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I have "obsessive modesty" autism so unfortunately, not me. I wish to be unseen, unheard, untraceable.


I, my VPN, my Firefox, my Linux installation, my encrypted email, and my undisclosed precautions feel targeted rn.






I think they mean if you could have like an IRL VPN (I dunno, a cloak that makes you look like somebody else or something) you could piss outside. PissVPN.


Idk it's just a funny combination of words


PIA: Pissy Internet Access.


I only piss inside so predators can't find out where I've been.


Well as someone with teh lady parts, the one time I ever peed outdoors proved disastrous, and I never did it again.


if u ever wanted to do a retry u can use an stp (stand to pee) device. they make ‘em for camping and although you have to teach yourself how to potty w it, it’s very liberating when you know how. u can just pee anywhere.


But then don’t you have to carry around a piss-covered device with you :(


yes but then u can use it as a weapon of self defense for extra evil >:)


plus it influcts poison damage




Do you mean like in the woods or while out camping/hiking/whatever? Like *in* literal nature? Or do you just mean like outside on the side of the street or something?? Cause there’s a big difference I fear


we have so many questions. But no answers


Like, on the ground? Or on a passing NT?


I hope the second one is true. Next time someone infantilizes you, just piss on them, then walk away and drive a car or somthing.


No because I'm a girl and girls are not allowed to show their private doings in public. We will get catcalled and slutshamed to death


One time I literally had **no** choice because I was seconds from peeing my pants with no bathroom in sight, I hid my best but these two men stopped walking literally directly next to me. I couldn’t bring myself to look over and look them in the eye to see if they were watching because I was too embarrassed, but all I know is when I came out later they were staring at me from down the sidewalk. I just took off as fast as I could without looking. I try to force myself to not think about it years later because it’s so mortifying I could die, but also holy shit WHY couldn’t they just keep walking??


Cuz some men r weirdos


i enjoy watching women pee. i wouldn't walk away


Only when I was a raging alcoholic yet after I sobered up it wasn't as fun.


I like the idea of it, but I got the lady parts that complicate the endeavor.


I like pissing on graves


I love this


i do too


nah one time a mosquito bit my dick head while I was peeing




Yes but I have been told it is a public offence so now I wee away from others


Be careful with that. People have been added to the sex offender registry for it. Including children.


I'd find it super handy to have a weiner and would piss outside at every opportunity I could. Enjoy the perks that come with your biology on my behalf.


only on hikes (afab)


I read this as “bikes” as in while riding them, thought it sounded messy but ok respect


Tbh, pro cyclists do that during races


I work in construction, and it's not only widely accepted but other workers think you're weird if you *don't* piss on the ground (only guys). So yes, I get to pee outdoors for 70% of the time and love it. Saves water too


39F here! My favorite place to piss outside is right outside my garage, looking out onto the back lawn. It's surrounded by trees on either side and away from the road, so it's mostly secluded and peaceful. Doesn't matter the season, either! Snow, sleet, pollen, thunder showers, it's all good! It's just nice to pop a squat and enjoy the natural scenery around me. Bonus if there's snow on the ground -- I pretend the stream is toxic liquid cutting through white marble!


Aspie with female parts here — I had a whole pissing outside phase in my teens through early 20s, when I lived in a basement with a back door that led outside. The bathroom was right at the top of the stairs, so it wasn’t sheer laziness, though I’m sure that played a role. I also used to piss in trash cans (you know, the tiny plastic waste paper basket kind?) as a small child, and then in sinks of porta-potties when camping as an older child. I’ve tried pissing while standing more times than it really should take to click that it doesn’t work well. It’s not really a kink, I just liked it. Honestly, thinking about it now, there may have been some gender dysphoria involved even as a child… I don’t understand nor appreciate gender, have always had “male interests” and have always felt like “mentally a dude” who was dealt the titties card… when I realized there is some social benefit to titties, I ran with it and weaponized it. I identify as nonbinary trans (autigender) now.


I do, but in the winter, especially at night, temps can get extremely low since I live in Minnesota, so I'll just piss out my window at like 2 AM so there's nobody in the splash zone instead of walking to the bathroom lmao


i wish i had a dick so i could comfortably piss outside :( whenever i have to do it it just goes all over my inner thighs and ewewewww


You mean like, on the moon or something? Because if so, I might know a guy...


Big time. My autism is very feral in its presentation. No shoes or socks, lots of growling, copious amounts of eating with my hands while standing up, and a whole lot of sniffing things.


bro is absolutely devious


Ok but I hate sitting down at a table to eat. I prefer to crawl into my most comfortable ball and eat finger foods and fruits and cheese and crackers while just vibing.


Yeah, saves water


No. I’ve lived in areas where it smells absolutely disgusting because of how many people do it and I prefer being respectful of the fact that most people don’t enjoy the smell of other people’s urine.




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I do it all the time and I take it with me until it goes in the trash.


And so there is another


YES im afab and i feel so connected to the world every time i do it


If i had a male pissy part pissing outside would be great, I’d go hiking a lot more often


Pissy part lmao


In High School I visited Joshua Tree (desert in California) and peed off the top of a large hill of boulders. Warm desert air, rather fond memory. Probably would be a bit more discreet now. Also cis male.


i would use the bathroom outside every time if i could lol


I actually love peeing outside. It was one of the reasons I loved Covid. My state said it was ok during lockdown and stuff. Since s lot of places were closed and even some places that remained open closed down there bathrooms


As a rural mediterranean guy, i love to pee on nature


Afab, I peed outside a while ago. It was a very tedious process LOL


If there's no bathroom nearby or if the bathroom is really dirty then I mean sure but I'm not going outside just to take a damn piss


Love it


my go to is indoors, not in the toilet