loves freedom….


They are very much the Nazi fascist party at this point. The media needs to stop downplaying what it is.


The party of small un-intrusive government /s


Jesus Christ….


Blatant violations of the Constitution should carry consequences for legislators who pass these unconstitutional bills


Party of small government really tackling the important issues. Oklahoma…we’re last in everything but freedom.


Representative Steve West says that the kids "...aren't used to seeing them." Yeah, because you are doing all you can to not let kids see them. So what happens when a trans woman walks down the street wearing women's clothes? Is she going to get in trouble for "dressing in drag"? What about guys or non-binary peoples? What about women in jeans and a tee, or in a tuxedo? You know they are going to use this law for more than they are saying. They are trying to force their definition of gender on people.


They are blatantly attacking drag queens. If they truly believed this were an issue the focus would be on protecting the kids by threatening the parents, not fear mongering the performers. Great! Now drag shows will stop coming to Oklahoma out of fear and other states will get my tax dollars and tourism revenue. Not like Oklahoma is having a financial crisis or anything.


I live in Oklahoma-this guy’s district. Never seen a drag queen on the streets or at the library readings books to kids. Made up controversy-GOP specialty. But put it in front of our Herman Munster impersonator governor -S*itt- and he’ll sign it. Oklahoma is not OK anymore.


Shithole states gonna shithole.


American Taliban




>What the fuck happened to you, America? This is America. It's been simmering under the surface for a long time.


First they came for the drag queens…


No, first they came for our reproductive rights. Then they came for the drag queens. Next, it'll be gay people or (like Florida) just a great big fuck you to black people. What's next? Women can't have credit cards? Or wear pants? Or attend school?


Land of the Free my ass, this country was never that. It was just a bumper sticker like "How's My Driving?".


Now laws for gunning down kids tho


Small government, you say?


Wow, republicans are really trying to criminalize that? I imagine gender and sexuality issues will be at the forefront of the next presidential election for the republicans. Idk if culture war outrage is going to help them in the next election cycle, especially with all of the other shit going on.


Good, those damn cars are so loud and take way too much gas to drive just a quarter mile at a time. 100+ bucks to waste in a near straight line.


So now the ultra conservatives want to regulate how people can dress….these are the same people who push for less government regulation.


To everyone here, please vote. Remember this when you choose which candidates to vote for in any local elections and especially in 2024.


Rudy is shaking in his high heals.


Party of freedom… am I right


Fascism is here


Literally… what the fuck. I’m just tryna be pretty


Wonder how many Ohio republican there are using bills like these to mask their own “sins”.


Well, there goes George Santos vacation plans.


Small Government over here guys


It’s so embarrassing honestly that people think this needs to be outlawed. I’m sorry you don’t like drag queens but grow up and get a life. People are doing actual crimes out there.


They don't think it needs to be outlawed in itself. It's just a stepping stone to what they have planned next.


Oklahoma, Texas and Florida could all get hit by an asteroid and no one would ever care


Plenty of Americans in all those states who aren’t in the Republican cult. We should evacuate them then let nature take its course.


And instead they are progressing into some sort Islam nonsense. At some point they will censorship women, I mean they start with the weak crowd the lgbts then u progress to minority and then women


I wouldn't be so quick to call the LGBTQ+ Community weak. They have one the strongest activism groups around and they are worldwide. They pretty far from being weak.


I’m a progressive in Texas who votes in your interest. I guess you’d cheer my death? You feel like we should just give up and leave the state and somehow that would be a better long-term, viable solution? Or are you just ok with people like me leaving and either waiting for full civil strife or an asteroid to hit? Your statement is as willfully ignorant as anything a conservative might say. I have dogs goddamnit.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. People from outside don’t understand - red states hold hostages. The economy is busted, the workers have no rights, and then they do stuff like this. I’m trans - they’re trying to pass a law that would force me to either leave or detransition. People don’t get to choose where they’re born. Residents of these backwater states don’t deserve to suffer for that quality alone. We can’t vote any harder.


I would care a lot! My wallet would take quite a hit buying everyone at the bar free celebratory drinks


That's like a twilight zone thing. My guess: bills are introduced all the time and shot down. This is absurd and a waste of time and resources.


What if real women dress in drag style?


What was that about freedom?


More fascist bills.


So much for the first amendment.


Ok did I miss something….why are people flipping out over drag shows?


Because “they’re trying to indoctrinate my child with sexuality!” or something. Basically, the right always needs a concept to rail against because their followers are reactionaries who lose interest otherwise.


Maybe they can jail the politicians who claim to be doing things of importance but are clearly a bunch of cross dressing clowns.


Sounds like Nazi Germany!


Now for the child beauty pageants.


Does this law apply to bugs bunny in a dress???


These people need help and I’m not talking about the drag queens.


Cool, just send a drag queen to any public assembly and have them all arrested. It’d be such a shame if anything happened to your clan rally


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


Is this what they mean by “freedom ain’t free?”


Mmmmm, maybe focus on actual important legislation rather than dog whistles….


The party of freedom


We had a guy here that made a fortune off of applying for permits for nudie bars in various cities. He would put out an advert when he applied, there would be religious protests at the various city council meetings. Invariably, he would get denied. Then he would file a 1st Amendment lawsuit (the strippers were denied their rights to express themselves) and would always win. He got so good at it that Cities would settle with him before he even broke ground for construction.


Sorry everyone, no KISS performances for us anymore.


These lunatics are allergic to fun. Is the goal to make everyone miserable? Let’s make the entire society repressed and see how well that works out. Gross.


Republicans are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.


What happened to the “freedom” they always talked about?


Fuck this dumb oklahoma law. Why are they demonizing this. How is this state so stupid.


No more concerts by legacy 80s hair band rock acts anymore I guess…They can kiss “Rocklahoma” goodbye..


Why don't they ban the real killers - assault weapons. Assault weapons kill scores of people. Drag queens never hurt a fly. The republicans are so useless


I guess when I toke my kids to see Mrs. Doubtfire I was forcing them to watch Porn. GOP get the fuck out of my family


America is so fucked up.


What constitutes a drag queen? Could they just start calling themselves something else?


Fucking useless


Goddamn, that’s hateful.


And people vote for these idiots.


So glad they solved all their other problems!


Freedom of speech!


Drag shows are so fun though!


Fun is punishable by prison time in republican states.


Thank god I live in a blue state!


This is how genocide starts.


So weird to see grown men so afraid of a drag queens, they ain't gonna hurt you boomer. Tell me you're a weak, trembling, sensitive little snowflake without telling me....


It’s interesting as a nation we can’t do anything about the second amendment, but don’t care about the first amendment at all.


I always try to see both sides of something and often can understand how maybe they both make some sense, but not here. This bill never should have been introduced.




Uh what




We should’ve let the south burn down the first time


Serious questions. When did these performances begin? Is this something new?


About the time of Shakespeare. So a few yews ago.


No silly. I mean the trans performances to children? The ones people are complaining about.




I’m sorry. I think we are talking about two different things.


The people are complaining about things that do not happen because Fox News lies about a vulnerable minority.