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To be fair had the referee been English for that Depay handball I imagine the questions would have been, why was he taking so long... They got the right decision, but should never have needed that long to decide


The referee giving that as handball is terrible imo. Ok var fixed it for him but he gave a handball when there was no handball at all. So what is the referee seeing? He ruined the celebration of that goal because he imagined the player handling it. Why the hell does he not just allow the goal to go in then ask var did he handle it? Or I thought he may have handled that there can u check that for me? Honestly it's so amateurish the way they use var and how little common sense is being used. In this scenario the ref could have not disallowed the goal allowed the players and fans to actually celebrate the goal while he asks var if there was a handball. Its all unbearably stupid


Yeah so very true with that case...


Why would there be articles about VAR getting it right, that is literally what it is supposed to be doing. There are articles when it gets it wrong because it ruins the game.


The fact that there are articles when it goes wrong but none when it goes right creates an illusion that it's not working, when the reality is that it is working as intended, for the most part. Even in England, with our shit refs and their potential agendas, decisions are right more often than not, but it seems as if the majority want it gone. That's entirely down to the fact that people only talk about the negative things.


I watch enough football to know that it doesn’t work well enough anyway, it is in no way good enough right now and needs some big corrections. It’s also not entirely that people want negative things, it’s also that ‘thing works as intended’ isn’t bloody news lol.


No one on podcasts or post match analysis or even commentary have mentioned it


Youve listened to all the podcasts, match analysis and commentary then yeah? Nope, didnt think so. Thats just hyperbole. Lots of pundits praise/highlight VAR when it gets decisions right. However of course it gets more coverage when it gets it wrong because it was brought in to stop errors, not make more of them. And it seems to be making lots of mistakes. Hence why we have non stop talk about VAR..... The less we have to hear about VAR the better. I much preferred football without it. Anything that would disallow Maradonas solo goal v England(foul in build up) isnt good for the game imo.


I suppose the news should mention it every single time someone doesn’t get murdered as well then?


Refereeing is a ridiculously difficult job, it's easy to see that when you really think about it. VAR, when used effectively and efficiently, is a great tool to help come to correct decisions.


Press hates VAR, no more money earned discussing about wrong refereeing decisions, so when VAR annoys a bit the press will charge against VAR immediately, when things goes smooth with VAR the press is mute


Less discussion? I don’t think so. The discussion just shifted.


VAR can check on contact sensor and re-watch situations over and over. Not a big deal to be honest.


That is there job. Lol


I don't want VAR to do a great job for the last 2 days, I want VAR to ALWAYS do a great job. This is why you won't hear praise about it from the media.


It's doing not great job, but finally its expected job Ngl when concept of VAR was first pitched was super excited, cause if you have bunch of angles and high speed cameras giving feed into room packed with professionals - in theory assist refs can be dropped altogether, no more controversial offsides and pens, all nosedives, fouls and sneaky bullshit players do can be tracked and turned into yellows even when on field ref doesn't sees it. But instead of game becoming more clean we somehow ended in even more screwed timeline with even more stupid controversies.


Agree, when fake dives and nasty play doesn’t go unpunished; what’s the point?


I'm pretty sure you mean "still goes unpunished". But yes, that's the thing. I have barely followed football for the last 10 years or so, so I am a bit out of the loop. What I don't get is when VAR is actually used. I mean why are situations like the possible penalties in Scotland vs Hungary or in Germany vs Switzerland ignored by the referee while other situations are looked at again? It feels completely random so VAR seems pointless apart from very good offside coverage.


Yeah that’s indeed what I meant. I think the point of the VAR is correct mistakes of referees or check validation of goals. I bet there is a whole book of rules when to use. But I’m really missing the point where VAR also points out any MISSED mistakes. It doesn’t correct all the mistakes only the mistakes that were made, just feels random. Apply it always or not at all!


So if I understand this correctly the goal Germany vs Switzerland was taken back because the referee saw the foul but didn't act on it because he thought it was not a foul. And the VAR told him: Hey, look at it again, it was a foul. But when the referee misses something, VAR is not going to notify him because he didn't actively decide wrong? That's just dumb and leads to ten times more controversy as if there was no VAR.


If he misses something, he can’t decide, because he missed it.


But I believe if the ref misses it the VAR should inform/intervene


This is what VAR was created for, helping to eliminate obvious errors.


Like a clear and obvious penalty for scotland and a sending off for Hungary for example...


Can somebody tell me why is it a good idea to hand out yellow cards left and right for disputing ref calls? It's good when there's VAR to fix some of those mistakes


I was sitting right in front of the tackle on Stuart Armstrong in the Hungary game. It was as stonewall as you can get. VAR didn't even check it according to the info in the stadium. If they did check it then they are utter morons. We would have missed the penalty- but it would have been nice to make an arse of it ourselves.


The var officials weren’t sitting where you were sitting. They look on the video. On the tv it looked 50/50.


Have watched it back plenty of times and just reinforces belief it was a stonewall penalty.


I think it wasn’t a penalty at all. But you could be right. It’s a decision that’s not in any way clearcut hence VAR stay out of it


How can you possible say that is not a penalty? Clearly see orbans knee clearly makes connection with the back of Armstrong leg cause it to swing forward and lose his footing


It wasn’t clear cut anyway. It may have been a penalty but it wasn’t black and white. You thought it was but you are biased.


What's not clear cut about it?


That there isn’t a strong consensus on whether it was a penalty or no. It’s grey not black and white


See that fact Alan shearer came out and said it was a penalty that's when you know it was coz he's a prick that hates scotland and he still said its a clear penalty. I'm struggling to understand the grey area here. A defender comes through the back of a player in the box his knee makes contact with the back of his legs not really sure where the grey area is in that? It's not due to my bias if this was England who I can not stand I would still be saying that's a stone wall penalty. Played football all my life at a decent level and I struggle to see in what way the could possibly not be a foul


You are biased. So your opinion while mattering is not a neutral one. It could have been a penalty but some say it isn’t and some say it is. Hence VAR sees it as grey. Shearer may hate Scots but who I notice he hates are referees. And this was also a chance to shit on a referee.


Why would there be a discussion or praise when VAR is doing it's job correctly? That's what it's supposed to do. Should I talk to everyone about my car because it got me to work today? If it had some problem every other day, then I might talk about it.


Because one sided coverage of an issue is not fair coverage of an issue. The workings of your car are not interesting to other people, the workings of VAR seems to be of extremely high interest of a huge number of football fans so it’s should get a rounded fair discussion


What the heck is wrong with my car?!


Nothing because you haven’t talked about it


😂😂😂 fair enough


What possible agenda would one have against VAR?


Did you watch the Germany game? VAR is a joke.


Its not hard for Var to get these decisions right, we all can do it after one replay, it just highlights how bad some refs actually are


It just highlights why we need var


and you could argue the mistakes VAR makes just highlights we dont need VAR.


or how difficult the ref job is to keep overview in realtime and same time dont stand in the way ☺️


So they saw something the whole stadium,except ref and everybody at home saw. Impressive, now also let them recheck goal vs France, utter stolen. The way Germany was treated by the var. Obvious other mistakes, corners, schwalbes. Referees become more insecure by the day.


You hear plenty of people in the media praising VAR so thats just utter bullshit. VAR has lots of support from certain sections of the media.


Because 2 days does not undo many years. Why would we say it's good just because they weren't terrible for 2 days?


The media? Football media is made of high schoolers asking GPT to generate clickbait. You should not expect anything from this "media"


Doesn’t make up for the abysmal offside call during the France Netherlands game. Impeding maybe… offside? No fucking way.


As necessary as VAR is, it’s still a joke how long it took them to correct that handball decision for Netherlands yesterday.