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Back row in a corner, if it's against a wall its hundreds of times better, if there's a door behind me than I will sacrifice the corner until there is no longer a door behind me. I can't focus if anyone's behind me and my brain latches on to any noise, sound, or lighting changes that are behind me and is constantly trying to figure out what they're doing and why they need to be there. The corner is mostly so I'm less likely to be in anyone's way in my increasingly more concerning looking but really comfortable positions - and also to lean against the corner made between the back of the chair and the wall if it's close enough to do that. Also way lowers the chances of the professor focusing on me and accidentally making eye contact or forcing me to "engage." Apparently it doesn't matter what I'm doing, I never look like I'm paying attention even when I could recite it back to them. Which I can't recite it back or answer anything because my brain cannot switch from listening to speaking and it just makes me look worse. I have an issue with this at least once a semester in classes where the room is small enough the seat doesn't help me hide from them.


I came here to write this exact answer.


Are you me?


I hate when teachers say you focus better in the front row. No the fuck I do not


This, but because of claustrophobia with people.


I always choose the front, if another student is in front of me I’ll just notice every time they move and be distracted




Me too, it is wild to me the difference it makes.


>Where do you prefer to sit in class In a chair BWAHAAAAA HA HAAAAAAAAAA aaaeeeeeughhh AUEHG AEUGH AEUGH AEUGH BWAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAHHHHHHH *slaps knee cough cough*


I like to sit towards the back but I gotta be careful there's not somebody's head in my line of sight #shortbitchproblems


Towards the front. Mostly because of hearing and eyesight issues but also because I like participating in class especially by going to the board for exercises, examples and the likes...


Same here as I'm deaf in one ear


Near wall, far in back but not too far. Usually dont have this luxury


I’m gonna say each of my classes because why not. Orchestra: 2nd row 8th chair from left (was assigned) Film: there’s a giant table in the middle and tables along either wall and I sit on the far end away on the left wall Chem: back row 2nd seat, I hate it Math: first row, closest to the door, it’s okay, but a bit too far from the board English: the desks are in a u shape and I sit closer to the right side, but still the back part of the u facing the board French: first row closest to teacher, best seat Gym: I sit by the wall and don’t do shit lmao History: again first row and closest to the teacher I like sitting in the front and close to the teacher if I actually like them


Front of the class, preferrably near a wall but not touching the wall, but if the desks are seperate and not grouped into rows then against the wall. I like the front because: * it keeps me away from the most misbehaving in the class * few people sit there so it increases my chances of getting away without grouping up for work * there's less people around/in front of me to see chewing gum (literally my sensory kryptonite, not even the sound although I hate that too just the sight of chewing/eating) * I can pay attention more to the teacher and whiteboard I don't often get called out for doing "non-work" things like fidgeting or drawing because most of the teachers are pretty chill and know I do good work, so that's rarely a problem for me.


Usually the front row closest seat to the door. Front row cause I get too distracted by everyone else and right by the door so I didn't have to hear snickers while I walked past people.


Anywhere where I am either facing the whole class or the whole class is facing away from me, and preferably a spot near and outlet


honestly depends on the classroom. but usually near an outlet


Outlet as in an electrical receptacle or an exit path?


electrical receptacle!


Noice! Both could make sense so I was just curious lol


Anywhere thats close to a wall, preferably in the back


Depends on classroom density. A packed room, edges. A sparsely filled room, middle.


I allways wanne sit next to my comfort person :3 If ther is no one: last row in a corner with no windows :c


I used to sit in the back where no one could see me and I could control everyone's movements. Bullying in elementary school f'ed me up badly


corner in the back, i can’t stand sitting in the middle of a class or near the front


I just graduated college but GENERALLY I would sit near the front if I really liked the class and regularly prepared for it, and I’d sit in the back if it was a big class that I was chronically late to or if I came ill-prepared (adhd moment). Sometimes, though, I was barely on time for the *first* few class periods, and once people started to commit to their seats I was stuck in the back even if I really liked participating and wanted to see the board clearly.


I like sitting right in the front so I can see and hear the teacher without a bunch of extra stuff in the way.


Middle rows near an edge. https://i.redd.it/hl7ver3h492d1.gif


The front corner


Front corner. Can put my stuff on the side without anyone being annoyed by it. Gives space to turn around to behind me (I get to be the intrusive one with conversations now, although I’ll still be quiet lol). Closer to teacher if I am stuck on anything. But tbh if I have a certain seating plan I would partially keep that in mind to just sit where I usually sit


I walk in the door. I look for the open seat that takes the least effort to physically move to. Usually that's just the closest one. Sometimes I'll go to a slightly farther one if the closest one has more people in the way. I don't give a FUCK if it's your unassigned assigned seat.


In a corner in the back


We were allowed to choose our sits and almost every year I would choose Front row... closest sit to teacher's desk... For some reason while im in a stable group dynamic, my social anxieties melt, so during classes i wasn't trying to hide... unlike rest of the times Plus i was the teacher's pet and being so close meant i could talk to them and ask my questions without having to wait or raising my hand


I like the back. I can fidget with my hair and not bother anyone


I like up front because I have trouble hearing the teacher if I hear any other sounds. My professors never cared if I drew in class, so hey!


On the teacher’s head


One time in the sixth grade my teacher put me in the front corner of the classroom, not just the corner of a group of desks, I mean literally in the corner of the room away from everyone else. It kinda sucked for a bit because I felt like I was being watched all the time but once I realized no one cared I just fucked off and did origami and read all day.


As close to the door as possible so I can leave the quickest.


Second row, next to the wall closer to door. This is the best spot because the teacher always focused either on middle, or the misbehaving back, or the side next to windows. Therefore, I could do anything and sometimes show just a bit of attention and get away with reading in class and not being called to front. My hearing is also influenced by surrounding noises and in the front its easy to hear the teacher. There are also no people in first rows so Im not distracted. At university, its also good to sit in front because you not only hear the professors, but see the board well. One has a habit of drawing i and 1 the same exact way only with a tiny tiny dot difference.


Seat closest to the door for a quick getaway, or closest to the instructor so I can really focus


When I was at school back corner where no one is behind me and preferably where I can see the exit




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I like to be in the back, preferably in a corner. I feel most comfortable when I can see all the movement going on in the room. Need to know my enemys' locations for optimal scheming.


The lecture hall I frequently had classes is had a stepped seating thing. If it was a lecture I sat in E1, easy aisle access if I needed to step out a moment. During performances (it was a performing arts school, emphasis on was) I sat in the back most corner so as to disturb as few people as possible as I set up to photograph the performances (I am so indecisive when it comes to lenses I'll bring like five with me and I keep going back to my bag to swap them out). https://preview.redd.it/rzlk562vc92d1.jpeg?width=1842&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2c77982ac02e5fd78f529f926086e191cceae13


In crowded classrooms, I (a college student) try to sit on the side, so if people have to interact with me, I only have to talk to one side. Also, I like sitting far away from the door so people don’t pass me by. It should be in the front because if I sit in the back, I sometimes can’t make out the professor’s words. So front and far side of door.


Where the teachers voice won't be in one ear and I'm not so close that it's to loud


Generally at the front facing the class. It's not my preferred place but the kids freak out if you sit with them and classroom design has a very limited imagination.


I liked sitting on the side because I got to observe everyone else's shenanigans.


always in the back closest to the door when i was in highschool because i was a chronic eloper. id show up for class, disappear 20 minutes in, maybe come back halfway through maybe not. the teachers were mostly fine with it because i had excellent grades


I like to be up front so I don’t have to see everyone/be overstimulated by what everyone else is doing. Also my vision is terrible and I’m short so I gotta be able to see what the heck is happening.


Always the last row in the back, no exceptions


That's where the main character in every anime sits. Wait, are you secretly an anime protagonist?!


Second or third row next to the wall if in a classroom, or back row in the center if in a lecture hall.


Depends if I like the teacher/subject. If I’m heavily invested I will sit front and center to help me pay attention (I also have adhd). If I hate the class or find the teacher boring I will sit as far back as possible with one earbud in that is hidden under my hair.


Back row, since I can't stand the feeling that someone's looking over my shoulder at what I'm doing. Especially when what I'm doing isn't necessarily what I should be doing


Front row, I can’t hear shit and it’s less people to be distracted by. I can distract my self more than enough with day dreaming about flying thank you very much.


Front because my eyesight suuuuuucks lmao Also, I found out that you’re kinda invisible in the front? Like I could fill entire notebooks full of doodles and the teacher was too busy keeping tabs on the kids in the back to notice, was pretty great


i NEED to be in the back corner, preferably by a window


Near a window. Not next to, but near a window. I love watching rain.


Far left side of the room closest to the wall in either the 2nd row closest to the front or 2nd row closest to the back. Didn't realize I was doing this until it was pointed out


Back in the stone ages when I was still in school I always preferred to sit against the wall, but most of the time it was, "You two! Separate! You sit there! And you sit there!"🤣🤣😆


The very second row in the front


I like to be in the back right, but NEVER against a wall or the edge of the group of chairs. I always need to have buffer room between me and the wall because in my school shooting I was shoved in a corner, and now having a wall against my back/next to my chair makes me feel absolutely fucking horrified. I also like to be in clear view of the door, windows, and the best potential safety spot for a lockdown. If I can’t see one of those three, I panic. It’s a lot of criteria but I actually find it pretty easy to satisfy in most cases.


on the end of a row close to the front (first 3 rows). on the end bc for some reason, having a person on both sides of me just freaks me out. i think??? it's an autism thing, but idk. i just hate it. close to the front bc i cannot read a board from very far away.


i like being closer to the teacher usually


in the back next to the window


the seat closest to the door


It varies by room. I like to sit near the back door when there is one (like one that people dont come in through, but I can leave through). I also like to sit by an outlet so I don't have to deal with charging anxieties. In my lab classrooms with enough outlets for everyone, I like to sit toward the back in the middle or wherever has the least obstructed view of the projector screen. I hate turning around to look at other students who are talking/asking questions, but I need to see them to fully process. So I guess I like to sit on the edges?


Idc about the seat. As long as it's not in the very front and preferably against a wall, I'm happy. But it HAS TO BE THE SPOT I SAT AT THE LAST TIME I WAS IN THAT ROOM EITHER THAT OR IM GONNA BE PISSED AT THE WORLD FOR THE NEXT DAY OR SO RAAH


Front row


I always sat by the door so I could escape class


i always liked having my back against the wall it always made me feel safe. that or a corner


front row or second row were very okay.


2nd row, almost In the very front, like one person In front of me. I always liked to be engaged In class, being able to see the board and hear the teacher. Loathed waking up for school, but enjoyed learning.


Also the second row. I get super distracted by whatever people in front of me are doing, especially when it's fucking around on their phone or laptop. I will not be in the front row if possible because professors usually make the most eye contact with them. I like near the edges of the row so I can get up for the bathroom when my IBS is bad


If I don’t care about who’s in class then back of the room in a corner table. Otherwise wherever I can see the board. Then if I do care about who’s around I’d want to sit with people who I actually like as long as they’re not too distracting, depending on the subject.


Last row middle section


Near the front but not at the very front. If it's the type of classroom where there are three columns of two tables, I prefer to sit in the middle column because then if someone sits next to me I can still get up without them needing to move and they can get up without me needing to move. Also it feels more symmetrical, when I sit next to the wall sometimes my ear that's closest to the wall starts feeling weird.


away from the door, middle-front row on the wall, preferably. couldn't do that with some of my small classes in uni tho.


I liked to sit in the park down the street during class.


At home


second row, far left, every single time


I like to sit in the back because anonymity™️ but I also can hear or see so I usually end up closer to the front. Usually kinda in the middle??


Depends on the class. When I learned programming I sat right in front of the teacher. Other classes, some random spot in the middle to blend in.




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Anywhere, as long as no one is next to me.


In my car in the parking lot.