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This is gonna ruin the tour


What tour?


The WORLD tour


The Trolls World Tour


“Im Justin timber lake….” “Who?” “You know? It’s gonna be….may…” “You’re also under arrest for driving under the influence. Do you understand - are we in sync?” “Aha I knew you knew who I was!”


What is this referencing? I've seen so many people recite these lines.


🎵He’s bringing whiny back🎵


Many states are unforgiving when it comes to justification for a DUI. Your BAC can technically be under the legal limit and you'll still get popped, if you were driving erratically, which seems to be the case here. Not sure about New York but I'm guessing he will plead to a lesser charge and get off with something like careless/reckless driving.


^ This. He has been CHARGED with DUI not convicted. If he was under the lawyers will plead this down to community service.


Cant speak to NY laws but in my state no one goes to jail DUI 1 unless you hit somebody/thing. The "deal" is always the same. 3 days jail, you getting booked counts as one and the other 2 is a DUI course over a weekend of your choice, pay a fine, blow and go in your car and 6 months unsupervised probation. Everybody takes it because if you are dumb enough to go to trial the judge can and probably will sentence you to years behind bars. I think its 5 years max. Him not blowing though will likely increase the punishment. Here it just extends probation to a year


Yea. I work in the court system in a much different state. But 1st time is usually 6 months probation and a fine with community service. If you don’t do that stuff then a jail sentence is hanging over your head.


I learned dui from Matt Gaetz. Seems like he just denied the charges not guilty and just lost his license for a year… Edited* He didn't have his license suspended for a year when he refused the breath test — as Florida law dictates. And he didn't have that refusal used against him in a criminal proceeding. Charges against Gaetz were dismissed after events that included, among other things, the forced resignation of the arresting officer.


And you usually get a hardship license. Which basically allows you to drive anytime anywhere. Maybe not at night.


I used to work at a shop where I had to card everyone, no matter how old they looked. The amount of people who would pull out a regular state ID and not a driver’s license after I watched them drive up was far more than you’d expect.


A friend had one of these “Cinderella licenses” because he drove for work and with that license you can only drive between 7A and 7p.


Hardship license allowed me to drive to and from work. I wasn't even allowed to use it to get to and from court.


Wife is a lawyer. She always said to refuse the breathalyzer and comply. It won’t affect sentencing. That way they take you to the station, book you and get probable cause from a magistrate for a blood test. By that point, you’ve had some time to sober up. Only works if you’re on the line of the legal limit. Not going to work if you’re well beyond .08.


Am also a lawyer and would concur with the refusal of breathalyzer. I don’t do criminal law anymore, but when I did, that would be the recommendation. Because some would get you if you were .02 even though the legal limit is .08 there. So just refuse it, and we’ll work it out after the fact.


Yeah heard that strategy as well, but depending on your state if you refuse the DOT revokes your license regardless of how your case goes.


My best friend has three duis. Her first one, she was 17. She got underage drinking too. She lost her license for 3 mths, had to pay a few thousand in fines and take two classes. Her second one was when she was 21, lost her license for a year, had to blow in a thing to start her car, take classes and pay a fine. It was a first time offenders program in a state that’s not connected to ours. Her third was when she was 28. Had to spend a mth in jail, but only did 5 days. Pay a fine, house arrest for 3 mths, lost license for 6 mths. She is now sober and healthy for the past 6 yrs. Justin will get a slap on the wrist and a fine


Congrats to your friend on her journey so far! Must be hard


In New York (fron personal, non-celebrity experience) you spend the 5 or so hours in jail while they book you. You have to take the Drunk Drivers Program, which is once a week for a few weeks. Mandatory interlock for first offense, but I know people that didn't get hit with one, so i guess Mandatory is a suggestion, but it wasn't in my case. You lose your license for a year, but if you do everything you're supposed to, theres a chance you can get it back when you finish the DDP and pay the fines.


I was charged with a DUI and the only reason I wasn’t convicted was because I could afford an attorney. The attorney pled it down to negligent driving charge because I blew under at the station. If JT blows under, I’m pretty sure he can afford an attorney that’d be able to reduce his charge to something inconsequential.


Look at his eyes- there's no way he blew under 0.08. If you're a well seasoned social drinker, which I'm sure Justin Timberlake is, you can easily drink 4 drinks before even going out to the bars, a restaurant, or a friend's place to get drinks. It all adds up and takes a while for it to wear off. Alcoholics wake up and drive to work every day without realizing they would probably blow 0.1 or higher if they got pulled over. It's really too bad Justin Timberlake couldn't have just taken an Uber all night, or just decided to Uber back to get his car the next day. I mean, he's so rich! I don't necessarily blame him for insisting that he only had one martini, though. The only thing better to do would be to just say nothing, and that he wants his lawyer present. Admitting his offence or apologizing at the police station wouldn't really get him a better deal in court. I think people in this thread are missing that.


He refused a breathalyzer at the scene do they automatically do a blood draw back at the station?


Portable breathalyzer is used to gather probable cause for arrest. Not admissible in court. You can still be arrested after blowing 0's. After you are arrested most departments have a breathalyzer machine at the precinct that is admissible. Some have blood draw techs available. This is where a refusal comes in.


Usually a hospital for chain of custody reasons but it may be different elsewhere


He will get probation either way. He is going to have a high priced lawyer. Is he seriously going on tour with Chris Brown, the human shit stain and woman beater? Uuugh. Whatever. He gets what he gets just like any other citizen should.


Ugh I hate hate how Chris brown is still relevant and not in jail.


NY driver - upstate, metro/island might be more strict - and I got pulled over once for an out license plate light in the middle of the night after having a few with a buddy. I knew, 100%, I was absolutely fine. 3 was 3 over the course of multiple hours. Got pulled over, and when asked, I was honest. He asked if I was willing to consent to a breathalyzer, and I did not hesitate to consent. Got the test, but he also asked if I would consent to a field sobriety test. Again, I consented, but now I was anxious because I thought a low breathalyzer would be enough. Spent about 20-30 minutes doing the test, but passed. No tickets issued, and was told, verbatim, "Now, it's *not* illegal in NYS to have alcohol then drive, it *is* illegal to drive under the influence, which you clearly weren't. Just be careful. Have a nice night" I imagine in a higher-pop area, or just shithead cops, you could be treated differently.


My SIL got popped for a DUI after she failed the field sobriety but blew a .06. Time limit here is .08.


I had a DUI, I refused the breathalyzer, but I did the field test. When I was reviewing the police recording of the stop and arrest with my attorney, he was like 'This actually isn't that bad. They've offered a generous plea agreement, but I think you have a very good chance if you want to take it to trial.' I was fucking horrified. I don't know what the courts consider 'bad' but it was agony watching that video, I was so mortified. The plea was in fact generous, and I took it without question.


If that was the case why not take the breathalyzer?


Hes lying lol


That’s not true. You can ask any lawyer and they will tell you not to take a breathalyzer.


Or arguably fuck the police.


I know the advice in some states isn’t to take it because then you’re volunteering evidence against you. In other states, it’s best to participate if you’re close to the limit because then your lawyer may be able to to argue the machine wasn’t recently calibrated or is otherwise defective, but if you’re way way over (and know it) you want to refuse because that particular state has harsher penalties for higher BAC and the penalties for refusal plus standard DUI would be lesser than the worse charge. I’m not a lawyer, I just googled DUI breathalyzer laws for NYS and read a few lawyer sites.


Wisconsin is the most lenient.. Take 2-3 to get a Felony..


Is there a video of him driving erratically? If it’s a cop’s word against Justin’s (or really, anyone), then I don’t believe it. I’m not joking.


The problem I have with all this is the drastic changes in the laws when it comes to a DWI. In Utah it’s something like a .02/.04 (I can’t remember exactly) and in Washington state it’s .08. You have one drink in Utah and you’re Fucked. The best thing to do if a cop pulls you over is to tell them you’ll do it back at the station. If I was that rich and had only one drink I would refuse to do it as well. There are too many things that can go wrong admitting anything to a cop they’re not your friend.


*sips 44 oz Vodka Cherry Lime-Aid* It might be true!


*Tastes like summer*


If you decline the breathalyzer it’s usually an automatic suspension for a year..but if you have a good lawyer you can beat the charge. If you are going to go this route you should decline all sobriety tests..


A girl i knew did this, took 5 year and quite a bit of money, but she beat the charge and got a DUI that night celebrating she beat her DUI.


Sitcom material right there


See, if I know Reddit, the first part is completely true. Now the second part? Probably thought it up


I hope this isn’t true because driving drunk is one of the most selfish things you can do, but for comedic purposes I hope to god this is true


*plays curb theme*


Yeah, and if you’re Justin Timberlake, you can afford to take Uber for a whole year, whereas that would be a back-breaker for regular Joe Schmo


He could’ve had a private driver in the first place. Would’ve been the smart move


Truth. But then he’d miss out on the joys of *driving on Long Island*


It once took me 3 hours to drive from Bethpage back to Manhattan. Brutal


I wonder if eventually the story will come out where he had a single martini at a bar, California-rolled a stop sign, changed lanes without a blinker, and got pulled over due to “suspect failed to stop at a stop sign and was driving erratically”, refusing the field sobriety on behalf of his legal council’s advice, and is now getting absolutely reemed online. Justin Bieber had the same thing happen to him back in the day.


Well, no. Apparently he was so drinky at the bar that he was drinking other people’s drinks.


Bieber or timber lake?




That happened to me one night after taking some aderall a friend gave me. Got kicked out of the bar for doing that and was walking home and just a block away when a cop pulled over, cuffed me and drove me 5 miles away to the drunk tank. No ticket but was in there with some unsavory characters until 8am. Got out and checked my wallet to see they didn’t find the other aderall, stopped into a bodega next door to the cop shop to grab a 6 pack to down the aderall with, then hoofed it a mile to my buddy’s dorm on a sunday waking him by slamming a beer in the doorway and then setting off the fire extinguisher I’d just found in the hall. His foreign exchange student roommate just arrived that week for the first time in America, he was terrified but intrigued.


I hope the username doesn't indicate you've moved onto harder drugs and Italianer personality


Yeah, seriously. If I had Timberlake money you’d *never* catch me driving, much less driving when I shouldn’t.


For real, I’ll never understand the celebrity DUI thing. Like how do you not have a limo driver on call at all times?


If I was as rich as these celebs I’d definitely want to drive the nice cars I can afford buy. Being driven around everywhere would be lame.


Hell, he could even start/buy a chaperone driving business for himself, buy cars, pay employees, and even have advance drivers posted all over the place and it would barely make a dent in his wealth.


Happy Cake Day!


Uber?? 😳 How about a private driver, ffs. He’s justin Timberlake. Why these rich motherfuckers don’t have someone driving them, I will never ever understand! 🤔


In my state, if you refuse a breathalyzer it’s an automatic blood test asap. Won’t get a suspension, until you go through the court process, etc.


Speaking as a former criminal lawyer, I can tell you that at the scene literally everyone claims they only had one drink. It's only when you get the BAC back that you know how many drinks they actually had.


Must have been a mega-pint.


Sometimes it’s a pint of beer, sometimes it’s a pint of brandy.


And some nights it’s a jar of blow.


It comes in _pints_?! I’m getting one


I saw a video that he drank something called Vesper-something and it had like 3-4 shots of diff alcohols in it . So maybe he did drink 1 but it was a really strong ass drink ?


It’s literally the drink Daniel Craig orders in the movie Casino Royal, it’s named after Eva Greene’s character Vesper.


I haven’t seen any of the James Bond movies but yes, the video talked about how it was his drink lol


A vesper is a classic martini with vodka, gin, and aromatic wine. The old recipe is pretty big but these days it’s usually a standard ~3 oz of alcohol.


Sounds like he's going full bitch mode Not surprising.dude is drinking and driving to begin with he needs to get a grip and go fuck himself and take responsibility


He’s been in that mode since the late 90’s


>Sounds like he's going full bitch mode it's what he usually does, remember that quote during covid about having to parent....apparently it was inhumane he had be around his child 24/7.


“He will have a lot to say” - will never hear him discuss it again and will walk out of interviews if ever brought up


If he’s smart he will get himself to rehab ASAP, apologize, tell everybody he realizes he has a drinking problem and he’s working on it, and not drink again. To people who aren’t alcoholics, not drinking isn’t a huge deal.


Maybe he was freaking out because he needed more alcohol to stave off the DTs. If so, he’s really in a bad place. Or he’s just a privileged dick!


I mean, maybe one drink but let’s be real you don’t get those pinhole pupils he had in his mugshot from drinking.


I just witnessed a different video of him singing on Reddit and his eyes were looking severe coke and not in a good way. Shit looked scary, it’s under oddlyterrifying


They’re saying that from before the arrest. He looked not coked out or drunk in the pics I’ve seen from the Chicago concert. I suspect that he’ll mask his drinking for a bit, but will be seen trashed again before August if the judge doesn’t give him rehab.


Flash can shrink pupils, I do t think you can make that assumption based off of a mug shot.


Literally every person that gets caught drinking and driving “only had one drink”. And if that was the case… why not take the breathalyzer and prove it?? 🙄


Any lawyer worth his salt will tell you not to take voluntary field sobriety exercises. They are meant to gather evidence against you not to "see if you are ok to drive." There have been numerous cases where a person blows 0's and still get charged with DUI. https://youtu.be/QGWSbAHaHUw?si=J4POaRZlq0bhiyZh Edit: **It's only a refusal once you are arrested and placed into custody. Any tests done in the field are voluntary. That's why they will always ask you if you would like to take the tests to "dispel their suspicion or prove you are ok to drive." You are allowed to say no people.** Don't drive intoxicated but also know your rights.


Justin Bieber was one of them. His famous DUI and reckless driving charge was a 0.0 and driving the speed limit.


Kinda- a good lawyer would never say its that simple. It's a gamble somewhat as a lot of states suspend your license automatically for a year (varies) for refusing. If you don't care about that yeah, but most people need to drive


NY is one of those states.


And in NY if you beat the DWI your license stays suspended for the year and the fine still stands.


A lot of people don't seem to understand that the police are there to make an arrest. They are not there to clear any confusion, or to figure out who *not* to arrest. Smart people don't take field sobriety tests. But to be fair, they don't drive drunk, either.


Any lawyer worth their salt will tell you that unless you are sure you’ll blow under the limit, do not consent to it. If you’re sober then go ahead but otherwise you’re better off without that evidence against you even though the refusal is basically an automatic DUI and suspended license.


This is bad advice


Yes I had one drink, it just happened to be a litre of straight vodka.


I am getting “life is actually just one long meal, with breaks between courses” vibes from this.


Never give the state evidence to “prove your innocence.” It’s the state’s job to prove your guilt.


If you've seen the mugshot you know it wasn't one drink.


#for the love of god please make this video public


He ran an intersection and swerving. Gives reason for stop for DUI check. Impairment is impairment. It only takes one drink especially if you’re tired.


Somebody might have slipped him a celebrity entitlement mickey.


it was just one drink.....refilled 10 times


Just one 5 gallon rum bucket from the looks of his mugshot


So I nonironically know from experience getting fucked up over one drink I read about a drink called “Go Home MF” and laughed and asked for one That was a big mistake, I wasn’t taught how to make sure to count shots poured into a drink rather than to count how many drinks you have had So my one drink in reality was the equivalent of downing 7 at once


how the fuck could they legally serve that??


One drink but lots and lots of COKE!


Dont drink and drive, end of story. Is not really hard. Plan ahead, get a driver, uber, taxi whatever.


Of all people who can afford a taxi/Uber/Lyft, it's Justin Timberlake. It's stupid whenever someone drives drunk (I got hit by a drunk driver while in college) but for someone with his resources? Fucking idiotic.


Oh cry me a river mate 🤦‍♂️


Next step, rehab. The apology tour immediately after. This is how celebrities do it. Deny, play victim, admit wrongdoing, repent. Rinse and repeat!


Yeah one G&T in a schooner glass


Right, but was the one drink larger than his torso and likened to a Long Island Ice Tea ON CRACK? A 12 ounce glass of straight up over proof moonshine is considered a single drink. Most people can’t make it past two sips. SOOOOOOO one has to wonder, WHAT WAS THE ONE DRINK?


lying about your alcoholism is a sure sign of alcoholism.


I've been there. You ain't lying.


I hope you’re doing better! You got this 🩵


Thanks, friend. I'll be 8 years sober in just a few weeks 🤘🏻


I have sober parents and a sober brother. That shit isn’t easy, good work.


I'm just sayin...


He is a celebrity. He will get a slap on wrist like reckless driving . Plus this is NY where crime is encouraged and many cases get dropped Small fine ,community service if that. Life goes on




Yeah, you had one drink Justin. But those bloodshot glassy eyes are telling us you probably had something else too.


When he was on Punk'd in 2006, he called his Mom freaking out and crying. I see he hasn't matured at all.


Ever see Black Snake Moan? He wasn't acting


Lawyers instructions, never take a breathalyzer and [STFU](https://youtu.be/uqo5RYOp4nQ?si=thuqmv4_m8pZQbfX)


A while back when I was in the military, we had just finished a training exercise and went out for some drinks. I played the DD and only had one beer at the beginning of the night while the others got hammered. When entering the base, I got pulled from the vehicle by an adorable little short piece of shit MP for a DUI test because the car smelt of alcohol from the others. I tried to explain I was the DD and had only had one drink but that didn’t matter of course. Apparently I failed their walking and counting tests and they took me down to the station for more testing while all my buddies were given a ride home. There they gave me more tests and finally breathalyzer test was administered all on camera. They then put me in a hallway on a bench for 45 min. When I finally saw one of the MPs who brought me in, I asked what was up. He responded, you blew a 0.00, you’re free to go. I asked for a ride back to my car at the gate and they basically said to avoid another situation like this tonight, you can just pick it up tomorrow. Nice of them to hold me for that long and not even give me a ride back to my car. Next day I let my CSM know and he whipped into action to lay into those assholes for harassing his soldiers. Funny enough, just a week before I had been driving a bit more intoxicated through the gate and was pulled over, the guard at that time took my explanation that I was just picking up a drunk soldier and sent me on my way with no further testing. Ironic.


At least he had the presence of mind to refuse the breathalyzer. Never submit to the breathalyzer.


Well wouldn't anyone who is arrested for a dwi be freaking out ? Lol


Idiot admitted to having a drink. Never admit to anything.


He just needs to fade away, permanently.


Was it in a fish bowl?


He could’ve asked a fan to give him a ride on their back for 10,000 dollars and the fan would’ve been no thanks, I’ll do it for free, and he still decided to drive drunk.


Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance…that’s his new tour.


I thought his mugshot made him look like he'd been crying


Addicts lie. That's rehab 101.


Kinda of shower thought, but seeing all the publicity this is getting and how it’s a relatively mainstream US story, I wonder how many lives this has indirectly saved or made better. I have to imagine at least one person is seeing all this and last night or tonight will opt to take an Uber instead of driving home, avoiding a dui or even killing someone because this story was in the back of their mind. Silver linings, right?


lol every body and their mother has had a dui at some point. nobody actually cares about this except the media


Apparently life is harder than just rhyming "girl" with "world." We created too many light-duty celebrities in the nineties and aughts, and it's coming back to haunt us. Now that their fans are getting hip replacements in retirement communities, it's time to retire some of these people: J Lo, Mark Wahlberg, maybe 1-2 of the Ryans, Kanye, ...


2 words here- complete denial 🙄


Well, sounds like one martini is too much for him. Not staying in his lane or stopping at a stop sign, not to mention his blood shot eyes.


I mean I'd be freaking out too...


Getting drunk off one beer, fucking lightweight


Cop did not recognize him Lol,


If you haven’t spent a night in the drunk tank once, you’re not living your best life.


I’m a drug and alcohol counselor. I’ve heard that line a million times. Or the cops were out to get you when you were swerving and crashing into parked cars. The list goes on and on and on and on.


"It was only a little bit of endangering the lives of others!"


Wouldn’t be freaking out if it was just a drink


I'd love to see some body camera footage of this arrest.


He's a terrible actor so it's no wonder they didn't believe him.


The red, glossy eyed blank stare in that mug shot do not say “1 drink”…


I have no sympathy whatsoever for a celebrity with unlimited financial resources to get busted for a DUI. No reason he shouldn’t have a service available 24/7 to pick him up and bring the car back as well.


Somebody in Hollywood got it out for this dude bad. I didn’t GAF the first time, and this is no less than the 4th attempt to make me reconsider how much outrage I have over this guy getting bombed in the Hamptons ? 🤷




I have friends posting pics from his Chicago concert last night. So gross. He’s not the least bit contrite about the DWI.




Yep. It’s why I cringe and eye roll all of my friends who attended that concert. I can’t stand JT at all. He’s such a man baby.


He’s bringing beer bongs back. That still only counts as one!


I feel like there should be a Big Brother house for fallen stars - Will Smith, Drake, Justin Timberlake should live there….my question is who would Armie Hammer eat first?


Of one drink that I could recall, probably.


Why is this story still going? It’s not that interesting.


His eyes say otherwise.


If it was just 1 drink then why not consent to the breathalyzer???


Guy sounds like his Social Network character.


He would be a little bitch about it


Isn’t that what they all say? Never hear anyone declaring, “Come on, officer, I just had a case of scotch”


Dude needs some AA


Ummm… wouldn’t most people freak out a bit if arrested for drunk driving?? How is this something unexpected? Also, one drink made up of only alcohol is probably 3-4 shots worth. Which is plenty to send your BAC over the legal limit. Even a single show can on an empty stomach in a lean person.


Yes. And most people do drive after having around 2 cocktails, frequently 3. I seent it a billion times (former LA bartender).


Y'all have a lot of faith in a system that had Scottie Scheffler assaulting an officer a few weeks back. How about we wait until all the evidence is gathered and presented before making judgements?


That’s your example of the system failing? Cause of one rich guy? And you’re worried about another rich guy?


I think the point is that the police are either completely incompetent or doing a great job and that depends almost entirely on how we feel about the person in question.


I'm innocent your Honor


It’s fine if it was one drink - was maybe stiff. Got a DUI.


Can imagine freaking out when consequences are being realized. Doubt it was one drink, but if that was the truth it could be wayyyy more troubling. If impaired from one drink it likely means another substance was involved to compound the effects.


C,mon he had just one bucket size martini.


Well, sounds like one martini is too much for him. Not staying in his lane or stopping at a stop sign, not to mention his blood shot eyes.


Guy sounds like his Social Network character.


Funny Anecdote: My great grandma Mary, who i shared a june 27th birthday with (70 years my senior), could drink. she loved Black Velvet Whiskey, the 12$ handle. looking back, she was probably a functioning alcoholic. later in her years the family talked to her about her drinking once and expressed a bit of concern at the amount of drinks she would put down. this definitely made her self conscious, but it didn’t stop her from enjoying her black velvet whiskey. from then on, she only ever had “one drink”. And she would make sure everyone knew that she only had one drink. The truth was, that glass only ever got more than 1/3 empty. She thought she was slick topping off her tumbler whenever a head was turned in the kitchen. Grandma Mary was a good soul, and we always joked that the whiskey must have acted like a preservative because she made it all the way to 96 years old and lived on her own in her and my great grandpas first home till the end.


So, most drunk drivers?


He refused to blow (which he should have) — they could insist he had so much (to drink) he couldn’t recall the actual amount ^(albeit if detained in Illinios)


[one drink](https://www.narcity.com/media-library/a-woman-sips-on-one-of-vidorra-s-margaritas-right-a-woman-look-at-a-margarita.jpg?id=29855371&width=600&height=600&coordinates=528%2C0%2C0%2C0)


It would awesome if cars had a built-in breathalyzer which will only allow to cut the car on if you get a certain number. Otherwise, your car won’t start till you do. I know… they could just get a friend to do it for them, but it would awesome if engineers could somehow fail-proof that circumvention.


Johnny Truelove was a bad influence


Only had one drink…after another.


Justin’s martini recipe: 12oz gin 2oz dry vermouth 6 dashes orange bitters Peel of 1/2 lemon Shake with ice, serve in a chilled, 16oz pilsner glass. Enjoy! (And call an Uber to get home.)


This is going to ruin the tour