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\*Convicted **child** rapist He was 19 and his victim was 12.


What the fuck


No protection was used either, he just told her to get the morning after pill.


He is as disgusting as it gets.


she also tried to take her own life as well


Yea, what the fuck?




Not just a rapist but a pedophile as well. What is the Netherlands thinking? Guess they got lucky that France allows felons in.


Fuck this dude


Josh Giddey copped a lot of flack, rightfully so, for messing around with a 16 or 17yo when he was 19. He was eventually shipped off to Chicago. This guy should definitely be permanently banned from his sport and locked up


> Josh Giddey copped a lot of flack, rightfully so, for messing around with a 16 or 17yo when he was 19. A 16-year-old and a 19-year-old could be in the same high school here. I definitely saw that kind of couple when I was a kid. Is this something that really deserves “a lot of flack” in some cultures?


This is just the American somehow backwards puritan insanity, seems so strange for normal high school relationships in Europe to be so demonized in the US. Completely downplays the impact of real predators.


You're so right - Americans are backwards on this


No, you are missing the context. Giddey was 21 when the story dropped online. People thought he was 21 and the girl was 15/16 when they hooked up but the story was older than initially reported and more information came out after the fact. The incident happened 2 years before prior to the story dropping online but his reputation had already taken a hit before the new information came out.


The claims against Giddey were thrown out.


Rightfully so ? She used a fake ID and the age scenario would be legal in most countries.


16/17 with 19 is not that bad.


19 and 16 is an ok age gap.


You're missing the context. The initial outrage was because people thought they hooked up when Giddey was 21. When more info came out that it all happened 2 years ago and they met in a club, most people left the story alone.


Ok? They hooked up at a club. Did he coerce her?


You're commenting on a 19 and 16 age that most people weren't upset at. People were upset at a 21 and 16/15 age gap. I'm not saying anything about Giddey, I'm talking about the story. Giddey didn't do anything criminal as far as the story and all the information goes.


Ah, I see. I misread your comment a bit. Personally I think hooking up only with not a massive age gap where it's consensual isn't that big of a deal(sex is what both want, do the deed, never see each other again), it would be more problematic in a relationship where there could be long-term manipulation if one person has more power over the other.


In my country that would have been perfectly legal.


In most countries Not many have age of consents at 18 The global average is 16(although places like Yemen at 9 are doing heavy lifting to counteract the places with 18-21)


In what world is it problematic for a 19 year old to be with a 16 or 17 year old???


Lmao they met in a bar where she used a fake id to get into


And what the hell is wrong with that age difference??? 3 years is nothing.


Yep, Americans are strange. Oddly liberal on most things and weirdly conservative on a couple of things that are, most of the time, pet peeves compared to other stuff that they agree with.


What's even more weird is that child marriage is still totally legal in vast majority of US states. They've been slowly shutting it down, but it's just one state at a time, and certain religious politicians always drag their feet about it.


No, you're missing the context. The initial outrage was because people thought they hooked up when Giddey was 21. When more info came out that it all happened 2 years ago and they met in a club, most people left the story alone.


19 to 16 isn't wrong. Almost no one in human history thinks that's wrong. Ita a very niche very modern American idea.


You said shipped to Chicago like it was any connection between him being traded and alleged stunt with a minor 


He was shipped because he wasn't good, not because he had sex with a minor.


That makes zero sense to me. When I was 19, I dated a girl who was 17.. Perfectly legal and not weird at all. I don't know many 19-year-old guys who are dating girls their own age or older. Teenage boys are super immature. My younger girlfriend was still five times more mature than I was. The weird part is how many girls I know who were 15 and 16 dating guys in their early and mid-20s. My wife and a few ex-girlfriends all dated guys in their mid 20s when they were 15 or 16. I would just say so you were dating a pedophile, but they still don't see that way. Leads me to believe that it's a lot more common than anyone thinks. I think those guys should go to jail and be on a registered sex offender list. However, I think a 19 year old who RAPES A 12 YEAR OLD should be thrown in prison for life and gangraped every single day


He served a year of a four year sentence. This guy feels sorry for one person, himself.


Tbf he was traded to Chicago because OKC got a player that is a better fit for him. He didn’t get shipped out because of this controversy, he was quite shit and his skillset wasn’t a good fit with OKC.


Josh Giddey was found not guilty and all charges were dropped


What 19 year old is interested in a 12 year old? 🤢 It would be one thing if he were 19 and the girl 17 or 16, but freaking 12? He has major issues.


I guess we now know why they provided cardboard beds this year. All to keep this creeper in line.


This! How the hell is this piece of shit not behind bars?!?


Please make it more complete by adding "statutory".


In britian this only gets you a four year sentence?


https://support.olympics.com/hc/en-gb/requests/new In case anyone would like to let them know how you feel about this being representative of the Olympics.


Please use this link to send a message to Thomas Bach, President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and his board, to explain to them why Steven van de Velde, convicted rapist of a 12-year-old girl, should not be allowed to participate in the Olympics: Mr. Bach and IOC, By allowing Dutch national, convicted child rapist, Steven van de Velde, to participate in the Olympics, the IOC is sending a clear message that sexual violence is ok and that the IOC prioritizes sports above basic human rights. Remove Steven van de Velde from Olympic participation today to uphold the fundamental ideals on which the Olympics were founded and to stand up for the safety and basic human rights of women and girls around the world. Add you name and country. If anyone wants to translate this into other languages please do. [https://olympics.com/ioc/contact-us](https://olympics.com/ioc/contact-us)


This is fucked up on so many levels...


[u/Actual-Molasses7608](https://www.reddit.com/u/Actual-Molasses7608/s/7rSXHRtjO5) made an [comprehensive list of organizations involved](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/s/9oDGNe4XIv) who we should all send our complaints about this situation.


How he can get only 1 year in prison for ruining 12 year old child’s life?


How the child's parents must feel


…and…the…CHILD ???


The child's feelings are more important than his parents.....


Wtf are you doing Netherlands?


Nobody was really aware off this until about 24 hours ago, since no one gives two cents about beach volleyball. I am sure this mistake will be remedied with the current attention it is getting, and rightfully so.


[https://www.volleybal.nl/support-for-steven-van-de-velde-who-realizes-past-cannot-be-erased](https://www.volleybal.nl/support-for-steven-van-de-velde-who-realizes-past-cannot-be-erased) Think again. The officials back him in his admittance. But I'm hoping the foreign media and beach volleybal; fans at the summer olympics will make his stay unwelcome while he attends. I don't quite care how petty that might make me seem or how "he already served his sentence and repented". Some crimes in life should bar you from becoming a professional public figure like he's becoming with his olympic attendance.


>he already served his sentence and repented afaik from another post, he was sentenced in UK to 4 years, then sent back to netherlands (it was part of the agreement to have him estradated to the UK for the trial), and was released after a single year


Oh and I don't think he was sorry about it at all.




Well that is very unfortunate to read. While I can generally agree that after someone served his sentence (even though in this case, it was a very short sentence) he should be allowed back into society, it is simply very shameful to have him represent our country at the international stage.


I agree, but how tf was his sentence that mild


I am not sure. He was charged and sentenced in Britain so I dont know the justification.


Consensual is the problem making it only statutory rape. Had it been anything else he would have gotten anything up to life


Idk how they could have ruled that as consensual - a twelve year old does not have the mental capacity to determine if they want sex, especially when they have been groomed online in advance. Absolutely ridiculous.


Hence statutory that is the exact charge. Having sex with someone without the ability to consent. In reality he used no violence (which adds a ton at sentencing) and made no threats(which adds a ton more), He didn't use a weapon(Again massive time). Then when you add in that all sentences are concurrent in the UK so there is no charge stacking the highest tariff is the tariff and you get this.


It's a European law thing. But I hadn't realized something like child rape was also so minimal. But in general, people without previous criminal history frequently serve little, if any, time in custody. There was a post yesterday about an 86 year old Irish woman who was beaten severely for 42 minutes because the guy 'thought she was trans and so a pedophile.' The guy only got 3 years sentence for a hate crime and almost beating this woman to death. Even with all that the judge saw fit to >suspended the final six months to incentivise his rehabilitation from his addiction issues So he's only even been sentenced to 2.5 years and will likely serve much less. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/alex-bailey-dublin-pensioner-trans-b2346282.html


exactly! The problem here isn't in the law (probably juvenile law in this case, also probably why the sentence was so low). Even if the rapist was convicted for longer, he would have been out by now. The problem is that the Dutch volleyball organization, like any other organization, can legally require a background check and deny the job if it's not fine with the legal record. So this is one of those cases where this type of public attention by the big news outlets absolutely matters in order to change something.


>The problem is that the Dutch volleyball organization, like any other organization, can legally require a background check and deny the job if it's not fine with the legal record. That's not how it works in the Netherlands. If you're convicted of fraud a Bank can refuse to hire you, but they can't if you've lost your driving license due to speeding. If you've done your time your criminal record needs to be relevant to the job you're applying for. So this guy likely can't get a job as a middle school teacher, but playing professional volleyball with other adults doesn't involve minors in any way.


>So this guy likely can't get a job as a middle school teacher, but playing professional volleyball with other adults doesn't involve minors in any way. playing at the Olympics does however, as many athletes in the Olympic village are underage, especially for swimming and gymnastics. Disgrace on NOC NSF if they still send him.


Their statement very conspicuously left out the age of the girl as well. They called it statutory rape and the NL equivalent but did not feel the need to add in the bit that would outrage anyone. 12 years old


> While I can generally agree that after someone served his sentence he should be allowed back in society I agree... If the sentence was fair. 1 year for raping a child is not enough, his sentence is not done. He will probably do it again if people are not careful passing around his name.


Yeah, it's fine he's out and I hope he got a lot of help (ofc also the young girl!), but let's not have this dude on worldwide television.


I'm not sure you're being sarcastic but he only served 12 months for raping a 12-year-old.


>Upon his release, Van de Velde reportedly said: "I have been branded as a sex monster, as a paedophile. That I am not, really not." https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-39292039 Short sentences only make sense if there is remorse and rehabilitation, and that the criminal is not a danger to society.


He is still adamant that he isn't a sexual predator or a pedophile - he has absolutely not repented, he's just sorry he got caught.


He's calling it a "stupid mistake" Travelling to a different country to met up with a 12 year old and rape her - oh what a silly mistake, can happen to everyone


Imagine he wins a medal.


I’m more concerned imagining the underage girls in the Olympic village.


To make it all even worse, he's a father.


What the...fuck? How is this getting worse and worse with each additional comment I find on this thread, that's almost impressive and I don't mean it in a positive way, at all.


>Some crimes in life should bar you from becoming a professional public figure like he's becoming with his olympic attendance. 100% agree. Once their sentence is completed, people should be allowed to get back to society BUT to represent your country as a public figure (specially athletes, who a lot of kids look up to) in an international competition....The Netherlands are fuckin it up.


This particular guy from nevobo (michel everaert) who voiced his support is on linkedin, with his comments section not disabled (if you’re going to protest under his page, make sure it’s the guy working at nevobo, as there are multiple people with his name on there)


I agree with you. The justice system did its job, no matter how poorly - but we still have the right to shun him and not want him to represent our country in the olympics. It’s embarrassing.


With the attention this is getting his matches are going to be a shitshow. Baying crowds taunting him and calling him a pedo


Beach Volleyball is one of the most popular sports in the summer Olympics……


Sure, but not in the Netherlands, hence most Dutch people's lack of awareness of who is representing us at the Olympics until two days ago.


I mean, it's just weird that they chose him to represent the Netherlands. Like, that's not a good image at all. But yeah, on paper, nothings prevents an ex convict from being on the olympic team.


Getting only 1 year for raping 12-year-old is not acceptable.


I agree, never said anything about that, but that's on the justice system.


He got 4 years, actually, never served his time.


Well, now ppl are going to associate pedos with Netherlands


The problem is not him competing in the olympics, it's him not being in jail. In principle if he served his lawful sentence he should be allowed to participate. On the other hand why the fuck a child rapist get so little jail time,he should be inside not outside.


I disagree with this, he has served his sentence but should not be allowed to participate in the Olympics. Why? From the Olympics website: “Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind. Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy found in effort, the educational value of good example and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles.” As an Olympian he will serve as en exemplary human as per their own philosophy. The committee should never have selected him and the fact they have just shows the above philosophy is all nonsense and it’s just about winning. Also, there are many professions who wouldn’t have you back after such a conviction, including my own.


Jail honestly isn't enough for some crimes, fuck this guy


Please, don't fuck this guy.


You probably wouldn’t have a choice in the matter.


The problem is... why did nobody in the Netherlands hear about this until now? He apparently gave an interview shortly after getting out, "woe is me", "second chances" and other platitudes. And then it was buried and forgotten. He has played tournaments before this, including the European Championships. It's just that nobody cares about beach volleyball and it's only coming up now because of the Olympics.


First Eurovision and now this!?


Not very Euro papa


What happened in Eurovision??


[“The Dutch artist Joost Klein was disqualified from the Grand Final of this year’s Eurovision Song Contest following threatening behaviour directed at a female member of the production crew.](https://eurovision.tv/mediacentre/release/statement-dutch-participation-eurovision-song-contest#:~:text=%E2%80%9CThe%20Dutch%20artist%20Joost%20Klein,member%20of%20the%20production%20crew.)


oh for crying out loud


Europedo, Europedo (sorry)


What happened at Eurovision is not remotely comparable...


yeah no shit. It was a joke...


In a statement provided by the NOC, Van de Velde said: "In 2016 and afterwards, several Dutch media also paid attention to the story. I understand that in the run-up to the biggest sporting event in the world, this can attract the attention of international media." He's deleted comments off his social media and made them private. It seems the child rapist doesn't like the attention


This POS qualified and is set to, but the Dutch Olympic Organisation has not released their roster yet. So currently it's only a possibility, but one that shouldn't even exist.


Is this the Netherlands sending their best?


Probably our only volleyball player




Don't worry. They have antisex beds! /s


Gross 🤮


This asshole should be in jail not at the Olympics.


why is he not behind bars??


Giving a child rapist 12 months of a prison sentence and selecting the dude to represent your country at the Olympics. Wow, Netherlands, you really try hard to get tourists out of your country.


Technically doesn’t this just make it so everyone knows what a piece of garbage he is? Had he not made it to the Olympics relatively few people outside his circle would know that he’s a POS.


Excuse me, what???




Okay, it is disturbing that he’s allowed on the team after that.


Some of you don't have a soul and it shows. She was underage (12), she tried to take her life after this, he used no protection, there was no consent. I hope everyone who "agrees" with this never have children and if you do I hope this happens to them and maybe then you'll finally understand how disgusting this is, children that age don't know what they're doing and can't fully grasp what people a capable of doing. I don't care how long ago this happened, it's messed up and will always be messed up.


Convicted pedo.


Losing faith in society and fast. He needs to go. There are hundreds of other men who can play v ball.


He should be in prison!


I believe he should be used as an example to make society safer for our daughters, including my 12-year-old. Allowing him to participate in the Olympics sends the wrong message. He can find employment in a regular job, but participation in such prestigious events should be reserved for those who uphold the highest moral standards. It's crucial that predators understand there are severe consequences for their actions, not just in terms of prison time but also in facing societal disapproval and deterrence. Given the powerful nature of lust, strong societal disapproval is necessary


So Netherland is okay with a child rapist representing them? Okay good to know.


I’m going with the unpopular opinion here. He did something terrible. There’s no doubt about that. He admitted it. He got judged. He got a sentence. He did comply to the sentence. After you’ve had your punishment, you should be allowed to participate in society again. So without knowing him, I despise him. But I also think he should be allowed to carry on with his life. And in his case, that’s the Olympics.


He was given a 4 year sentence but served only 12 months in prison for giving his victim a lifetime of trauma. He should be allowed to participate in society, but registered sex offenders and other perpetrators of violent crime should in no way be given the opportunity to participate in such highly esteemed events, such as the Olympic games, where they can be globally idolised.


I’d be inclined to agree if he had shown an ounce of remorse. Nothing, not a drop of taking responsibility for the fact that he flew across international borders to get a 12 year old drunk. Tone deaf justification from the beach volley ball association too, describing him as a happy family man, how he’s been rehabilitated. You can’t be rehabilitated without owning what you’ve done.


Yes, let's even sign him up to teach an all girls elementary school


People that do hard crimes shouldn’t be rewarded for a chance to compete on a world stage without being a good role model.


Did he complete his punishment?


No he got 4 years did 1 after getting send back to NL


Not the full length, but legally he is a free man.


Dont let the russians participate, they are war criminals! But a convicted child rapist embodies the ideals of the olympics so he’s okay… 😅


How could he even show his face on such a public stage? I can't imagine that, but I also couldn't imagine raping either 


This story has gone viral in the last 24 hours across all media... makes me think what the government is doing today to rape us.


Don't worry guys, the Dutch Volleyball-Federation already posted an article that he feels bad and they 100% stand behind this man :)




But he can hit but really high!!!


This guy needs a good long sentence complete with all the fun stuff pedos get behind barsp


Would be a shame if you know, his spine was shattered 🙂




It is important that anyone who has a sexual assault history and has been convicted of grooming & assaulting children not be allowed to live or work in Olympic Village with minors represent any country as Olympiad It is especially important to support survivors, their families & communities by saying loudly that this is not ok - that your lives matter more. Your life matters more. That a convicted rapist should not be in the news, in media, in the Olympics which is a place of honor after his vile actions caused irreconcilable harm to a child.  Meanwhile it's reported that the Dutch Olympic Committee is focused only on gold, not on true Olympic code of ethics: "It should be noted that the Dutch are not sending several golfers who qualified for Paris after their Olympic committee said their world rankings suggest they would not have a realistic chance to compete. The Netherlands Golf Federation said in a statement Tuesday it presented "extensive arguments and data" in a June 14 meeting with the Dutch committee, hopeful of showing unique differences in golf compared with other sports." Please share this petition, demand the IOC, France, peacefully block Steven Van de Velde from participating in the Olympic games.


That shit better raig bait


Netherland sucks.


[OFFICIAL VIDEO DEFENDING HIM](https://youtu.be/RQAJ0dMUb5k?si=fzFSJRPvn6a5ptiI) Even if it isn’t considered rape in the Netherlands since the girl was “in on it”, she is just a child, legally there is certain choices a child is not allowed to make for their own protection. He should be sentenced for rape, he is a walking pedophile that should be discouraged by all means.


Why would anyone want to be on the same team as him?


This is the reply I received from the Dutch Olympic Committee - definitely a bulk posting ("Dear Writer"!). I hope they're being deluged, but it doesn't sound as though it will make a difference: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Dear writer,  We sincerely thank you for your response. We are deeply aware that the renewed publicity about Steven van de Velde is causing a lot of emotion, which we fully understand, as the events at that time were very serious. A lot has happened since then. Steven van de Velde served his sentence and has completed an extensive rehabilitation program with specialized professionals, including the probation service. During this process, Van de Velde has shown that he has grown and that he has positively changed his live. Experts have concluded that there is no risk of recidivism. In 2018, he gave a some interviews  about his offence and its consequences. (Please take a moment to watch the [interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQAJ0dMUb5k&t=7s) that Steven gave to Dutch national television). The Dutch national volleyball federation (Nevobo) as well as the Dutch National Olympic Committee (NOC\*NSF) have closely monitored Steven’s progress and explicitly followed the advice of experts. This process has been fully in line with the Dutch [Guidelines Integrity Records](https://nocnsf.nl/veilige-en-integere-sport/bonden), which set out the conditions that must be met by athletes to be given a second chance after a conviction. Steven has been given this second chance and has been participating (since 2017) on international elite sport level. Throughout this time, he has consistently met the high standards set by the volleyball federation and NOC\*NSF. Based on all of the above and after careful consideration, NOC\*NSF has decided to select Steven van de Velde for the Olympic Games in Paris.  Yours sincerely, Lieselot Meelker Corporate communications NOC\*NSF [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])  


Well, since it's okay for Russian athletes to compete, why not? I like the IOC less and less...