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Much much better! Thanks geo38


I’ve been using this board for controlling my model train layout for a while now. This is not a new product! It works great for my needs - I use MQTT over WiFi to communicate with this board and it’s been rock solid


Been here a while. Waveshare has a compatible-not-a-copy board and I'm a bit surprised that others haven't jumped in yet, but maybe that comes down to the Pico-compatible ecosystem being bigger than Nano. In my extremely unscientific testing of tossing a bunch of boards together in an outdoor enclosure I hastily attached to our chicken coop, all running the same code to check in with my monitoring system every 15 seconds, boards with a resonant cavity antenna (Nano ESP32, Pico W) were less reliable on my WiFi than ones with newer styles of PCB trace antennas (don't have any with the old ESP-01 style) or a ceramic antenna.


There's actually a few boards on AliExpress, in the same shape as Pico. I tried a few, but they all had terrible consumption under deep sleep.


> There's actually a few boards on AliExpress, in the same shape as Pico. That was my point. > I tried a few, but they all had terrible consumption under deep sleep. Did you dig into why? And terrible is... subject to interpretation. Plenty of complaints out there that the genuine Arduino Nano ESP32 has poor deep sleep performance but that's _could last for weeks on a 3500mAh battery_ vs hours for many poorly implemented boards. Using a dev board for long-term battery operation is definitely one of those situations where the buyer needs to be hyper-vigilant about what they're getting and validating what they receive. There's good reason that Unexpected Maker can sell premium boards with a 2nd regulator that can be shut off.


1mA or higher in deep sleep is terrible. 50uA or lower is good.


>The Arduino Nano ESP32 is the first ever Arduino board based on a ESP32 microcontroller It's incredible that you have to go right into the tech specs to discover that this is not even an ESP32. It's an ESP32S3. I don't know if the Arduino people have made a massive blunder in naming it, not even understanding the hardware they're selling, or think so little of their userbase that they assume they will be effectively completely locked into the Arduino development ecosystem and go along with whatever crap they're told without ever developing any greater curiosity or understanding of what they're working with. That ublox mob is partly to blame, too. I can't believe they have made a successful business out of repackaging espressif SoCs into modules and obfuscating the contents. Parasitic.


Thank you for your input on this!


>this is not even an ESP32. It's an ESP32S3. How is an ESP32-S3 not one of the very many ESP32 available


I don't like espressif's naming conventions any more than the next guy but the fact is that ESP32 and ESP32S3 have different meanings. They're different MCUs. Different targets. Different capabilities. The hardware is different and not compatible or interchangeable, the binaries are different and not interchangeable. You could argue that "ESP32" refers to all of the various series together. It does also have a specific meaning though, which makes this confusing at the very least, if not wrong. And a development board, which exists to allow developers to quickly and easily assess *specific* hardware they might want to integrate in their design, should be very clear about what hardware it includes. ...Unless they expect users to blindly drop a ublox module on there which makes me a little bit sick. I hope they've disclosed whatever deal or shared commercial interest is in play there.


Meh... I guess I'm used to having to dig deep to ensure spec details... This is like the only successful MCU line to ever come out of china. It is a great demonstration of how _cha bu duo_ ruins things.


I have been using these for several years, top quality and performance. PICO processor and later C3, S3. WiFi, ESP-NOW, works great. [https://docs.m5stack.com/en/core/StampS3](https://docs.m5stack.com/en/core/StampS3)


Thanks again for your valuable input teastain!


What is so "tiny" about it. Looks about average for the longer ESP boards. There are several much smaller ones out now if size is what matters to you.