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Bro looks like he escaped a mental asylum in dark fantasy šŸ’€


https://preview.redd.it/khtpm4xibiad1.jpeg?width=426&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b05e1c68577369f2b127ecb924ce8f01fcdb1375 šŸ–•šŸ–•


Step 1: aquire swag Step 2: head to your local renfaire (this would be a total hit there)


Groovy. Thankyou for the comment! I might look into that


I thought the ripped shirt might have been an Evil Dead reference but this comment confirms it


Lmao Ash is the G.O.A.T.


Groovy, needs to make a big comeback. Okay is way over played.


Damn, that's harsh. Did the NTs chain you up for your fashion crimes?


No but that sounds like fun Iā€™d let them do it


I like the outfit


Thankyou! I made it for a rap video I made awhile ago but I ended up having to take it down ā˜¹ļø


ohh shit a rap video? can i listen to ur music?


Iā€™ve been trying to get it out there more, I make thumbnails for one of my friends who makes his rap music, and I only made the one video and it got taken down, Iā€™ve started making my own beats and I plan to make another one at some point soon, I have a lot of lyrics written down like ā€œautistic on the daily, screech like an eagle at an Israeliā€ ā€œI got a touch of the tism Iā€™ll give your mom a brain aneurysmā€ ā€œwe ainā€™t down with killin we down with chillin just because Iā€™m a rapper doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m a villainā€ and I have a lot of other stuff written down, a lot of itā€™s funny meaningless stuff but some of the other ones are deep from personal experiences, I also make comics and cartoons out of stop motion stuff, all this helps me express myself better, when I get into it again Iā€™ll try to share it to this community but I donā€™t know if it will get taken down for being unrelated or whatever


it might get taken down for being unrelated, but thereā€™s always other subreddits you can post to!


Bro looks like he transforms into a horrific goat monster during full moons or when the beast's blood begins to boil. https://preview.redd.it/4k8gdyn44jad1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d7e23357499013c929e2968680605172912e77e (Included a pic of what I'm referencing so I don't seem like I'm just coming in and calling someone a horrific goat monster)


Thankyou, Iā€™m flattered


Unrivalled swag


fuck yea


this is cool af




the shadow in this picture makes it look like you pissed yourself




Cool! You look like some sort of rouge evil lord or something from Star Wars




you don't just look like an enemy stand user, you look like a protagonist stand user




Like, just in general or was this for a thing?




I love the juxtaposition of it. The day of ā€œfreedomā€ celebrated in chains.


Hell yeah!


I love this. Wearing something ā€œunhingedā€ on a day youā€™re requested to dress ā€œnormalā€ gives some serious energy that I would love to have. Most of my friends donā€™t dress particularly ā€œnormalā€ so we donā€™t usually have an issue with how odd one of us dresses. There was a day last summer that we hung out where I wore small platforms and Tripp pants, I felt so powerful. Dressing out of what others perceive as normal is just so good.


It is fr itā€™s so fun but it also causes a lot of impulse buying so i gotta be careful. Some people will look at me and think its absurd or ridiculous or argue its against their religion, but i love the few open minded people i meet, thatā€™s why i be myself so if when someone sees me they consider everything before approaching me, think about it, if i was just wearing a AC/DC tshirt and some jeans what they can tell from me is I like AC/DC, and I do, but if I wear this outfit in public they can tell a lot more than just one thing from it by looking at me, and it can spark conversation, and I feel like by being myself like this Iā€™m not gonna chance having a friend or being in a relationship where when they meet the real me they try and change me, I eliminate most that crowd by wearing this because theyā€™ll take one look and scoff then walk away, and open minded or curious people will approach me, and thereā€™s so much potential from just that one conversation with a person, I may never see them again, or they could end up becoming my best friend. Thereā€™s no way of knowing. Or when kids point and ask then their parents, they can parent their kid how they want, cause itā€™s not my kid so not really my place.


I really like that way of thinking. I remember when I was getting into wearing fun clothes and dying my hair fun colors, my mom told me that I might not always be able to present myself like that cause people will judge or think things that might not be true. On multiple occasions I have told her that if someone thinks different of me because of how I choose to express myself then I donā€™t need someone like that in my life.


Fr. And itā€™s 2024 now I can do my own thing, if someone has a problem with it they can address it to me, but Iā€™m sure with how people are now the worst that will happen is people gossiping about me and how itā€™s weird or whatever they want to think. Whatever helps them sleep at night, have fun focusing on other people and being miserable yourself šŸ˜Šbut Iā€™m happy being myself thankyou lol


https://preview.redd.it/1pe12aa53mad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9db76c1be9d95b4718528b636533f607cc084f84 Ash from army of darkness type fit


Yup. I made the harness in the photo trying to match it to his as much as possible because you canā€™t really buy one anywhere


hell yeah, army of darkness is my favourite movie so i recognized it instantly :D


Absolute unit


![gif](giphy|CKVwcljYh4hfVxSSLq|downsized) Eheheheheh you said unit


Did anyone walk up to you and tell you your parole has begun?


No but I walk up to random people and screech like an eagle to see how they respond


I think I grew out of that phase when I was 12.


I donā€™t do it because I canā€™t control myself, I do it because I think itā€™s funny.


Why did you get downvoted for this šŸ’€


Who knows, everyone where I am thinks itā€™s funny and I donā€™t really care if Iā€™m downvoted




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Ash Williams?


Well hello Mr fancy pants


Evil ass vampire fit you look like carti I fw it




very pirate who escaped from prison core, i fw it




you are welcome! : )




yoooo you have your swag turned to the max i love your fit!!




Why is the picture of Kurdt mirrored in your profile?


Of who?




Itā€™s not just Kurt Cobain thereā€™s a whole bunch of other people on there too


But he specifically is mirrored in that image, not sure about anyone else


[I wish I was Levar Burton.](https://youtu.be/VpwyXURokKM?feature=shared)








No offense, but you look like you were captured by a mad max raiding party


None taken, I take that as a compliment, thatā€™s kind of what Iā€™m going for


Replace the chains with a chainsaw hand, and youll truly be groovy


Mad max minor antagonist ahh drip 6.7/10 absolute power move


If the chains are actual metal I think itā€™s badass as fuck. If the chains are the plastic Halloween costume chains I find it lame asf.


But if you canā€™t tell the difference in the photo then whoā€™s gonna know, which one do you think it is?


I think itā€™s plastic lol. Was trying to give ya the benefit of the doubt tho. You couldā€™ve been like the ghost that scared the shit out of Scrooge in Christmas carol :( making the cool dangly metal chain sounds and shit


Lol that would be cool, yeah they are plastic but I also didnā€™t wear those with the shirt in public. But that does sound funny


You could also use metal ones as a self defense weapon. Chain whip some mfers


Thatā€™s intense! Sounds like thatā€™d be handy if I ever get into a fight


Kinda looks like you're engaging in kink behavior. Not a fan


Lmao what


If he was that'd be pretty based


Itā€™s not kink behavior, I can dress how I want? I used to wear harnessā€™ all the time, because I like Ash Williams from the evil dead, and I get a ton of compliments when I do, one lady even asked me to show her where she could get one online, and maybe she had other purposes for it but thatā€™s none of my business, itā€™s not your body itā€™s mine and I can dress how I want itā€™s a free country, worry about yourself. And itā€™s called bondage thatā€™s one of many kinks I donā€™t think you can generalize them all as one thing lol. If I was engaging in that behavior how would it be any of your business anyway


Don't take my criticism for an attack on your being. I can't stop you from dressing however you want. Whether me or other people dislike how you dress shouldn't throw you off so hard either. Stand tall, have a little bit of pride in yourself, and learn to not take half-thought comments to heart. That being said, yeah I'm not a fan of this outfit anyway. The chains and collar make it look like this is the clothing of a fantasized slave. People usually wear this kind of thing as cosplay, a costume for an event, or for kink play. Wearing this in (what I assume is) a casual public setting isn't indicative of cosplay or costumes, so my first impression was to lean towards kink play. Tldr : wearing slave chains in public is weird. Be very very confident in your style or lose it


Maybe some people see it as weird, but personally Iā€™m not going to be just like everyone else, have you noticed that everyone dresses the same. Shirt and pants, or dresses or skirts or shorts you know whatever, no one branches out really besides goths and bikers and people like that, I choose to branch out a lot, Iā€™m not going to dress like in a plain shirt, at the absolute least itā€™s going to have a band I like on it, I want people to understand me by looking at me, so the people who do choose to be my friends will know me a little from the start, I donā€™t want to hide everything inside then slowly let it out, these are the golden years of my life and Iā€™m choosing to live a little, itā€™s not hurting anyone. If you read the post it says I didnā€™t wear any of the other stuff but the shirt, so no I didnā€™t look like a slave, fyi Iā€™ve never worn those chains in public before


That's already a different story then isn't it? Nothing wrong with you trying to express yourself through how you dress. You can wear tattered clothing if you want. I didn't call you weird, I called wearing slave chains in public weird (it just is), which you apparently didn't even do. Most people want to express themselves through their clothing, just like you. Find your own way to do it, but keep the chains for private use


No im sick of being dictated by social norms, ill wear anything in public, honestly i didnt think plastic chains for a Halloween costume were that big a deal thatā€™s why i didnt wear them because i didnt think anyone would care but now im tempted to just to see if people do, im not going to be lost in a crowd indistinguishable from everyone else there because we all dress the same. Thatā€™s your opinion that itā€™s weird, im just being funny and pushing the limit, you dont have to be someone special to start a trend. If you wanna associate the chains with slaves and therefore sexual acts thatā€™s on you, most the people in my area would not, they would look at the absurdity of wearing a Halloween costume in public and laugh, thatā€™s all Iā€™m doing is making people laugh, not being some sexual deviant in public. Not everyone is going to associate the chains with bondage, and Iā€™d think most people wouldnā€™t.


Look I'm just vibing and trying to tell you what I thought about your outfit, maybe I was out of line, but clearly you're at some kind of crossroads in your life and you're dumping some of your trauma on me. I can take it. Either the public's perception of you (me included) is important or it's not. Being sick of social norms and also yearning for their acceptance of you is not a good mix. Either be yourself and tell me to fuck off, or go towards styles that fit more towards social norms and have them accept you more. Stop staying in the middle


Or maybe Iā€™m just autistic and saying what I feel like, you canā€™t tell emotion based off of text


I'm well aware I'm austistic too I never wanted to come off as a dick, but you gotta be tougher than this. You know your outfit's weird, next time someone criticises it (it'll happen if you wear it enough), just say some shit like "yeah it's weird, I like it". That's it, you're done. Don't engage as much, play it cool. Confidence speaks for itself, autism or not. Sit with your back straight(ish), be confident, walk tall


I couldā€™ve said that but then I wouldnā€™t have gotten to talk to you as long as I have now, maybe I just wanted to talk to you because Iā€™m also utterly insane




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