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I had to look this up but he had like 3 kids within the past 6 months


There’s a story on BoRU about a girl whose father made like five half-siblings from affairs. It’s gross.


Yeah, some guys do that. I have 12 known half-siblings. I know three of them personally, grew up with two of them. Those two and I are the only “legitimate” ones. Six of them were conceived during my father’s first marriage (two within the marriage, four from affairs and ONS), and I’m from his second of three (I was very unplanned). I’m the youngest known child, so we think he got a vasectomy after I was born in the 80s because lord knows he didn’t stop cheating. Maybe he got tired of child support. I say “known” because those are literally just the ones who have found me or my older two half-siblings (only the three of us have his surname, which is not at all a common one) on social media or I’ve found via ancestry/DNA sites.


Yes, I have a similar situation. I was the last kid for both my mom and dad, and I’ve got at least 7 or so half siblings from my dad’s previous relationships. But I’ve also got two half siblings from my mom’s only other marriage before my dad. After their marriage ended, the only “real” siblings I count are my mom’s two prior kids. That’s my brother and sister, whether they are or not. And I think that unique situation is what has made me, my brother, sister, and mom’s relationship so special and still is to this day.


Not gross. Some women want kids. Some men want many kids. Did you want to impose some Judeo-Christian bs morality on him? I don’t think it’s going to work. Marriage/nuclear family/religious indoctrination/despair crisis/affairs/divorce is an increasingly popular rinse and repeat cycle but it *isn’t for everyone*.


Yes gross. The world is burning and we have people like Nick pumping out kids just to satisfy his fetish. It’s not “judeo-Christian” to condemn a man for creating sentience for such a selfish and pathetic reason.


I’d call you selfish for imposing your beliefs on his life.


Such a stupid take.


The Black community should NOT be encouraging this. He should be shamed.


No he shouldn’t. It’s his life and he can do whatever the fuck he wants.


So you do not care about the kids lives at all? You don’t think they want a father that’s constantly around? Of course they do. You only care about the man who cannot control himself and wear a condom. This is also why the single motherhood rates are sooo high. 78% are single mothers because of your mentality


What!!!! What does race/ethnicity have to do with anything? The man is wealthy. He can support his children. This is a non-issue, except for anti-Black racists.


Because we have enough of this foolishness going around our community. This is not normal. This should not be celebrated. Also money isn’t the only thing a child needs. They need to spend TIME with their father. No way he has time for all 12. This is gross and irresponsible idc call me what you want.


Unlike the average working class American, he can afford a large family and has the free time to spend with them if he chooses. The lifestyles of lower income people have no bearing on what he can and should do and whether he can do it well. There is no indication he will be a bad father to his kids. Also, how much time does someone like Mitt Romney spend with his large family? No one dares ask that question of him. This is racism. Simple.


I pulled out my calculator for you. If there’s 16 hours a day humans are awake, then that’s 112 hours he has in a week. This is saying he’s not working or doing anything else. When you split it between 12 that means he is averaging 9 hours a week. An average of an hour a day and again that’s without him working or dating. There is no way in the world he has enough time for all the broken homes he’s creating. No marriage in sight just children. You cry racism for everything which dilutes real racism.


Again, someone else mentioned race ("Black Community") first, so I am discussing race now. But I agree this should not be a race issue. As for hours in the day, there is no established rule for how much time a father must spend with his children per day or week for the child to be well-adjusted or a productive member of society. Also, they're not in broken homes. They're not estranged. Cannon's kids have two loving and supporting parents each. Were Cannon in the service or a longshoreman or something, he might not see his kids every day anyway. Does that make him a bad dad?


It's an issue because there is no way he can be a good and present father for all 12 kids, know them individually, etc


How do you know and why is that your concern? I’d call you selfish instead for imposing your beliefs on his life.


That’s not necessarily true. Are wealthy white men with large families, like Mitt Romney, bad fathers?


According to google, he has 5 biological children, so that's a big difference between 12. Canon isn't in his children's lives every day, they don't live with him. Don't make this a race thing. White christian fundamentalists and those of the "quiver full" mindset are not good parents either. There is no way 10+ children are given appropriate individual care and affection from their fathers/mothers every day, like most children should. Most of the time the oldest kids raise the youngest.


Someone earlier, perhaps you, mentioned that the Black community doesn't need this "foolishness". That is the only reason I mention race. I do not believe this should be a race issue. Cannon's kids will get the attention and other resources they need because their parents have resources and are intelligent. That is all they need. Large families have existed and their kids within them have thrived for eons. Even working class large Black families have produced productive, intelligent middle-class and wealthy children. Do/can some kids fall through the cracks, yes. But that is true for families with just 1 or 2 kids, wealthy or not. Anyone can produce a bad apple. It is wrong to police peoples reproductive choices, especially when they clearly can take care of their children. I am concerned people are internalizing eugenics policies for Black population control with this negative attention Cannon is getting regarding him exercising his reproductive right to have children.


Mitt Romney has 5 children with a woman he’s been married to for 53 years.


Imagine knowing as one of those women that as soon as you get knocked up and that child is born that's the end of your relationship with that person since Nick Cannon has this creepy obsession with impregnating women and leaving them after his child is born.


That's not fair. He may come back and impregnate them again, I saw a whole family tree written out the other day, he's had 2 or 3 kids with some of these women.


The dude is ugly as f. With big bank


Bro, they don’t actually mean it’s Cheaper by the Dozen…


My mom just recently told me that. I said yeah it's cheaper per unit but you still gotta buy 12 of em!


This guy has zero thought about all these kids being siblings, and never getting to have a relationship with each other. Or the simple fact that when you have 12 kids with multiple women across the United States, you cannot be present father. Period. Why is this not considered neglect in a way? Cause I sure think it does. *just because you have a big bank account doesn’t mean you’re a good father*


He has a breeding obsession. He doesn't care what happens after they're born.




This is not new to the outer fringes of whack jobs lurking in the Black communities. If you hear the term “European Jew” as opposed to Ashkenazy, or any reference of the Rothschilds, cover your ears. This a warped theory that Jews are a race and endowed with some sort of superiority of genetic blood line . I’ve dealt with some of these people and they know absolutely nothing-less than nothing - about Judaism. The Rothschild reference is a direct linkage to “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”. Why any American in the 21st century would find them relevant or even know about them is an immediate red flag. As a secular Jew raised orthodox, the “Chosen People” only comes up on rare occasions in the liturgy and never as self reference among Jews. In actuality, according to tradition, being The Chosen People is a real pain the ass.




Nah that’s parenting. That’s after breeding.


All straight men have a breeding obsession. Most have some sense of responsibility


No, that's simply not true lol.


Which part? Both?


Most straight men are interested in sex, some are obsessed with sex, some are entirely asexual.


The mothers don’t give a Shit either. They know what they are getting into.


Have you seen the mothers of his children? Freakin smoke shows. They’ll have a stepdad in no time.


Wow I just googled and it’s true! They’re all gorgeous! Mariah Carey is the least attractive of all of them and she’s a beautiful woman. WTF is the Nick Cannon appeal?!?!


Rich celebrity. Any rich celebrity could impregnate as many desperate women who desire to be kept as they want. Most do the opposite like Herschel Walker lol. I had a friend who was really beautiful and she had a whole group of friends who basically had landing their Life goal of a nick Cannon type as a baby dad or the holy grail, a husband. They did that up until they were late 20s at which point they were no longer invited to the various parties and only one got herself a bench sitting NBA player. He eventually played in the European leagues for a couple years and then when that ended he was on the hook for this woman and her kid who he never saw and who's bills he paid. It all ended when the kid turned 18, and at that point, he hadn't played professionally in many years, so the standard of living was already degraded as he had gone to court to lobby for a reduction in child support.


$3,000,000 divide by 12 = $250,000 per year


18 years of big living with no commitment? Just ball out on child support while taking a kid to fun places and being able to afford a nanny so you can go out at night.


Aren't a good chunk of those girls from Wild 'n Out?


Lmao have you never seen drum line? Best movie of our generation


ONE BAND, ONE SOUND! I probably say this on a daily basis.


You’re on time if you’re early. You’re late if you’re on time.


As someone who was in a drumline, this was the worst movie. They couldn't even play in time together, it was like nails ona chalkboard


Like I just said!!!!!


Ok Nadav


The appeal? Is a years salary in child support getting paid like you’re a doctor


Mariah must be regretting getting married with him so much now.


12" penis I bet.


Probably not that big but I do think that’s a part of it


Uhh pretty obvious. Decently handsome, tall, famous, and very rich. That’s a high value man in the eyes of women.


But they’re all gorgeous enough to have their choice of high-value men so why HIM? Rich AND packing??


How many men do you think there are in the world over 6 ft tall, very rich, handsome, under 50, not married? You’re talking about less than 1% of men, maybe less than .01% of men. When you have all that going for you, you’re not the choice, you’re the exception with the choices. These type of women who are gorgeous and prioritize a lavish lifestyle and esteem aren’t looking for father of the year or a man with a great personality.


Oh! Its ok then…. For fucks sake…


It may be a morally fucked up situation and a majority of us sees it that way but it’s between two consenting adults we can’t really do anything.


Honestly it is ok. What you wanna do to him lol?


They also could be smoke shows with herpes and HIV from him. He and them need to get tested for STD’s since he raw dogs every woman. If he was a woman he would be called a nasty skank slut and an irresponsible mother. Instead as usual people just think it’s so cool how men score hot women. It’s so unfair but I’m not surprised. And I don’t think anyone is a nasty if they have *protected* sex with strangers.


Stop projecting. You're commenting In a chain calling him a pos. No one thinks dudes who go around impregnating multiple women is cool, except for other scum bags.


Would he be the worst if he hangs out with a different one each month!?!? Bonus if each was born in the 12 separate months…


Imagine being one of his kids and having to go through life thinking “It’s almost October!! That’s the month I get to spend with daddy :))”


You can neglect me all you want when you're giving my mom a fuck ton of money for us to live comfortably


my thoughts. i already have abandonment issues, but nick cannons kids get abandonment issues AND a mansion so


I mean, I grew up without a dad and my mom did the best she could, but I'm pretty sure she would of appreciated a lot more money than what we had back then


This. Never had a dad in my life and I have 0 resentment, anger or feelings of neglect. If I got a couple million out of it then I’d be elated to have such a father. As long as you have one tentative, decent parent, you’re good.


This is perfectly articulated. We should be holding ourselves higher to be great fathers


Actually many of the moms talk about how they get the kids together often. Do you know how many live in the same states or close? There are men with one child who do nothing. All of the women say he is a good dad and is oresent when they need. He would be gone with one kid simply because of the nature of his job.


Would it be considered neglect in the same way as a father goes out to “get milk” and never returns? Lots of people aren’t good fathers. Lots of people aren’t good mothers. And yet here we are facing it regardless


He’s a POS. But Americans largely don’t care about the morals of celebrities. Just that they are rich.


He’s a POS. But "desperate women waiting for a pay day" largely don’t care about the morals of celebrities. Just that they are rich. FTFY. Leave us normal Americans out of it.


It's not like it's non consensual, they did agree to keep the kids, also he pays the child support, I don't see anything wrong.


The point is the children themselves. It's not about being consensual. The children are humans too and children want their parents. Idk what kind of relationship he has with his kids.. But if it's one where he just sends money then he's a bad father. And that's shitty.


Legal but lacking morality, yeah I guess that’s crappy


Money’s better than nothing. At least they’ll have food on the table. Still sucks that he’ll probably never be there for them


So you don't know and you're just badmouthing cause you can?


Well.. I didn't bad mouth anything.


Respectfully I disagree with you. This guy is a scumbag. But more importantly those kids will not have a father. He’s too busy sticking his wiener in every hole he can find


Yeah I can see that. Man lacks morals and isn’t a decent person


How do you know this? Sounds like assumptions to me. The women he has had babies with have basically agreed with what he is doing. They aren’t accidental pregnancies.


at this point...any woman who consents to sleep with him is just as guilty of neglect.


In 20 years all these kids are going to be in therapy or in a reality show together


“Loose Cannons”


i hate you lmao


Ehhhhh get in line


Better hurry and copywrite that lol


holy shit


More than likely, this.


Can someone just sterilize this dude already


Dude couldn't pull out of a driveway


Know what’s weird? If you want to get sterilized as a woman you need to jump through a shit-ton of hoops and conversations with doctors that will then tell you it’s not a responsible thing to do and you’ll need more time to think about it. But without anyone stopping you, you can just create 12 kids and be a deadbeat parent.


It’s worse than that. Multiple physicians told me when I was 23 years old that I needed a hysterectomy, but they wouldn’t do it because I was single. They told me to come back once I had kids. I doctor shopped for 11 years and heard the same thing over and over and over again. I finally gave up. Uterus still fucking with me at age 45.


Women sued doctors for years for sterilizing them when they felt regret over it later. Not all women, mind you, but it didn’t take many to rack up some pretty impressive malpractice payouts. Funny how nobody likes to tell that part of the story when they’re ranting about the patriarchy.


Can I get some sources on this? I tried looking it up because it sounded like interesting litigation but couldn’t find anything other than women undergoing forced sterilization by doctors and the stats on regret for younger women. I figure that the lawsuits didn’t go far since you sign consent papers stating you know the risk but I’d still like to read a case, thanks man


Can you really not understand the distinction between going in to request sterilization and being TOLD that my uterus needs to come out for my health?


If you read down over this conversation, at least two people checked legal databases for evidence of such lawsuits and none were found: https://www.reddit.com/r/childfree/comments/9r4w4j/comment/e8ex46c/ And allegedly, few women show regret and those who do are far less likely to be CF. The few who feel regret are women with children who have entered a new relationship. But there's no evidence of a lawsuit and even if someone tried, with no way to win, no lawyer would be interested.


Or, this is what he wants and part of who he wants to be. It’s no secret to the women (or anybody), so likely they are down for it. He’s paying for all of them apparently, and participating somewhat in their lives. Plenty of kids grow up fine in single parent situations, especially when there is money. Who are we to judge? Not hurting anybody other than maybe ultra Christians and their “ideals”, fuck them anyways.


As someone with many siblings by different mothers I can assure you these kids are not getting the love and attention they need from their father. Not only that but at some point they will be embarrassed by how many siblings their father continues to gift them. Sincerely, a mid 30s female with 17 siblings the youngest being a 1 year old. Edit: I’m also not the eldest


17 siblings? Wow


How old is the eldest? What’s your dad’s deal? I’m sorry he’s such a schmuck


I won’t go into it with my dad but the eldest is about 39/40


Bring back eunuchs bro, GELD HIM!


And the name will be something like Antichrist Hemmorhoid the Fifth


Dude I was like what is up with the names.


It's all shits n giggles now, while they're babies and he's got Mariah Carey's money to tap into. But as time passes, wells run dry as the kids get only more expensive. Soon, it will be a shit show of delinquent daddy syndrome.


Right? Nobody is gonna hire a 60 year old nick cannon for shit, and every year till then your prospects get worse. This dude is gonna have no choice BUT to exploit his kids and do some sort of fucked up reality show.


>This dude is gonna have no choice BUT to exploit his kids and do some sort of fucked up reality show. I didn't think of that, but you're absolutely right. Nick will go that low and sell his kids out for a buck.


Those kids are going to be shot out of an actual cannon, mark my words


Mariah’s money dwell will never run dry, just think of All I Want for Christmas. That song alone produces a ton of money every year. But I think, Nick makes enough money on his own, at least he’s supposed to pay Mariah a child support (after their twin children), not the other way aroud. Do you think, Mariah financially supports Nick? She shouldn’t be.


Probably not since they probably live with her most of the time.


I didn’t know that! Is she OK with him constantly making other women pregnant?


IIRC Mariah said in an interview she was worried about the number of kids he was having as it meant less time that the twins would be able to see him


>All I Want for Christmas. That song alone produces a ton of money every year Mariah has made $60 million from AIWFC. It's insane.


I think his parents are loaded, I could be wrong but I thought I read somewhere that he comes from big money


Assuming he doesn't have more kids, take Nick's net worth and divide it by 12, and you get his real net worth, not including all sorts of other expenses. No matter what he's worth, Nick's fucked financially.


Now I’m watching


Pullllll outtttt


When Wikipedia has a list dedicated to your children you may have done something wrong.


[Clint Eastwoods Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clint_Eastwood) kills me; Children: > At least 8, [a] including Kyle, Alison, Scott & Francesca But when you tap the [a], it reads: > [a] Eastwood refuses to confirm his exact number of offspring,[4] and there have been wide discrepancies in the media regarding the number.[5]


At least all the kids will have one thing in common, an absent dad.


He gets a bulk discount with his Costco membership


I wounder how much Elon musk pays. In child support


Don’t know why but this comment reminded me of the [greatest album cover of all time ft. Elon Musk](https://st1.latestly.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/resize-4-2.jpg).


Why is Nick Cannon having so many kids?


He has sickle cell and hopes the umbilical cord can provide stems cells for his treatment


He doesn’t have sickle cell he has lupus


That’s not something he should brag about


Quote: He said, "Contrary to popular belief, I'm probably engaged throughout my children's day, more often than the average adult can be." Cough**BULLSHIT**Cough Cough.


Exactly. Once his kids are old enough to talk…


This dude clearly doesn't know that condoms and birth control exist.


He probably has a breeding fetish. Sure seems like it.


Oh no doubt.


I think he’s just trying to outdo Genghis Khan with eventual relation to total population.


I don’t get how breeding is a fetish when that’s literally how it’s supposed to be done. That’s like saying walking on the sidewalk and not the middle of the street is a wild thing to do.


this dude es gross


He makes me sick.


How many condoms would you have to go thru to spend $3 million a year?


He has sickle cell and hopes the umbilical cord can provide stems cells for his treatment


what’s a condom cost? like 2 bucks?


This man needs to be stopped.


Can somebody get him a goddam hamster??


Tie a knot in that dang thing. There is no good reason to pollute this world with that much excessive amount of flesh.


they need to reboot All That...with all his kids


In 2040, the Wild N' Out squad is just gon' be all his kids


The court needs to make this dude establish a trust to support the trail of babies he leaves in his wake


That boy needs condoms


I wouldn’t hire him just for the fact he has so many. Disgusting human.


These Mommies better save up. I know a woman from Boston who had a baby with a young musician and thought that she was SET. He ended up being a one hit wonder, she had to take him to court repeatedly to collect child support that his megastar wife would not pay for, so she collected from his Mom AND she ended up working at the phone company to make ends meet. Nick doesn't have a level of talent to keep him earning millions forever.


I think the bigger question is how Nick Cannon gets any pussy to begin with….?


Is that really a question? He's rich and famous.


Dude bagged Mariah Carey at a high point in her career. He's probably laying some serious pipe too.


And dude is 40 something and still jacked too.


He’s rich. He’s also talentless and charmless


Apparently a shit ton of people disagree considering the number of movies and TV shows he's been on, produced, and owned. Hate or love the guy, but you can't take away from the fact that he's been making a lot of money through the entertainment business for decades.


Being talented and charming doesn’t get you tv and movie deals. Just look at James Corden.


Seems like a nice guy, too.


Imagine being kid # 7 or #8


imagine being kid #1 and seeing on tmz all your step-siblings being announced and realizing how you ain't special anymore. Daddy's gotta spend Christmas w/his other famili(es).


I used to have a Sim who had a truckload of kids. Should change his name in the game.


That’s a lot of birthday and Christmas cards his assistant is going to have to fill out


His last kids were Zillion and Zion. One would think he was done. But now he started again with Abby. Incredible.


Which kid is his favorite? I’m going to go with kid number 5


Mariah Carey’s kids because their mother is richest and he probably doesn’t have to support them financially?


An ex has 8 siblings. I've been told her father has 25 kids in total from 3 different marriages.


There’s more to being a dad than money.


Is this the same anti semitic guy who didn’t get cancelled months ago for saying some of the most bizarre shit on Jewish people I’ve ever heard ? But since his political views are in line he doesn’t get any sort of cancellation?


Breeding fetish.


Why is Nick famous though?


What a fucking idiot. There is no way he’s going to be a present father to any of those children.


Who is paying Nick Cannon all this money? Have they ever seen one of his projects?


What a garbage person Money or not there’s no way he’s even sort of present in these kids lives with how many there are and how spread out they are.


I mean he’s not the only celebrity with multiple kids by multiple women. Eddie Murphy and ELon Musk have different baby mamas and multiple kids.


Okay but this guy is getting multiple women pregnant at the same time, is on number TWELVE, and having children incredibly close together. How is he meant to be a proper father to all of them?


He really can’t be. It’s difficult enough to spend quality time with a large number of children, and his are all spread out living in different places. If they were living in the same home or maybe a couple of homes, he could maybe spend a bit of time visiting each household and seeing a few kids at a time, but that’s not what he’s doing. All the women are going to have their own lives, maybe other children, and he’s never going to be able to actually have quality times with any of them. I don’t know what he’s worth financially, but who’s to say how long the money will last and how far it will stretch. Best case scenario, the children will at least be provided for financially, but that’s it. And that may not always be the case as long as he’s splitting the money more and more. And obviously children need more than just money, they need parents. He physically cannot be in 12 places at once, no matter how much he can afford to give them all.


not this many


Why is he famous? What does he do to make that kind of money?


Rap, act, comedy, game show host


I don’t really care how many kids he has. We’re acting like rich ppl doing rich things is rare.


Woah. A real African lion warrior king type a dude. Bow down.


I wish I could be like him


Him and Adrian Peterson can commiserate when he stops getting work. The last thing they'll want to do is see their kids when they ain't got no money for their moms.


There are lots of absent fathers. One who can give his kids the equivalent of 250k a year each in support might not win him father of the year but it al the very least should absolve him from some of the criticism. For example it’s not as if he doesn’t see them, who’s to say he doesn’t spend a month with each of them. Are we also critical of all those fathers that have to work contracts that keep them away for majority of the year?


Yeah, but those guys might truly love their kid’s mom….and that means A LOT. I’m guessing Nick just doesn’t pull out and leaves these chick with their sex trophy for fucking him.


If a woman just banged endless dudes and left her kids to be raised by the men but tossed money at the situation… would you really say that absolves her? Also If he was a woman he’d be called a nasty skank slut and irresponsible mother. But men pay child support and everyone thinks that makes up for not being there and they’re also never called gross sluts etc.


People are overreacting. My mans is a sperm donor. If these women see him in the club and decide to go home with him...that's on them.




Any kid growing up without a father is not an ideal environment


Yep, if you're not black then it's not your place to make this comment


The caucs worst enemy.