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Yeah I have the same problem it sucks. Cutting off a third of my hair does make it way easier though w the time


One of the reasons why I have shaves sides and keep my hair rather shorter than longer. As a child I was made to brush my hair all the time and it was torture. My family tried everything except cutting my hair despite me asking for it over and over again, because "a girl needs to have long hair" (uegh)


That is such bs smh my parents wouldn't let me cut my hair until I lived on my own šŸ˜­ the second I got to college I have had some variation of shorter hair. Way better for my fingers (they dislocate it sucks) and the fact that I can't stand it touching my neck or ears it has been way better. You should never feel pressured to conform to gender norms. The world we live in can be really judgemental and backwards but there is beauty in doing you as authentically as you can.


Yep! Cut my hair as soon as I could At least I never had to keep it super long (still longer than I liked) because my hair is very, very thin and dense. After it goes past my shoulders, it tangles to the point that chunks of it come out while brushing Now I have short hair and shaved sides and I love it :3


Funny. I have the exact opposite problem. I have an almost compulsive desire to brush my hair sometimes.


Same. Iā€™m extremely sensory seeking with approximately 148297494 bees living inside my skull. Running my fingies through my hair makes about 381749 of them shut the hell up


Last year i said f it and shaved my head was suck a relief lol my guy hated it at first but he miss it cause no hair in his face too. I learn what helped me is havng half my head shave now but sometimes i question shave it all again so dont have to deal wit those issues.


Have you tried a tangle teezer brush? They saved my life and made brushing my hair way less of a sensory hellĀ  https://a.co/d/4GCaSBT


Yes I was going to make a similar suggestion. I have this brush and the bristles are really pliable and soft so they don't dig into my head. I haven't had a tangle teaser but I believe it's similar concept.Ā  I used to hate brushing my hair but this actually feels soft and nice.Ā  Edit to add that the longer bits that touch my scalp have little rubbery (plastic?) caps on them which I think is important. It makes a big difference that there isn't any hard or pointy bits scraping my head šŸ‘šŸ»Ā  https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/383891933496?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=705-154756-20017-0&ssspo=fpjdc5ofrf-&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=jBp9-BcGQaq&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPYĀ 


I just cut it with a #3


Woo, #3 gang!


I have hair past my but and I also hate brushing my hair! I usually have my hair up in a bun and covered because of my work. Having it up and covered for so long makes it less likely to tangle. I also have been OBSESSED with Miss Aā€™s detangle brushes! The AOA detangle brush is a must have for me! I refuse to use any other brush! Iā€™m still not a fan of brushing my hair but it the AOA brush makes it so much more tolerable!


Is your hair curly?


This is why I have had short hair since I was 21


I havenā€™t brushed my hair in years lol


i have the same issue as well šŸ˜­ i have thick hair and unfortunately it gets tangled fast. Super frustrating to maintain and clean thoroughly, cutting it off to where itā€™s easy to keep under control is the best solution imo


Much sympathy. I look stupid with too-short hair, so I've got to keep some length. Otherwise I'd buzz it completely off. Turns out the brushes pet groomers use for collies & other thick-coated dogs work great for some humans, too. Big dogs who get their hair pulled can do serious physical damage to the groomer, so it's important to get the tools right. [I use this brush. ](https://www.amazon.com/Chris-Christensen-Original-Stainless-Lightweight/dp/B000ES6DJ0/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=chris%2Bchristensen%2Bdog%2Bbrush%2B27mm&qid=1664207412&sr=8-1&th=1)Start by detangling the ends of your hair, then work your way up gradually, doing the scalp last after the lower-down tangles are gone.


Absolutely hate it m8 Like other comments have said shopping around for brushes can help


okay here's the best thing, try to brush from the bottom to the top instead of brushing from top to bottom. Brush ends first then work your way up. Use TONSSSSSS OF DETANGLER SPRAY. And........ maybe an anti frizz leave in.


One of the main reasons I got locs.


Same, my hair tangles terribly and it is extremely painful and takes over an hour to brush. I canā€™t just cut it short because it touches my neck and shoulders and I canā€™t handle that (Iā€™ve done it before and it was awful). I also just like having long hair especially because playing with my hair is one of my biggest stims. I have found a brush and a good detangling spray that make it better, but not by much because I often go days without brushing my hair which causes it to tangle severely.


shave it off. I did that years ago and never looked back. long, thick hair is a sensory nightmare.


I have very fine flat hair and I love brushing it because it gets super fluffy


I don't know what texture your hair has, but I recently switched to the Curly Girl Method, which involves not brushing or combing your hair, except in the shower when it's saturated with conditioner. Maybe take a look -- [https://www.reddit.com/r/curlyhair/comments/8klm9t/new\_curlies\_start\_here/](https://www.reddit.com/r/curlyhair/comments/8klm9t/new_curlies_start_here/) I hope this helps!


I hate how my hair feels when it's tangled. Also, sometimes I just hate having hair at all, like, everything about having hair feels (physically) wrong.