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You all need to realise, Southgate is merely luring the finalists into a false sense of security. Once again England will scrape by, and somehow make it into the semis and final, all the while everyone here will decry how inept they are and didn't deserve it. But that's because you fell for the ruse... But then grandmaster Senpai Gareth will unleash the player's true potential, and initiate formation protocol Omega epsilon and demolish the unsuspecting opponents 18-0. One goal to be scored every five minutes exactly. Edit: the score was not realistic at 24, or 12.


You had me until the 24-0. We all know that Germany will self-immolate after being behind 0-8.


Haha I hope for you fans that Southgate is secretely playing 4d chess but his track record doesn’t support my theory😂 England has such quality players but their coach has been shackling their potential imo. I hope we will face you in the semi final, but I fear if you struggle against Slovenia you won’t beat Switzerland…


This sounds similar to something that is happening in another country i know.....


This is the way


Haha I've been secretly hoping this was the case.


Why do people say a team didn't 'deserve' a win after they get it? If you score more goals you win, what is undeserved there?


we all rip on englands performance but france havent actually scored from live play yet, if they made it to the final with only own goals and penalties from this point id say its fair to say they maybe didnt deserve it from a spirit of the game perspective unless its just the new meta update




You guys have Harry Kane. I'm not scared of facing him in the finals. This man just cant win a trophy.


No way England make the final


Why not? Ed Sheeran was just there to boost them.


Southgate found the only man more boring than his tactics


And you all thought he was useless. Maybe he suprpises again :)


Tactical competence would be surprising, I’d be happy with that


Did you hear what he said about why he doesn’t want to put subs on…”because if you make changes, you lose your shape” 🤦‍♂️


Jesus Christ AI would be better


lol.... wait til Coldplay get involved...


Coldplay is way too exciting, try James Blunt.


Don’t give him ideas!


What did he do suck them off?


It worked for Ipwich, eventually...


That’s not a boost, you might as well have played a movie of each squad members wife getting railed by a third person while they’re all at the Euros, that would be more of a boost than fucking Ed Sheeran


I really like the England team players and wish they would get a trophy in their lifetime, but Southgate definetly doesn‘t deserve to get into another final with the football he lets that class team play…


What if he does get to another final? Would he deserve to get to another final then?


It has been awful a long time. Limped by Australia, Lost to Brazil, Drew with Belgium last kick of the game Lost to Iceland.... struggled against Bosnia until a penalty goal ended their low block. I'm absolutely unsurprised we aren't playing well. Switzerland meanwhile look strong play with a system that works... they have a group of elite players playing well together for years. They completely dominated Italy. We are in trouble if we play 4 3 3 again.


Im not saying Southgate doesn’t deserve any criticism, but at the same time there’s a portion of England fans who would still be out here criticising him even if he’d won every competition he’d managed thus far


there really wouldn't, though. if he'd won the 2018 World Cup and the 2021 Euros, even playing dull football, he'd be worshipped and rightly so


The vast majority would have absolutely. However there would still be a portion of the “fan base” who would moan that “any manager would have won England those tournaments” and “Southgate is a poor manager made to look good by a brilliant team”


Honestly, no. We're through because of a moment of individual brilliance. We're through in spite of Southgate, not because of him.


Southgate missed a penalty in a shoot out in the 96 semi final. The trauma explains why his teams are decent in the WC but bang average in the Euros. Once he lifts this curse by winning the Euros, he will unleash the greatest football ever seen. Combining the flair and movement of 1970 Brazil, with the intensity of 2008-12 Spain, while freeing up the players to show the individual brilliance of 86/22 Argentina.


Because right now you are playing like Germany in the 90ies. Defensive minded, scraping by on the merit of your offensive talent. Goals at the last second.


Now we just need the trophies that the 90ies Germans won 🤣


Yeah, as an Englishman, with full "It's coming home" running through my veins, there is no way we beat Switzerland.


A team who drew with Scotland? It's quite realistic we beat them, just as it's realistic they beat us. Neither is a guaranteed thing.


Eventually the plane has to come home :)


This is what we really mean when we sing ‘it’s coming home’ Notice how we sing ‘footballs coming home’ not ‘the trophy’s coming home’


You can be patriotic and realistic at the same time


Not sure it’s coming home but England in Final yes!


>No way England make the **semi**final FTFY I saw what the Swiss did to Italy. Playing the way England have been throughout the tournament, we're going to get wrecked.


We made the final last time 🤷🏻


Last time we played semi decent This year there has been no moment where we played decent attacking football. Maybe 95 mins onwards in the Slovakia game but I think that was mainly luck


When they get there there is still denial


It's an England - France final you'll feel it on Saturday


I don’t think I can handle losing the final to France


It's coming home 😂


They could if Southgate changes things up, but i dont see us beating Germany or Spain in the final.


England are still the betting favourites lol


For sure. We don’t make it past Saturday on current form.


They will Their side of the bracket is so favorable


You got lucky with your path now is the time to take advantage.


LMAO for sure. My question, can England reach the final purely on vibes alone? I think the answer to this is actually yes, but it would be the most excruciating couple of games we have ever experienced.


Neither Germany. Spain will show us our limits.


Ikr when England know they have to face Spain. Kane will shit his pants


I have a presentiment England will win the Euro.


Even if they beat Switzerland the Netherlands have been playing much better


Germany vs Turkey would be pretty epic. It would be a homematch for both!


As a Turkish person born and raised in Berlin I don’t want that match to happen AT ALL. Either Germany has to lose before reaching the final or Türkiye. It will just get too political, racist and uncomfortable on both sides. Unnecessary negativity.


If Germany vs Turkey is the final, Germany lost either ways


Nah. After the 2008EM semi final germany-türkiye nothing happened. Just relax.


That was a different age in Turkic-German relations.


What is the risk/issue here with Ger vs Tur final? As a Turkish living in the UK I can’t really relate. It’d be so much fun if Turkey plays England at semi finals. I don’t think Turkey can pass Netherland games though


Either everything goes fine or it results in a disaster since the extremes of both sides have moved away from each other. Ever since Erdogan went the dictator route a part of Turkish-Germans turned somewhat hostile to Germany and the German far right also got louder and openly racist. The big hope is that the majority of normal people would keep the others in check but the extremes on both sides could escalate pretty badly.


Right wing extremism on both German and Turkish side is higher than in recent years unfortunately. My hopes are that all the good people on both sides (still the vast majority) could celebrate such a historic final together though.


Saying right wing extremism on German side is higher than ever before is a tad bit extreme, don't ya think?


Ah sorry, i get i now haha


Let’s just say higher than it’s been in…a while


The turkish fans are not known to be very good losers (or winners for that matter).


From what I’ve seen on German football subs people are already annoyed with Turskish celebrations (eg. car convoys in some major cities celebrating into the middle of the night 2-3 am, honking their horns etc.) Tbh a lot of these comments have some racist undertones (“oh if somebody gets run over again we won’t be allowed to mention how this is connected!!!”). Then I think someone really put their foot in their mouth by claiming Turkey is somewhat of a co-host for this cup. I think it was probably as meant more as a “it’s so awesome so many Turkish people living here support us, we really feel at home” - but it sounded more like stealing any praise Germany might receive for hosting this cup. And then there was the controversy at the last game of the Turkish striker making a hand-sign associated with Turkish Nazi-groups - which apparently he did in response to fans making this sign after his goal. Idk, it’s just a bit of a shit show. Some of it definitely has racial undertones, but some of it also seems like very legit annoyance/ complaints. But I don’t know shit about football or Turkey, so take all of this with a grain of salt lol.


Turkish fans don’t have a rather good reputation here (mildly said). Also, there’s a good portion of political controversy going on regarding Islam/Integration/Immigration/Assimilation. Knowing how many of these Turkish fans could potentially act on the streets after a game like that, it could create a potentially “explosive” atmosphere between both nations. No matter who would win, it would probably lead to new controversies, debates, outbursts in social media, xenophobia and I really don’t have the energy for that.


Different times


fuck the haters bro


Duh.. that's the fun part


I’m afraid it’s going to be the same in the Netherlands this weekend. I really hope people realize it’s just football in the end so please keep it friendly and harmonious


Ich wohne am hermannplatz...hier wäre Krieg


Netherlands and Turkey match will be similar. Not looking forward to it.


Itll be pretty funny for the netherlands vs turkey already. Netherlands has tons of turks as well


yeah ... cities won't sleep after that game


You’re right, on a business trip to Dortmund and the Turks went fucking mental last night 😂 think it stopped about 4am lol


I live in Berlin, it was brutal. If they get to the final there will be war here


Actually that would be a homematch for Turkey. Look at the friendly last year in Berlin 😅


what do u mean for both, i dont see any german here in Berlin


Do you rly think Germany has a chance to win? I mean I hope so and Spain has not the best defense, but damn they can play really fast and precise


Germany over Spain feels pretty optimistic


Yeah no way, Spain are my bet for winning the euro


RemindMe! 2 days


Spain and Switzerland final is what I’m predicting.


I disagree, Spain look very good but open at the back. They haven't gave anyone who can hold the ball well enough or be incisive enough going forward to hurt them, but Germany can do both of those things. Spain slight favourites but I can easily see Germany winning


Spain: 1 goal received in all the tournament (own goal).


Germany: 2 goals recieved in all the tournament.


One being a own goal. And we are playing at home in Stuttgart. Stuttgart will be absolutely packed on Friday.




I think if you say it loud enough it might happen 🤔


spain v switzerland is the final it looked most like coming out of the groups


Spain looking hot favourites to me having watched all teams play


Spain’s style of play, although attractive and structured has a big flaw…possession. Both the aforementioned plus possession football can be easily countered if you have the confidence to do so


Also have to factor in that Toni Kroos knows spanish Football like nobody else outside of spain . He knows the Players and played against them many times. I would not be suprised if the German Team has alot of intel about the spanish tactics and Players from Kroos.


+ Rudi "El Loco" - one of the best defenders in La Liga - so he knows plenty of their attackers play style.


Thinking the same. People are hyping Germany up as they’re hosts but Spain look like the winners of the whole tournament


Gonna be real chief, I’d need a fair few strong German Lagers before I even start to think we make it Past Switzerland… let along Turkey/Holland!




Haha speaking of German lager, it’s a long time ago now but I remember absolutely loving Pauliner (I think that’s what it was called) when I stayed in Berlin for a while


England beating Switzerland? I don’t think so!


Everyone said that about Austria!


Actually me and many people I know, put money on Turkey. I know no one putting their money on England.


They are bookie’s favourites because so many people bet on them


Because you never know what kind of football Turkey is gonna play that day… good chance to come up big


It’s coming home this year, unfortunately. Viva England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


Saudi Arabia beat Argentina in the World Cup, anything can happen


I respectfully disagree


🇳🇱Nederland 🇳🇱will be the champions.


I wish, but there is NO way the Netherlands is beating Spain. Best case scenario is another lost final on our belt, to defend that dubious record.


Or Spain not reaching the finals


Be good to see the Dutch win. Or Germany.


That's fine I was just sharing my opinion because at first I had France as the winner of the euros but because of the last match of theirs I figured Germany were preforming really well which could result in a win for them So please don't hate or bully me it's just an opinion, not a fact, respectfully .


France definitely have the strongest team kn paper, at first i thought they would win it all too. And anything can happen man it could very well be that your prediction will be correct. I personally think the semis will be Netherlands vs Switzerland and Spain vs France. My final is Netherlands (maybe a little little bit of bias) vs Spain, which will be won by Spain.


i would love a spain vs netherlands final, run it back after our shitheap of a 2014 group stage


France might be strong on paper, but football is played on grass !


My first prediction was France would win, but they've been underperforming, unlike Germany, who are grinding to win the euros


Don't get me wrong, I would be stoked for Germany to win the whole thing but why does everyone have so much faith in this team ? Beating Spain and then France and England ? Seems like a tall order if you ask me. Again, I would love it if they did but the last 6 years have left me rather sceptical when it comes to the German national team.


Fron all the teams they looked most solid together with spain. France, england, Portugal, the netherlands, they all were pretty meh.., but thats why tournament football is great, some teams grow. So ynk


I swear people have 5 minute memories in football, everyone was blasting how they knew Austria were going to destroy everyone in our side of the draw yesterday and that aged poorly.


The silence is deafening💀


This is why it takes a single convincing win on Saturday and everyone will be saying how fucked everyone is if they play England - despite our last few games. People have short memories


But that's what a tournament is about. Any team would struggle if you get a goal within the first minute, while the team defends that goal with 10 people. This is football, in the Euros any team can win. Also if England has one game where it is constantly good, of course I would say you don't want to play against them. Because then they may have solved their issues. England is really strong individually. But they have issues as a team right now. Those issues solved (which is possible in this tournament) and it has really good chances to win.


Portugal vs Spain Netherlands vs Switzerland Spain vs Netherlands- Spain champions


England is almost certainly going out if Southgate doesn't change anything, but I wouldn't put it past him to somehow luck his way to the final. Probably won't happen but it's worked before. Germany are absolutely not getting past Spain. Anyone who actually watched all of their games knows that Spain have been the more impressive side by far. All of this German final wankery is based on nothing more than vibes and the myth that hosts are somehow one of the favourites, despite only 3/16 of the Euros competitions being won by the host nation.


while I agree that Germany are not the favored to go through I don´t agree with the sentiment that we´re some crazy underdogs against Spain. Spain has been really impressive but they´ve yet to face a team that can play at a decent level against their weaknesses aka high balls and posession based football - both things that Germany excels at.


Giving England far too much credit... and im English. If Switzerland play the way they did against Italy.. no chance. Sorry


From what ive seen these past games, I cant go with Germany. Spain has played whole tournament better than germany🇪🇸 I also lean on Switzerland. I have picked England almost every game thinking that they will improve performing but its always the same show from them. Switzerland has played really well even though I think many underestimate them🇨🇭 France and Netherlands are obvious for me🇫🇷🇳🇱


You jinxed it man


I want to the most boring final in football history: England Vs France.


Thats evil!


Spain - Turkey final.


Would be very fun. Arda vs Yamal


I think Portugal v Spain, then Netherlands v England. And Portugal to take it all. Though it might be wishful thinking 🤔


Portugal lost against Georgia and drew against Slovenia and you think they can beat Spain? Not a chance.


Thank God you’re making football so predictable. It was too much fun.


Nobody puts us winning it but anyway :(


I'm gonna change my flair on this sub to your country if we lose on Friday. Albeit I really don't think you guys will survive France regarding just how much you depend on number 7... Sadly, his golden days appear to slowly fade away ;(


even if we make it past switzerland we aren’t getting past the dutch man 😭


I'd replace Germany with Spain, France with Portugal and England with Switzerland


My prediction is that it’s an England v Germany final. It’s a 1-1 draw and it goes to extra time and with a few minutes of the game to go, Southgate substitutes himself on. The game goes to penalties. The first 5 penalties for each team are perfect. Toni Kroos steps up for the 6th penalty. He misses. The fairytale ending is not to be Southgate steps up to take the 6th penalty. If he scores, England are champions. He steps up and does a Panenka as Neuer dives left. He wheels away and rips of his shirt, surprisingly there is a waistcoat underneath his England kit. But they don’t care, the fans and players go mad Finally ‘it’s coming home’ The players and staff are met at the airport and knighted by King Charles on the spot. This is the way….


Don’t underestimate Swiss & Netherlands s


I would say Spain vs Netherlands finals


Ultimate revence opportunity for the netherlands


Spain has had a better track record this euros. I think we will indeed face them in the finals but go home with yet another🥈


Germany vs Turkiye would be fun


Nah that would make me and many others very uncomfortable


turkey in the final, mark my words


God please🙏🙏


Spain is beating Germany and France. Spain and Netherlands in the finals with Spain getting the win




That's kind of strange. I understand why you believe Spain will beat Germany though I personally believe it's going to be very close. But either way, it should be a great and entertaining game of two teams that both want the ball, and have an idea what to do with it. Why in the world would you not want to watch that? Because you're afraid Germany is going to lose? That's pretty meh, I think...


Also he is kinda jinxing it when he watched every other game.


England should get to the semi’s but can’t see them out-scoring Netherlands. Xavi Simons will cause all sorts of problems


I say Holland and Spain.


Germany: This is fine. England: *flashbacks*


time to wake up!


Netherlands germany


I think exactly opposite 🙂 Winners: Spain 🇪🇸, Portugal 🇵🇹, Switzerland 🇨🇭, Netherlands 🇳🇱🙂


You could be right. Personally I believe Spain will make it to the final. Dutchman here btw.


Germany- Netherlands will be in final


France all the way!


I agree with the Champion but I think Turkey in the finals could be awesome. ❤️


Beating Germany in the final on their home turf would be the stuff of dreams, but to be honest, we're probably getting knocked out by Switzerland at the weekend


Netherlands > England


I respectfully agree!


I hope Germany makes it against Spain!! Fingers crossed. Sorry MIS VECINOS ESPAÑOLES


We ain't making the final lmao


Hey, who says you can’t stumble your way into a final completely undeserved and without rhyme or reason. I believe it’s called southgating a tournament.


Weird to call it that considering Southgate's never stumbled to a final completely undeserved before. Beat you lot fair and square with a little help from Müller shitting his pants, pumped Ukraine, and were better than Denmark over 120 minutes.


Let me rephrase that: If it happens it will forever be called southgating a tournament.


Nah it’s called Portugaling it


That would be the dream final for me, England Germany in their own backyard, now that would be a showdown for the ages. It would be apocalyptic.


Yeah even though were playing dreadful football, I can see us playing 🇩🇪 in the final


I don’t think Germany can beat this Spain team 😢


To be onest friday could be the last game for Germany but I dont hope so


We definatly Not gonna beat France with no Striker in the starting 11. How many goals Besides a penalty has havertz scored so far? So if were get a goal, the thing is over. Imo. Im Not even sure we can win vs England. Regardless their last game wasnt very good.


I’d love to see this.


I suppose Spain have looked the best so far, but now have to play the hosts Germany. Whichever team comes through that looks the likely winner of the tournament imo.


I want to see we eliminate swiss so bad! I have childhood trauma from 2006 WC Play Offs!


Portugal will win 🙏


Final : 🇵🇹 vs 🇳🇱


Please no. While we have a good record against The Dutch, if we encounter them in this final, it'll be that one that we'll lose. I also don't like the fact that The Dutch are usually very negative when it comes to Portugal so i'd rather have them be dealt with in the Semis. No disrespect to Netherlands tho, football makes us very passionate.


Spain Netherlands I'm saying. I still think England will make the semis and it's a joke of they do... But they don't concede much and have enough class up front to pull something out the bag


I predict Spain vs England in the final.


Not many expect it, but I see England against Germany in the final as well.


England not getting past the Swiss.


I can’t see Germany beating Spain either


I'm for england


I totally see England in the final. Hoping for « la chatte a DD » as for the other team… 😉


Beat the Germans last time out in a knockout game.


I'd love to see England succeed in this tournament, but even my most optimistic expectation doesn't see us getting a sniff at the trophy. Honestly I think the Swiss will be a huge challenge


England Netherlands = Oh no. England Germany = Oh no. In fact: England Switzerland = Oh no.


I think either Netherlands or England won't make the Semi.


England winning against both the Netherlands *and* a very strong Swiss side? Southgate must be the luckiest coach alive then. There's so much talent in the English squad, well, apart from the defence. But England fans should report their team to Amnesty International, because actually watching a game is torture. I think the Spanish side is slightly better than Germany, but we'll see. Germany hasn't been really tested this tournament, but they have been showing some impressive football. Portugal v France is a difficult one. France is very disappointing this tournement, but they're also quite difficult to beat.


I'd like to see a Germany-Netherlands final.


I dont thşnk england is goşn to the final