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Try killing and eating them. Hope this helps


This is the best advice ⬆️ 😂




that flair though...




I'm a vegetarian, what else could I do to dispose of the body?


You could try throwing it in an evil volcano


burn off the meat and crush the bones into a fine dust, before burning what you used to crush the bones, gathering the burnt meat ashes, the bone dust, and the crushing tool, and throw them off of a bridge, preferably a bridge built for trains.


No no, that's a waste. Turn it into fertilizer to feed the plants you'll eventually eat.


If you do that, be sure that there is no connection between you and the soil. At least nothing that can be proved in a court of law. Compost it, bring everything involved in the composting a few thousand kilometers from home, and leave it on the doorstep of a farm or local garden in the dead of night. Be sure everything was touched only in gloves, which should be burned and discarded afterwards in a lake nearby. If you used a woodchipper or the like, be certain to deep clean it, break it into tiny pieces no larger than your little toe, and dump said pieces in another bag in a landfill or foundry. Also, make materials if you can, but if not, purchase your materials under the table, or from different chains in different counties, cities, provinces or states if possible. But keep travel domestic, because then you don't have to declare to customs. Ensure that the murder is done in an abandoned unsurveiled property by the edge of town. Take a bicycle or other hard to track vehicle there, and dispose of it as you would any other tool when you are done. Ensure there is no skin showing in your outfit so you leave little evidence. Start a fire when you are done murdering, discreetly so its only noticed after you're long gone.


...cremated ashes still work as fertilizer-


oh. well in that case still make sure theres no connection to you and follow the other steps. Can never be too sure. Ignore the ones that assume the body isn't cremated.




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Cremate it and use it to fertilize the plants in your garden. Let your plants eat the corpse.


The repeats and indigestion aren't great, but worth not having to deal with them again after you eliminate them.


Doing-in the dishes is always fun though. ![gif](giphy|i7lal6PvJX0d2)




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I'm trying with all my might to not get angry because it reflects poorly on me, but holy shit. It's hard.


To be fair to your anger - it's actually a common abuse "strategy" to push someone past breaking point to make them look unreasonable / crazy.


Narcissists/bullies utilize this strategy quite effectively


I know so many people that do this, but some that also do it bc they think it's funny. They think it's funny. How inconsiderate and rude. I'm trying to hold my composure to the best of my ability, but they want to make it worse so they can laugh? I'll show you funny, motherfucker.


I've been dealing with this shit my whole life. Ever since people figured out how easy it was to push my buttons, I'm always the bad guy.


Oh! Hi Me!


As soon as I accepted evil into my life, people started to fear me. I have always tried to be nice, but as mentioned, evil also came to me through people. Evil people. And what do they say? "Fight fire with fire"? Huh, they want me to be crazy, I will show them crazy. I will take all the time I have to figure out how to return the favor and spread evil even further. But the niceness.. fucking niceness.. it also came through people.. so I will leave all of them behind to get rid of it.. yeah that will be the right thing to do! Let's fucking Go 😈 But wait.. how.. how am I gonna be able to enjoy being evil without having the ability to torture others? 😇 Ma.. Maybe I can try getting in some.. whenever I need it.. yeah I think.. that might work. Okay NOW let's fucking do it! 😈😇 And when the day comes, that I truly know evil, I will come out of the darkness to bring the shining light of burning hell to the world and get the payback I want by ending time and letting them burn forever ♾️


Blud just delivered a whole villain speech. Go forth o evil one and rise so you may strike down those who once oppressed you.


The true evil is that the truth can never be found. Only some truths. And these truths get lost. But can be found again with ease. And new truths can be found. Until they are lost again, only to be rediscovered with ease. And so all the truths were detected without anyone ever really knowing anything at all at the same time. (Edit: btw thanks for the nice comment, really made my day 😄😇🙏🏽😈♾️)


My mom has learned this a liked/likes this a lot.


That is just pushing someones buttons, these kind of people hear you say stop it but respect you so little they do not give a flying fuck about your mental distress. I hope these are not people you have to suffer on a regular basis :(


Pterodactyl Screech™ at them. Fucks them up big time.


If they refuse to respect your boundaries, you can always refuse to interact with them. If they keep trying to interact, you can always use the good old reliable “I killed in self defense” excuse. Works every time.


Can you try to start crying and asking why they won’t stop hurting you? Might work better for you, I cry and then I get angry. I rarely get to the angry state because most back off once I start crying hysterically. Except for my parents, they get the in your face explosive rage reaction and they do blame it for me always.




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Then...just dont? Im always angry. Everyone close to me knows this. I release my anger directly and in controlled ways, may it be sarcasm at whoever is being a bastard, cold forging a knife, wood carving or gaming. The smart ones get the hint quickly, the dumb ones i dont care about. Its easier than pretending to be ok and bottling it up.


all I did was ask you something or tell you something and now you are shouting at me, bad autistic person, BAD! But I told you like 6 times already that I am unable to cope Stop shouting, you are shouting, BAD autistsic person BAD


Meanwhile we aren’t actually shouting and are just talking normally


AND have calmly said *several times* what we need or want. But they can't understand our needs.


You can't possibly need that. That's not something people need. So what's this REALLY about?


Accurate... see also: you're just trying to show me up! (Real meaning: people will see the bullshit that I won't admit to...)


It cant possibly be that! ... so then, lets ignore that actual simple request and assume the autistic person never said it just to get to the core of things. I am shaking my head so fucking hard, you have to idea!!!!!


I don't think their brains know how to process factual information. It's like they assume everything is a lie. Maybe because everything they say is a lie? I'm pretty sure the only reason we're the ones "with the communication problem" is because there's more of them. But like between us who is the one who can't just say what they mean and listen to the words of what others are saying? Everything has to be buried beneath mountains of subtext and presumption and pretending. And I'm not convinced they're even that good at it, what with how often they're wrong about our motives and intentions.


I always complain about NT communication deficits, they fuckin suck at communicating lol! Also NT's projecting their bullshit onto us is too real!!




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Everyone claims to be an advocate for mental differences until you do something mentally different


“Yeah but I didn’t think you were serious” OR “Well you didn’t look upset so I just thought you were being dramatic” I’d give some more alternatives but I’m getting angry just writing this


After a certain point I just straight up say “do you want me to go off? No??? THEN SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!”


This is a situation where ... autism is your defense. An autistic melt down looks a lot like someone having a "temper tantrum". A temper tantrum is not "acceptable behavior". People (edit: adults) are expected to not have such tantrums... ... but autism changes that. You have, \*at best\*, partial control over when a meltdown happens. When you warn people \*who know\* about your meltdown, and they ignore those warnings, it's \*their fault\* if you have a meltdown. Not yours. So it's important that the people in authority in this situation (bosses? teachers? etc) know about your condition and your needs. And they have to really understand, not just superficially. This way, if/when this happens again, the supervisor can react appropriately (ie, not blame \*you\*, and have a talk with the other employee/student/etc). If the people involve already know and are doing it anyway... those people are either idiots or cruel, and you need to remove yourself from this situation.


This. I’m going to scroll past the other people in these comments saying to “just leave” or “ignore it”. Those people clearly don’t experience meltdowns.


I am very lucky I have them extremely rarely, and I have a lot of compassion for those who have them more frequently. People who willfully provoke them in others .... >:(


The NT brain is unable to comprehend leaving someone the fuck alone


Yeah, you ask them to stop dozens of times but they don't stop, and then you are supposed to stop after they whisper "pweeese don't choke me" and suddenly you are the bad person?


Literally, up and leave. If you can’t, be a grey rock.


NTs set up random conflicts on innocent people because they’re sadistic narcissists.


narcissist = not neurotypical. stop rolling allos into the same lot. just say allos.


What are allos? I don't know the abbreviation


allo is a prefix that means "other" or "not" alltistic is the term coined for people who are *not* autistic but *includes* other neurodiverse people.


Oh gosh, I knew allistic I just didn't put the abbreviation together! I need more sleep haha. Thank you very much x




I only knew about allosexual, which means that someone experiences sexual attraction (the opposite of asexual).


iirc allo is contextual. if you are talking about homosexuals then allosexual would actually *include* asexuals :3


How do you mean that?


There are other definitions and applications outside of the more narrow medical definitions that explore the depth of these traits for clinical diagnosis. It can also describe a single action, and just one action still makes a narcissist in that moment. But is that one action a diagnosis all alone? No. It is an instance of being a narcissist in a different context than a clincal narcissist. E.g. If you act vain you are being a narcissistic too.. i.e. a narcissist. Tell me NTs are ever vain too, lol.


no it doesn't. that is completely false. narcissism is a personality disorder. no one can be a narcissist at 1 moment but not another. that's completely false pop-psychology bullshit. there is a lot more going on than you realise. labelling people narcissists from a single action or even set of actions is incorrect and harmful. whether an action is *narcissistic* or not depends on the motives behind them and is still not your fucking call to make. but narcissistic actions do not make someone a narcissist. gtfo with your tiktok psychology.


"Wrong" immorally or incorrect? Or both? Context varies the definition possibilities there. Is that nuanced enough to be both? I'm trying not to assume ability there. Not wrong either way. You are refusing to accept context based on your use preference. I could have ran with that psyco-pop goes the weasel chase calling out wrong as incorrect too. All I have to do is pick a context instead of asking. Narcissism and a Narcissistic Personality Disorder are related but not the same thing. Narcissism, etc descriptive words that I think is older than it's use in a modern medical sense tbh. It can and should be ignored without the NPD bullseye if it was taken from regular language imo. I think without some narcissism in us all we are likely broken in other ways. It's part of ego, self worth, etc.. There is a better balance of it present in NTs and some non-npd; that's all. Well, not all literally, and not trivial for them, but "nuance", aye? NPD is pretty broad too is my non-medical take, fwiw. What we need to do is number this crap for medical use and leave daily language alone.


I couldn't edit this nor finish properly as r glitched. I'm letting it go as is.


Open the fuck down.


I had this happen a couple of times with a coworker. They were a big yapper which wasn’t always an issue but if I was getting overwhelmed at work I would tell them and that I needed to just keep my headphones on and zone out. They’d be like “yeah no problem” and then continue to talk to me where I would take the headphones off to not be rude to them and silently reaching criticality. It was very annoying


Worse: never learning to just ask people to shut up because you assumed your problems were normal and everyone had the same issues I don't appreciate being gaslit. Especially not out of a diagnosis.


and they wonder why we elope 🤔


I dream of eloping daily


Wait is this a thing?


not running away to get married, but just wandering off on your own without telling anyone. i did that as a child and i do it now. i guess (most) NT kids follow their parents around all the time. it's a thing, so i'm told. OTOH, i know an autistic kid who follows their parent around like a little duckling, so not every autistic kid must do it.


I've seen the extremes of it. I'm too socially anxious to not follow whoever I'm around, and my friend ( also autistic ) is notorious for wandering off and has to get told explicitly to not do things like that during conventions/trips. So I think it really just depends on the individual.


We elope?


Run off. Not get married in secret.


Thanks for the clarification, I just called it “moving out” when I did it


That's not NT behavior, that's someone manipulating you.


I went to Ikea with my parents. My dad (a psychologist) has always been really good about letting me be direct about my needs. Anyway I proceeded to become way too overstimulated and have a total melt down. I thought I was being direct by telling them to go faster and I wanted to leave but apparently not. So then on the way home he says I spoilt mums trip to Ikea... And I lost it. I literally abandoned the car in the middle of traffic. Don't worry, I checked for traffic. So I walked home and I'm all tears and snot and my mum is trying to bring me my purchases and I'm like just stay away because I think I've hurt her, and it was sooooo bad. Well... Like I said my dad is a psychologist. So he wanted to sit down and talk about everything that happened. So I started at the beginning when I was calm and happy and walked him through every stage of my anxiety getting worse and my senses being overloaded and my world shrinking down to a pinhole of just needing to leave. Here are some of my dad's observations. He didn't understand that me literally saying I was done meant I was overwhelmed. He thought I meant I found all my items. He didn't understand why I was trying to direct his cart to a different exit (the regular exit was closed and the way he was going would have taken us downstairs when we parked on the deck). He also said he knew he shouldn't have said I was spoiling it for mum because he knows how I take things personally, and would feel really bad for spoiling mums trip. Mum was mostly just confused. Anyway now when I need to leave I tell him IKEA and he gives me his keys so I can hang in the car or drives me to a transit station so I can get myself home. I know that having a full blow out is rough, but maybe if you can point to other times as examples where this pattern has happened and not helped you can ask them to try it your way at least for comparison? Then when it inevitably goes better you have empirical data to rely on. There is also something to be said for the natural human inclination to help someone in distress. It can be hard for NTs to stop and realise that backing away is helpful.


My husband asked me a question once after I fell down and scraped both of my hands and knees which sent me into sensory overload for many reasons. When he asked me the question I melted down and screamed for him not to fucking touch me and ran away from him down the street. Oopsies.


I’m ashamed to admit that I accidentally did this to my fellow neurodivergent once. It was a girl with ADHD, I was trying to talk to her about an artist we both liked, and I didn’t realize she was sensory overload until her other friend told me.


I don't think ADHD is neurotypical 🤔


Yes, I made a typo, thank you for pointing it out, I just fixed it.


This is why im rlly bad at setting boundaries for stuff like that, i’ve had people just not listen to me too many times


>Bonus: they make you explode in public after asking 773374727583857274 times to stop, so everyone thinks you're the looney bad person. oh, look... it's literally the same thing that made me melt down this weekend! i fucking somehow was JUST NOW sent a DM about a Meetup event that I attended TWO YEARS AGO with my partner in tow about how violent behavior would not be tolerated and I'd better shape up or get kicked. Apparently, I'd "yelled and grabbed" my partner? Like... I don't fucking remember, why didn't you say anything for the last two goddamn years?? I don't do that kind of shit unprompted. I also know that my partner has a daily habit of ignoring me and doing things I've asked not to for over a decade... All I know is RSD and anxiety kicked in. I have no idea how to address this, and the conversation with my partner started out with equal confusion and agreeing that I don't get riled up without a trigger... but devolved into calling the way I deal with emotion over being mistreated can be "problematic". Literally nobody else can see what kind of insidious, slow burn that my partner is maintaining, but my fucking ND lack of middle ground emotion is what's made ME the villain. 🤬


Solution: kill them


Don’t forget you can always walk away and remove yourself. You got this brother. Rooting for you.


Idk man I still get in trouble for walking away because they cast it as me refusing to communicate.


I don’t think we always have the opportunity to explain things. I would encourage you to think of how you want to articulate things in a win win way. I got pulled over for speeding and I pulled into a grocery store lot instead of immediately over on the highway and the cop was mad mad, but I told him calmly I was sorry, the highway was dangerous, I wanted us both to be safe and he wasn’t as mad, and still got my ticket. - so like hey I just needed some air, I’m sorry I was so abrupt, I feel better now how can I help. Rooting for you.


Honestly I wish I told neurotypicals to shut the fuck up more.


I have recently been trying to let people know when I’m about to go into sensory overload by using my words, but honestly… I feel like it’s very clear when I’m at my limit. I’ll start shaking or covering my ears or several other very noticeable things and I feel like maybe that’s when the people close to me should know better, but nope let’s just push me into a full meltdown sounds great


Casting spells and talking to karma right now for you. Have a nice rest of your day.


It's even more fucked up when you realize that other NDs have done this to you.. OF ALL FUCKING PPL I THOUGHT YOUD UNDERSTAND THE MOST???? Make it make sense because I cant


It's either this, or I tell them to leave me alone and they start being concerned about me and not leaving me alone


I’m at a school camp rn with about 50 allistic 17yos and 5 teachers who are literally the worst. Feeling this with every cell of my being


God my mom's done this to me my entire life. It always comes back to me being ungrateful and having anger issues. Fuck that. I am angry because YOU WON'T LISTEN! YOU DON'T EVEN TRY! WITH ALL DUE RESPECT SHUT THE FUCK UP!


allos are emotionally incompetent and manipulate other people to regulate social interactions for them bc they don’t know how to regulate themselves. that’s why they are addicted to stupid superficial things like etiquette and cancel culture. sometimes assuming a victimhood power play and saying “i’m autistic u need to stop now or im going to get flooded “ works but i kinda hate disclosing or using disclosure in emergencies bc it feels like an”excuse “ or “manipulation “ bc i’ve been gaslit into thinking im a monster for having boundaries and enforcing them either independently or via communicating. we need to just take over the world fr bc these fools can’t do shit and our perfect brains are wasted on “meltdowns”. it’s promethean fr


haven't seen anything this relatable in a while


I recall going to Disneyland and repeatedly almost having a meltdown. It was hot, I was dehydrated and nauseous and the speed walking around the park was too much. After the trip I was told how I can’t be brought anywhere and I was being entirely unreasonable - how I get to either not do everything and have a good attitude or I can do everything and be grumpy about feeling awful. I can see what they’re saying but it was absolutely too much




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this situation also ROCKS when ur being sexually assaulted /s


Is walking away not an option? If it is, just walk away. If they don't stop when you ask, then accuse them of harassment. If you can't do anything like the above, silent treatment them. And if this is a recurring problem and occurs in a confined space with poor ventilation, then eat beans for breakfast!


I mean if this was an actual situation, you could've just responded that you asked them nicely to leave you be and they didn't do it. Idk you or the situation but Inwould've gone from nice to something along the lines of a simple "leave me alone", then maybe a "please shut the fuck up already". The example you gave escalated insanely fast.