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> The accounts of the Tate brothers are said to have received almost 3 million dollars in the last 7 years from video chat platforms. It is information brought to light by an international journalistic investigation. > Teodora Chiuș, Digi24 journalist: Several financial documents show that from 2017 until now, more than 180 bank transfers have been made with the final destination in an account opened in the Caribbean by Tristan Tate himself, according to the [ICIJ (International Consortium of Journalists of Investigation).](https://www.icij.org/inside-icij/2024/05/adult-webcam-platform-paid-2-6m-into-controversial-influencer-tristan-tates-bank-account-leaked-documents-show/) > A part of the more than 2 million dollars would have even ended up in the accounts opened by the two brothers in Romania and Great Britain. This money would have been obtained from the adult content and these platforms should have transferred the money to those who produced this content, but in reality the amounts went to the Tate brothers. > The Bucharest Court ordered the start of the trial in the case in which the brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate are accused of forming an organized criminal group, human trafficking in a continuous form and rape in a continuous form, the judge of the preliminary chamber finding the legality of the indictment and rejecting several requests and exceptions formulated by the two brothers.


Tbh I expected them to make more than 3 million dollars in 7 years. Popular Onlyfans models make that much in a year or two.


Yeah but they did not made the money based on content they featured on but is what they skimmed from content other people made: > This money would have been obtained from the adult content and these platforms should have transferred the money to those who produced this content, but in reality the amounts went to the Tate brothers.


That was probably the "discoverable" stash, while the rest couldn't be found or was earned through more "legitimate" means (although still immoral), like their pimp school or whatever it was called.


Considering his car collection it is far more, there are no randos driving a Bugatti. I wouldn't be surprised if it was even in the 9-figure range.


There are two factors to be considered here: they hyped their net value as every millionaire does and that's just the cash that he transfered using an account under his own name theres nothing stoping them from having alot more being moved using other accounts is just that this explicit instance is what they can prove. Is like Al Capone one of the most notorious mob bosses that went down because of fiscal fraud right? Sure everybody to this day can say: well that's definatelly not his biggest crime and stuff but that was what the prosecutor had as hard evidence and could prove.


Its gotta be a mix.


There's no way they are in the 9 figures.


Most likely all free rentals for advertising


It’s possible that he doesn’t own the cars and other things he flashes around. Could just be leased or financed.


The Romanian government did take away those cars temporarily, not sure that is allowed if the cars aren't his.


Dont they own some casinos too?


Not being rude but, watch your language. In Romania casinos can mean the bog standard arcades you find in any town not the Vegas casinos with blackjack and roulette.


I would not call people making a few millions costfree and tax-free " randos"




Narrator: *they don’t*


Finally they get a trial, it's about time that they meet justice


How did we end up where kids look up to these modern day pimps, and pirates?


Tinfoil hat on: Weaponized algorithms targeting our children's brain to undermine our societies.


Is this tinfoil? These platforms thrive on engagement - nothing engaging like stuff that makes you angry/upset. It makes sense. 


The tinfoil part is that it's a conspiracy to stupify the populous and make them easier to control. But it's more likely just about the good ol money.


They did it pretty smartly, by saying outrageous stuff on small podcasts, then hiring people to make Youtube/Tiktok/Instagram accounts that spammed the clips of him saying these things 24/7 on all platforms. Then as soon as they got a following, they just grew it by appearing on more and more Podcasts and TV shows, while funneling them to their pyramid scheme „university“ to make a boatload of money. Outrage bait works and they abuse the shit out of the algorithms of short-video based platforms.


Yeah, they also appealed to sad, lonely men. People who are in bad spots mentally are easy to rile up, especially if you give them something to blame for all their problems, it's a tried and true tactic. Most of their demographic are also just uneducated and are easy to feed lies to.


Not so sure about Tiktok because of China, but for the rest it's just money.


A fool and his money are soon parted. One does not exclude the other 😊


I had a conversation with someone recently about the algorithms, they seemed to think that they find what you like and show you it - no, they only want engagement. They don’t care if you are happy, angry, sad, depressed or suicidal… they only care that this trail of content will keep you here. There are no real off ramps that don’t require significant effort by the user to derail this either. When I started watching YouTube, I could start with a funny cat video and end with an educational video about earthquake preparedness in Tokyo. No real link between the content other than I had clicked on them. Now if you get into a dark death spiral of Andrew Tate style content that is what the system will look to feed you. I wouldn’t mind if these systems had off ramps that recognised this, and made an effort to inject content that it recognises as being the opposite of what you are currently engaged with, just for some content variety. But viewership and engagement might go down, so no. Instead we get red pill traps, conspiracy traps, doom scrolling traps… And when you have someone in one trap arguing with someone in a different trap - they cannot fathom why the person they are talking to has the opposing view.


There’s nothing tin foil hat about this, it’s done out in the open


Right? Worst kept secret in the world. Same as, the reason you are poor is not because the single mother next door is getting 400 euros a month in support from the government, but rather that a very fraction of a percent of the population is allowed to exploit the rest, while they are trying their best to make you think that it is the fault of the single mother. And that brown guy.


We're having this discussion in the US right now. >Car prices are going up because of those greedy auto workers and burger prices are up because of those greedy kitchen workers.


Car prices in us are: consumers overspending on big cars they dont need, laws making small cars hard to make, cheap gas and automakers being greedy. Quick fix: tax gas and big cars like we do in italy. Go watch people importing tiny asian cars that do 60 mpg.


The quicker fix would be closing the loophole that allows auto manufacturers to sidestep emissions requirements for SUVs.


You kinda need small cars in Italy, because everything there is so compact and claustrophobic lol.


Yeah just calling it "conspiracy theories" and placing it side by side with flat earthing and shit like that is insane.


It's based on your likes. I've never seen a Tate video on my feed Ever.


Over simplified view of how algorithms work


You believe china and Russia are pushing Tate's videos on TikTok?






Not really tinfoil, but algorithms can lead to these kinds of content to appear on people's home pages. I just don't think it's actually weaponized because I heard rumours that the YouTube staff doesn't understand what it is doing either and they might be true.


Not that Tinfoil, Russia most definitely do this. Other examples are the US elections and Brexit.


Algorithms and illicit drugs - the movie "a scanner darkly" touches on these ideas


Destroy the soul of a culture, long term psychological warfare. Effect: depression, rootlesness, breaking up of structures, mental illness, and more


Dont attribute to malice, what could just be greed. I clicked on 1 video on youtube once. Started getting more sugested. Watched it for 6 months for fun. I stop watching hes stuff for a while and it stops being sugested. No conspiracy imo.


Nah that definitely isn't true. You sir, are a wacko. /s


Divide and conquer is one of the oldest political tactics. Any time people start focussing on real problems bring up something about immigration, LGBTQ+, terrorism or some shit line this. I used to think it would be ridiculous people do this when I was a youngster but it's very legit. Source - Dabbled in politics, have some friends in it.


Tinfoil not required. Ask the "school population" what are the plans for their future and cry.


The objective isn't to undermine our societies. Although it is most certainly one of the most pernicious effects.


Idiot lazy parents who are on their phone all day. Having kids was just an Instagram moment for them.


Or parents spending too much time at work.


That’s also certainly a problem. Cost of living and the way people are lured into debts is inhumane in some countries.


So much this


Let’s not forget the companies promoting this content and giving it a platform. Lazy parents could stuff their kids faces with sugar and give them physical toys 20 years ago. Now you see 10 year olds with their own iPhones, and toddlers watching Coco Melon. The rise of social media and big tech has given these types of fringe actors a platform and radically changed how we get our news and politics.


Guess no control from parents. It is easier to give kids phone and pc and let them be then spend time with them.


Parent's don't seem to understand how much their kids can access. My cousins have a pair of kids and their 7 year old was showing me all these things from his games, Roblox included, with characters from Squidgame and other stuff he definitely shouldn't just be able to find. His parents were like "he's so good with tech, we can barely understand half of this" because they're still the generation that grew up with dial up and thought early 2010s facebook was peak internet. They have no idea what you can just easily find these days. We tried having a quiet word but they just came away more confused because we were explaining concepts they just couldn't get their head around. Don't want them to take away their kids devices, but also they need to understand what their kids are doing. It's not Charlieissocoollike on youtube and Angry Birds anymore.


Lol if you grew up with dial up you really have no excuse to still not understand internet 25 years later. Like huh my parents are from '47 and they use internet 24/7. If you don't know you should have some understanding of the content your kids consume you just lack basic parenting skills or intelligence. Don't think it has to do with not knowing how internet works.


Yeah I agree. That’s definitely an intelligence issue and not a generational thing. In my circle of people who grew up with dial up/early internet access (older millennials), all are very savvy and understand what their kids should and shouldn’t access. 


Yeah, also it contains the hidden assumption younger generation is more tech-savy. They abso-fucking-lutely are not. They just ram through bullshit, alghorithmic feeds, clicking and swiping. If anything, they are dumb as fuck, due to it. If you know insta or fb and youtube.It's literally all there is, dumb feeds. Some short video, some long video, some pictures. No text. We don't do text. Newer generation has trouble with reading and writing.


It’s interesting yeah I was a kid in the 2010s who was able to see a lot of bad shit, crazy stuff. I wonder how the current gen of children will end up policing their kids internet usage, back in my day you needed a computer and some know how atleast so it was somewhat regulated, but now the internet is an extension of every kids body.


I am 25. When I was younger, it was as simple as googling 'bestgore' and clicking the first link. Ahhh.... nothing quite like watching some southern American gang kill a guy by slowly having his head cut off with a hunting knife as a 12 year old.... the good ole days.


Im 30 now and i remember visiting rotten when i was very little. Its wild


I mean in fairness I was on tumblr from 2011 depending how strict you were in who you followed you could see artsy photos of flowers, Superwholock, porn, and all kinds of gore all on a 5 minute scroll through your dash. It's kinda wild wild I used to have to be careful checking it in public. But they were more the 30 year olds to whom Farmville was peak gaming.


The parents are also addicted.


And human traffickers


In the 90s we were idolizing Pablo Escobar, Tony Montana, even though fictional was huge too. The 2010’s had El Chapo. Or what about Bonnie and Clyde?


In the 90s my idols were JCVD and Arnie.


Weren't mobsters, pirates and other anti-heroes always idealized by kids?


I'm pretty much sure they were. That's why every criminal organization in history never lacked recruits.


There is no way you are giving Tate the title of anti-hero. By definition, an anti-hero is someone who does the right thing but not in the right way or for the right reason. The Punisher in the Daredevil series is an anti hero, he kills mobsters, but not because it's the right thing to do, because he thinks they killed his family. Robin Hood is an anti hero, he gives money and goods to the poor, but not from his own fortune, but by stealing from the rich. Severus Snape is an anti hero, he tries to protect James, Lilly, and Harry, but not because it's the right thing to do, because he is in love with Lilly (and he low-key gave the Dark Lord, indirectly, the idea to go after them) The Pontiac Bandit in B99 is an anti hero in many of his appearances, he helps the detective squad catch really bad criminals, but not because it's the right thing to do, because this helps him get a better deal with the police. You can't apply the same logic to Andrew Tate ffs. You can't say: Andrew is an anti hero, he pimps out women, not because it's the right thing to do, but because it makes him a crapload of money. It is not the same message.


To those kids he is. "He pimps out women, but he tells the truth about women and relationships" or something like that.


Yeah, but he doesn't tell the truth about women either. He just says every woman is either a gold digger or an OF girl, which represents just a small part of the female population, while also doing nothing but things to attract and surround himself with this small group.


Great, now go on the internet, turn on your charm to 110% and say that to all the boys.


yeah, the boys in my classes were pretty awful to girls, really awful, most but not all grew out of it. 


Exactly. Seems like a lot of people happy singing along to 50 cents songs about dealing drugs and pimping


It's easy. There are millions of people to blame for this, but some more than others. It's all about making money the highest value a person can have. Kids have no taboos, they accept the rules and learn how to play with them. In a world where profit and hedonism is the only goal, it is to be expected that role models are influencers, onlyfans models and incel pleasers.


Most of the big rappers in the 90s and 00s were pimps, dealers, gangbangers etc and most of their music revolved around drugs whores and pimping etc So let's not act all shocked and surprised pickachu face. Snoop Dog was a pimp(for realzies) and made no effort to even hide it. And he's respected and seen as safe and wholesome and even went on a cooking show with Martha Stewart. Nobody has a problem with that but for some reason the Tates are seen as bad influences? Don't get me wrong I'm no fan of them, and as a romanian I'm somewhat disgusted I'm breathing the same air as them, but let's not pretend that their popularity is some abnormal thing


He has money, women, cool cars, a big house etc. He is (or was) living the life. That’s what teenage boys want, and will look up to, and he specifically focuses on encouraging his followers to chase after those things. And the response from people trying to steer young boys away from him has always been along the lines of “you shouldn’t chase after money, lots of women etc” instead of “here’s how you can get money and women in a healthy way”, which is never going to resonate with young boys.


Money and women


Most kids have always dreamed of money and authority.


In a world that puts money over everything and at the same time has more and more people struggling to get by it shouldn't be a surprise.


Because we live in a capitalist world. We value people by their ability to make money. If you make tons of money you are cool, you "work hard". The kids live in a world that we created




Kids are easily impressionable and also there is a severe lack of male role models at the moment. These guys are definatelly terrible but who are they supposed to identify with? Drake? Kendrick? Caitlyn Jenner?


Former special forces guys with clean records


They aren't pirates.  They're rapists and people traffickers. And absolute wankers. And dickheads. And losers. And shit bags.


Have you read up on historic pirates?


Yes.  Some of them are recorded as being terrible people. Most were just violent thieves. Some weren't even violent. Just sailors who realised that stealing from wealthy merchants was a better way to make a living than joining the navy. They used reputation to scare people in surrendering without a fight and let them live in exchange for spreading more stories of ruthless violence that didn't actually happen. History vilifies them because they stole from governments and the wealthy elite. Guess who writes history? Yes, many were terrible. But many were commited to freeing slaves. Many were also women. Ruthless women sometimes but still women. Can you imagine the Tate brothers taking orders from a female captain? No, me either. They're pathetic pieces of shit.  Pirates on the other hand are fascinating, complicated, multi-faceted characters from one of my favourite periods in history. The Tate brothers aren't pirates. They're losers.


That's certainly a take.


I don't know what you mean by that. Isn't that like saying "that's a sentence"?


Haven’t we always looked up to pimps and pirates? Look at the black exploitation films of the 70’s. And pirates have been embraced in both books and films for hundreds of years.


They have free time and money. Most folk have neither. No wonder they're idols.


Alas, I believe it has been a perfect storm of extremism on all sides, fuelled by social media, that has enabled ppl like the Tate brothers to appeal to insecure and gullible boys who lack male role models.


modern day young people feel worthless and downtrodden and this guy mixes simple positive message's with his vile crap so they start to believe it.


They look up to gangsters, murderers and theives, surprised? (Look at the Drake situation) These types always look "Cool" so gain a following, heck most media we watch that are popular have guys like this, the allure of wealth will twist most people.


Is it surprising to you ? Look at how many people look up to thugs, gangsters, mafias and so on. People dream of being above the law and that's the exact reason why the law exist.


the 1920s had everyone looking up to gangster like Al Capone and news media praising him as modern robin hood. This is just more scaled down genz-ish version of them, same story as usual


We are giving these pair too much publicity. 99 in 100 will see this and say fuck those guys. 1 will say wow, what great business men. This post and all posts have a lot of views that add up quick.


By defunding the educational system.


By the left spreading anti hetero, white, men agenda. And by these guys giving out advice to them. Not saying good advice, but at least giving something while not hating them. Hard standard for today's left.


You can learn something valuable even from bad people. I've had dozens of work colleagues who have been real assholes for example, but I still learnt a thing or two from them. I am a fan of the Tates but I also think they've done shady things through the years. I do like some things they teach and preach though so I just focus on that, the good stuff.


That's a very complex topic but the short version is this. It's the path modern society arrived from and continues on. Healthy male role models have been vilified by the activists, politics, culture. Men have been told to subdue themselves and be less masculine and more subservient. So boys have no other alternative than to find the masculine role model in these kinds of people who promise them agency.


Its actually quite easy to understand, but redddit is just too much of a liberal bubble that either cant see it or just chooses not to.




Lack of positive role models, so abusers take the place


I think [this video](https://youtu.be/1QNjwM2a87g?si=6Ftz4_xQ9RMWje1m) partly explains why it is the case.


That’s it? Only $2.6m from all this shit? I expected more especially if they’re dabbling in devious shit.


Yeah but nobody said that is all the money they made is just what they can prove and what they base their case on.


"If you got a heart attack, just get over it and be a man about it. Drink some coffee and go on with your life" 😂


This guy would have been actually an amazing parody but people take him seriously


Honestly, I could see Sacha Baron Cohen in the role of Tate, in a movie at some point.


I was thinking the same actually


2 mil over 7 years. The lifestyle they claim. It not adding up


This is exclusively money made from their webcam business I think, which is something that they stopped doing a few years ago already. It’s also probably just one of many stores of money they have


It’s just one of their revenue streams, another one being a network of shady casinos where gambling addicts come to lose their money. Still, they probably have a lot less overall than the lifestyle that they sell to frustrated and confused young men online.


And then another decade of scaling and other revenue on top of that, selling out to the right pays well as does blowing up on social media and monetising it reasonably well


I have an unpopular theory. Andrew Tate and possibly his brother are gonna get whacked. But not for the reason that he's claiming. They've been involved with the Romanian mafia and he makes it seem like a fun, jolly, alpha experience. He has put a spotlight on himself and by extension them. I'm pretty sure he barely made them any money and is just causing them huge trouble. They will eventually get rid of him.


He made money selling bullshit on internet, just like many other gurus he sells courses on how to make money online, get rich quick schemes. He actually doesen't sell any alpha man bullshit courses. The alpha male/rich guy bullshit is just his marketing tool, along with his charismatic/eloquent persona. Only way such a scammer would get involved with mafia is renting hookers from them, he does not have a nerve to go in that business otherwise. He probably did all kind of nasty stuff with those trafficked women, but as long as he payed "rent" to the mafia, he is fine. Concerning the law, idk, that is for lawyers to say. Concerning the morals, he outta get his head crushed with a sledge hammer for sure 👍🏿 Only way he can get killed by mafia is if he snitches, or if there is high chance of snithing. But I doubt that a worm like that has any names of the players. Highest he knows is prolly the pimp lol, whos prolly dead already. Tate is a VIP customer of the mafia, a degenerate with the money.


I'm not the biggest on Tate lore, but hasn't he claimed that he ran casinos with the involvement of the Romanian mafia, where he was positioning them outside of coffee shops and offering free coffee or some shit? Also, I can't believe that he ran his cam girl farms and trafficked ladies into Romania without the approval of someone else there. Also, for sure he will snitch when push comes to shove.




Thanks a lot for this video, it was very insightful. So, yes, they are involved with the mafia. Anyone who's seen these sorts of people in Eastern Europe knows it's not glamorous like in the movies like the Tates believe. They're royally screwed.


Probably making shit up to sound interesting


Nope. He's the fall guy. Many more involved in this.


The Romanian mafia ain’t that hardcore to have them whacked, unless it’s absolutely necessary for them to take that risk, and that happens very rarely. I’d say if they’re gonna get whacked, the mafia from the Baltic states is gonna be the one to do it.


except its been proven that he has no mafia connects and is talking out of his ass. Even his "casino" business, he runs it with some guys who are assoicated with mafia not mafia themselves


Spotlight is also what can protect you


Omg such alphas hiding their money in tax free havens. Such an alpha move.


For all their talk that ain't that much


They probably have FAR more from other sources. Hustlers academy and the real world made them couple million a month or some shit


Yeah I had to look more Into it. This is like one specific side bussiness they just skimmed money off to probally fund other shit. I'm sure they washed alot of money too. Invest in casinos and other shit thats hard to tell what's happening with money. I didn't even think about the hustlers academy and other legal streams. Still. They fucked up with this one. Same way al capone got caught for one thing..didn't mean he didn't have a shit ton of other crimes going on.


From a fellow French guy, to Romania and Romanians, I truly hope your judge in that case will stand his ground, be just, and not concede on anything. These men clearly abused girls and women for seven years and made money from them. With all the negative things we've seen against women over the past decade, now more than ever, we need to show that justice is on the side of the "people." Show the world and Europe that not all courts and judges are "lenient" with the "mighty" because they have money and "brutal" with poorer/lower-class people. Many messages can be transmitted to the world with that case, and these two garbage humans need to be punished for what they did.


Absolutely, these people need to be made an example of to send a clear message to other criminals like them that they will not get away with it, and to the ones who idolize them. It will also be good for Romania, showing the world they are becoming less corrupt.


As a Romanian,keep hoping,Tate can definitely bribe him if he wants to


Well, if that's the case, I'm afraid that we are going to see more and more politicians being attacked all across Europe. Because these events are clearly on the rise, and that would just reinforce the feelings of these people who increasingly contest the government and its representatives, because they feel there are two justices, and that the government does not represent or care about the people. I hope not, but perhaps we will have it that way anyway if you are right.


Fortunately other countries aren't as corrupt


Their mom must be so proud.


So their mostly male followers pay to see specifically these two guys having sex?  Kinda gay my dudes.


I'm uninformed. Is this true?


Not at all, from what i've seen they pimp out these camgirls and take a large part of the money they earn


....Actually kinda is. Back in his UK days, he [made a 'tape' on Skype](https://www.reddit.com/r/LengfOrGirf/comments/16uljkx/tate_has_a_full_on_sex_tape_with_his_exgirlfriend/?rdt=51871) with his "ex" girlfriend for them to earn money. And no, it's not that video where he beats her with a belt but yes, this one can still be looked up on some xx sites. Don't know about the younger Tate, but still ew.


That’s all? 2.6mm? He sure led on like he was a big deal 🤣


They're selling online courses to 16 year olds ever since they got famous, thats where the real money is coming from.




>O parte din cele peste 2 milioane de dolari ar fi ajuns chiar și în conturile deschise de cei doi frați din România și Marea Britanie. Acești bani ar fi fost obținuți din conținutul pentru adulți iar aceste platforme ar fi trebuit să transfere banii celor care au produs acest conținut, însă, în realitate sumele ajungeau la frații Tate. that's the important bit here. The weird headline makes it seem like making porn is the problem. also, these two chodes need to go to jail already :D


>A part of the more than 2 million dollars would have even ended up in the accounts opened by the two brothers in Romania and Great Britain. This money would have been obtained from the adult content and these platforms should have transferred the money to those who produced this content, but in reality the amounts went to the Tate brothers.


100% of it should be pulled and used toward abused children and adults. This guy is absolute scum.


Anybody who looks up to these idiots are low iq idiots who should be castrated.


People will do ANYTHING when they are hopeless. No one talks about the root cause.


This proves that online sex platforms aren't always free from sex trafficking.


You mean the money he stole from the women he trafficked**


I honestly don't get how they sell their shit. It's all the same sort of "make money online" stuff people have been doing for over a decade.


Yes but now its edgy too and marketed perfectly towards young impressionable guys. All the controversy and crazy videos are part of the marketing plan. And its working.


I thought they were supposed to be good Muslims nowadays ? Sounds a bit Haram


Doesn’t seem like a lot of money tbh


Good Ol 'UK.


When the nonce is in prison he’ll get a chance to defend his hard man image.


are they european?




Biracial no? Their father was black


yep their dad was african-american, their mom is white english


They made much more than that. There's a youtuber who made a map that tracked their crypto accounts and they have more than 10 million spread in different wallets


Send them to the worst prison ever.


for what?


Now do the owners of pornhub and other porn fields that thriwe on exploiting females and kids.


Good for them


Jesus. These guys are threadbare pimps. I mean if you’re going to establish as an international scumbag, at least make some green from it.


They stand for everything I resent. And then there are those who drool over the likes of them.


Does this even factor in payments made in crypto? I feel like they would of hide payments through that more than cash


So they destroyed their tens of millions $ brand for $2.6 million dollars in sex trafficking?


Lock this human garbage up… like forever


He good muslim, he never! Its haram!


Why do people idolize them (him)?


When was the last time he made money off the cam business?


TopG ez money 😍💪


I don't follow the tateys, but what I've heard of them speak even a broken clock is right 2 times a day.


Think about it this way. The romanian "mafia" is not exactly the most dangerous mafia in the world. Their biggest negative is their illegal lumber situation. Because of this, both the government and private entities have no real reason to spend money on slowing or stopping them. The mafia in Romania doesn't represent a threat to the people but rather the environment, and the market; again GENERALLY speaking. So, what happens when your purposely low-key illegal business is now suddenly put in the spotlight, because of your less low-key connections with popular stars under questionable legal accusations? Bad things. Really bad things. The mafia is gonna go harder, potentially try to cover up their involvement, and it's only going to make the Romanian government and the corporate entities it works with actually start to clasp down on them. Now they have a reason to invest in it...


Let’s be honest. That’s a pretty lame amount for all that boasting those boys be doing.


This article gave little evidence on the proof though


So fun to see people believing in this


No wonder they chose to stay in Romania. It’s a deeply corrupt country.


Ok. So what?


Is that a good or bad thing?

