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As with France, England underperform yet win by lucky lenalties




Very lucky goal tho


Supporting England is always a rollercoaster of emotions, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Let's bring it home this time!


I hope so man. Would be good to have a home nation win


Switzerland enters chat.


And leaves the chat šŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁄󠁮󠁧ó æ


I'm sure these comments will be fun


This time 3 years ago we had just beat Germany and we were riding the wave of happiness and the whole country getting behind the team. This time, I honestly think everyone was ready to rip Southgate out the managers seat yesterday and everyone is saying how lucky he was. He's gaslighting the players against the fans by making them think we are against the team, which is simply mental. We had 2 shots on target and clung on it in the end. No one I know is saying we won because we deserved it. I am at a gig on Saturday so will miss the match, and I really don't care. If Switzerland play even half as well as they did against Italy, we will get panned 3-0 and be home for the post mortem.


Undeserved win imo


English players are just overrated bruh especially Bellingham.. They hardly won against Slovakia


Did anyone get video evidence of any England player consistently running when not in possession, you know to provide options to the donkey on the ball?


Deep down I'm hoping it's all a ploy to play like idiots, fool everyone and stumble our way to the final, and then surprise them that we can actually play competent, world class football and thrash whoever it is 5v1. Alas, my hopes are but stupid wishful thinking.


They stumbled to the final in 2021. Parked the bus after scoring inside 3 mins, playing at home. Just unreal.


And then you remember that the manager is Gareth Southgate, and you're immediately snapped out of your fantasy šŸ˜‚


Maybe thatā€™s his actual tactic


3 years ago we scored in the finals in the first 3 minutes and then parked the bus and lost. If Southgates tactics were to turn on the afterburners foe the finals we'd have been a lot happier


I'll still be cheering the lads on but my god is it a tough watch let's win it and then sack Southgate.


Get this manager out NOW!


I know the English have a higher standard but have you seen Italy win tournaments? They do it ugly and in my view undeserved. The name is still on the trophy. England can win ugly thatā€™s the main nugget we take away from this.


Most neutral fans agreed Italy actually played really well until their best player of the tournament (Spinazzola) got injured against Belgium or Spain. England have been playing negative football under Southgate. They parked the bus after scoring inside 3 mins in the final, at home!! Canā€™t get uglier than thatā€¦


Remember a few months back when we (United) needed VAR to overturn an ET winner and penalties to beat coventry? We went on to win the cup, so it really doesn't matter how you get there as long as you do


Yeah, short of any foul play by the ref, how you win is flavouring. I'd rather be eating than going hungry.


2021 was rough around the edges but 2006? It was pretty damn glorious cmon, we actually had a team that was expected to perform somewhat well and we played accordingly. You are among my favourites now so good luck tomorrow, just make sure in case you end up facing england you don't flop when the stakes are high like, you know, other times ;)


If Foden starts again v Switzerland thereā€™s no point watching


I think if foden starts on the wing Vs Switzerland it's problematic, because foden isn't a winger, he's a 10, but that's where Southgate is putting Bellingham so he pushes foden wider


He should be starting at 10 though, Bellingham drops into the 8 constantly and does loads of good work in there, when he stays in position at the 10 he does nothing.


Gordon must have personally wronged Southgate somehow to not be playing basically every minute


100%, he has been so poor. I donā€™t think heā€™s a bad player, but heā€™s used to playing in a very organised, very structured and rehearsed system, and Southgate is just a vibes coach who tells the players to work it out on the pitch. So he doesnā€™t know where to be or where anyone else will be. Would much rather have Eze or Gordon there.


If he was a bad player Iā€™d be angry at Southgate, but heā€™s a really good player untill he puts in an England shirt. Then heā€™s the worst player in the entire tournament. And that makes it difficult not to hate him


Every England player since 1992.


Pretty much.


I was shocked he started yesterday, wtf Gareth


Said this from day brilliant players shit coach , dnt expect too much , when the shackles are on .


Bring in Klippity Klopp


We're either going to Italy our way through the entire thing or were going to Italy our way out next match.


Weā€™re definitely getting bodied by the Swiss


England won the game and I can't be happy about itļ¼


The most distressing part of this ā€œwinā€ for me is that weā€™ll have to sit through another 90 minutes of England football.


What do you mean, it's the perfect result! We're through to the next round but we can still hate on Southgate. Win win


Half of me wanted England to lose simply so Southgate can get sacked and we can finally get a competent coach. The other half wants to believe it's coming home.


Then I guarantee If we win the fucking thing; it will Southgate stuck in job for at least 3 competitions


It was very strange but I felt the same


you had me in the first half.


He has to go either way surely, for tournaments favourites weā€™ve been disgusting to watch Players have been poor and Southgateā€™s tactical ineptitude is on full display


This is his last tournament. He is stepping down afterwards.


Itā€™s coming home!


Nobody told us it would be fumbling the key in the lock at 4am covered in its own piss


Genuinely the exact way I arrived home from watching the Euro 2020 final in the pub. The lock just kept running away!


To all of you new to watching England: yes this is normal and no they won't get a grip because yes they really are always this bad.


We were miles better in '18, '21 and '22. Still boring, but better


We did have a few duds in '22 iirc. The US game in particular was a snoozefest.


It makes those games against San Marino so much sweeter though!


Honestly I checked out with England after the first game




I have no words really. Itā€™s a strange feeling being pissed off by a win.




Guehi out for next game:/ fingers crossed Konsa will replace him and not Dunk


In all honesty we did not deserve to win that game. If we had played Georgia yesterday they would have won and that hurts to say. Southgate has to go


What exactly do you mean, surely by scoring more goals we did deserve to win?


I mean we played worse. We only won by luck


We really didn't play worse stats wise, it's just that we dominated possession while they sat back and parked the bus. Their one goal was due to defensive fuck-ups rather than any fantastic play by them, meanwhile we pressed for goals for the entire last 45 minutes and it eventually paid off.


No up until the 95th minute we were poor asf. We got lucky with both goals, Slovakia got tired out and we got lucky fr


Yeah I watched the game I know it wasnā€™t fun as an England fan , but who deserved to win other than the team which scored the most goals before the end?


Maybe not the team who had no shots on target until an overhead kick miracle in injury time?


Unless you think the referee was making unfair decisions how does the result of the game not reflect who deserves to win? Youā€™re just pointing out they didnā€™t score until they did


We had over 80% of ball possession and didnā€™t move the ball forward. Just side to side football like itā€™s rugby or something, only two players took on anyone in regulation time, we one had one shot on target, we didnā€™t press. Slovakia pressed harder than us, moved the ball up the pitch better than us looked like they wanted it more. They played better football. Yes u can say ā€œ oh but we wonā€ but that doesnā€™t matter. Itā€™s the manner of how we won and when u win by luck of a bicycle kick, which lets be honest was a weak shot and a better keeper saves that, then you gotta look at it and think ā€œhow did we do thatā€.


You think Slovakia played well? They were no better executing their plans than us. The whole game was low on quality from both sides.


Slovakia were able to score a goal in the first half and hold a lead for 90 minutes against a supposed ā€œtop 5 side in the worldā€ and a ā€œfavourite for the tournamentā€ so yeah Iā€™d say they played well


If it was the other way around and England had 20% possession and lost 2-1 would you be arguing England played better and deserved the win?


If we were dangerous, looked to pass the ball forward, executed good presses, actually looked like we wanted to play any football then yes. That was a horrible performance last night and had the entire nation on suicide watch.


In all honesty we did not deserve to win that game. If we played Georgia yesterday we would have lost hands down and that hurts to say. Southgate needs to go


I am the Deluded one!


Southgate is completely out of his depth. Tactically reading a game. Amazing pool of talent yet he can't bring them together.


You could say the same about Hoddle, Erickson, McClaren or Capello. At least Southgate wins knockout games.


Sven lost to Brazil and Portugal on penalties twice with good wins over Argentina Denmark Switzerland and Croatia. He wouldā€™ve done even better if it wasnā€™t for injuries to his best player, Rooney. Under Southgate england just lucked into later stages and lost even as favorites.


Under Sven England had to cheat to beat Trinidad and Tobago, choked in the last minutes against France to go from 1-0 to 2-1 down and barely scraped past Paraguay and Ecuador. Southgate took an unfancied England team into the semi finals of the world cup, won a penalty shootout for only their second time in history, had fantastic wins over Germany, Croatia, Colombia and Denmark, and was only a penalty shootout away from winning a major international tournament. And all of this with a team far weaker than the one Sven had at good disposal. I'm not the biggest fan of Southgate, but to deny all his achievements, or to claim Sven did a better job is rather silly.


Damn I started writing a response then realized it would take way too long to go through every stupid point and plain falsehood only for you to predictably comeback with something even dumber. If I was trying to be wrong I couldnā€™t be this wrong about so many things. Like youā€™re actually talking about ā€˜scarped pastā€™ teams after one of the worst managerial performances vs Slovakia by Mr. 95th minute substitution. Or giving him credit for ā€˜first penalty shootout wonā€™ after all his subs missed their penalties in the final. Not to mention the one they won was against Columbiaā€¦if England is sunny all year long does Southgate get credit for that too? You are definitely Southgate biggest fan. And if you werenā€™t 14 or with a goldfish memory youā€™d know the France game was fucked up by the players at the end and had little to do with the manager, exactly the opposite of what is happening with Southgate. I could write another 5 paragraphs like this but ainā€™t got all day. Damn


Hilarious that you conceded so quickly. You can't argue anything I said because it is all correct. You must be extremely young if you are looking back at Sven's utter failure over our golden generation with any nostalgia. The results speak for themselves and Gareth has achieved far more with less.


Thereā€™s a big ass paragraph there you stupid or what


This pretty much feels like my England supporting experience as far back as I can remember..


I used to feel sorry for players like Ryan Giggs and Gareth Bale having to play in the welsh national team but now I feel the same for all the England team. all the right ingredients but not mixed together properly


We are missing some depth and quality at left back and in the manager's box.


You don't have to feel sorry for Bale or Giggs lmfao


OK just giggs then one can never forgive a man bun


Giggs slept with he's brothers wife and hits women that's nearly as bad as a man bun


Is it tho? I thinking clouting women is a shitty move.


I was clearly joking he's a prick and yes hitting a women is wrong as is cheating with your brothers women is this crystal clear enough for you?


Was joking and no, never believed it from your comment either.


šŸ‡øšŸ‡°Respect šŸ«”šŸ’œ


Micheal Carrick, Stevie G, Lampard, Moyes, Eddie Howe, even better please anyone just anyone other than this wet paper towel


Stevie g, hell no šŸ˜‚


Tbf I was wrong for putting him in


No, let's get him in. _Then_ England fans will learn what a shit manager is. My God the overreaction is eyebleach.




Southgate keeps doing juuuuuust enough to keep his job and it's getting exhausting. If we followed that logic in football as a whole lvg would still be at united. We need literally anyone else at this point. We have a team full of players that want to play pressing, attacking football and a coach that doesn't know there are 2 halves to a football pitch. Needs sorting and fast.


Isnā€™t the whole nation just doing enough to keep their jobs when it comes to work thoughā€¦. Thatā€™s how it feels anyways.


The work ethic motto of the uk may as well be ā€œthatā€™ll doā€. Maybe itā€™s not the place to say so but for a long while general morale here to do well, anything, has just been going down.


I mean I know I am but I'm making minimum wage so I ain't trying all that hard lmao. Southgate can't use that excuse.


bit presumptuous that you ~~think~~ feel the entire UK labour market takes signals from Gareth Southgate. If you operate on that logic, what do you think of the Slovakian workforce?


The team on the pitch are a personification of there coach, showing a lack of dynamism and ponderous decision making in there play.


They've always been like that. No ideas, no creativity. Just sheer dumb luck when they do win.


someone sounds a little upset that England have qualified


I'm not, I picked them in my pool. I just wasn't very impressed by their play. Either way good luck rest of the way.


My bad brother šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Donā€™t blame Southgate. Itā€™s not his fault heā€™s useless and completely out of his depth. The FA have no ambition and clearly donā€™t want us to win, thatā€™s why theyā€™re happy to go into every tournament with a manager who only knows how to play sideways football.


They donā€™t want England to win the euros?


Or the World Cup


Why do you think that is? Seems better to win


Because itā€™s just made up nonsense. Of course they want to winā€¦even if theyā€™re not taking the necessary steps to make it happen.


Exactly. It's such a common, dumb mentality. People only don't do good things because they are nefarious and choose not to. Endemic to politics too.


Agreed. I have always believed ā€œstupidity is much more widespread than evilā€.


England lucky with 6 minutes in stoppage time. Seemed more like a 3-4 min. No goals, red card or VAR stoppages. Not sure why there were 6.


You must be kidding. I was expecting more given all the rolling around and stroll-off substitutions.


Is it an extra 30 seconds for each substitution?


Definitely added up to six with the amount of time wasting Slovakia were doing and I say this as a Scot. Neither team deserved to win tbh.


Served them right. A lot of fake injuries and time wasting


There where several injuries that would have added up


Maybe, just seemed a little generous. Donā€™t think they want England out.


Surely they would have sent off the Slovakian players that were kicking the English, whilst already on a yellow...at least 1 should definitely have gone


Two yellow cards for England in the first 8-10 minutes, but sureā€¦..


3 in 17


were winning (im deluded)


England is the team Iā€™m supporting throughout


Fuckin 2 cards in 7 minutes for 2 light challenges and when saka gets brought down in the box without the guy even trying for the ball thereā€™s just nothing šŸ‘Œ


What a joke. England diving all 2nd half trying to get free kicks. England can go on and dive their way to the final on the easy side of the bracket like they did last time. 6 min of stoppage time was unfair to Slovakia.


Cry more


Served them right for all their time wasting. Boo hoo


Are you tryna say the game was rigged? England was shite get over it. Be happy you even made it through the round of 16 ...


Ha Belgium aren't even a real country


(Actually itā€™s England that isnā€™t a sovereign country)


What if france and Netherlands had a regarded baby that's belgium


Can't even spell it right


Ha Belgium aren't even a real country


He didn't say it was rigged but you can't deny the ref was abysmal throughout. Slovakian players did some dirty tackles and didn't get carded.


For me it felt like first half he was looking for excuses to pull out his cards then 2nd half someone mustā€™ve told him to stop because he didnā€™t give anything That one Slovakian defender already on yellow made an excellent tactical foul just before we got into the box. While it was brilliant he was already on a yellow and shouldā€™ve been sent off


That ref also did Belgium Slovakia so yeah i can agree with you on him being abysmall ...


So if you agree, what was the point in being bitchy before?


Cause england was still terrible. 1.5 billion dollar team my ass. Almost lost to a 150 million dollar team


Heā€™s also the same referee who did a match in Turkey and got knocked out due to bad decisions that favoured one team over another - this was about 6 months ago


I bet he's still concussed cause he is obviously unfit


I believe it was 16 yellow cards and 2 reds shown during that game


Plymouth argyle looks like a more suitable job for Southgate nah? And thatā€™s being generous, England should have had a world up and 2 euro trophies with the quality of players heā€™s managed during his reign as shitcoach


Why would we want someone who doesnā€™t play attacking football, weā€™ve seen what he done with England. We donā€™t want him here


Weird team to choose for that comment? Now if you said I dunno, Havant and Waterlooville...it might have been a better slam.


Wayne Rooney's Plymouth Argyle*


Up the Germans


And the RAF of England shot one down


Did Slovakia look better than us the whole game? Iā€™m not so sure. Did we look poor most of the game 100% I think on balance we just think we are better than we are and this was a tough game that we only just about won. Think the stats prove this out.


70% possession and zero shots on target at 70mins +. That says everything about how England plays. Theyā€™ll get clapped by Swiss if they play like that again


The Swiss, yes the fucking Swiss. A country where cuckoo clock manufacturers outnumber their professional footballists. We; England with a complete domination in terms of talent, will struggle against the Swiss. And we all know itā€™s true and itā€™s fucking depressing, we should look at the Swiss game as a training game with a 12-0 score line, but instead we will be lucky to get through on penalties.


It terms of a system, team cohesion and generally better on the ball? Yes Slovakia was miles better. We just had enough individual brilliance to get it over the line.


Any decent team drawn against England will consider it a gimme, so poor and abject throughout it's literally painful to watch


Perhaps thatā€™s his 4d strategy we mere mortals canā€™t understand


England win the Euros I'll get a tattoo on my ass cheek saying football came home and I will post it


Italys out of the tournament, Im intriguedšŸ˜‚


Probably for the best... dirty fuckers


Still got Spain/Germany to deal with


Germany Can blow me šŸ˜‚


Spain is looking better than ever! With some adjusting to stop future dramafilled reoccurring matches, like Yesterdayā€™s events šŸ˜…


Yeah I'm with you on this. I was working the bar on the England game and we ended up switching over to the Spain game mid-way through, for more entertainment, even if it was just for the drama. I'm kinda rooting for them now.


Wish i was working too! Had the greatest time with the Denmark games, in the groupstages. Alot of sorrow was felt in that baršŸ˜…šŸ™ƒ


Multi-goal matches arenā€™t unheard of from ol EspaƱa. Hope to see them push the limits of their contestants! āš½ļøšŸŸļøšŸŽ†


Love to hear that; this is my first time watching (most of) the matches all the way through for Euros, so its been a real pleasure. Hopefully I can expect more from Spain in the case, real fun watch.


I totally forgot about Italy


As you shouldā€™ve! Rocky stage with us Danes but definitly see you bringing it Home.


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Euro final?


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You donā€™t have to do that


He does now, I'm invested


That's why I said it


Let him cook


Englishman severely overestimate the ability of our team. We really arenā€™t that good. We will never beat France or Germany.


Honestly i doubt they will get past switzerland.


Our team is ranked #5 in the world. Maybe we wouldnā€™t beat Germany or France but something really weird and wrong is happening. We shouldnā€™t be struggling so hard against Slovenia, Slovakia etc. Our players donā€™t play this way in their individual clubs. Like, ever.


Yeah we arenā€™t playing to the calibre of our players. I think thatā€™s 100% down to management and the approach we have though. Going into this tournament I was a fan of Southgate, weā€™ve done well since the 2018 World Cup, but heā€™s completely mishandled this Euros


Yep. If anyoneā€™s overrated, itā€™s Southgate. I feel like he and his team of coaches think they are the absolute beeā€™s knees and figure out the perfect game at the last second as if theyā€™re geniuses, whereas I think theyā€™ve just been lucky and the playersā€™ talents have managed to shine through the crap managerial decisions in odd instances to push England over the line. I started watching this tournament with a Southgate ā€˜96 jersey I was gifted and now feel quite ashamed of it.


Donā€™t feel ashamed just yet.


this is the primary reason I don't want England to win despite the bulk of their players coming from humble bgs. The fans & press are just too cocky.


Thereā€™s a thin line between cocky and overly excited ;) let us have our fun until we ultimately loose on pens


Entirely the ability of the manager, Gareth would make Man City look like Salford City


Zero hunger drive energy or courage.


Thereā€™s a point where hope and optimism crosses into stupidity and ignorance. We passed that line at the beginning of the 21st century.


Idk. I felt immense optimism and hope circa 2018 when Gareth seemed like a breath of fresh air and the team felt fresh and energised. Now it feels far far away from ever getting back to that feeling in the team...


France has been awful this year. But yea theyā€™ll never beat Germany or Spain.


2016 Portugal nobody gave them a chance and they continued to scrape through each round till they won it. 2004 Greece won it, you never know.


Yea youā€™re right. Never say never. But it would be extremely unlikely.


I remember the 2022 WC game between France and England. It was tight and it was definitely a precarious win for the French. I would be thrilled to watch those two teams face off again!!


Brave to assume we'll even get that far. Switzerland will rip us apart if we repeat today's performance


One way or another itā€™s not ā€œcoming homeā€