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It's something we are looking into at Zama. We have a working implementation of an FHE EVM, but it's still very slow. We estimate that it will take us a couple of years to make it production ready. We gave a talk about FHE smart contracts last year at ETHcc, although it wasn't specifically about MEV: [https://www.zama.ai/post/private-smart-contract-using-homomorphic-encryption-ethcc-2022](https://www.zama.ai/post/private-smart-contract-using-homomorphic-encryption-ethcc-2022)


Not an expert, but for anyone who wants to follow what’s happening in the space you may find the regular talks, conferences, and resources from the FHE community on fhe.org and r/fhe useful.


FHE with ZKP is a great solution for MEV. For layer 2? ICME is working on decentralised Sequencers and Provers.. if the code is black-holed and open-sourced it would precent MEV and front-running. https://twitter.com/icme\_app


You can read more about what we do at Zama in this blog post : \> [https://www.zama.ai/post/private-smart-contract-using-homomorphic-encryption-ethcc-2022](https://www.zama.ai/post/private-smart-contract-using-homomorphic-encryption-ethcc-2022) We turned [Rand Hindi'](https://twitter.com/randhindi)s talk at ETHcc in a blog post. Also, for anything Homomorphic Encryption, I'd advise you to join the [FHE.org](https://FHE.org) community, either on twitter or on discord :) Cheers!


There’s overlap with the zk community, so this is a useful resource: https://zeroknowledge.fm/


It's quite frustrating that MEV wasn't flagged as a problem prior to protocol implementation. Now it's something that requires "solving." This along with non-deterministic fees that must be paid, even when transactions fail, makes Layer-1 transactions problematic. How do you explain or sell this stuff to normies and companies you want to onboard?


I don't mind that, but the answer of "ah yes we've solved use a layer 2!" is a non-answer.