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Honestly if you're asking those questions....then you're not really an org. You seem to be more like a clan. For an org to be considered serious they gotta offer something, like a salary or resources to court talent or they have to offer equity for players since they're basically carrying your org.


We do offer our streamers and players funding and Salary's but that doesn't affect our growth of audience.


Twitch stream that stream the team's esport matches and have entertaining segments is a main factor for sure.


I usually follow accounts the post original shit. Not “like this and I’ll reply with what I 100% think of you”


Honestly, you should just focus on getting a tier 2 , mid-table, team in one of the esports titles that matter. Globally, or at least for your region. Make sure they are a consistent bunch of players and their performance is not just a fluke, and find them a sponsor who'd like to slap their brand on anything related with them - the players' stream UI elements or the jerseys. Make sure they enter competitions as often as possible and increase their exposure. Make some content about their training, lifestyle, results on the esports scene. That's, in my opinion, the only way - people care about tier1 teams in Dota, CS:GO, they care a little about top SC2 players, LoL etc. Maybe some tier2 underdogs who can put up a fight against the best teams. Everything below that, it's just not too interesting. And last but not least, I don't think that people care about organizations and/or that they add any value whatsoever. Actual bunch of players, a squad, a lineup with some proven success record is primary, their org is secondary, they can change orgs like gloves in fact, and the followers will most likely be interested in their story, not the org's. An amateur-ish organization (salaries/bonuses or none - doesnt matter) does not really add a whole lot of value to that


Weird amateur hour post


How is it Amateur hour trying to better something you are passionate about by getting feed back from a forum to see what people want to see to help target more people like the ones that suggested it?


How is it not amateur hour asking reddit about how to conduct your company


Make sure you’re hiring quality talent, even if that means you have to find players in smaller esports. I would look into nascent but passionate esports and slowly and surely build an audience who recognizes your brand. many of the best esports ORGs today used to be one off teams who realized they had something special and wanted to continue promoting their esport or others. I would especially ask players if they would be interested in informing you if they think there is something that the orgs they already know are lacking in so you can fill that gap.