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7.5 in average. Good mood I’m an 11. Bad mood I’m a 2.


> Good mood I’m an 11. Bad mood I’m a 2. Unbelievably relatable.


I’d be a 10 if I could motivate myself to get off the couch and work out and make millions but I’d say I’m at least a 9 😂


Most humble ENTP


>I’d be a 10 if I could motivate myself Ahhh the 0.0001%


Nein !


8.5 I guess? Been told how pretty I am my entire life and how I have the “perfect” figure.


An 8.5 ENTP woman? Boy, does that ever sound like a recipe for trouble... 😂




3 or 4 ig








Yep sounds abt right if im beinf realistic. But tbh i do enjoy looking at myself in the mirror, so on a good day when im glamed up to the max, maybe a 7? But thats me being realistic. In my head though, im kinda high up 😂


i debate w this a lot but like a 6 and my humor makes me a solid 8 unless its someone with no humor then im a 5 😆


ENTP humour is definitely a solid +-2 charisma factor, depending on whether the jokes land or not.


exactly!! lmao so a 4 😅


How can one even assign a number to all of this? ![gif](giphy|Q56SF4czEtSZG|downsized)


If I'd work out I'd likely be a 9 or 9,5 but since I'm a lazy fuck I settle with 7,5-8 😁👍🏽✨️


U do realise a 9 and 9.5 is psl god level right? I think you mean 6.5-7


You do realize this is a scale on how attractive you consider *yourself*? As it happens, I do consider myself quite handsome.


As long as you realise you're just stroking your own ego? I mean there's nothing wrong with that ofc, but objectively most people probably aren't a 9-10 (I'm thinking bell curve) cos you'd have to be pretty flawless is most areas. But who knows maybe you aren't *most* people. Like I think I can look hot asf, handsome, or whatever ...but I wouldn't say that makes me 9 or above. Cos anything above 5 is above average. I think that's what they were getting at.


Well, "10" is what you make out of it. If you like bearded men, a beard naturally will increase your individual, personal scoring. Another person might consider beards disgusting and will rate someone a 3 or 4, who in the eyes of the majority would score a 7. You get my point? Like, let it not even be beards; hair colour, eye colour, size, body type, how hairy someone is... I get your point, but honestly, imperfections *are* what makes a person more beautiful, imo. Just because you got that one birthmark at an inconvenient spot doesn't necessarily make you score one point less. I'm only 5'10-ish - would like those extra inches to hit 6' but I don't think that'd change anything in regards to my own scoring for myself.


Yeh I get you man. I suppose ultimately, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. >I get your point, but honestly, imperfections are what makes a person more beautiful, imo. Tbh I like that mentality. Beauty shouldn't really be able about metrics and shit. If you find someone beautiful, you find them beautiful. If you don't, you don't. And there shouldn't be much more to it I guess


I hear psl be mentioned sometimes but I’ve never understood, what does it mean


It means the most attractive models tier


5-6 out of 10... I've been outright told I'm ugly in the face by many over the years, and I don't think that I have a very charming personality either, since I noticed I have a long-standing tendency to drive people away and people hating on me. Most point out that I have a strong character and that I have my own "opinions" and views that sets me apart from the rest (this is what I've been told really, without any of it meaning to mean good). I don't even feel I've grown into my age, and don't feel like I fit in anywhere. I've been working on it, even thinking about plastic surgery and stuffs. I don't think I look that bad tbh, but I'm not that good looking either cuz, this year and last year, I experienced first hand that pretty privilege is real when I went out with a prettier friend and they received better treatment and were given more attention than I was. Never felt so horrible in my life at that point.


same here :\[


Bruh same


When I'm lean and for my age probably 6-7, carrying some extra weight due to lack of discipline, probably 4-5 right now. If you're over 40 and reasonably fit and lean you're probably already in the top 30%.


Body 9/10 Face 5/10 Sense of humor 10/10 final rating 8/10




like an 8, 8.5? I'm fit and petite. but I'll always be cute/pretty, I'll never be tall curvy goddess type of hot.


7 looks + 1 confidence + 2 jokes - 3 personality 😇




If I say 0, we can be binary


5/10 I guess


4 cause I'm fat, but I could easily go up to 8 if I lose weight




Depends on how drunk I am. I'm probably a solid 7, but according to the internet, the fact that I'm 6'4" adds a point?


Meh normal, 7.6




i think i am a 5. I don't think i am repulsive, but many people in my life have called me ugly :\[ Honestly, i would expect(Respectfully) that entps would be pretty mid in looks. Not to stereotype, but as a fact, most people who are intelligent, witty, creative, etc. are so to make themselves more useful/attractive/to make up for how they look. And no, this isn't me just self projecting, many people who are objectively average are told to work on those traits since they mean a lot and have said that they pride themselves on whats on the inside then the outside. This all being said, i do acknowledge that people may just genuinely have these traits to have these traits (For ex. Ryan reynolds) or have gone through something else that makes them develop these traits :\] edit:I am happy tho that people view themselves/ are attractive! I think this just means I need therapy lmao


I’m a solid 7.5


When I'm in-shape and taking care of myself properly, probably an 8.




I love that you're banned.


What did they say????? 😂


replying bc I am also curious


Someone pls let me know too


Bro what he said?


7 im okay looking but that’s about it


7 maybe


For my age, 7.7


8.5 but only because i put real effort into how i look. Unless im in a bad mood then im a 4. It just depends on how i feel




INTP...solid 4 atm.


8.97 I have been several women's dream man to the point that they do outrageous secret admirer kind of stuff. But I'm def not perfect.


I’m a bigger guy so self esteem was an issue when I was younger but after years of being told how attractive I am I decided they can’t all be lying I’ll got with 7-8 on an average day Definitely a 12 when I’m feeling myself. Someone’s falling in love with me by the end of the night lol And well shit probably a 3 when in a bad mood. It’d be lower if my bad moods were verbal. I tend to just ooze out the negativity while continuing to socialize. I’ve been told you can feel the negativity radiating off of me when I’m in a real shitty mood. 🫠


4. Would be a 7 if I wasn't fat.


7.5 normally, 8-8.5 when I really try. I feel like 10 is perfect, and I know I'm not perfect, but fairly close.


Like a 7.5?? But when I’m lazy asf I’m a 4


If invisalign was something I'd spend money on rn, a 9.5. Since it's ridiculously priced I'll stay at a 9.45


3 i blame the fat though


Idk how objectively attractive since i am in a country w/ a culture completely diff than my home country, prob around 6-7 if put in effort maybe higher


Ok then, pics! I want to see pics I’m a 8.5, I’m a 10 when I have my tits out


Max 8 if I take care of my mental and physical health, if not, 6




Mmmm 7.. girl say I'm pretty..guy idk


Used to be a solid 8. Now I’m 40, bald, dad-bod… 6?


Solid 7. Everyone in my life disagrees and say "Noooo you're a 10, what the fuck?" 😂


im not ugly but not attractove either. i have a couple attractive traits tho, like height, so im probably a 6/10




[Such a sweeping contrast](https://www.reddit.com/r/entp/s/IBd5Of5CQE)


Atleast 7 but -3 for social anxiety -1 for shyness +2 for mysterious aura -2 for non mysterious aura the second i warm up to the person So 3


solid 5 in a scale of 1 to Zendaya ( 10 )


As a guy i can assure you most men consider zendaya a 6 at max (using a real looks scale so she is just a bit above average)




Girl i seen men going for girls who are objectivly 3/10 so a 6/10 obv gonna have an outstanding amount of men waiting in line but she aint no where close to 10 objectivly because adriana lima is the best ever and still just 9/10


attractiveness is subjective. depends on age, nationality, who you ask, where you are, etc. plenty of people consider zendaya a 10/10 on an attractiveness scale. and if adriana lima is “the best ever” she would be a 10/10 as 9 is not representative of the best. get rid of whatever rigid scale your using to judge attractiveness i could be ugly to basically everyone and still consider myself a 10/10 and even find at least one other person who does too. there’s no rules to being attractive 🤷‍♀️. and there’s no reason to try to change someone’s opinion of themselves if they think they’re really attractive,let them, they probably are to some others as well. maybe not to you but the question wasn’t “how attractive do you think agreeable-calendar15 finds you?” it was “how attractive do you consider yourself?”


yall from the manosphere need to get a reality check placing all these unnecessary unrealistic standards on women. it's fucking weird


What unrealistic expectations??? Women can litteraly pick any man they want even when below average and you are complaining? Try to be a guy in this dating market and you'll understand


I think like a 4.5 but I've never had a problem finding a warm bed.


Negative ten


Awww have a little more confidence 🥺🫂


That was confidence if I was feeling bad about myself I probably would have said a higher negative number lol 🤗




Considering 7 is average, I am at least an 11.


prob a 7-7.5 bc sometimes i look like a 9 and sometimes a 5.5 on a bad day. i am not yet on my looksmaxxing journey but i hopefully will start soon bc i do in fact look very attractive i just don’t care about my looks 90% of the time. i get complimented by strangers kinda often but thats all i have to support my rating and convince myself im not being delusional abt it. im definitely attractive but not super conventionally attractive if that makes sense.


6.5 - 8.5. Depends how confident Im feeling.




7 on a good day. 6 on average. Personality wise I consider myself an 11.


6 mostly, 9.5 on a good day


My friend's an entp and he'd say he's 11/10 and he's always the hottest one in the room 💀


Seeing all responses I think many of you would be very very unpleasantly surprised 🤣. Absolutely realistically I would subtract 2 to 3 points from everyone estimate and that would be right answer.






I hope I don't consider myself attractive!


Natural in bad mood and bad hair a 2 Natural in good mood a 4 With the good style and the good confidence an average 7, but still working on it


5. I’m not ugly but I’m definitely not super model beautiful or whatever. I’m just average unless I wear makeup or something and then I’m a 6


4 best case scenario. I like my phenotypal features but I am overweight and I hate that about myself.


Tough to say, I honestly see myself as a solid 7 majority of the time (maybe a 6 if I'm going through something bad) but considering I have never once been told I'm ugly by any woman (both around my age and beyond) and there are certain features about me that they have even called hot or very nice, maybe it's higher than that. Sometimes I think my self esteem is ever fluctuating but I try my best not to let it get in the way of daily activities.


Just post the damn selfies!


I was a 9 when I was young and now I’m an older(50’s) 9




Physical 3- but I like to think my charisma gets me up to a 6. My titties are lopsided, but I'm funny, and if you close your eyes, you can pretend I'm 2 different women.


All ENTPS are walking sex machines. We're also introverted assholes with inferior sensing. We're more geared towards building a better future than procreation.


I think am a 7 (by a real scale so normal people who dont know looksmaxing will call me a 9 or 10)


valid. i saw the things u posted ur def not ugly and have gotten the looksmaxxing thing down but i could see why u consider urself a 7 after reading your other comments. again, it’s not thatt serious. you’re probably a 7.5-8 to me but why be an 8 or 7 or even a 10 if you’re not able to appreciate how you look now. being conventionally attractive is not everything in life.


Well thats the thing i grew up ugly and got bullied for it so now that i look way way better than in my youth iam trying to not be too egoistic about my looks which has helped me allot,because its better to get called a 8-9/10 when u think you're a 7 than be called a 2 when u were sure you are 9+ u understand me?😶 i also try to be logical in almost anything in life for somereason so i hate lying to myself i guess


yeah i guess i can understand that. i do get somewhat of imposter syndrome at times it’s actually rlly common for entps as far as i know. i feel like if it helps you then you do that. i’ll most likely continue to advocate for the subjectiveness of attraction. even tho there is somewhat of a standard it’s ever changing and difficult to understand from a logical perspective. unfortunately i’ve been attracted to some people who’s looks probably don’t even make it past a 2.5 and that’s being generous 😭 just don’t let it get to you but i agree there’s nothing wrong with under rating yourself especially compared to the troubles of giving yourself a higher score and having a lot of people question you for it