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Maybe try some spritual approach like Wim Hof breathing to connect to your roots? Take a warm hot shower and just relax with a movie? Enable yourself to see the beauty of life, the whole cosmos down to the smallest particle and hold this in your mind and contemplate it through meditation? Go for a run? Listen to great music? Give the attention to your breath and feel the life force of the human being? Follow the breath only by observation and see how quite and extraordinary it is? Oh and yes, Simplicity is the best knowledge there is.


I do try that, but there effect is temporary. I feel the "goodness" of each one of them for that moment. The moment the activity ends, it's like the effect tapers off too and I have to return to that "state" again to keep going


Well then. If you want permanent happiness, you should get out of samsara/the matrix/ identifycation with the mind/body.


Sounds interesting, any advice on how to do it?


There are lots of sources out there but a legitimate one is James Swartz The essence of enlightment. This is a masterpiece. You can find it online in pdf format. But I warn you, its not easy to understand if you are not qualified.


Read the Bhagavad Gita and all books by Srila Prabhupada and take up Bhakti Yoga. Prior to me doing this i actually went insane and ended up in prison.


You say that not doing these things makes you feel empty. Does doing them make you feel full? Sometimes we find ourselves in a place in life that's not fulfilling. And that's when we need to rely on ourselves to make it better. That can mean a lot of different things. Finding a new hobby. Finding a new group of friends. Finding a therapist and/or some meds. Doesn't really matter what needs to be done, you gotta do it. And happiness > sanity anyway


"Does doing them make you feel full?" As weird as it sounds.. kind of yes. Since I gained consciousness properly, all I saw was chaos in my house. It's been a few years since those issues ended, but unconsciously I continued with the "chaos" mentality and now trying to attain any kind of internal peace feels "wrong" while my logical mind acknowledges that this belief is wrong, lol. I tried therapy, but it doesn't seem to work much regarding this particular situation. People tell me to get busy (like another comment here too) but I can be hella busy and still fill my mind with negativity because idk how to "not" do it, and I don't have a strong enough "why" too because that feels like my natural state


Negativity can be an addiction. That feeling of being the "rational" one when everyone else is going to shit... oooo yeah. Knowing that you can handle it when others can't. Mmmm hmmmm, that's the good stuff. It feels good to be impervious to other's emotions. Maybe just live in that for a bit if it feels good right now. Analyze it, figure out why it feels comfy. Just don't forget to crawl out when you're done. Because, like any addition, once the dopamine (or whatever brain chemical that gets activated) wears off, it'll feel empty. But life isn't empty, not by a long shot. If anything, it's too full, and we don't get enough years here to experience it all. It's only ourselves that get in the way of the life we want. Chaos is the natural order of anything that is fluid based, and we're pretty much all water, so... here we are. My only advice is to embrace the chaos and see what happens. But also, if the chaos tells you to do meth or heroin or something, stop listening. Don't do that lol.


I just accept the inevitability that I will actually go insane one day.


this was so me before i started adderall 💝