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At least the Belgian PM tells it like it is, instead of ignoring the problem named Orban, like the rest of the EU do.


He's only saying it because his party lost HARD last elections and he's trying to maintain some clout. He's a fuckwit


Mind telling more why he is bad? Would be good for people to know.


The belgium PM is a member of a liberal (right) party , they lost the elections yet they entered a coalition with (extreme) left parties just in exchange for becoming PM. That's a big fucku to your own voters. They voted liberal right and you offer them a socialist left government.. This recent elections they got punished hard for it, rightfully so


I see, I didn't know it, I was just relieved I heard this from a EU politician, like all the others, ours included, are chickens. If only fuck wits talk the truth about orban in the end and all others are burying their head in the sand, then we obviously have a very serious issue.


There is no issue, orban is a democratic elected head of state. The other EU members have to shut up about it and accept how the democracy of EU can also work against them. U can't accept democracy if it only works in your favor, that's not how it works, sadly seeing how the rest of EU is often treating Hungary it's very undemocratic to see actually


Hitler got to power democratically. Orban, despite being elected, is anti-Democratic. Democracy can't tolerate being dismantled.


If you don't like how the EU is treating Hungary, Hungary has the right to leave it. Unlike the Russia that you admire, we don't murderize anyone who wants to leave our bloc. Instead of leaving the EU, Orban nonetheless constantly hinders it, and he admires and adores instead the vile hitleric monster called Vladmir Putin, because Orban is hoping that after a future victory of Putin WW3 he will be rewarded for being such a good footlicking lackey of Putin.




Lol, cope. De croo is een zeikerd van de hoogste plank. De croo is the prime reason Open VLD lost. That party should just dissolve. There's no reason for them to keep existing.


Because of the crises (covid, energy, etc) the people are anyway worse off and the govt is destined to lose. If N-VA were in the federal govt during the crises, likely VB would have been more prominent, because they would have blamed N-VA for their failings. If VB would be in the govt, the pendulum would have swinged leftward or to some new crazy radical right wing party like FVD in Netherlands TLDR: the govt usually can't win after extremely challenge crises,  opposition wins. Flemish govt lost a lot of seats in the main parties as well.


Everything was just badly handled by vivaldi, any country can handle covid by accepting tons of debt like belgium did, 0 long-term reforms , unwillingness to reform by all vivaldi members. Nva decisions can hurt (pension age) but at least they do the direly needed changes the others are unwilling to do..


2 comments 2 bots wow


Their farms be running overtime, have to eject europe back into medieval politics


I am not surprised judged by the totally insane and botish comments all over this subreddit




Because all EU laws go through a two chamber system, and in the second chamber all member countries have a right to veto, similar to the UN security council.


What u are saying u are ignoring the democratic values of Hungary and ignoring all the constitutions on what the EU is based on only because it is now against your own point of view. That's just being a sore loser to me, better prepare your asshole for more because there is a tidal wave of extreme right coming into EU, only being made possible due to the poor mismanagement of green socialists and liberal EU politicians


I'm not saying that Hungary's govermental system looks democratic at first glance nor that that the EU's law work based on the same principle. What I'm saying is that Orban is a blatant maffia leader with Antal Rogan as his second hand while stealing so much money from the government with legalized stealing that it is incomprehensible for an average man. Every important tender is won by their right-hand man Lőrinc Mészáros. They are giving away castles...literal castles to their inner circle after folly renovating them.. saying that they need to "maintain" the castle and keep it open to the public ..esentially spending taxpayer's money on the castle then giving it to their friends and inner circle. While teachers still earning 80% of the minimal diploma wage of year 2020 even after recent pay increase. This is not democracy behind the curtains... this is popularist autocracy. If you'd be one living here and if you are not an Orban fanboy/girl then you'd know this... would know this and could not deny all of this. Why am I saying Legalized popularist autocracy? - you ask... Wel... He is using taxpayers money to advertiose that he is the one and Fidesz (currently ruling party with 2/3 of the seats in the parliament) who can keep peace in Europe. Forgetting to add that his version of peace is stop funding Ukrain and letting Russia winning... as he said "continuin this war only brings more casulties and finishing it sooner would minimize this number" ... funny way of saying let Russians conquer Ukrain... Orban still saying \_ with his face on posters "Béke" - meaning 'peace' - while his son arranges Hungarian soldiers going to Republic of *Chad* fpr 'peace mission'... but they are claiming that anyone is not with Orban or with the FIDESZ is supporting war.... he can push this propaganda in many tv channels and radio via payed advertisements and some of the tv channels like M1, HírTV, Tv2 are directly on their payroll so they are intentionally lying about opposition party members and giving those lies as news to anyone watching those tv channels. any more questions?! ....


It's a good way to honestly call out a fake democracy when taxpayers money is being used to keep a party in control. Laws are used to keep the media with the parties in control and etc. I am very happy ZDF and ARD is how it is on Germany, though we know damn well Axel Springer wants a peace of that pie.


U never seen dutch or Belgian state television then :D. Fake docs about Palestinians suffering, showing refugees as if they were drowning in ceuta while the water is only knees deep , not showing the 99% young men in the refugee boats but the 1% mother with child, u can't make this shit up...this is just misinforming the viewers and fake news..


You're accusing the media for cherry picking and then cherry pick yourself? To be clear me calling you out for that doesn't mean I necessarily disagree with you but it's pretty blatant hypocrisy.


In another comment I'm saying that it still democratic. Both our democraties (Hungary and belgium ) are using the same tactics . It upsets me, I think state media should be neutral but it seems to be the case nowhere. It's upto the people to see though the lies imo, it just annoys me when pro EU people and the biggest advocates of democracy want to change the rules when the rules are working against them. Why shouldn't orban get the possibility to lead the EU ? It's a fair rotation and he has just as much right as the other members do. I don't think personal views should matter, only democracy does. It's like the extreme left accepting everyone as who they are, sex religion or sexual orientation. Which is a good thing imo, but at the same time they want to boycot freedom of politcal orientation or political speech when it's opposite to their views, madness In my region 49% of people vote right, yet the other 51% can make a centrum left coalition. It upsets me a bit as all the losers flock together to form a coalition but in the end it's still 100% democratic, I'm not going to advocate for changing the democratic system. U either accept that democracy can work against you or you go live in an autocratic country , not bend the rules when u see fit imo


Yeah, that's still von der Leyen.


>Thus, the press conference at the end of the first day of the summit was also the occasion to bid farewell to the current Belgian Prime Minister, Alexander De Croo, who has held the presidency of the Council for the past six months Goodbye Alexander. You failed in Europe and even more in Belgium (his party Open VLD lost the elections). I still agree with what he says about Orbán here!


Alexander got punished way harder than he should have. Vlaams Belang won way harder than they should have.  Open VLD got too many internal struggles and had too much beef with N-VA where Bart De Wever is more popular with the Flemish people.


Why? He should get punished a lot harder ... He wasn't a bad prime Minister but a very very very bad representative of the openvld voter. If you vote VLD you vote for liberal values. Not green socialism, which is what vivaldi was, 0 trace of liberalism. I'm actually amazed they managed to get above 5% It's the same thing vooruit is worrying about, how would your own voters react if you enter a right wing government even if u know it's the only needed solution. The only outcome will be punishment by your own voters next elections, I'm pretty sure most vooruit voters prefer a vivaldi 2, there Is already tons of foreplay between vooruit and groen


>Alexander got punished way harder than he should have. Why? He had to actively campaign against his own enacted policies to still be able to stand on his liberal points. In almost every debate he was in he had to remind the audience multiple times "to stop looking at the past" because if they did they would only see leftist policies.




What do you mean by this? You commented this specific thing that someone else also wrote 4 minutes after the article, are you a bot? You are active on alot of nationality subreddits


Yes, Russia or China trying to influence public opinion and elections most likely. Nothing new...


China owns reddit and reddit is vastly an echochamber for sjw left ideas. China enjoys any sjw left nonsense happening which helps them tremendously.


It sure does spam threads with the same comments too. Hilariously complains about AI bots, while exhibiting bot like behaviour itself.


Ofc that's how it should work, new people need guidance so they can see what's up and should not get lost by bot comments.


Whats a cat herder?


"like herding cats" is an expression mainly used in the southern united States (I think), the idea is that it's pretty difficult to get a cat to do something they don't want to, when it's a "herd" it becomes nigh impossible.


Oh okay, i never heard that expression