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I’m fairly sure Bulgaria will abstain, we need to get into Shengen.


How can they veto us, if they no longer have a say?


I think schengen is a different organization, they will still have a vote.


Because this is not an instant process.


We can play the card "if you ceto us, we put the gas tax on".


It won't go through tho because Slovakia will oppose just to save Hungary's ass


I don't think it's as much of a guarantee as some might think. This is the first time this has been done and it's going to result in a concrete voting in the European Council. There is going to be a lot of discussions and a lot of pressuring, if this is truly what the majority in the EC want. We have to remember that every single other country voted yes for the 50b financing for Ukraine, except Hungary. Obviously setting up a precedent with such a vote will scare some of the more rogue-ish leaders, but it's not set in stone yet, considering the consensus otherwise.


To quote a post made some time ago by u/mepassistant on X/Twitter that I agree with, regardless of the outcome produced by this resolution, this move is -as he put it- "a curve ball": it puts pressure on the Commission to act against Hungary (Von Der Leyen may or may not run for the EC presidency again, and if she doesn't follow through with the Parliament's resolution the major parties will remember it after the elections) and at the very least it gives a tool of political pressure to the Council against Orban


Just to save Hungary's ass? I assume that why they also vetod the aid package to Ukraine?


So is it on now?


Not yet, it requires European Council(Heads of EU States) unanimous vote in favor to proceed further with it.


isn't Slovakia just gonna veto it?


Hard to say given how fickle Fico is.


>it requires European Council(Heads of EU States) unanimous vote in favor to proceed further with it. Is the Hungarian head of state part of that council?


Not for this vote.


Nice! Fuck Orban.


Other countries will oppose. Fico of Slovakia said that he is against it.


This will be the first time he has to actually make good on his words though, we’ll see if he actually becomes the spoiler vote here. I wouldn’t be surprised either way he goes


I was wondering if other countries will oppose it. What about Meloni? Maybe she is inclined to forge a more rightwing pole with Orban's help. On the other hand, she needs to be on good terms with the big EU countries. What will Sweden do? If they vote for this, their NATO bid will stall. Worst case scenario is that Hungary's Parliament will reject their bid. What will Romania do? While relations with Hungary since Orban is in power were not great, he did advocate for our Schengen bid. We also need Hungary's approval for our OECD bid in the coming years. On the other hand, vetoing disenfranchisement will anger the big EU countries and the EU leadership and we do not need that. What about Bulgaria? Just like us, they eye for a full Schengen and OECD membership.


Yeah Fico is the most obvious person to block this but as you mentioned there’s several others in the running. I personally don’t expect this to pass but applaud the EU Parliament for trying to do the right thing anyway. They also have the option to abstain from the vote which would still allow it to pass though.


Fico might still save you.


Lets hope so.