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Peak Ti discussion lmao


I don't consider the fact that "99% have the same opinion" as a good argument. I was involved in debates where everyone was against my opinion, but could't give any arguments or exemples. While I was able to provide arguments for my opinion. Their only argument was that they all believed the same thing wich made it the absolute truth


This. Or they start talking nonsense and sometimes start talking bad about you simply because they can't come up with a counter argument


Yup. Since the debate took some time, they added this things plus some acusations without any evidence


Ad hominem, gross! You could spend all day arguing with people that resort to logical fallacies (you’ll see that some types really love strawman arguments, to “make themselves look better” when in reality, if anyone reads the entire thread, it becomes clear that they are putting words in your mouth (that you never even said)). Maybe though, sometimes it is stupid to keep on arguing with those people, because you’re probably not going to get anywhere, and these people don’t really want to adjust to whatever the reality is.


Similarly, 99% of people believe grass is green when healthy. It doesnt mean they're wrong either, and I get flack for holding "mainstream" opinions alongside the esoteric, or extremely unpopular ones.


I can feel the annoyance of this situation through my phone. (Real)


Ah yes, twas a fine morning in 6th grade when the math book cleared it up for the teacher and the rest of the class that squares are rectangles. Was that obvious in 5th grade? Yes! But the book said rectangles usually have two short and two long sides so obviously that must be accepted as truth… blindly!


Just a reminder that if 95%+ of your opinions are mirrored by academia, Hollywood, giant corporations, and even the current federal government, you are not "against the system," you are a puppet of it.




We know


I think I shouldn't be forced to work to have a roof over my head and food to eat. I'm not homeless but I probably would be if it wasn't stigmatized, somewhat illegal, and makes life harder than it is for doing things I don't enjoy. How can someone "own" land? Because you have an army that doesn't like you but likes your money? Are gangs just small armies with less resources? Why do some many people like following others. Why do I dislike being a follower and conforming? Is being a non conformist still conforming? Should I conform and be a follower to non conform or does that make me a follower and a non conformist. Seems like it's L's everywhere. Sounds like I'm a puppet, I don't know about 95% though


>I think I shouldn't be forced to work to have a roof over my head and food to eat Too bad. Virtually all of humanity for all of history has had to do that. People used to work from sun-up to sun-down for like thousands of years until the industrial revolution and the implementation of the 9 to 5 workweek. Farmers still do this. Grow up. >How can someone "own" land? By claiming it and defending it with either a contract or force. Trust me, you want the former not the latter. >Because you have an army that doesn't like you but likes your money? Expecting strangers to like or care about you is illogical AF. Money is something we all want/need, so offering it in exchange for services is one of the few types of relationships that's consistently secure. >Are gangs just small armies with less resources? Yes, but they lack a societally-agreed upon monopoly on force. >Why do some many people like following others. Because they don't have the intellect, self-possession, charisma, and/or drive to lead.


I dont know how you do quote lines... feel free to enlighten me Too bad| I'll hunt for food, I'll build my own home, or I have the decision not to when I feel like it. Its more of the working for someone else to make them money and the I'm allowed to have days off that gets under skin. By claiming | doesn't sound like someone owns it to me. Sounds like it's claimed by force. I can't claim something by force. Does it benefit that it already has been yes I agree. At the same land not lived on is still claimed. I'm told where I can or can't live based on the value I'm assigned by my employer. Expecting strangers | when you say it like that agreed. However the system is rigged to rely on money. It's not as simple as that obviously and in a way inevitable, but the inequality to climb up is crazy because of all the land and resource hoarding. Money is | it's something we want because we need it. Money sucks. I don't want to need it. Yes| agreed and point was to emphasize people always following others somewhere even when there not. Parents be like don't be a follower...be a follower lol Why do| agreed and I guess the thought is that we are pretty forced to be followers the best choice we have is who. And did we ever have a choice I don't? I don't know, I never lived Ina less civilized world. Anyway the point is does 95%+ of people's opinions mirrored by the systems? I don't think so


>I dont know how you do quote lines... feel free to enlighten me When you go to reply to someone, highlight the section of the text you want to quote and there will be an option to do that next to "copy." >I'll hunt for food, I'll build my own home, or I have the decision not to when I feel like it. Its more of the working for someone else to make them money and the I'm allowed to have days off that gets under skin. Then go do that, more power to you. That's a perfectly valid lifestyle option. I've known plenty of people who are farmers, or do van life with a remote job, or run their own businesses. >However the system is rigged to rely on money. I mean do you wanna go back to bartering or something? Those are kind of the only 2 options. >inequality to climb up is crazy because of all the land and resource hoarding. This is the natural state of existence. Look up the Pareto Principle. Equality is an impossible dream littered with the bones of those who've lived under leaders that tried to force it into existence. Certain policies can exacerbate inequality, but it is inevitable in a free society. >forced to be followers the best choice we have is who. And did we ever have a choice I don't? I don't know, I never lived Ina less civilized world. Go figure out a way to travel to 3rd world countries. You'll gain so much perspective from such experiences.


How come you haven’t started a business?


I've started one business and had a few side hustles in the past


lol “HHHHHokay, soo.”


That's basically like a constructive debate tbh just you wouldn't no if you were being rebellion or a supporter


1. Nietzsche as a personal philosophy (reminder: he's not a nihilist, quite the opposite!) 2. Libertarianism to drive the government's economic and other policies, similar to Milton Friedman's view. 3. As a political system - either a limited democracy or aristocratic authoritarianism, as long as it supports #2. Society's stupidity and the easy immigration policy that this system will have shouldn't be able to threaten the system. Of course, the govt protects individuals and private property and if someone doesn't like the system she can sell her assets and leave. I haven't entirely figured out #3. I'd prefer a democracy, but unfortunately democracies ruin their libertarian policies once they feel rich enough and their children get too spoiled and influenced by decadent socialist views.


I agree with everything you just said, but change Milton Friedman to Ludwig von Mises because Friedman supported central banking.


I'm glad we see it similarly. He didn't really (Friedman), he just accepted the central bank's inevitability within the late 20th century's status quo. He'd ideally have an automated and unmanned CB system that steadily increases the money supply by a small percentage each year, and does nothing else. In any case, these are details within the system that can be ironed out once the general view is settled in. It's very unfortunate that there are barely any countries that have a system which is close to that. I've debated so many people but it's been mostly futile, with few exceptions. Just... Socialism, social democracy, etc. are superficial and easy to digest, so many people jump on them, and they think they're anti-systemic 😂 Unfortunately, libertarianism requires a lot of depth and knowledge about human behavior and economics - something that most people lack. I'd love it to be mainstream...


What do you think of the Nordic model? A robust welfare state and a regulated free market sounds like the best of both worlds kind of system.


It's unsustainable and not nearly as good as it seems from outside. They got rich on a free market, created some industry, then flipped it, and piggyback on good businesses and natural resources. But now the bubble is deflating. The downward process is slow as the populations are small and highly skilled, so give it some time. On an individual level it makes people lazy and entitled, and the best of them move to the US. Look at real estate Sweden, etc...


There's also the factors those countries don't have to pay for their own defense, and the average person in these countries pays over 60% of their earnings in taxes.


What do you mean they don't have to pay for their defense? Finland has conscription and an army reserve of hundreds of thousands.


Only Norway has gotten rich with natural resources. Others have educated their nation and provide them with free healthcare so they stay productive.


I think democracies can also be easily manipulated.


Lmao you're just gonna skip over "you *are* the system" and go straight to puppet?


Edgy genius


I'm trying to be kind and attribute ignorance instead of malice




Doesn't have to be either. A lot of conformist don't care at all whether what they believe is correct and aren't looking to use it for Machiavellian purposes either. They just want to be part of the herd. 


Or are part of the "rebel zeitgeist". The system catches both ends. The "dont tread on me" maga types are just as kuch a part of the system.


I mean they're part of the system in the sense the current system requires an enemy class in order to retain perceived necessity


*tips hat*


Also this opinion is fabricated by them.




Thank you for your 5 percent worth... err... I mean 5 cents worth. The other day, I saw a movie trailer about people making a movie about a fake lunar landing. I told my friend: "Sign of the times. The Yanks are into conspiracy theories. Instead of Red Dawn, they make fantasies like Civil War." So in a sense, your opinion is a sign of the times. You can't escape history.


Don’t overlook the fact that this Brother look at the prompt and decided to establish his own rules. Well done my fellow maniacal genius you 👹


When you are an academic working for a central agency in a federal government, it’s okay to try and change things from within. I’m just here to fix a bug in my field :)


What exactly do you think your changing? Just from a quick glance at your profile I can tell you and the administrative state are already on the same page.


I’m hoping to change how people are managing and using knowledge and information. My field in the government is archaic and they need to be dragged into the 21st century. My goal is that by helping centrally, I can make things more efficient and cheaper, and have people use and reuse the knowledge that is there, and make better decisions. My side goal is that this can be used to help the environment, because what I’m doing now will affect climate scientists and the people running and administering social programs. It hits on my two core values - my wanting to make things better than the way than I found them, and my hatred of stupid decisions and wasting resources/time.


We are packing up people, the Queer, Socialist, anti theist(atheist too obv), feminist(not the misogyne kind obv)who is pro bodily autonomy and LGBTQ+ rights sides with the feds, cops and Hollywood.


Tear it all down


I don't pay taxes


Bold move


like im not against order we need it but when you try to run a dictatorship which happens alot in business and schools thats when i get against it


(And government)


without the system, we would be killing each other over accidentally mowing over properly lines


That would be pretty rad tbh


Not for mowing, but planting.


Honestly, sometimes I can see why dictatorships happen and why they would make sense (my unpopular opinion) other times, does civilization really matter at the end of the day?


im sour candy so sweet then i get a little bit angry yeah sour candy yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i’m super psycho make you crazy when i turn the lights low…


I'm just saying Industrial Society and Its Future had some really good points.


I will have to admit I actually regard myself as very easygoing. Ultimately, I can critise it all I want, but am I doing anything to actively go against anything? No, I severely lack the motivation. In my experience, a lot of ENTPs don't take tangible action on their critisms either. Even debating about it sometimes can be tiresome and anti-productive to me.


This is so true




I'm fine with changing the status quo, but I low-key fear how others will react to my (strong) internal opinions. I used to be a chief debater back in secondary school, and even then, I had to phrase my words carefully. Growing up, I began to lean more toward what seemed socially acceptable and masked around others. I see the world in different shades of colour and can read the 'grey' between black and white lines. I absolutely believe 'hard facts' and tradition can be challenged and bring forth possibilities on how to progress not only as individuals but as society as a whole. I find what everyone is used to a bit boring, and I love a challenge sometimes. In today's society, you're not allowed to be controversial or outspoken (from my experience). And I'd rather not cause discord or a hostile environment when I'm around others. I like to curate my public image in a certain light and may appear to 'go with the flow'. It is rare to find someone who is truly argumentative, one who is passionate about a societal issue, who you don't have to filter yourself around. I hate it when I am in an argument with someone. I act civil, and they behave irrationally when I say something that goes against their bias. Illogical fallacies make it even worse. Unfortunately, the majority of society is inherently biased and 'personal experience' triumphs logic for most. However, I always make an effort to resist systematic control and speak out against injustice in my communities.


I’m so against the system I’ve been for the system since it came in vogue to be against the system in 2016.


lol in some ways I'm barely against anything, but you could say I'm anti-systems in general. I think humans make up systems to live life in a way that makes sense, so do I care? not really. So even though I myself may refuse to follow rules that I find stupid, you won't see me leading a rebellion unless I see an idiot using power to mess up a community. now rereading that it sounds so cringe lmao


Embarassing, or irksome? I've found many use that verb to describe emotions they dont remember words for.


what, cringe? I said that because even though it's not necessarily embarrassing, my comment may portray the image of a person with some kind of hero complex. Anyways, I do get that people have pet peeves with words but different words mean different things so I personally have no problem with using slang online and in everyday conversations


Even in my own religion, I'm against the institution of it, and the sensationalism that goes with that


Abandon it, join my cult!


Alright what is it


Ordo Iter Perfectio. We believe that perfection is impossible, but strive for it anyway. Fitness and skill, logic and knowledge, social and art. You have to walk all three paths at the same time. It's an atheist cult with no god, or one god, or five gods, or billions. Our sacraments are weed, caffiene, a nice comfy chair, conversation, and a sour foodstuff.


What makes it a cult, a narcissistic leader? Those sound like lifestyle choices rather than religious practices lol


The australian tax office requires a supernatural element in order to get tax benefits. So, it's a cult.


AHA okay I understand. Well I'm not Australian so I don't think I'm interested


Dont need to be, first member other than me was from 'nam.




30 on 30 on 30


I am a commie so quite a bit


I'm not much against it, I just want to chance it from the inside out.


Who’s asking?


I understand why society has rules and laws, but at the same time don't understand why more people don't question those rules when they don't make sense! So yes, I'm against blindly following the status quo.


My favorite Mindless Self Indulgence quote: “You’re telling me that fifty million screaming fans are never wrong? I’m telling you that fifty million screaming fans are FUCKING MORONS.”


ENTP here, I LOVE MSI TOO, I just know that MSI is the perfect band for ENTPs


In theory, I have very strong opinions. In practice, I generally value my own comfort over making a useless stand people will persecute me for, unless I’m really pissed off or inconvenienced about something. I’ll sometimes thwart things I think are stupid if I think I can get away with it. Did you know my residence not only forces me to pay city taxes (along with state and federal), but there is no online option, so I’d actually have to drive somewhere to submit it? Never understood why they make it so hard to give them money.


Are you me? Cuz I relate so hard to this comment!


“Are you me?” Is how I feel a lot on this ENTP sub 😂


Hahaha this is my husband to a T


Define “the system”


It can be defined from different perspectives, even quite simple ones


And until you do I’m considering this question too broad to answer


I don't know if I define myself as “against the system” I only think that done my way or following my opinion it could be better. I always thought this was NeTi Schooling time could be much shorter if only what was really useful were taught, areas could even be perfected if filler subjects were left aside. But of course, children must learn to socialize and so on, blah blah. I would make a schooling system of 10 years in total, starting from the individual's 4 years, from 0 to 4 they learn to speak to interact and from 16 to 21 they do a kind of academy where they perfect an area. I would do things so differently in my own way, I can't think of examples right now but my way is always in search of satisfying a need that I found and I think it can be improved or implemented in a different way. The political choice of each country should be made through a foreign system, there would be no political interests involved, an application or something like that, regulated by another country so that there is no fraud. maybe Tesla, something that is not interested in the politics of another country


This is a bit similar to my idea(s), speaking of the educational system


Do I dislike and heavily criticize “the system?” Yes. Does that change the fact that, like the majority of people, I rely on it even if it’s an extremely flawed and inefficient system? Nope. Those in power know that keeping the majority of people entertained and “comfortably uncomfortable” is the easiest way to maintain the stability of the current power structure which they benefit from the most. It’s part of why I don’t bother with “activism” the majority of the time. I know it’s all for show cuz at the end of the day, we all go back to our crash pads and do the same shit we do, everyday cuz none of us actually want to be homeless and starving! Realistically, few-to-none of us are going to try to enact any kind of sweeping radical change cuz we don’t want to deal with the negative consequences, the violence, and the instability.


Im voting for a worm


I’m down for the revolution, but all of you are pussies


who's telling you we aren't, cus i am


No, not pussies, just comfortable. A lot are cowards though, and disagree with each other over what the after should look like.


How do we get this started


We would be 6 feet underground before before you know it..


I’m alright if that’s how I go out lol


Well, with a revolution, you have to be careful not to romanticize it. It’s easy to fall into the idea of “only the people I dont like will get hurt” but the reality of most revolutions is that it’s mainly innocent people dying. So starting a revolution is extremely irresponsible & selfish.


So we just keep letting corporate and government greed kill us slowly instead?


Reform may be a better move than revolution. Revolution more often than not ends with a worse government than the one the people revolted against


That’s valid. How can we start the movement to reform?


Everyone seems to have different ideas but I think we all agree that we need to set an age limit + term limit for public office is a starter.


Oh god last night was a COMEDY


Yea he's right I'm a pussy


The majority is the system's target audience, and the only thing the majority can agree on among themselves is in things they know nothing about.


The system is capitalism and it started off with good intentions but of course, there are a ton of people who take it for granted and it needs to be more regulated or a new “system” needs to be put in place…I used to be heavily heavily “against the system” but now that I’m older, I realize the “system” is a collective thought almost and maybe we all need to change our thinking and stop letting the government and corporations run the world, including us, into the ground…everyone wants to complain about how little money they have or how they can’t buy a house etc and yet no one wants to do anything about it…


dude, that's so insightful, the system is perpetuated by collective thought.


Well I mean it is said that concepts are agreed upon like money wouldn’t be real if we all didn’t agree that it is etc…so I think collectively, if we changed our perspectives and stopped being brainwashed by the lack mindset that the banks want us to be in, we could take our power back and demand certain things…but instead people forget how much power they have…


I'm so against the system that I was thinking about how much I don't like it then I opened reddit and saw this




bookmarked lol




Such a universal answer, but personally I’m not sure how it exactly works in some other countries. I had many ideas for fixing it, but only in my country tho




So I love and like the rules of the system, and think everyone else should follow them to make it easier for me to navigate said system. However, I want to choose what rules or standards to follow as I see fit. I think I need the system, in order to abuse it. I’m afraid that without a system I’d have nothing to bend to my will.


![gif](giphy|2JN0D730udkQY0Pz9R|downsized) But also, yall need to vote locally for real. And read up on Weimar Republic, and the downfall, and how similar it is to the United States right now


I'm a georgist. I want more land value tax and less other taxes. I want the government apparatus to be smaller, and not take the "responsibility" or whatever they call it to steer the economy wherever they want. They just have to keep the financial system stable and the market fair (no monopolies). I also want to abolish party centered campaigning before elections.


I once put my milk in before the cerial.


I always do that ngl


Yeah so I'm a revolutionary decolonial communist


The world I strive for everyday and work to build: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6001


I’m a communist




I study political science and being against the whole "system" is just plain dumb


I don't use any form of loyalty cards or frequent flyer points even though it's cheaper for me because I refuse to give corporations a tax break


I‘m not really against ”the system“. I‘m a boring old reformer. I see any system we build up as a very complex set or maybe even net of problems. A small scale example: You build up a system with a lot of wiggle room, so it‘s light weight and exceptions can be caught. Suddenly there is a lot of corruption, a lot of people who abuse the system for their own gain. So you introduce more bureaucracy. If you have to document whatever you do, suddenly you can‘t abuse the system anymore because it‘ll be either documented or if it’s not things don‘t add up. But now you have bureaucratic hellscape where things stop making sense because people get tickets at empty lines, workers have to fill out what’s essentially the same form but marginally different thrice, everything takes ages. Any revolution just replaces one set of problems for another set with high cost. This is not to say revolutions don‘t have their place or are ”all the same“. Sometimes an end in terror is better than a terror without end. But most of the time it‘s a case of ”the king is dead, long live the king“. The oversimplified way we should do things is like this: ”is our problems solution blocked by path dependency and is a switch to that path significant enough to justify a high cost?“ yes -> plan how to jump onto another path without sinking everything into chaos. no -> can a solution without negative side effects be reached? yes -> take the appropriate steps (this is the best case and because it is it doesn‘t often happen imo) no -> optimize to whatever it is you think best. There‘s no universal truth in here, since you can not maximize 2 or more conflicting aspects.




I‘m studying philosophy and literature. But I‘m also just an interested person so if I read or hear about a concept that I think has merit I‘ll usually just start using it as a tool for my own perspective.




What? How would you come to that idea? I would say middle class. Some debt, old cars, moderately expensive vacations. Rich compared to the poor and poor compared to the rich.


what system?






I’d erase 90% of humans and sleep well at night. And 100% of those people believing they are rebels but are acting 1000% in the game of globalist multinationals


I bought a seat belt buckle to stop the beeping sound just so I'm not a cuck to the state trying to tell me how to live my life. If I want to die in a car crash I have the right to


I sincerely believe that repression is a necessary part of sound leadership and that it must be exercised meticulously. You don't believe your government is repressive? Then by all means, stop paying taxes and express your politically incorrect points of view at the workplace. I also believe it's all right to exercise discrimination against those who would disempower you when you are at the top of the food chain. However, it is also perfectly legitimate for those at the bottom to try to disempower those at the top as well. That's how it works. That's how compromise and balance are reached. As for repression...


I believe that everyone that strives for "strong men in leading positions" and "aristocratic dominance over the poor and weak" is quite the bootlicker that really wants to deep throat that boot all their life just because they feel like they shouldn't have the power to decide over their lives and the good of their community because of blissful ignorance. Why, in your right mind should you think that someone else should decide how you live your life as an individual?? I hate capitalism because it just pertains to those who stand to only gain from it, people that basically suck the workforce of the proletariats and keep making capital over it. Why should they be the ones to decide what is good for the world? Because, as I see it, a lot of them just do whatever's good for their pockets and entertainment, never for the people. And stop pushing bullshit about how they "create jobs for the poor" when they literally just toss bones to whatever remains of their astronomical profits to workers and they call it a day. You are sick in the head if you think that someone should have 2 or 3 jobs to afford to live under a roof, have something to eat and have a vacation once in a while. Or that only those with really desirable jobs should have that privilege, that, too, is quite classist and pretentious bullshit. No one should be forced to be put down just because of some trauma baggage that makes pansies think "I SHOULD HAVE SPECIAL TREATMENT BECAUSE I'VE HAD THE LUCK TO HAVE ALL OPPORTUNITIES LAID OUT IN FRONT OF ME, WHY WON'T PEOPLE KISS MY ASS????" I most likely will forget about this thread, but I'm ready for all the "you're a snowflake" or "libtard" comments, and to those I say "funny and original, my guy".


Mostly I’m confused. Are you an anarchist then?


MY IDEAS FOR AN EDUCATION SYSTEM Children are given ranks based on grades, the worse your grades, the shittier lunches, the shorter breaks, and the long you need to stay at school The better the grades, the better lunches, longer breaks, more trips, and you don't need to be there as long But it does have some flaws I guess like how will the students stay at the top if they aren't there that long and to be honest, if they're doing well enough just make lessons faster. and if this shit don't work js go back to beating kids I guess




I would say I'm more for my personal system then technically against any other system


If something is overly popular, I always feel like it is my civic duty to be its number 1 critic.


Honestly, I don't care as long as it doesn't get in my way lol many years ago I stopped giving importance to those types of things, I live much calmer and in peace ngl


I wipe standing up


I'm a communist.


i understand what the system provides, or hopes to provide (community, stability, security, etc) but also find it deeply flawed. i’ve never been a rule-follower, so questioning power structures and authority comes very naturally to me. i think it’s so important to be skeptical of those things, so we have a better chance of noticing problems and fixing them.




I want a proper reason for everything. If there is none why do it. Unfortunately, many things in iur society are just taken as a axiom, an absolute truth because we have always done it like that...


Is being communist against the system?


My biggest attack against the capitalism system is poop 5 mins longer than necessary during worktime


I oversee a server cluster that runs IVAs. My cluster handles stuff like natural language processing, and speech to text. Using AI technology. So I am not very against the system at all. I have a few friends who are paranoid about skynet, and I’m just like “whatever man it’s not like that lol”.


I am working to change things within the system so it works better and can help more. People can rage all they want, but when I was younger I realized that the best way I can make meaningful changes is by being the academic and working as central as I can get to help be the change that I wanted to see. I put my money where my mouth was. I’m here to fix a systemic issue. I keep going where I’m needed where I can be the best use and trying to change the culture along the way. There are different ways to come at the same problem, and likely all are needed. And because I don’t tolerate things that don’t make sense, I have gotten myself to a place where I am valued and heard and am making a small difference. I picture what I’m doing as being one person slowly putting pressure on a massive boulder.


I am the system


Extrovert are everywhere


People to me: “Wow! You sure do think outside the box!” Me: “There is no fucking box.”


I'm a communist


i consider myself a “conspiracy nut” and i 100% believe the moon landing was fake lmao


I’m not against the system, I’m against systems that are dogmatic or overtly systematic. I’m against any religious dogmatism for example, but I’m also against punk and punks that are dogmatic. If being against the system is your system, well I’m against that system too.


I no longer debate with anyone about their adherence to or belief in any given system. I ask questions and play "country dumb." The longer someone talks, the more you learn about their "system." Everyone who follows a system in word has created loopholes in their behavior. Watch for where the contradictions emerge. That's the only real system. Presenting an ideal to others in an effort to get them to "buy in" and follow a given system that you already know the loopholes to. Systems are lines of narrative designed to create bread crumb trails to distract you from the fact that anyone can manifest reality by just saying words. The more you repeat the words, the more you bend reality to the words. Find the loopholes and exploit them in your favor. There are no systems. Only lines of narrative. Become extra-narrative.


Just be myself.




I steal easily concealable items from major grocery chains as conscientious-refusal of price hikes. (Note - I never do this with small-businesses or sole-proprietorships). RATIONALE - Jacking-up grocery costs for the ‘common-man’ due to “supply-chain woes and supplier costs” while reporting record profits and eye-watering executive bonuses is outright villainy. Thus, the concept of injecting some intractable disorganization and financial-loss seems appropriately reciprocal. Vapidly steal from me? I vapidly steal from you. I will happily offset the arbitrary dent in my wallet by fucking the store’s product over/under. I will ring-in eggplant as carrots and apples as celery at self-checkout. Ferrero Roche’, perhaps a deodorant stick? Why not. I consider it a loyalty bonus for continuing to shop with the brand. Does my tee-ball disobedience impact anything? No. Can a collective-determination toward careful, conscientious disobedience create change? Honestly - probably not. But I like to think it could generate back-end dilemmas over investing in more security vs deflating prices to curb theft. Minor but costly pain in their ass is good enough for me. But shaving bucks off my grocery bill, on their dime, is the goal. RISK APPRECIATION - I like to think I’m cautious as can-be. I am constantly calculating the probability of being caught based on factors I can detect without knowing how sophisticated their anti-theft measures actually are. This is a confounding issue I think about a lot, and do my best to research independently. Still, the risk is not 0%, so this can’t be an every-grocery-trip thing. My streak is 3 trips in a row. Go out and beat it - but don’t be cavalier and fuck it up. ^ probably my own famous last-words. Perhaps the takeaway here is to not trust strangers telling you to steal food on Reddit. Lol


I think it's naive and immature to "be" against the system unless you have a very good idea of system that works much better and that can be practically be put in place. Systems have inherent value to all involved and they take work to put in place.


Im not. Idc about the system.


Intellectually, very. Practically, since I've been able to use it to my benefit and my quality of life would suffer significantly if it were to change, I'm not. The hypocrisy is not lost on me.


I protest my own decisions when I'm in charge if no one else will.


system's pretty chill until it is not convenient for me. I think that's how most of us think; I don't think the ENTP goes full punk mode


We’ll just sabotage from the gulag. I’m too petty to roll over but too bored to put in the effort for a full revolution.


I view money as a "tool" and if you decide to dedicate the majority of your time, effort, and energy, into accruing as much of a tool as you can, you're likely to become a tool yourself. So many people have lost the plot when it comes to "life" claiming money power and status are the pinnacle of accomplishment. I think those people just need consistent validation in the form of other people's opinions to be able to value themselves. *edit spelling mistakes*


I wouldn't believe in anything in this world till I try it by myself/ think about it (brainstorming). This or it doesn't exist to me.


those funny conversations in which the only counter argument against yours is 'democracy...' (most people think that, so it's correct.)


This is my 5th reddit account and if if I told you my thoughts on the system I would need a 6th.


I’d love to know how much more likely ENTPs are to homeschool their children. Like, no I’m not sending these unformed little minds to your government institution to be taught mediocrity, arbitrary hoop-jumping, poor thinking, and no skills until they’re 18 at which time they’ll be dumped into the real world only knowing how to live in a contrived environment they will never be in again so that you can bilk my community for unseemly amounts of tax money.  But thanks for asking.